
Vandries Laura

Département des sciences biomédicales et précliniques > Pharmacologie

Voir les coordonnées de l'auteur
Principaux co-auteurs référencés
Cornil, Charlotte  (8)
Balthazart, Jacques  (5)
Ball, Gregory (3)
Corona García Cabral, Rebeca  (3)
Faure, Mélanie  (3)
Principaux mots-clés référencés
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (1); Behavioral Neuroscience (1); bird (1); burst (1); consummatory sexual behavior (1);
Principaux centres et unités de recherche référencés
Giga Neurosciences - ULiège [BE] (2)
GIGA Administration - ULiège [BE] (1)
GIGA Neuroscience (1)
Principales disciplines référencées
Neurosciences & comportement (5)
Endocrinologie, métabolisme & nutrition (3)
Neurologie (1)
Biochimie, biophysique & biologie moléculaire (1)

La plus téléchargée
78 téléchargements
Vandries, L., Ghorbanpoor, S., Cornez, G., Shevchouk, O., Ball, G., Cornil, C., & Balthazart, J. (2019). Testosterone or estradiol when implanted in the medial preoptic nucleus trigger short low-amplitude songs in female canaries. eNeuro, 6 (2), 0502-18.2019. doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0502-18.2019

La plus citée

14 citations (OpenAlex)

Vandries, L., Ghorbanpoor, S., Cornez, G., Shevchouk, O., Ball, G., Cornil, C., & Balthazart, J. (2019). Testosterone or estradiol when implanted in the medial preoptic nucleus trigger short low-amplitude songs in female canaries. eNeuro, 6 (2), 0502-18.2019. doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0502-18.2019

Ringlet, S., Caldinelli Laura, Vandries, L., Seutin, V., Jehasse, K., Pollegioni Loredano, & Engel, D. (30 June 2024). Extrasynaptic NMDARs activation by co-agonist glycine controls the occurrence of bursts in nigral dopamine neurons [Poster presentation]. Fens 2024, Vienne, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Ringlet, S., Motta, Z., Vandries, L., Seutin, V., Jehasse, K., Caldinelli, L., Pollegioni, L., & Engel, D. (2024). Co-agonist glycine controls the occurrence of bursts by activating extrasynaptic NMDARs in nigral dopamine neurons. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2024.06.06.597701

Chiver, I., Ball, G. F., LALLEMAND, F., Vandries, L., Plumier, J. P., Cornil, C., & Balthazart, J. (10 May 2022). Photoperiodic control of singing behavior and reproductive physiology in male Fife fancy canaries. Hormones and Behavior, 143, 105194. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2022.105194
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

de Bournonville, M.-P., de Bournonville, C., Vandries, L., Nys, G., Fillet, M., Ball, G., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2021). Rapid changes in brain estrogen concentration during male sexual behavior are site and stimulus specific. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 20130. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-99497-1
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Court, L., Vandries, L., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2020). Key role of estrogen receptor β in the organization of brain and behavior of the Japanese quail. Hormones and Behavior, 125, 104827. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104827
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Vandries, L., Ghorbanpoor, S., Cornez, G., Shevchouk, O., Ball, G., Cornil, C., & Balthazart, J. (2019). Testosterone or estradiol when implanted in the medial preoptic nucleus trigger short low-amplitude songs in female canaries. eNeuro, 6 (2), 0502-18.2019. doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0502-18.2019
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

de Bournonville, M.-P., Vandries, L., Ball, G., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2019). Site-specific effects of aromatase inhibition on the activation of male sexual behavior in male Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Hormones and Behavior, 108, 42-49. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2018.12.015
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Faure, M., Corona García Cabral, R., Khbouz, B., Vandries, L., Arnal, J. F., Lenfant, F., Foidart, J.-M., & Cornil, C. (2019). Effects of estetrol on the negative and positive feedback of estrogens on LH secretion [Poster presentation]. 23e Meeting de la Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, , (Bloomington, Indiana, United States), Bloomington, United States - Indiana.
Peer reviewed

Faure, M., Vandries, L., Corona García Cabral, R., Rusidze, M., Arnal, J. F., Lenfant, F., & Cornil, C. (2019). Membrane estrogen receptor alpha is implicated in the control of fertility [Paper presentation]. 43ème congrès de la société de neuroendocrinologie.
Peer reviewed

Faure, M., Vandries, L., Corona García Cabral, R., Rusidze, M., Arnal, J. F., Lenfant, F., & Cornil, C. (2019). Palmitoylated nuclear estrogen receptor alpha is implicated in the control of fertility [Poster presentation]. Nuclear Receptor Research Network, Ghent, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

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