
Holvoet Justin

Département GxABT > Gestion des ressources forestières

TERRA Research Centre

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Doucet, Jean-Louis  (2)
Vermeulen, Cédric  (2)
Alonso, Alice (1)
Badioui, Kaoutar (1)
Baeten, Lander (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
abundance (1); Afrique (1); forest elephant (1); gestion de la faune sauvage (1); herbivory (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Environmental sciences & ecology (2)
Agriculture & agronomy (1)
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (1)
Zoology (1)
Life sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 3)

The most downloaded
Ellsworth, D., Verbeeck, H., Soudzilovskaia, N., Baeten, L., Hubau, W., Van Coillie, F., Verheyen, K., Storm, A., Rijnders, J., Prigge, L., Demeulder, T., Roland, M., Janssens, I., Hardy, O., Badioui, K., De Hertog, S., Thiery, W., Shan, B., Dijofack, B., ... Fayolle, A. (2023). Our natural capital: Research needs and priorities for the future. White Paper. ORBi-University of Liège.

Ellsworth, D., Verbeeck, H., Soudzilovskaia, N., Baeten, L., Hubau, W., Van Coillie, F., Verheyen, K., Storm, A., Rijnders, J., Prigge, L., Demeulder, T., Roland, M., Janssens, I., Hardy, O., Badioui, K., De Hertog, S., Thiery, W., Shan, B., Dijofack, B., ... Fayolle, A. (2023). Our natural capital: Research needs and priorities for the future. White Paper. ORBi-University of Liège.

Scalbert, M., Vermeulen, C., Tossens, S., Holvoet, J., d'Aspremont Lynden, M., & Doucet, J.-L. (07 June 2022). Interactions between forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) and selective logging in central Africa [Paper presentation]. European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Montpellier, France.

Fonteyn, D., Doucet, J.-L., Fayolle, A., Monseur, A., Quevauvillers, S., Holvoet, J., Poulain, F., de Lame, H., Peeters, Q., & Vermeulen, C. (2021). FauneFAC : Boite à outils méthodologique pour la mise en place d’inventaires par pièges photographiques.

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