
Stievenart Marie

Département de Logopédie > Logopédie clinique

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Roskam, Isabelle (31)
Loop, Laurie (11)
Meunier, Jean-Christophe (10)
Payot, Morgane  (10)
Mouton, Bénédicte (9)
Main Referenced Keywords
attachment (9); Adoption (4); Developmental and Educational Psychology (4); externalizing behavior (4); adolescence (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Enfances - RUC (1)
RUCHE - Research Unit for a life-Course perspective on Health & Education - ULiège (1)
Service de Clinique et Psychopathologie de l'Enfant (1)
UR Enfances (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Treatment & clinical psychology (66)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Education & instruction (1)

Publications (total 70)

The most downloaded
Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Deschuyteneer, L., & Heenen-Wolf, S. (2010). Revision and validation of the Family Apperception Test: some psychometric properties. Family Journal, 18 (3). doi:10.1177/1066480710372086

The most cited

99 citations (OpenAlex)

Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Meunier, J.-C., & Noël, M.-P. (2014). The development of children's inhibition: Does parenting matter? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 122 (1), 166-182. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2014.01.003

Payot, M., Monseur, C., Stievenart, M., & Brianda, M. E. (2023). Callous-Unemotional Traits and Co-occurring Anxiety in Preschool and School-age Children: Investigation of Associations with Family's Socioeconomic Status and Home Chaos. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. doi:10.1007/s10802-023-01158-6
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Payot, M., Monseur, C., & Stievenart, M. (October 2023). Variants of Callous-unemotional traits in childhood: investigation of attachment profile and hostile attribution bias. Attachment and Human Development, 25 (5), 566 - 582. doi:10.1080/14616734.2023.2258604
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Payot, M., Monseur, C., & Stievenart, M. (2023). Primary and Secondary Variants of Callous-Unemotional Traits in Early and Middle Childhood: Distinction, Evaluation and Empathic Differences. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. doi:10.1007/s10578-023-01576-z
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Payot, M., Monseur, C.* , & Stievenart, M.*. (2022). Factorial Structure of the Parent-Reported Version of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits Among Belgian Children: A Theory-Based Model. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.839785
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Payot, M., & Stievenart, M. (21 May 2022). Callous-Unemotional Traits, and Affective and Cognitive Empathy in Children: Testing the Moderating Role of Anxiety [Poster presentation]. SSSP 2022.

Mormont, E., & Stievenart, M. (Crit. Ed.). (17 May 2022). La prosocialité limitée chez l’enfant: état des lieux. Enfance: Psychologie, Pédagogie, Neuropsychiatrie, Sociologie, 2 (2), 217 - 231. doi:10.3917/enf2.222.0217
Peer reviewed

Stievenart, M., Loop, L., & Martinez Perez, T. (2022). Le sentiment de compétence parentale dans la prise en soins. Orthomagazine, 160, p. 13-15.

Stievenart, M., Dauvister, E., Lambert, C., & Martinez Perez, T. (2022). Accompagner le parent dans la stimulation du langage de son enfant : comment le partenariat parent-orthophoniste peut-il soutenir le sentiment de compétence parentale ? ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant.
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Payot, M., Monseur, C., & Stievenart, M. (07 April 2021). Associations between attachment and the primary and the secondary variants of Callous-Unemotional traits in childhood [Paper presentation]. 2021 SRCD Biennial Meeting.

Payot, M., & Stievenart, M. (22 January 2021). Les troubles de l'attachement et l'insensibilité émotionnelle chez l'enfant: diagnostic différentiel [Paper presentation]. 5ème Congrès International de Thérapie Interpersonnelle et Attachement.

Stievenart, M., & Martinez Perez, T. (2021). How can parental self-efficacy support children’s early language development? Review of preliminary research and future perspectives. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. doi:10.1080/17405629.2020.1776102
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Stievenart, M. (2020). L'attachement, ce lien essentiel pour l'enfant.

Stievenart, M. (28 November 2019). L'attachement, ce lien essentiel pour l'enfant [Paper presentation]. Des deux côtés du lien, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium.

Stievenart, M. (2019). Les troubles de l'attachement, un état des lieux. In B. Pierrehumbert, L’ATTACHEMENT AUJOURD’HUI : PARENTALITÉ ET ACCUEIL DU JEUNE ENFANT. Duval.

Mormont, E., Payot, M., Allen, J., & Stievenart, M. (02 May 2019). Mother-child early interactions in preschoolers with CU traits: a qualitative study [Paper presentation]. Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy Biennal Meeting, Las Vegas, United States.

Payot, M., Mormont, E., Stievenart, M., & Allen, J. (02 May 2019). Callous-Unemotional traits in preschoolers: the influence of attachment [Poster presentation]. 8th biennial meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, Las Vegas, United States.

Stievenart, M. (06 October 2018). Collaborer avec le parent: comment augmenter son sentiment de compétence parentale? [Paper presentation]. Guidance parentale logopédique de qualité: quelles pratiques en 2018?, Liege, Belgium.

Mouton, B., Loop, L., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (August 2018). Confident Parents for Easier Children: A Parental Self-Efficacy Program to Improve Young Children’s Behavior. Education Sciences, 8 (3). doi:10.3390/educsci8030134
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Stievenart, M. (21 June 2018). Les enfants "difficiles": Les comprendre et les aider [Paper presentation]. 2° colloque de PsychoEducation, Namur, Belgium.

Mormont, E., & Stievenart, M. (01 June 2018). L'insensibilité émotionne et les comportements externalisés et internalisés chez les enfants d'âge préscolaire [Poster presentation]. 11° colloque de Psychologie du Développement (Ripsydev), Lille, France.

Payot, M., Mormont, E., & Stievenart, M. (31 May 2018). L'insensibilité émotionnelle chez l'enfant d'âge préscolaire: Quel impact de l'attachement? [Poster presentation]. 11° colloque de Psychologie du Développement (Ripsydev), Lille, France.

Stievenart, M., & Magis, D. (31 May 2018). L'évaluation de l'insensibilité émotionnelle chez les enfants d'âge préscolaire [Poster presentation]. 11° colloque de Psychologie du Développement (Ripsydev), Lille, France.

Danet, M., Hofer, C., Radesky, J., & Stievenart, M. (May 2018). Use of digital devices: Associations with toddler emotional competence and attachment (DATE Project) [Poster presentation]. 16th WAIMH world congress, Rome, Italy.

Mettlen, A., & Stievenart, M. (January 2018). Jeu et parcours de placement : Quand l’activité ludique devient la voie de compréhension et de reconstruction du vécu de l’enfant placé. Perspectives Psy, 57 (1), 59-70.
Peer reviewed

Mouton, B., Loop, L., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2018). Child differential sensitivity to parental self-efficacy improvement: A micro-trial perspective. International Journal of Behavioral Development. doi:10.1177/0165025416687416
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Leclercq, A.-L., & Stievenart, M. (22 November 2017). L'apprentissage de résolution de problèmes complexes (ARPC) : un dispositif d'entrainement au travail interdisciplinaire [Paper presentation]. Semaine de l'enseignement : quel enseignement demain ?, Liège, Belgium.

Stievenart, M., Loop, L., & Roskam, I. (18 November 2017). Développer le sentiment de compétence parentale: Intervention de groupe [Paper presentation]. 44° journées scientifiques de l'AEMTC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Stievenart, M. (11 September 2017). Sentiment de compétence parentale [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Unité de Recherche Enfances, Liège, Belgium.

Stievenart, M. (29 June 2017). Towards a multi-method and multi-informant assessment of preschooler’s attachment: Exploratory analysis [Poster presentation]. International Attachment Conference, Londres, United Kingdom.

Glowacz, F., Naziri, D., Haxhe, S., & Stievenart, M. (20 May 2017). Soutenir la parentalité en difficulté, au service du lien parent-enfant [Paper presentation]. Congrès 50 ans FPLSE, Liège, Belgium.

Mormont, E., & Stievenart, M. (19 May 2017). Les callous unemotional traits chez l’enfant d’âge pré-scolaire : vers l’esquisse d’un profil [Poster presentation]. Congrès 50 ans FPLSE, Liege, Belgium.

Stievenart, M. (2017). Les enfants "difficiles": les comprendre et les aider [Paper presentation]. Conférence grand public CPLU, Liège, Belgium.

Stievenart, M., Loop, L., Mouton, B., Mormont, E., & Roskam, I. (08 April 2017). The moderating role of callous-unemotional behaviors on the effects of parenting intervenons [Paper presentation]. Biennal meeting of Society for Research in Childhood Development, Austin, Texas, United States.

Roskam, I., Van Der Voort, A., Juffer, F., Stievenart, M., Bader, M., Muntean, A., Escobar, M. J., Santelices, M. P., Molina, P., Casonato, M., Ongari, B., & Pierrehumbert, B. (2017). Cross-informant ratings of internalizing and externalizing behavior in adolescent-parent pairs in six countries. Does being adopted make a difference? International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 6 (1), 32-46. doi:10.1037/ipp0000063
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Loop, L., Mouton, B., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2017). Stimuler les pratiques de coaching émotionnel des parents. In I. Roskam, La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant : Manuel à l'usage des praticiens. Mardaga.

Loop, L., Mouton, B., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2017). One or many? Which and how many parenting variables should be targeted in interventions to reduce children's externalizing behavior? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 92, 11-23. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2017.01.015
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Mouton, B., Loop, L., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2017). Intervention sur le sentiment de compétence parentale. In I. Roskam, La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant : Manuel à l'usage des praticiens. Mardaga.

Stievenart, M. (18 October 2016). L'attachement et les troubles du comportement [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'AIGS, Liège, Belgium.

Stievenart, M., Loop, L., Benedicte, M., & Roskam, I. (20 May 2016). The moderating role of child and parent attachment on the effectiveness of a parenting intervention [Poster presentation]. 9° Colloque Réseau Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Psychologie du Développement, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Stievenart, M., Loop, L., Mouton, B., & Roskam, I. (20 May 2016). Les enfants « durs et insensibles » : Comment influencent-ils les effets d’une intervention parentale [Paper presentation]. 9° Colloque Réseau Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Psychologie du Développement.

Loop, L., Mouton, B., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (19 May 2016). Programme d’intervention ciblant la régulation émotionnelle parentale [Paper presentation]. 9° Colloque Réseau Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Psychologie du Développement, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Mouton, B., Loop, L., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (19 May 2016). Programme d’intervention ciblant la confiance en soi du parent [Paper presentation]. 9° Colloque Réseau Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Psychologie du Développement, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Stievenart, M. (21 March 2016). L'attachement chez l'enfant [Paper presentation]. Soirée scientifique GLEM, Liège, Belgium.

Stievenart, M. (18 February 2016). Les enjeux de l'évaluation et de l'intervention de l'attachement [Paper presentation]. Evolution des familles, ruptures et création des liens d’attachement : comment favoriser la sécurité affective et le bien-être des jeunes enfants ?, Nantes, France.

Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., & de Mol, J. (2016). The transactional process between the relationships with caregivers and children's externalizing behavior. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 42. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2015.11.003
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Roskam, I., Meunier, J.-C., & Stievenart, M. (2016). Do Mothers and Fathers Moderate the Influence of Each Other’s Self-efficacy Beliefs and Parenting Behaviors on Children’s Externalizing Behavior? Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25 (6), 2034-2045. doi:10.1007/s10826-016-0365-1
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Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., & Meunier, J.-C. (2015). From parents to siblings and peers: The wonderful story of social development. SAGE Open. doi:10.1177/2158244015611455
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Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Brassart, E., Houssa, M., Loop, L., Mouton, B., Volckaert, A., Nader Grobois, N., Noël, M.-P., & Schelstraete, M.-A. (2015). The Unfair Card Game: A promising tool to assess externalizing behavior in preschoolers. Pratiques Psychologiques. doi:10.1016/j.prps.2015.09.004
Peer reviewed

Mouton, B., Loop, L., Stievenart, M., Brassart, E., & Roskam, I. (2015). Par-delà l’efficacité des interventions auprès de parents d’enfants difficiles, de possibles effets délétères pour la coparentalité ? Enfance: Psychologie, Pédagogie, Neuropsychiatrie, Sociologie, 3. doi:10.4074/S0013754515003080
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Roskam, I., Galdiolo, S., Meunier, J.-C., & Stievenart, M. (2015). Psychologie de la Parentalité. de boeck.

Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Meunier, J.-C., & Noël, M.-P. (2014). The development of children's inhibition: Does parenting matter? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 122 (1), 166-182. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2014.01.003
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Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2014). Stability of young children’s attachment representations: Influences of children’s and caregiver’s characteristics. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35 (2). doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2013.12.001
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Vandepoel, D., Roskam, I., Passone, S., & Stievenart, M. (2014). Early deprivation as a risk factor for narcissistic identity pathologies in adolescence with regard to international adoption. Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 62. doi:10.1016/j.neurenf.2014.09.002
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Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Tessier, R., Muntean, A., Juffer, F., Van Ijzendoorn, M., & Pierrehumbert, B. (2014). Another way of thinking about ADHD: The predictive role of early attachment deprivation in adolescents’ level of symptoms. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49 (1). doi:10.1007/s00127-013-0685-z
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Roskam, I., & Stievenart, M. (2014). Is there a common pathway to behavioral maladjustment and scholastic failure for adopted and non-adopted adolescents? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35 (13). doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2013.12.005
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Heymans, M.-N., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2013). Une intervention brève auprès de parents adoptants centrée sur la sensibilité parentale: Effets sur le sentiment de compétence parentale et l'attachement de l'enfant. Pratiques Psychologiques. doi:10.1016/j.prps.2013.04.001
Peer reviewed

Stievenart, M., Meunier, J. C., & Roskam, I. (2013). Preschoolers' attachment representations and parenting as predictors of intellectual capacities: A person-oriented approach. In Intelligence quotient: Testing, role of genetics and the environment and social outcomes (pp. 185-200). United States - New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
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Roskam, I., & Stievenart, M. (2013). Intergenerational transmission within the family. Psychologica Belgica, 53 (3), 3-5. doi:10.5334/pb-53-3-3
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Roskam, I., Meunier, J.-C., Stievenart, M., & Noël, M.-P. (2013). When there seem to be no predetermining factors: Early child and proximal family risk predicting externalizing behavior in young children incurring no distal family risk. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2012.10.002
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Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2013). Concordance of attachment representations in mother- and father-child dyads and between siblings. Psychologica Belgica, 53 (3). doi:10.5334/pb-53-3-85
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Stievenart, M., Roskam, I., Meunier, J.-C., & Vandemoortele, G. (2012). Assessment of preschoolers’ attachment security using the Attachment Q-set and the Attachment Story Completion Task. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 12 (1).
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Meunier, J.-C., Stievenart, M., & Roskam, I. (2012). Parental differential treatment, child's externalizing behavior and sibling relationships: Bridging links with child's perception of favoritism, personality and parent's self-efficacy. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 29 (5). doi:10.1177/0265407512443419
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Stievenart, M., Casonato, M., Muntean, A., & van den Schoot, R. (2012). Friends and Family Interview: Measurement invariance across Belgium and Romania. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. doi:10.1080/17405629.2012.689822
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Stievenart, M., Roskam, I., Meunier, J.-C., & Van de Moortele, G. (2011). The reciprocal relation between children’s attachment representations and their cognitive ability. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35 (11). doi:10.1177/0165025410370790
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Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Meunier, J.-C., Kinoo, P., & Nassogne, M.-C. (2011). Le diagnostic précoce des troubles du comportement externalisé est-il fiable ? Mise à l’épreuve d’une procédure multi informateurs et multi méthodes. Pratiques Psychologiques, 17. doi:10.1016/j.prps.2009.07.001
Peer reviewed

Meunier, J.-C., Roskam, I., & Stievenart, M. (2011). Externalizing behavior trajectories: the role of parenting, sibling relationships and child personality. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 32 (1). doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2010.09.006
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Roskam, I., Meunier, J.-C., & Stievenart, M. (2011). Parent attachment, childrearing behaviour, and child attachment: Mediated effect that predict externalizing behaviour in preschoolers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 32 (4). doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2011.03.003
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Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Deschuyteneer, L., & Heenen-Wolf, S. (2010). Revision and validation of the Family Apperception Test: some psychometric properties. Family Journal, 18 (3). doi:10.1177/1066480710372086
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Roskam, I., Stievenart, M., Meunier, J.-C., Van de Moortele, G., Kinoo, P., & Nassogne, M.-C. (2010). Comment les parents, les enseignants et les cliniciens évaluent les troubles du comportement externalisé du jeune enfant ? Etude de la variabilité des jugements évaluatifs et de son impact sur le développement de l’enfant. Pratiques Psychologiques, 16. doi:10.1016/j.prps.2009.06.001
Peer reviewed

Pierrehumbert, B., Roskam, I., & Stievenart, M. (2009). Gender and attachment representations in the preschool years: Comparisons between five countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 40 (4). doi:10.1177/0022022109335181
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