Article (Scientific journals)
The plant Leclercqia (Lycopsida) in Gondwana: implications for reconstructing Middle Devonian palaeogeography
Meyer-Berthaud, B.; Fairon-Demaret, Muriel; Steemans, Philippe et al.
2003In Geological Magazine, 140 (2), p. 119-130
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Keywords :
Australia; Devonian; Gondwana; Lycopsida; palacogeography
Abstract :
[en] Abundant and well-preserved material of the ligulate lycopsid genus Leclercqia is reported from a new Middle Devonian locality in northeastern Queensland (Australia). The plants occur in a chert horizon in the Storm Hill Sandstone of the Dosey-Craigie Platform. Lithological data and conodont analyses combined with information from in situ spores provide an age for the plant levels ranging from Eifelian, possibly Middle Eifelian, to Early Givetian. Plant taxonomic identification is based on vegetative and fertile stems that display both external morphology and anatomy. This material represents the best documented occurrence of Leclercqia outside Laurussia and possibly the earliest in Gondwana; it provides evidence that colonization of Gondwana by the species L. complexa was contemporaneous to that of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Analysis of the distribution patterns of L. complexa suggests that it was adapted to a wide range of environments, but within certain limits which we hypothesize to be those of a climatic belt. Such considerations support previous studies using other biological data, such as faunas and palynomorphs, for reconstructing Devonian palaeogeography. They favour a close proximity of Laurussia and Gondwana rather than the occurrence of a wide ocean separating the two palaeocontinents in Middle Devonian times.
Disciplines :
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Meyer-Berthaud, B.
Fairon-Demaret, Muriel ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Services généraux (Faculté des sciences) > Relations académiques et scientifiques (Sciences)
Steemans, Philippe  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Paléobotanique - Paléopalynologie - Micropaléontologie (PPM)
Talent, J.
Gerrienne, Philippe ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Paléobotanique - Paléopalynologie - Micropaléontologie (PPM)
Language :
Title :
The plant Leclercqia (Lycopsida) in Gondwana: implications for reconstructing Middle Devonian palaeogeography
Publication date :
March 2003
Journal title :
Geological Magazine
Publisher :
Cambridge Univ Press, New York, United States - New York
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Available on ORBi :
since 25 May 2009


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