Article (Scientific journals)
Land Cover Dynamics (1990-2002) in Binh Thuan Province, Southern Central Vietnam
Hountondji, Yvon-Carmen; De Longueville, Florence; Ozer, Pierre
2012In International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2 (3), p. 336-349
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IJASS, 2(3),PP.336-349[1].pdf
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Keywords :
Remote sensing; Land cover; Change detection; Binh Thuan; Vietnam
Abstract :
[en] This paper describes the use of satellite imageries and GIS data for identifying key environmental characteristics of Binh Thuan Province in south central Vietnam and for detecting the major changes patterns within this region. Landsat TM (1990) and Landsat ETM+ (2002) imageries were used to classify the study area into seven land use and land cover (LULC) classes. A post-classification comparison analysis was used to quantify and illustrate the various LULC conversions that took place over the 12-year span of time. Results showed that a steady growth in population has caused extensive changes of land cover throughout the area. The maps also indicate that the loss of woody land (forest) and the extension of wetlands (irrigated area), combined with built-up encroachment, remains one of the most serious environmental problems facing the Binh Thuan Province today. The post-classification change detection analysis showed that critical habitats accounted for nearly 38.5% of the intensive study area between 1990 and 2002 while 61.5% remained stable. Results also showed over the 12-year span, approximately 1151.2 km² (115.120 ha) forest were converted respectively to brush, irrigated area (wetlands), cropland and built-up. This is an overall average decrease of 9594 hectares of forested area per year. Throughout the study area, districts most affected by forest conversion to another land cover are: Bac Bihn (2798 ha/year), Than Linh (2717 ha/year), Ham Thuan Nam (1601 ha/year) and Ham Thuan Bac (1524 ha/year). Based on the identified causes of these changes, we made policy recommendations for better management of land use and land cover.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Hountondji, Yvon-Carmen ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Sciences agronomiques > Laboratoire de Toxicologie environnementale
De Longueville, Florence ;  Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix - Namur - FUNDP > Département de géographie
Ozer, Pierre ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > DER Sc. et gest. de l'environnement (Arlon Campus Environ.) > DER Sc. et gest. de l'environnement (Arlon Campus Environ.)
Language :
Title :
Land Cover Dynamics (1990-2002) in Binh Thuan Province, Southern Central Vietnam
Alternative titles :
[fr] Changement d'affectation du sol (1990-2002) dans la Province de Binh Thuan, Sud Vietnam
Publication date :
15 March 2012
Journal title :
International Journal of Asian Social Science
Publisher :
Asian Economic and Social Society
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Name of the research project :
Impact of global climate change and desertification on the environment and society in Southern Centre of Vietnam (a case study in Binh Thuan province)
Funders :
BELSPO - SPP Politique scientifique - Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Politique scientifique
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since 04 April 2012


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