[en] Contamination levels of PCBs, and of the heavy metals cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) were analyzed in four fish species from seven rivers in the North of Luxembourg. During August and September 2007, 85 samples of fish were collected belonging to four species: the stone loach (Barbatula barbatula, n = 12 pools), the chub (Squalius cephalus, n = 36), the barbel (Barbus barbus, n = 23) and eel (Anguilla anguilla, n = 14). The concentration of seven indicator PCBs (P7PCBs) reached a mean of 39 ng g1 and varied between 4.0 and 346.2 ng g1 (wet wt) depending on the site and species. Fish collected at Wal- lendorf on the Our River and sites on the Wiltz and the Clerve rivers showed the highest concentrations for PCBs. In comparison with 1994, PCB levels in fish decreased strongly during the last decade in these rivers. Lead was detected at low levels (0–181.4 ng g1 wet wt). Mercury concentrations ranged between 10.3 and 534.5ngg1 (wet wt) exceeding maximum tolerable levels for human consumption of 500 ng g1 in two fish out of 85. Chubs and eels from the Sûre River were the most contaminated by mer- cury. Cadmium levels varied between 4.0 and 103.9 ng g1 (wet wt). In addition to mercury in fish, cad- mium was the most problematic pollutant on the Our, the Wiltz, the Clerve and the Troine Rivers, because values found in 20% of fish exceeded the threshold of about 10–50 ng g1 (wet wt) recommended for human health.
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