Ngama, S., & Vermeulen, C. (18 November 2024). Approche SAFE et gestion du conflit homme faune au Parc National de Waka, Gabon. Projet RESSAC-Waka [Paper presentation]. JOURNEE DE CONFERENCES ˂˂ETUDE ET CONSERVATION DE LA FAUNE EN MILIEUX TROPICAUX ET TEMPERES>>, Gembloux Agro Bio Tech, Université de Liège, Belgique, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Lhoest, S., Drouilly, M., Kazaba Kaseya, P., Ngama, S., & Vermeulen, C. (2024). To conserve African tropical forests, invest in the protection of its most diverse wildlife communities. Conservation Letters, 13060. doi:10.1111/conl.13060 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Broers, J., Lhoest, S., Ngama, S., & Vermeulen, C. (2024). Formation au déploiement de pièges photographiques pour l’inventaire et le suivi de la faune. |
Ngama, S., Ibinga Sana, G.-G., Etoughe-Efe, J.-E., & Vermeulen, C. (2024). Stratégies de gestion du CHF et méthodes dissuasives au Parc National de Waka: état des lieux [Paper presentation]. Programme Recherche Appliquée en Ecologie et Sciences Sociales des écosystèmes forestiers d'Afrique Centrale (RESSAC). Conférence de Libreville (Gabon), Libreville, Gabon. |
Vermeulen, C., Trégourès, A., Koussafoula, E., Edé, A., Abandonné, L., Julve, C., Pignolet, E., & Ngama, S. (2024). L’indemnisation des destructions agricoles comme stratégie de résolution des conflits hommes-faune : une (fausse) bonne idée ? Avantages, inconvénients et recommandations tirés de l’expérience « d’assurance dévastation » développée au Parc National d'Odzala-Kokoua (République du Congo) [Paper presentation]. Programme Recherche Appliquée en Ecologie et Sciences Sociales des écosystèmes forestiers d'Afrique Centrale (RESSAC). Conférence de Libreville (Gabon), Libreville, Gabon. |
Ngama, S., Bindelle, J., Poulsen, J. R., Hornick, J.-L., Linden, A., Korte, L., Doucet, J.-L., & Vermeulen, C. (22 March 2019). Do topography and fruit presence influence occurrence and intensity of crop-raiding by forest elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis)? PLoS ONE, 14 (3), 16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0213971 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ngama, S. (2018). Introduction to elephant ecophysiology: principles, methods and case studies on forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) crop raiders in Gabon [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Ngama, S., Korte, L., Johnson, M., Bindelle, J., Ndoutoume Ndong, A., & Vermeulen, C. (28 May 2018). Using camera traps and digital video to investigate the impact of Aethina tumida pest on honey bee (Apis mellifera adansonii) reproduction and ability to keep away elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) in Gamba, Gabon. Nature Conservation Research, 3 (2). doi:10.24189/ncr.2018.038 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ngama, S., Korte, L., Johnson, M., Vermeulen, C., & Bindelle, J. (April 2018). Camera traps to study the forest elephant’s (Loxodonta cyclotis) response to chilli pepper repellent devices in Gamba, Gabon. Nature Conservation Research, 3 (2), 26-35. doi:10.24189/ncr.2018.027 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ngama, S. (07 November 2017). Ecophysiology of elephants to better understand their crop selection: first results of a case study in Monts de Cristal, Gabon [Paper presentation]. CNRS, France, Strasbourg, France. |
Ngama, S., Bindelle, J., & Vermeulen, C. (23 August 2017). Video and camera traps to investigate animal ecophysiology and enhance wildlife management: case study on bees and elephants interactions in Gabon [Paper presentation]. 33rd Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB), Montpellier, France. |
Ngama, S. (03 April 2017). Beehive trials in Gamba (Gabon) with ecophysiological approaches. Panel Session 4, Mitigation approaches to reduce HWC [Paper presentation]. Global Wildlife Program Conference, Lopé and Libreville, Gabon. |
Ngama, S., Korte, L., Bindelle, J., Vermeulen, C., & Poulsen, J. R. (19 May 2016). How Bees Deter Elephants: Beehive Trials with Forest Elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) in Gabon. PLoS ONE, 11 (5), 12. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155690 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ngama, S. (13 October 2015). Ecophysiology to understand elephants' crop raiding behavior [Paper presentation]. JOURNÉE D’ÉTUDE « GESTION RATIONNELLE ET CONSERVATION DE LA GRANDE FAUNE », Gembloux, Belgium. |
Ngama, S., Vermeulen, C., & Bindelle, J. (21 March 2015). Improving knowledge on Forest elephant’s ecophysiology (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) for better wildlife conservation [Poster presentation]. Colloque de l’Ecole Doctorale BEE (Biodiversité, Ecologie, Evolution), 2015, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Ngama, S. (2015). Analyse quantitative de la consommation en viande de brousse en vue d’une gestion durable de la faune sauvage au Gabon. Tropicultura, NS, 12-23. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |