Abstract :
[en] The present study aims to identify clinical predictors of paediatric cancer patients’ quality of life (QOL). Children with cancer, aged from 8 to 12 years old (n=40), completed the Quality of Life Systemic Inventory – Module for Cancer - QLSI-C© (Etienne, Dupuis, Spitz, Lemétayer, & Missotten 2011; Fonseca, & Spitz, 2011; Missotten, Fonseca, Dupuis, Lemétayer, Spitz, & Etienne) and a socio-demographic questionnaire. Results show that diagnosis’ type, time after diagnosis and the fact of relapse or not accounts for 21,7% of generic QOL variance and 30,9% of specific QOL variance. Findings support that paediatric cancer patients with a diagnosis of solid tumour, a more recent diagnosis, and those who relapse are in a more vulnerable situation regarding their QOL and therefore need more attention by doctors and caregivers.