[en] The present document summarises recent studies and developments investigating the behaviour of composite frames, for discussion within TC11 Committee. Also, possible aspects to be investigated in future are identified. The document is organised as follows:
• First, the global frame behaviour is considered in § 2;
• Then, the structural members which can be met in a composite structure, i.e. the composite slabs, the composite beams, the composite columns and the composite joints, are considered in separate paragraph from § 3 to § 6;
• A specific paragraph is also dedicated to the possible long term effects on composite members (§ 7);
• Finally, a conclusion is drawn in § 8, summarising recent improvements in the knowledge about composite frame design and possible further developments.
A first draft of this document was presented at the TC11 meeting held in Liège on March 2010. The present document is an updated draft to be discussed at the TC11 meeting held in Valencia on october 2012.
Remark: the aspects related to the response of composite structures subjected to seismic or fire actions are not reported here as they are covered by other more “transversal” technical committees of ECCS (TC3 for the fire and TC13 for the seismic action).