Article (Scientific journals)
Les déterminants du comportement de recours à la polyclinique conventionnée en milieu urbain africain: Résultats d'une enquête de ménage menée à Kinshasa, Congo
Manzambi Kuwekita, Joseph
2009In Revue Psychologie et Société Nouvelle, 7, p. 280-308
Peer reviewed


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Comportement de recours à la polyclinique conventionnée en milieu urbain africain, J.K. Manzambi (2).pdf
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Keywords :
Conventioned Polyclinic, utilization of health services, primary health care, convention of care, quality of care, accessibility; Polyclinique conventionnée, utilisation des services de santé, soins de santé primaires, convention des soins, qualité des soins, accessibilité; Puede Policlínico, uso de los servicios de salud, atención primaria de salud, Convenio de atención, calidad de la atención, accesibilidad
Abstract :
[en] This study analyses the choice determinants of the population for conventioned polyclinics through a survey of the behavior of families in a representative sample of 1000 households in the health zones of Kinshasa, Congo in 1997. For the last episode of illness, the respondents resorted to 7 types of care: health centre (37%), the private health clinic (26.5%), the pharmaceutical self-medication (23.9%), the traditional practitioner (21%), the traditional self-medication (16.9%), the conventioned polyclinic (16.7%) and a referral hospital (10.4%). Past logistics have shown more resort to the conventioned polyclinic rather than another type of health structure (p< 0.05) when looking for a doctor or the existence of “convention” between the polyclinic and the household. On the other hand, concern about geographical proximity in relation with the household’s residence calls for using the private clinic. When looking for quality of care, reasonable prices and of varied services, patients resort to health centre rather than other type of care structure (p=0.05). Those who have been looking for a solution to a particular type of disease resort primarily to the traditional practitioner. In conclusion, the results of this study show that if people choose the conventioned polyclinic, it is because of the presence of the doctor. The presence of the doctor in the structure of health is a great asset to the acceptability of the first level of primary health care in Kinshasa. This study suggests that it would no doubt be beneficial to integrate the non-official private care structures into the primary health care system, as far as they can use a doctor. In order that the traditional practitioner might play an important and complementary role in the realization of primary healthcare, even in urban areas, it is suggested to explore the possibility of promoting sites of communication. Moreover, considering the low buying power of the city’s inhabitants and the previous existence of solidarity and the structure of health insurance tontines, the ‘conventions’ providing relief of health care costs, under the leadership of the local communities, should be integrated into the organization of the urban health system.
Research Center/Unit :
ISTM-Kin, Section Santé Communautaire, Dpt de Financement des Systèmes de Santé
Disciplines :
Public health, health care sciences & services
Author, co-author :
Manzambi Kuwekita, Joseph ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique > Santé publique, Epidémiologie et Economie de la santé
Language :
Title :
Les déterminants du comportement de recours à la polyclinique conventionnée en milieu urbain africain: Résultats d'une enquête de ménage menée à Kinshasa, Congo
Alternative titles :
[en] Choice determinants of the population for contractual clinic in an african urban environment: results of a study in Kinshasa, Congo
Publication date :
April 2009
Journal title :
Revue Psychologie et Société Nouvelle
Publisher :
Centre africain de recherche et d'action sociales, Kinshasa, Congo - Brazzaville
Special issue title :
Existence de convention et recours aux soins de santé en Afrique Subsaharienne
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Name of the research project :
Financement des Systèmes de Santé des Pays en Développement
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since 29 January 2013


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