[en] An important question remains about PTF’s transposability to others agropedoclimatic contexts. Models developed and validated in a particular bioclimatic context, were relatively little tested in other contexts. The evaluation of PTF to estimate water retention at field capacity pF 2.5 (-330 hPa) and at wilting point pF 4.2 (-15000 hPa) of some soils of Lower Cheliff is presented.
Research Center/Unit :
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Touil, Sami; University of Hassiba Ben Bouali of Chlef > Institute of agronomy
Saidi, Djamel; University of Hassiba Ben Bouali of Chlef > Institute of agronomy
Degré, Aurore ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Sciences et technologie de l'environnement > Hydrologie et hydraulique agricole
Language :
Title :
Transposability and evaluation of pedotranfer functions for predicting properties of water retention on soils of low chelif. Algeria