[en] Using existential anthropology in understanding contemporary history
I try to reveal the value of the Sartrean model of intentional consciousness in understanding the human relationships and the political conflicts of our time. I examine the cultural aspects of Sartre’s thought. Sartre’s existential anthropology of the historical real-life refers to a complex philosophical method inspired by Husserl’s phenomenology, Freud’s psychoanalysis and Marx’s dialectic. It aims at understanding individual’s imaginary and behavior. Using that method, not only are we able to reveal the structure of people’s intentions in building and defending their personal and national interests, but also can we manifest the imaginary that constitute what Sartre designates by Dog’s mind, that meant criminal’s and racist’s beliefs. Sartre used his method in understanding writers as Baudelaire, Flaubert or Genet, who was also a criminal. Our intention is to apply psycho-analysis in understanding great figures of human history, such as Hitler, the “Dog” of our time, so that we shall be able to built harmless intercultural relationships.
Esthétique, affectivité et réflexivité. Essai sur la dimension interculturelle de l'anthropologie existentielle de Jean-Paul Sartre
Alternative titles :
[en] Aesthetic, affectivity and reflexivity. Assay on the intercultural dimension of the existential anthropology
Defense date :
10 February 2012
Number of pages :
460 p.
Institution :
ULiège - Université de Liège
Degree :
Doctorat en philosophie
Promotor :
Cormann, Grégory ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de philosophie > Philosophie française contemporaine et philosophie des sciences humaines