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Homoparental family and its triadic interactions. An exploratory research with the Lausanne Trilogue Play
D'Amore, Salvatore; Scarciotta, Lidia; Miscioscia, Marina
2011In European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Keywords :
homoparental families; triadic interactions; child development
Abstract :
[en] Various authors like Patterson and Chan (1995) suggest that the psychological evolution of a child who grew up in a homoparental family is not different from that of a child pertaining to other types of family structures. Literature on family dynamics in homoparental contexts (Vecho & Schneider, 2005; Gross, 2005) shows that only few studies focus on a systematic analysis of interactions. They rather deal with representational and symbolic aspects within the parents-children dyad and use various methodological modalities, the analysis unit being the single person. For this reason it is actually essential to try to understand the child’s development from a triadic point of view that takes into consideration the parental couple and the child (Fivaz-Depeursinge, 2003). The aim of our study is to observe the postnatal family interactions of homoparental families using the Lausanne Trilogue Play paradigm (LTP Fivaz-Depeursinge, 1999). We assume that there are no significant differences regarding the quality of the family triadic interactions. Family alliance appears to be comparable in homoparental and other non-referred family samples. The first results with 15 homoparental families seem to confirm our research hypothesis. These pilot results may turn out to be significant in our ongoing research.
Disciplines :
Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
D'Amore, Salvatore ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Psychologies et cliniques des systèmes humains > Clinique systémique et psychopathologie relationnelle
Scarciotta, Lidia
Miscioscia, Marina ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Psychologies et cliniques des systèmes humains > Clinique systémique et psychopathologie relationnelle
Language :
Title :
Homoparental family and its triadic interactions. An exploratory research with the Lausanne Trilogue Play
Publication date :
12 June 2011
Event name :
14th International Congress of ESCAP
Event organizer :
European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Event place :
Helsinki, Finland
Event date :
du 11 au 15 juin 2011
Audience :
Journal title :
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Publisher :
Dr Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, Germany
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Available on ORBi :
since 05 June 2012


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