
Vigil Diaz Telenti Sara

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
De Longueville, Florence  (11)
Gemenne, François  (11)
Ozer, Pierre  (11)
Zickgraf, Caroline  (10)
Blocher, Julia Mc Donald  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Migration (19); Climate Change (9); Displacement (7); Climate change (6); Land Grabbing (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
The Hugo Observatory (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (28)
Sociology & social sciences (18)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (11)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (10)
Earth sciences & physical geography (9)

Publications (total 48)

The most downloaded
Gemenne, F., Blocher, J. M. D., De Longueville, F., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Zickgraf, C., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (2017). Changement climatique, catastrophes naturelles et déplacements de populations en Afrique de l’Ouest. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 41 (3).

The most cited

24 citations (Scopus®)

Gemenne, F., Blocher, J. M. D., De Longueville, F., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Zickgraf, C., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (2017). Changement climatique, catastrophes naturelles et déplacements de populations en Afrique de l’Ouest. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 41 (3).

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2018). Green Grabbing-Induced Displacement. In R. McLeman & F. Gemenne (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Environmental Displacement and Migration (pp. 370-387). Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2018). Green Grabbing-Induced Displacement. Milan, Italy: Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

Gemenne, F., De Longueville, F., De Bruyckere, L., Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Pearson, N., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (11 December 2017). People moved and will move again [Paper presentation]. Multidisciplinary Workshop Disasters and resilience in the 21st Century, Brussels, Belgium.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2017). Climate change and migration: dealing with complexity [Paper presentation]. Climate change and migration: dealing with complexity, Copenhaguen, Denmark.

Gemenne, F., De Longueville, F., De Bruyckere, L., Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Pearson, N., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (17 November 2017). People moved and will move again [Paper presentation]. 7th Belgium geography day, Liège, Belgium.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (03 November 2017). Climate Change and Migration in the Midst of Elusion [Paper presentation]. Public Lecture, Urbana-Champaign, United States.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2017). Climate Change and Migration. Insights from the Sahel. In G. Carbone, Out of Africa. Why People Migrate (ISPI, pp. 51-72). Milan, Italy: Ledizioni LediPublishing.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (20 September 2017). Climate Change and Migration in the Midst of Elusion: Insights from Cambodia [Paper presentation]. Public Lecture, Berkeley, United States.

Schütte, S., Depoux, A., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Kowalski, C., Gemenne, F., & Flahault, A. (2017). The influence of health concerns in scientific and policy debates on climate change. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 1-3. doi:10.1136/jech-2015-206962
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Gemenne, F., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., & Zickgraf, C. (2017). Climate Change and Migration: Food Security, Agricultural Livelihoods and Rural Areas. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Gemenne, F., Blocher, J. M. D., De Longueville, F., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Zickgraf, C., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (2017). Changement climatique, catastrophes naturelles et déplacements de populations en Afrique de l’Ouest. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 41 (3).
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (December 2016). 'Migrations Environnementales? Ramener le politique au coeur du débat'. Cités: Philosophie, Politique, Histoire, 68, 61-76.
Peer reviewed

Gemenne, F., De Longueville, F., De Bruyckere, L., Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Pearson, N., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (04 November 2016). People moved and will move again [Poster presentation]. The Hugo Conference: Environment, Migration, Politics, Liège, Belgium.

Gemenne, F., Blocher, J., De Longueville, F., Gharbaoui, D., Ozer, P., Pearson, N., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., & Zickgraf, C. (12 October 2016). Migration in Extreme Climate Change Scenarios [Paper presentation]. HELIX 3rd Annual Meeting: High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes, Potsdam, Germany.

Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., & Gemenne, F. (2016). Impact de la vulnérabilité et de la résilience aux changements environnementaux sur la mobilité en Afrique de l'Ouest. In S. Ginesu, A. Ozer, ... P. Ozer (Eds.), La géographie physique et les risques de pertes et préjudices liés aux changements climatiques (pp. 70). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.
Peer reviewed

Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., & Gemenne, F. (2016). The Impact of Vulnerability and Resilience to Environmental Changes on Mobility Patterns in West Africa. (Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD)). ORBi-University of Liège.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (25 March 2016). Dans quelles mesures le climat est-il un catalyseur de conflit dans le cadre de la problématique alimentaire ? [Paper presentation]. Défi de la Faim & Conflits Armés, Lille, France.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2016). Accaparement des terres et migrations environnementales. In F. Gemenne, D. Ionesco, ... D. Mokhnacheva, Atlas des Migrations Environnementales. Paris, France: Sciences Po les presses.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (04 February 2016). Without rain or land, where will our people go? Climate change, land grabbing, and human mobility. Insights from Senegal and Cambodia [Paper presentation]. Global governance/politics, climate justice & agrarian/social justice, The Hague, Netherlands.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2016). Without Rain or Land, Where Will Our People Go? Climate Change, Land Grabbing and Human Mobility. Insights from Senegal and Cambodia. ORBi-University of Liège.

Gemenne, F., Blocher, J., De Longueville, F., Perrin, N., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Zickgraf, C., & Ozer, P. (2016). How climate extremes are affecting the movement of populations in the Asia Pacific region. In S. Price & J. Singer (Eds.), Global Implications of Development, Disasters and Climate Change: Responses to Displacement from Asia Pacific (pp. 21-40). Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315734583
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2015). Displacement as a consequence of climate change mitigation policies [Paper presentation]. United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21), Paris, France.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (December 2015). Une cause invisible des migrations. La tragédie de l’accaparement des terres. Cités: Philosophie, Politique, Histoire, 64.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2015). Quel est le coût humain de notre système alimentaire? [Paper presentation]. Festival Alimenterre, Liège, Belgium.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (28 September 2015). Methodological challenges of conducting politically sensitive research. The case of land grab-induced migration [Paper presentation]. EU COST Workshop, Seville, Spain.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (July 2015). Collective national and transnational action towards ‘green grabbing’ [Paper presentation]. Our Common Future Under Climate Change.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (July 2015). Migration associated with land grabbing [Paper presentation]. Our Common Future Under Climate Change, Paris, France.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (June 2015). Climate change, large-scale land acquisitions and population dynamics in Senegal [Paper presentation]. Human migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention, Durham, United Kingdom.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (June 2015). Green grabbing-induced displacement? Integrating the political economy of land into environmental migration studies [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference: 'Rights, Democracy and Migration - Challenges and Opportunities', Geneva, Switzerland.

Blocher, J., Gharbaoui, D., & Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2015). West Africa: a testing ground for regional solutions. Forced Migration Review, 49.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2015). Displacement as a consequence of climate change mitigation policies. Forced Migration Review, 49.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (11 September 2014). Climate change, neoliberalism and large-scale land acquisitions: Consequences on Senegalese mobility [Paper presentation]. Climate Change, Migration and Neoliberalism, Lund, Sweden.

De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., & Vigil, S. (15 May 2014). Perception of climate change and adaptation strategies in the drylands of West Africa : A review [Poster presentation]. Adaptation Futures 2014 : Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Hountondji, Y.-C., & Vigil, S. (14 May 2014). Adaptation to beach erosion in the African coastal cities: from the procrastination by the Government to the forced migration of the most precarious population. The case of Cotonou, Benin [Poster presentation]. Adaptation Futures 2014 : Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (May 2014). Migration for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change in dry lands. Analysing the REVA Plan [Poster presentation]. Adaptation Futures 2014 : Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (10 April 2014). Crisis and migration: The case of Senegalese migrants in Almeria’s agricultural sector [Paper presentation]. Sixth Triennial Congress of the Belgian Political Science Association, Liège, Belgium.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (April 2014). Intensive Agriculture and Groundwater Resources: The case of the Campo de Dalias in Almeria (Spain) [Paper presentation]. Between abundance and scarcity: Water and societies in the Arab-Mediterranean world and the countries of the South, Monastir, Tunisia.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2014). Agro-combustibles: quels enjeux pour les pays du Sud? [Paper presentation]. La démocratie face aux enjeux environnementaux. La transition énergétique, Paris, France.

Gemenne, F., Blocher, J., De Longueville, F., Perrin, N., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Zickgraf, C., & Ozer, P. (2014). Catastrophes, Changement climatique et Déplacements forcés : Dynamiques régionales de mobilité humaine en Afrique de l’Ouest. Nansen Initiative.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (May 2013). Les déplacements environnementaux et les droits de l’homme [Paper presentation]. Changement Climatique et Droits Fondamentaux, Paris, France.

Zarka, Y. C., & Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (April 2013). La démocratie face aux enjeux environnementaux DEMOENV [Paper presentation]. Changements Environnementaux- Séminaire ANR.

Habermas, J. (2012). L'Europe paralysée d'effroi – La crise de l'Union européenne à la lumière d'une constitutionnalisation du droit international public (Trierweiler, D., Cohen, J., ... Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Trans.). Cités: Philosophie, Politique, Histoire, 49, 131-146.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2012). L’impact de la désertification et des systèmes agro-industriels sur les déplacements humains [Paper presentation]. Un Monde en Mutation: Changement Climatique et Migrations Humaines, Paris, France.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2012). Les conséquences d’une croissance radicale : le cas d’Almeria [Paper presentation]. Ecologie et territoires: valeurs, normes et justice, Arcachon, France.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., & Zarka, Y. C. (2012). La démocratie face aux enjeux environnementaux/ Un monde en mutation : changement climatique et migrations humaines [Poster presentation]. Les Changements Globaux: Enjeux et Défis, Toulouse, France.

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2012). Les Guerres du Climat. Cités: Philosophie, Politique, Histoire, 49.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2012). The model of Almeria: temporary migration programs as a solution for environmentally-induced migration., 107-122.
Peer reviewed

Vigil Diaz Telenti, S. (2011). Un Nouvel Enjeu Environnemental : Les Migrations Humaines [Master’s dissertation, Université Paris Descartes- Fac SHS Sorbonne]. ORBi-University of Liège.

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