[en] The interest of small additions of Cr (< 3 wt %) and Mo (~ 0.2 wt %) in steels for automotive and bearing applications has been recently highlighted. The microstructure of these steels is primarily based on the bainitic phase. In order to optimize their microstructure and their mechanical properties, it is, therefore, of primary importance to gain a better understanding of the influence of Cr and Mo on austenite decomposition in varying temperature regimes with a particular attention to the transition between ferrite, bainite and martensite formation. In the present work, dilatometry, combined with detailed microstructural characterisation, is used in order to obtain a full view of transformation processes and kinetics in two medium-carbon steels with and without Cr and Mo additions.
Disciplines :
Materials science & engineering
Author, co-author :
Mertens, Anne ; McMaster University > Department of Mechanical Engineering
Brown, Andrew J.; University of Sheffield > Department of Engineering Materials
Zhao, Lie; Netherlands Institute for Metals Research
McDermid, Joseph R.; McMaster University > Department of Mechanical Engineering
van der Zwaag, Sybrand; Delft University of Technology > Aerospace Engineering
Sietsma, Jilt; Delft University of Technology > Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Language :
Title :
Dilatometric Investigations on the Decomposition of Austenite in Two Medium-Carbon Steels With and Without Cr and Mo Additions
Publication date :
September 2004
Event name :
Materials Science & Technology 2004 Conference and Exhibition
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