
Sforna Marie-Catherine

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Javaux, Emmanuelle  (21)
Cornet, Yohan  (16)
Medjoubi, Kadda (15)
Somogyi, Andrea (15)
Demoulin, Catherine  (13)
Main Referenced Keywords
cyanobacteria (2); Gloeocapsin (2); Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (1); Alkaline melt (1); Biological affinities (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CAREM - Cellule d'Appui à la Recherche et à l'Enseignement en Microscopie - ULiège [BE] (1)
ESRF-The European Synchrotron, 38000 Grenoble, France (1)
Paul Scherrer Institut, Swiss Light Source, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland (1)
Synchrotron Soleil, 91190 Saint-Aubin – BP 48, France (1)
UR Geology (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Earth sciences & physical geography (36)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Microbiology (3)
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (2)
Environmental sciences & ecology (1)

Publications (total 42)

The most downloaded
Kabamba Baludikay, B., François, C., Sforna, M.-C., Beghin, J., Cornet, Y., Storme, J.-Y., Fagel, N., Fontaine, F., Littke, R., Baudet, D., Delvaux, D., & Javaux, E. (2018). Raman microspectroscopy, bitumen reflectance and illite crystallinity scale: comparison of different geothermometry methods on fossiliferous Proterozoic sedimentary basins (DR Congo, Mauritania and Australia). International Journal of Coal Geology. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2018.03.007

The most cited

115 citations (Scopus®)

Sforna, M.-C., van Zuilen, M., & Philippot, P. (2014). Structural characterization by Raman hyperspectral mapping of organic carbon in the 3.46 billion-year-old Apex chert, Western Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 124, 18-33. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.09.031

Demoulin, C., Sforna, M.-C., Lara, Y., Cornet, Y., Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Grolimund, D., Sanchez, D. F., Tachoueres, R. T., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., & Javaux, E. (16 February 2024). Polysphaeroides filiformis, a proterozoic cyanobacterial microfossil and implications for cyanobacteria evolution. iScience, 27 (2), 108865. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2024.108865
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Demoulin, C., Sforna, M.-C., Lara, Y., Cornet, Y., Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Grolimund, D., Ferreira Sanchez, D., Tucoulou Tachoueres, R., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., & Javaux, E. (May 2023). Polysphaeroides filiformis, a Proterozoic cyanobacterial microfossil and implications for the evolution of heterocytous cyanobacteria [Paper presentation]. The Biennial European Astrobiology Conference (EAI).
Peer reviewed

Cipriani, A., Giovanardi, T., Mazzucchelli, M., Lugli, F., Sforna, M.-C., Gualtieri, A. F., Di Giuseppe, D., Gaeta, M., & Brunelli, D. (2023). Origin of a carbonate-bearing fluorapatite from Tertiary volcanics of the Veneto Volcanic Province, Italy. Mineralogy and Petrology. doi:10.1007/s00710-023-00831-4
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Lara, Y., Mc Cann, A., Malherbe, C., François, C., Demoulin, C., Sforna, M.-C., Eppe, G., De Pauw, E., Wilmotte, A., Jacques, P., & Javaux, E. (2022). Characterization of the Halochromic Gloeocapsin Pigment, a Cyanobacterial Biosignature for Paleobiology and Astrobiology. Astrobiology. doi:10.1089/ast.2021.0061
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Sforna, M.-C., Loron, C., Demoulin, C., François, C., Cornet, Y., Lara, Y., Grolimund, D., Fereirra Sanchez, D., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., Baudet, D., Brocks, J., & Javaux, E. (2022). Intracellular bound chlorophyll residues identify 1 Gyr-old fossils as eukaryotic algae. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27810-7
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Sforna, M.-C., Loron, C., Demoulin, C., François, C., Cornet, Y., Lara, Y., Grolimund, D., Ferreira Sanchez, D., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., Baudet, D., Brocks, J., & Javaux, E. (November 2021). Intracellular detection of nickel-porphyrins moieities in a 1-Gyr old multicellular alga allows to track early phototrophy [Paper presentation]. Rencontre des sciences de la terre.
Peer reviewed

Domino, S., Loron, C., Sforna, M.-C., Calers, V., & Javaux, E. (July 2021). Paleobiology of an Ediacaran acanthomorphic acritarch [Poster presentation]. Goldschmidt 2021.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Loron, C., Demoulin, C., François, C., Cornet, Y., Lara, Y., Grolimund, D., Ferreira Sanchez, D., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., Brocks, J., & Javaux, E. (2021). In situ detection of bound Ni-tetrapyrrole moieties in ~1 Gyr-old eukaryote microfossil suggesting its phototrophy [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt 2021.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Demoulin, C., Loron, C., françois, C., Cornet, Y., Beghin, J., Brocks, J., & Javaux, E. (2021). Primary producers in the ~1Gyrs-old Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup (DR Congo) [Paper presentation]. GSA 2021.
Peer reviewed

Lara, Y., Mc Cann, A., Malherbe, C., François, C., Demoulin, C., Sforna, M.-C., Eppe, G., De Pauw, E., Wilmotte, A., Jacques, P., & Javaux, E. (2021). UV-screening pigment enabling ancient photosynthesis [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt 2021, Lyon, France.
Peer reviewed

Demoulin, C., Sforna, M.-C., Lara, Y., Loron, C., Cornet, Y., Tucoulou Tachoueres, R., Grolimund, D., Ferreira Sanchez, D., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., & Javaux, E. (2021). Integrative paleontological and geochemical study of the microfossil Polysphaeroides filiformis and its implication for deep time cyanobacterial evolution [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt 2021.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Loron, C., Demoulin, C., François, C., Cornet, Y., Lara, Y., Baudet, D., & Javaux, E. (28 October 2020). Evidence of photosynthesis showed by Ni-Porphyrin preservation in ~1 Gyr-old Eukaryotes [Paper presentation]. GSA 2020.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Loron, C., Demoulin, C., François, C., Cornet, Y., Lara, Y., & Javaux, E. (January 2020). Phototrophic green algae in Mid-Proterozoic oceans [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference & Seminar.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Loron, C., Demoulin, C., François, C., Cornet, Y., Lara, Y., Grolimund, D., Sanchez Ferreira, D., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., & Javaux, E. (2020). Nickel as tracer of oxygenic phototrophy in the fossil record [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt 2020.
Peer reviewed

Javaux, E., & Sforna, M.-C. (2020). Origins, transitions, and traces of life: Comment on" Mineral self-organization on a lifeless planet" by JM García-Ruiz et al. Physics of Life Reviews. doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2020.06.009
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Loron, C., Demoulin, C., Francois, C., Cornet, Y., Lara, Y., Grolimund, D., Sanchez, D., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Addad, A., Fadel, A., Compère, P., & Javaux, E. (18 December 2019). Ni-porphyrin in-situ detection within Mid-Proterozoic green algal microfossils [Paper presentation]. FNRS Astrobiology contact group.

Kabamba Baludikay, B., François, C., Sforna, M.-C., Beghin, J., Cornet, Y., Storme, J.-Y., Fagel, N., Fontaine, F., Littke, R., Baudet, D., Delvaux, D., & Javaux, E. (2018). Raman microspectroscopy, bitumen reflectance and illite crystallinity scale: comparison of different geothermometry methods on fossiliferous Proterozoic sedimentary basins (DR Congo, Mauritania and Australia). International Journal of Coal Geology. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2018.03.007
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Kabamba Baludikay, B., François, C., Sforna, M.-C., Beghin, J., Cornet, Y., Storme, J.-Y., Fagel, N., Fontaine, F., Littke, R., Baudet, D., Delvaux, D., & Javaux, E. (March 2018). Use of different geothermometry methods on fossiliferous Proterozoic sediments to constrain thermal maturity of microfossils and sedimentary basins (DRCongo, Mauritania & Australia) [Poster presentation]. COST Workshop 2018, Bertinoro.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Daye, M., Phillipot, P., Somogyi, A., van Zuilen, M. A., Medjoubi, K., Gérard, E., Jamme, F., Dupraz, C., Braissant, O., Glunk, C., & Visscher, P. T. (2018). Cm- to nm-scale distribution patterns of carbonaceous material and transition metals in Archean and modern microbialites: Keys to identify metabolic and taphonomic processes in the fossil rock record [Paper presentation]. Gordon Research Seminar Geobiology.

Marin-Carbone, J., Remusat, L., Sforna, M.-C., Thomazo, C., Cartigny, P., & Phillipot, P. (2018). Sulfur isotope's signal of nanopyrites enclosed in 2.7 Ga stromatolitic organic remains reveal microbial sulfate reduction. Geobiology, 16, 121-138. doi:10.1111/gbi.12275
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Sforna, M.-C., Brunelli, D., Pisapia, C., Pasini, V., Malferrari, D., & Ménez, B. (2018). Abiotic formation of condensed carbonaceous matter in the hydrating oceanic crust. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07385-6
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Baludikay, B. K., François, C., Sforna, M.-C., Beghin, J., Cornet, Y., Storme, J.-Y., Fagel, N., Fontaine, F., Littke, R., Baudet, D., Delvaux, D., & Javaux, E. (2018). Raman reflectance on isolated Proterozoic microfossils: A fast and robust tool to assess thermal maturity of sedimentary basins [Poster presentation]. Gordon Conference Geobiology.
Peer reviewed

Kabamba Baludikay, B., François, C., Sforna, M.-C., Beghin, J., Cornet, Y., Fagel, N., Fontaine, F., Baudet, D., Delvaux, D., & Javaux, E. (16 August 2017). Thermal maturity estimation of carbonaceous material from proterozoic organic-walled microfossils assemblages (DRCongo, Mauritania and Australia) by using Raman spectroscopy [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt2017's, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Javaux, E., Kabamba Baludikay, B., Beghin, J., Cornet, Y., Loron, C., & Sforna, M.-C. (2017). Mesoproterozoic eukaryotes diversification or the miscalled “Boring Billion”. Goldschmidt Abstracts.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Beghin, J., Debaille, V., Guilbaud, R., Poulton, S. W., Gueneli, N., Brocks, J. J., Blanpied, C., & Javaux, E. (August 2017). Redox-sensitive proxies to reconstruct detailed palaeoecological conditions in the 1.1 Ga Taoudeni Basin, Mauritania [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Sforna, M.-C., Daye, M., Philippot, P., Somogyi, A., van Zuilen, M. A., Medjoubi, K., Gérard, E., Jamme, F., Dupraz, C., Braissant, O., Glunk, C., & Visscher, P. T. (06 April 2017). Metal distribution patterns in modern stromatolites: Keys to understand the fossil rock record [Paper presentation]. Early Earth and ExoEarths: origin and evolution of life, Varsovie, Poland.

Sforna, M.-C., & Lugli, F. (2017). MapIT!: a simple and user-friendly MATLAB script to elaborate elemental distribution images from LA- ICP-MS data. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. doi:10.1039/c7ja00023e
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Cannavo, V., Photos-Jones, E., Levi, S. T., Brunelli, D., Fragnoli, P., Lomarco, G., Lugli, F., Martinelli, M. C., & Sforna, M.-C. (2017). p-XRF analysis of multi-period Impasto and Cooking Pot wares from the excavations at Stromboli-San Vincenzo, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Science and Technology of Archaeological Research, 3, 66-73. doi:10.1080/20548923.2017.1329918
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Sforna, M.-C., Daye, M., Philippot, P., Somogyi, A., van Zuilen, M., Medjoubi, K., Gerard, E., Jamme, F., Dupraz, C., Braissant, O., Glunk, C., & Visscher, P. (2017). Patterns of metal distribution in hypersaline microbialites during early diagenesis: Implications for the fossil record. Geobiology, 15 (2), 259-279. doi:10.1111/gbi.12218
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GIOVANARDI, T., VICENTE, V. A. V., CORREIA, C. T., SINIGOI, S., TASSINARI, C. C. G., MAZZUCCHELLI, M., & Sforna, M.-C. (2016). Comparing the Cana Brava and Niquelândia complexes: large mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the lower crust and contamination processes [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan.

Sforna, M.-C., Brunelli, D., Pasini, V., Pisapia, C., & Menez, B. (2016). Multiple Carbon Reduction Pathways within Serpentinized Peridotites from the South-Western Indian Ridge and Northern Appenines Ophiolites [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference, Japan.

Lugli, F., Cipriani, A., Mazzucchelli, M., Sforna, M.-C., & Brunelli, D. (2016). In situ 87Sr/86Sr LA-MC-ICPMS on biogenic apatites: a matrix matched standard correction approach [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference.

Brunelli, D., Cannat, M., Paquet, M., Sforna, M.-C., & Seyler, M. (2015). Sodium inverse relationships during melting in ultraslow spreading regions: insights from SWIR-Smoothseafloor peridotites [Paper presentation]. AGU, San Francisco, United States - California.

Marin-Carbonne, J., Remusat, L., Sforna, M.-C., Thomazzo, C., Cartigny, P., & Philippot, P. (2015). Evidence of microbial sulfate reduction in nanopyrites enclosed in 2.7 billions year old stromatolitic organic remains [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Czechia.

Sforna, M.-C., Phillipot, P., Somogyi, A., van Zuilen, M., Medjoubi, K., Schoepp-Cothenet, B., Nietchke, W., & Visscher, P. (2015). Arsenic Metabolism and Cycling in Early Earth Oceans [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Czechia.

Isambert, A., Carlut, J., Bouquerel, H., Pecoits, E., Philippot, P., Vennin, E., Ader, M., Thomazo, C., Buoncristiani, J.-F., Baton, F., Le Huen, A.-L., Muller, E., Deldicque, D., & Sforna, M.-C. (2015). Magnetic properties through the Archean/Paleoproterozoic transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: bio-environmental implications [Paper presentation]. AGU.

Sforna, M.-C., Phillipot, P., Somogyi, A., van Zuilen, M., Medjoubi, K., Schoepp-Cothenet, B., Nietchke, W., & Visscher, P. (2014). Arsenic-metabolizing microorganisms on Primitive Earth. Nature Geoscience, 7, 811-815.
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Sforna, M.-C., van Zuilen, M., & Philippot, P. (2014). Structural characterization by Raman hyperspectral mapping of organic carbon in the 3.46 billion-year-old Apex chert, Western Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 124, 18-33. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.09.031
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Medjoubi, K., Leclercq, N., Langlois, F., Buteau, A., Lé, S., Poirier, S., Mercère, P., Sforna, M.-C., Kewish, & Somogyi, A. (2013). Development of fast, simultaneous and multi-technique scanning hard X-ray microscopy at Synchrotron Soleil. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 20, 293-299. doi:10.1107/S0909049512052119
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Sforna, M.-C., Philippot, P., van Zuilen, M., Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Visscher, P., & Dupraz, C. (2013). High spatial imaging of the distribution and inter-element correlation of metals in modern and ancient stromatolites [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy.

Sforna, M.-C., Philippot, P., van Zuilen, M., Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Visscher, P., & Dupraz, C. (2012). Micron-scale imaging of the distribution of bio-available metals (Fe, Zn, Ni, Co) in modern and ancient microbial mats [Paper presentation]. Goldschmidt Conference.

Miallier, D., Boivin, P., Deniel, C., Gourgaud, A., Lanos, P., Sforna, M.-C., & Pilleyre, T. (2010). The ultimate summit eruption of Puy de Dôme volcano (Chaîne des Puys, French Massif Central) about 10,700 years ago. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342 (11), 847-854. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2010.09.004
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