Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Improved Forwarding Architecture and Resource Management for Multi-Core Software Routers
Egi, Norbert; Greenhalgh, Adam; Handley, Mark et al.
2009In NPC 2009 Proceedings
Peer reviewed


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Abstract :
[en] Recent technological advances in commodity server architectures, with multiple multi-core CPUs, integrated memory controllers, high-speed interconnects and enhanced network interface cards, provide substantial computational capacity and thus an attractive platform for packet forwarding. However, to exploit this available capacity, we need a suitable software platform that allows effective parallel packet processing and resource management. In this paper, we at first introduce an improved forwarding architecture for software routers that enhances parallelism by exploiting hardware classification and multi-queue support, already available in recent commodity network interface cards. After evaluating the original scheduling algorithm of the widely-used Click modular router, we propose solutions for extending this scheduler for improved fairness, throughput and more precise resource management. To illustrate the potential benefits of our proposal, we implement and evaluate a few key elements of our overall design.
Disciplines :
Computer science
Author, co-author :
Egi, Norbert;  Lancaster University > Computing Department
Greenhalgh, Adam;  University College London - UCL > Computer Science
Handley, Mark;  University College London - UCL > Computer Science
Iannaccone, Gianluca;  Intel Labs > Berkeley, USA
Manesh, Maziar;  Intel Labs > Berkeley, USA
Mathy, Laurent ;  Lancaster University > Computing Department
Ratnasamy, Sylvia;  Intel Labs > Berkeley, USA
Language :
Title :
Improved Forwarding Architecture and Resource Management for Multi-Core Software Routers
Publication date :
October 2009
Event name :
6th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2009)
Event place :
Gold Coast, Australia
Event date :
from 19-10-2009 to 21-10-2009
Audience :
Main work title :
NPC 2009 Proceedings
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBi :
since 05 July 2012


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