Geenen, K. (2022). Mfumu’Eto, the artist betwixt and between several worlds [Paper presentation]. Comics and the Global South, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
Geenen, K. (April 2021). Comment on article by Joe Trapido, "Masterless Men." Riots, Patronage, and the Politics of the Surplus Population in Kinshasa. Current Anthropology, 62. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K., & Mc Namara, T. (2021). Strikes: Claiming Union Power in Chinese Companies. In B. Rubbers, Inside Mining Capitalism. The Micropolitics of Work on the Congolese and Zambian Copperbelts (pp. 105-126). James Currey. Peer reviewed |
Geenen, K., & Mc Namara, T. (2021). Union Elections: Marketing “Modern” Unionism. In B. Rubbers, Inside Mining Capitalism. The Micropolitics of Work on the Congolese and Zambian Copperbelts (pp. 89-104). James Currey. Peer reviewed |
Geenen, K. (2020). Gnawing away at the City: narratives of domestic precarity in a Congolese mining town. African Studies Review. doi:10.1017/asr.2020.65 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (2020). Patronage, social proximity and instrumentality in the mining industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo: the union elections explored. Dialectical Anthropology, 44 (2), 173-185. doi:10.1007/s10624-019-09575-0 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (November 2019). Dealing with urbanized mineral deposits in DR Congo: The city of Kolwezi and its domestic diggers [Paper presentation]. The Global Life of Mines. Mining and post-mining between extractivism and heritage-making. |
Geenen, K., Rubbers, B., & Lochery, E. (September 2019). The micropolitics of Mining Capitalism [Paper presentation]. Workshop: The Micropolitics of Mining Capitalism, Liège, Belgium. |
Geenen, K. (31 January 2019). Union elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo [Paper presentation]. A WORKinMINING Workshop. The Micropolitics of Work in the Copper Mines of Zambia and DR Congo, Kitwe, Zambia. |
Geenen, K. (29 January 2019). Les éléctions syndicales dans la RDC [Paper presentation]. Séminaire WORKinMINING, Lubumbashi, Congo - Brazzaville. |
Geenen, K., De Nys-Ketels, S., Lagae, J., Beeckmans, L., & Lumfuankenda Bungiena, T. (2019). Governmentality and everyday hospital life in colonial and postcolonial Congo. In D. E. Coslett (Ed.), Neocolonialism and Built Heritage: Echoes of Empire in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe (pp. 147-167). Routledge. Peer reviewed |
Geenen, K. (2019). Les élections syndicales en République démocratique du Congo [Paper presentation]. OMER Séminaire doctoral « Nouveaux modes de revendication en Afrique », Liège, Belgium. |
Geenen, K. (2019). Le brassage entre l’urbanisme et le mining. Le cas des creuseurs chez soi à Kolwezi (République Démocratique du Congo) [Paper presentation]. La ville au rythme de la mine, Rabat, Morocco. |
Geenen, K. (2019). Categorizing colonial patients: segregated medical care, space and decolonization in a Congolese city, 1931–62. Africa: Journal of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures, 89 (1), 100-124. doi:10.1017/S0001972018000724 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (November 2018). Lost in translation and trapped in political dynamics: A Congolese union delegation in a Chinese company [Paper presentation]. 117th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, San José, CA, United States. |
Geenen, K. (November 2018). A Copperbelt Laborer's Lifeworld: On Female Miners and Miners' Wives, Miners' Consumption of Arts and Assumption of Labor Rights [Paper presentation]. 61th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), Atlanta, United States. |
Geenen, K. (11 September 2018). On Sell-outs and Strikes: The repertoire of resistance of a Congolese union delegation in a Chinese mining company [Paper presentation]. Afriican Studies Association of the UK biennial conference (ASA UK 2018), Birmingham, United Kingdom. |
Geenen, K. (31 August 2018). “Le schema directeur de Kolwezi,” the planned but unrealised removal of a company town [Paper presentation]. 14th Conference of the European Association for Urban History (EAUH). |
Geenen, K. (April 2018). The uneasy location of a mining camp in Kolwezi [Paper presentation]. Congolese Studies: Past, Present, Future, Oxford, United Kingdom. |
Geenen, K. (17 February 2018). Le brassage entre l'urbanisme et le mining. Un aperçu historique de l'urbanisation de Kolwezi [Paper presentation]. Le brassage entre l'urbanisme et le mining. Un aperçu historique de l'urbanisation de Kolwezi, Kolwezi, Congo - Brazzaville. |
Geenen, K. (14 February 2018). Le malaise social dans les entreprises kolwéziennes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire sur le travail dans l’industrie minière dans le Copperbelt, Kolwezi, Congo - Brazzaville. |
Geenen, K. (2018). Dealing with urbanised mineral deposits in DR Congo: The city of Kolwezi and its pending removal [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom. |
Geenen, K., & De Nys-Keteles, S. (2018). Shortcutting colonial measures in the present day. Citizens of Kinshasa negotiate pedestrian mobility and redefine a hospital. Space and Culture, 1-15. doi:10.1177/1206331218797037 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (01 July 2017). Trade unions and political culture(s) in the mining area of Kolwezi [Paper presentation]. 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS, Basel, Switzerland. |
Geenen, K. (2017). "Podium d'honneur" radio talk show [Paper presentation]. Tribune d'Honneur, Kolwezi, Congo - Brazzaville. |
Geenen, K. (2017). Light, dark and the powerd that be: a hydroelectric project in Butembo. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 51 (1), 43-54. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (2016). chair and member of scientific committee [Paper presentation]. The iconography of Lumumba in the arts and the work of Raoul Peck. |
Geenen, K. (2016). The pursuit of pleasurable women in the war-ridden city of Butembo, eastern DRCongo. Journal of Modern African Studies, 54 (2), 191-210. doi:10.1071/S0022278X1600001X Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K., & De Nys-Ketels, S. (2016). How urban dwellers deal with ill-considered urban planning: an out-of-place hospital in Kinshasa reappropriated [Paper presentation]. ASAUK Biennial Conference 2016. |
Geenen, K., & De Nys-Ketels, S. (2016). Historique des bâtiments de l’Hôpital Provincial Général de Kinshasa (ex Mama Yemo) [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur Léopoldville. |
Geenen, K., Rubbers, B., Mc Namara, T., Lochery, E., Pugliese, F., & Musonda, J. (2016). WORKINMINING: Reinventing paternalism. The micropolitics of work in the mining companies of Central Africa [Paper presentation]. Comparing Africa’s Copperbelt, Uppsala, Sweden. |
Geenen, K. (2016). Mass Graves and Pleasure Zones in Congo (via Simmel's Bare Facts and Atmospheres) [Paper presentation]. La nouvelle écriture de l'histoire avec Simmel, sur la forme, l'image, et la coloration. |
Geenen, K., & De Nys-Ketels, S. (2016). Non-Resilient Colonial Urban Planning and its Resulting Obstructed Mobility: a historical view of a hospital in Kinshasa [Paper presentation]. 17th International Planning History Conference. |
Geenen, K. (2016). Coercive Contexts call for Silent Struggles [Paper presentation]. Contested Cities Conference. |
Geenen, K. (2015). Un chaos ordonné [Paper presentation]. Kiripi Katembo, reflecties van de Afrikaanse stad. |
Geenen, K. (2014). Cleaning Kinshasa’s streets with punch: popular responses to Opération Likofi [Paper presentation]. African Studies Association (ASA UK) Conference. |
Geenen, K. (2014). Etnografia da prostituição em circunstâncias precárias [Paper presentation]. CURSO DE CURTA DURAÇÃO, Maputo and Inhambane, Mozambique. |
Geenen, K. (2014). participant at public debate on documentary “Butembo backup” by Elien Spillebeen during Africa Film Focus festival at Leuven [Paper presentation]. Africa Film Focus, Leuven, Belgium. |
Geenen, K. (2012). participant at debate about history and history writing of Congo [Paper presentation]. Café Livre spécial, Breda, Netherlands. |
Geenen, K. (2012). On the pursuit of pleasure in a war-weary secondary city, Butembo, DRC [Doctoral thesis, KULeuven]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Geenen, K. (2012). How the People of Butembo (RDC) were Chosen to Embody ‘the New Congo’: Or What the Appearance of a Poster in a City’s Public Places can Teach about its Social Tissue. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36 (3), 448-461. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01084.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (2011). Brussel in Congo. AGORA: Magazine voor Sociaalruimtelijke Vraagstukken. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (2011). Het buikgevoel van Congolese schilders. In Kin moto na Anvers. Antwerp, Belgium: AAI. |
Geenen, K. (2011). Comment les habitants de Butembo (RDC) furent choisis pour représenter le ‘Nouveau Congo’: une analyse du mythe Congo ya Sika [Paper presentation]. Ecole doctorale transfrontalière ‘Logos’, ‘L'autre et l'Ailleurs’. |
Geenen, K. (2010). How people of Butembo were chosen to show the way to ‘the new Congo’: an analysis of the Congo ya Sika-myth and its after-effects [Paper presentation]. AEGIS thematic conference: Tuning in to African Cities. Popular Culture and Urban Experience in sub-Saharan Africa. |
Geenen, K. (2010). The pursuit of pleasure in a war weary city, Butembo, North Kivu, DRC [Paper presentation]. West Africa Seminar. |
Geenen, K. (2010). Depara, Rangel en Sidibe, fotografen in Afrika [Paper presentation]. Presentatie van 'de andere' in het westen en de artistieke praktijk van kunstenaars van niet-westerse origine. |
Geenen, K. (2009). Las Vegas in Kinshasa. In J. Geenen (Ed.), De slaap neemt geen plaats in. Le sommeil n'occupe pas de place (pp. 9-26). Gent, Belgium: Academia Press. |
Geenen, K. (2009). ‘Sleep Occupies no Space’: the use of public space by street gangs in Kinshasa. Africa: Journal of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures, 79 (3), 347-367. doi:10.3366/E0001972009000850 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Geenen, K. (2009). organisation and participation of exhibition. |
Geenen, K. (2009). ‘Sleep Occupies no Space’ [Paper presentation]. Lecture "Pongi ekipaka place te". |
Geenen, K. (2008). « Pongi ekipaka place te, » l'emploi des places publiques par les bandes de rue à Kinshasa’ [Paper presentation]. Etudes anthropologiques et historiques, Butembo, Congo - Kinshasa. |
Geenen, K. (2008). On a two-faced city and its cabarets [Paper presentation]. IARA North Sea Seminar. |
Geenen, K. (2007). « Le sommeil n'occupe pas de place. » Une analyse ethnographique de l'emploi de l'espace public par les gangs de rue à Kinshasa [Paper presentation]. Histoire Urbaine en Afrique Centrale. Lieux, Regards et Espaces. Nouvelles méthodologies dans l'historiographie des villes in Kinshasa. |
Geenen, K. (2006). « Le sommeil n'occupe pas de place. »L'emploi de l'espace public par les gangs de rue à Kinshasa [Paper presentation]. Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Africanistique. |