Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Dynamic calibration of Flexiforce sensors for ballistic measurements
Robbe, Cyril; Papy, Alexandre; Nsiampa Ndompetelo
2010In Binetruy, Christophe; Boussu, François (Eds.) Recent Advances in TExtile Composites


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Keywords :
Balistics; Flexiforce; Dynamic calibration
Abstract :
[en] In the field of terminal ballistics, non-invasive force measurements are sometimes needed. The cheap and thin Flexiforce sensors can be used for this purpose with low collateral effects. This paper works on the development of a method designed to dynamically calibrate the Flexiforce sensor. The objective is to find a calibration parameter that correlates the Flexiforce output signal, in terms of conductance, to the applied force. The process used to achieve this dynamic calibration is based on a drop test. The principle is to impact the sensor with the falling of a specified mass. The force signal delivered by the Flexiforce sensor is afterwards compared to the signal measured by a reference force sensor that measures the same impact. To further validate this measurement, the impact is applied on a spring, placed directly between the falling mass and the Flexiforce. The deflection of that spring is measured with a high-speed camera. Knowing the spring properties, we can determine the force produced by the spring on the two sensors, and consequently validate the reference measurement. The calibration factor seems independent of the applied force, and follows a normal distribution. Both the frequency of the impact and the contact surface have an influence on the output of the Flexiforce sensor. For that reason the calibration process should use a frequency and a contact surface similar to the considered application.
Disciplines :
Mechanical engineering
Author, co-author :
Robbe, Cyril ;  Ecole Royale Militaire (Belgique) - ERM > Systèmes d'Armes et Balistique
Papy, Alexandre;  Ecole Royale Militaire (Belgique) - ERM > Systèmes d'Armes et Balistique
Nsiampa Ndompetelo ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Doct. sc. ingé. (aérosp. & méca. - Bologne)
Language :
Title :
Dynamic calibration of Flexiforce sensors for ballistic measurements
Alternative titles :
[fr] Calibration dynamique des capteurs Flexiforce pour des mesures balistiques
Publication date :
26 October 2010
Event name :
Texcomp 10 International COnference on Textile Composites
Event place :
Lille, France
Event date :
du 26 octobre 2010 au 28 octobre 2010
Audience :
Main work title :
Recent Advances in TExtile Composites
Editor :
Binetruy, Christophe
Boussu, François
Publisher :
DEStech Publications
Pages :
Available on ORBi :
since 31 May 2012


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