
Li Bing

Main Referenced Co-authors
Everaert, Nadia  (9)
Bindelle, Jérôme  (7)
Leblois, Julie  (6)
Schroyen, Martine  (5)
Beckers, Yves  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
growth performance (2); Broiler chickens (1); colostrum (1); early life and later life (1); farrowing stress; (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Precision livestock and nutrition unit, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Teaching and Research Centre, University of Liège, Gembloux, Belgium (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Animal production & animal husbandry (7)
Zoology (2)
Agriculture & agronomy (1)

Publications (total 10)

The most downloaded
Li, B., Schroyen, M., Leblois, J., Wavreille, J., Soyeurt, H., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (30 August 2018). Effects of inulin supplementation to piglets in the suckling period on growth performance, postileal microbial and immunological traits in the suckling period and three weeks after weaning. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 72 (6), 425-442. doi:10.1080/1745039X.2018.1508975

The most cited

30 citations (Scopus®)

Li, B., Leblois, J., Taminiau, B., Schroyen, M., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (2018). The effect of inulin and wheat bran on intestinal health and microbiota in the early life of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. doi:10.3382/ps/pey195

Arevalo Sureda, E.* , Zhao, X.* , Artuso-Ponte, V., Wall, S.-C., Li, B., Fang, W., Uerlings, J., Zhang, Y., Schroyen, M., Grelet, C., Dehareng, F., Wavreille, J., & Everaert, N. (2021). Isoquinoline Alkaloids in Sows’ Diet Reduce Body Weight Loss during Lactation and Increase IgG in Colostrum. Animals. doi:10.3390/ani11082195
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Arevalo Sureda, E., Artuso-Ponte, V., Wall, S.-C., Li, B., Wei, F., Uerlings, J., Zhang, Y., Schroyen, M., Grelet, C., Dehareng, F., Wavreille, J., & Everaert, N. (2021). Isoquinoline alkaloids in the sow’s diet reduces body weight loss during lactation and increases IgG in colostrum [Poster presentation]. ESPHM 2020+1 - 12th European Symposium of porcine health management, Bern, Switzerland.
Editorial reviewed

Schroyen, M.* , Leblois, J.* , Uerlings, J., Li, B., Arevalo Sureda, E., Massart, S., Wavreille, J., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (2020). Maternal dietary resistant starch does not improve piglet's gut and liver metabolism when challenged with a high fat diet. BMC Genomics, 21 (1), 439. doi:10.1186/s12864-020-06854-x
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Li, B. (2018). Early life programming by prebiotics or ingredients rich in non-starch polysaccharides in broiler chickens and pigs: effects on growth performance, intestinal maturation and colonization [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Li, B., Schroyen, M., Leblois, J., Wavreille, J., Soyeurt, H., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (30 August 2018). Effects of inulin supplementation to piglets in the suckling period on growth performance, postileal microbial and immunological traits in the suckling period and three weeks after weaning. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 72 (6), 425-442. doi:10.1080/1745039X.2018.1508975
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Li, B., Leblois, J., Taminiau, B., Schroyen, M., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (2018). The effect of inulin and wheat bran on intestinal health and microbiota in the early life of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. doi:10.3382/ps/pey195
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Li, B., Leblois, J., Taminiau, B., Willems, L., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (08 May 2017). The effect of inulin and/or wheat bran in the diet during early life on intestinal health of broiler chicks [Paper presentation]. 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition (ESPN 2017).

Li, B., Leblois, J., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (07 April 2017). Effect of inulin supplementation in the lactation period on the performance of piglets [Paper presentation]. 42nd ANR (Animal Nutrition Research).

Li, B., Huart, F., Leblois, J., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (20 May 2016). Optimizing performance and health in poultry by dietary strategies : Focus on gastrointestinal ecophysiology [Poster presentation]. TERRA Innovation Fair.

Li, B., Leblois, J., Bindelle, J., Wavreille, J., & Everaert, N. (22 May 2015). Effect of inulin and wheat bran in the creep feed of neonatal piglets [Paper presentation]. Animal Nutrition Research Forum 2015, Merelbeke, Belgium.

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