[en] The present informal document summarises recent or ongoing studies conducted at Liège University in the field of steel-concrete composite constructions; they are summarised in a Table presented at the following page.
Only the main results are presented herein. For all the addressed topics, references to documents, reports and articles where details are available will be made; a copy of these documents can be obtained by contacting us.
At the end of each paragraph, a section dedicated to some perspectives is given. § 9.2 summarises the main topics in which investigations could be conducted in the future; these perspectives are also reported in the Table here after.
The activities related to the response of composite structures subjected to seismic or fire actions (mainly covered in Liège by Prof. Plumier and Prof. Franssen respectively) are not reported here as they are covered by other more “transversal” technical committees of ECCS (TC3 for the fire and TC13 for the seismic action).
The “composite joints” topic is included here even if a technical committee relative to the behaviour of joints exists within ECCS (TC10); indeed, in the past, all the developments relative to composite joints were discussed and accepted within TC11 and not within TC10. Of course, it is up to the present TC11 members to decide whether this topic has or not to be considered within TC11.
Finally, the robustness of composite structures and in particular, the robustness of the structures subjected to the exceptional event “loss of a column further” is also considered herein as this topic is not yet covered by any other technical committee. Again, it is up to the TC11 members to decide whether this topic has to be discussed within TC11.