[en] New material of the dipnoan genus Sagenodus is described from the Carboniferous Lagerstätte of Montceau-les-Mines, Massif Central, France. This is the first occurrence of this lungfish in France, thus enlarging its worldwide distribution; and the first occurrence of a lungfish in Montceau-les-Mines, thus increasing the vertebrate taxa list of this Lagerstätte. This material is Stephanian B in age, the previously established geological range of this Euramerican genus. Remains consist of skull, lower jaw, operculum, and shoulder girdle elements closely set together with several ribs. This material, here considered as belonging to a single disarticulated specimen, shows strong affinities with the material of Sagenodus sp. from Germany and appears significantly different from all other known species of Sagenodus by the shape and ridge pattern of the upper tooth plate. However, this new material can only be attributed to Sagenodus sp. due to its incompleteness. In the literature, Montceau-les-Mines is either interpreted as a freshwater environment or as a coastal marine to marine-influenced environment. As Sagenodus is a euryhaline genus; its presence in this locality does not bring arguments to one or the other assumption. The strong affinities, existing between the material from France and Germany, indicate that there were solid hydrographic links between both basins during the Stephanian B–Upper Rotliegend period.
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