[en] Advanced driver assistance systems do not only promise higher driving comfort, but potential
benefit for an increase of safety especially for commercial vehicles. Accidents with involve-
ment of commercial vehicles normally have severe consequences. The Institut für Kraftfahr-
zeuge (ika) of the RWTH Aachen University with support from the Institute of Road and
Traffic Engineering (isac) of the RWTH Aachen University have investigated in cooperation
with the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) current and future ADAS for commercial
vehicle in order to determine the potential for their benefit to increase road safety. Based on
the accidents of official statistics and in-depth analysis of accidents from the GIDAS data
base, relevant accident reasons are assessed systematically for a possible interference with
selected ADAS. The qualitatively estimated safety potential results from the superposition of
the main accident characterisation, the accident type and the accident category. A detailed
estimation of the safety potential is conducted by means of simulations with the traffic flow
simulation tool PELOPS. A cost-benefit analysis of the investigated systems is conducted.
Research Center/Unit :
Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge der RWTH Aachen University