Photoabsorption; Synchrotron radiation; High resolution; 3m-NIM monochromator; CH3X(X=Cl, Br and I)
Abstract :
[en] The photoaborption spectrum of the monohalogenated methanes has been remeasured by using a new 3m-NIM monochromator under high resolution conditions. Many structures in the 10 eV photon energy range are very well resolved and compared with previous very high resolution data.
Research Center/Unit :
Laboratoire de Dynamique Moléculaire
Disciplines :
Language :
Title :
High Resolution Photoabsorption Spectroscopy of the three Methyl Halides. Tests and first Results.
Alternative titles :
[fr] Spectroscopie de photoabsorption à haute résolution des Halogénures de Méthyle. Tests et premiers résultats.
Publication date :
Publisher :
Berliner Elektronen Speicherring für Synchrotron Strahlung m.b.H, Berlin, Germany
Edition :
Number of pages :
Collection name :
Jahresbericht/Annual Report 2002
Funders :
Eu Contract n° HPRI-1999-CT-00028
Commentary :
- PDF-version of Editor's Postprint available on request
- Version-pdf du tiré-à-part disponible sur demande