D'Amore, Salvatore ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Psychologies et cliniques des systèmes humains > Clinique systémique et psychopathologie relationnelle
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Title :
Quelle Famille? L'homoparentalité à l'épreuve de l'approche systémique
Alternative titles :
[en] What Family? Gay and lesbian parenting and systemic approach
Caillé P., 2010. Vous avez dit famille⋯ Famille traditionnelle ou constellation affective ? In D'Amore S. (ed.) : Les nouvelles familles. Approches cliniques. De Boeck, Bruxelles.
Scabini E., Cigoli V., 2010. Il famigliare. Legami, simboli e transizioni. Raffaello Cortina, Milano.
Giammattei S., Green R-J., 2012. GLBTQ couple and family therapy : History and future directions. In J.J. Bigner & J.L. Wetchler (Eds.), Handbook of LGBT-affirmative couple and family therapy. Taylor & Francis, New York.
Goldberg A.E., 2010. Lesbian and gay parents and their children : Research on the family life cycle. APA Books, Washington, DC.
Green R.-J., 2012. Gay and lesbian family life : Risk, resilience, and rising expectations. In F. Walsh (Ed.), Normal Family Processes, 4th Edition (pp. 172-195). Guilford, New York .