
Weber Lucie

Main Referenced Co-authors
Archambeau, Pierre  (2)
Cools, Mario  (2)
Dewals, Benjamin  (2)
Erpicum, Sébastien  (2)
Habchi, Imane  (2)
Hardy, Joris  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Field Survey, Urban flood, Flood Risk, Flood Damage Database, Flood Damage Cost (1); Flood damage, Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Damage Model (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
UEE - Urban and Environmental Engineering - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Civil engineering (2)

Publications (total 2)

The most downloaded
Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Cools, M., Erpicum, S., Habchi, I., Hardy, J., Pirotton, M., Weber, L., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (30 June 2022). Modelling direct flood losses: what can we learn from the July 2021 flood in the Meuse basin (Belgium)? [Paper presentation]. KAHR Science Conference, Germany.

Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Cools, M., Erpicum, S., Habchi, I., Hardy, J., Pirotton, M., Weber, L., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (30 June 2022). Modelling direct flood losses: what can we learn from the July 2021 flood in the Meuse basin (Belgium)? [Paper presentation]. KAHR Science Conference, Germany.

Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Cools, M., Erpicum, S., Habchi, I., Hardy, J., Pirotton, M., Weber, L., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (20 May 2022). Collection of consistent field data on flood features, buildings characteristics and damage during the July 2021 flood in the Meuse basin [Paper presentation]. DEUFI project: Urban floods, annual scientific meeting, Montpellier, France.

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