Gillot, E., De Hoe, R., Mahieu, M., Falize, M., & Mattart, R. (2023). Transmission familiale : comment ne pas perdre le fil ? Bruxelles, Belgium: Chaire Familles en Entreprises de l'ICHEC Brussels Management School. |
Mattart, R. (2023). Opening the black box of family constitutions: An analysis of their roles, drivers and outcomes in a business family context [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Mattart, R., Pirnay, F., & Crutzen, N. (2022). L'entreprise familiale à l'épreuve du temps : entre sens et non-sens. |
Mattart, R., & Pirnay, F. (24 June 2022). What shapes a family constitution toward a role or another ?Analysisng drivers under the Regulatory Focus Theory [Paper presentation]. IFERA Conference 2022 - The Gears of Legacies : Next gen driving family business renewal & endurance, Santander, Spain. Peer reviewed |
Mattart, R., & Pirnay, F. (30 May 2022). Drivers leading of family Constitutions -Protocols : gathering the why & the how [Paper presentation]. Belgian Entrepreneurship Research Day, Belgium. |
Mattart, R. (15 December 2021). Determinants of Promotion vs. Prevention Focus in Family constitutions [Paper presentation]. CIE PhD Workshop on Family Firms & Mittelstand. |
Mattart, R. (07 June 2021). Doctoral consortium of IFERA - Research project presentation [Paper presentation]. IFERA Doctoral Consortium. |
Mattart, R., & Bammens, Y. (June 2021). Family constitutions roles : two sides of the same coin? Reconciliation of Agency and Stewardship perspectives under the lens of Regulatory Focus Theory [Paper presentation]. EURAM 2021 Conference :Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world. |
Mattart, R., & Pirnay, F. (June 2021). How are family constitutions’ roles oriented ? Determinants of family constitutions orientations under the scope [Paper presentation]. IFERA Summer School 2021. |
Mattart, R., & Bammens, Y. (June 2021). Family constitutions roles : two sides of the same coin? [Paper presentation]. IFERA 2021 Live Conference - Family business: a model for the new world?. |
Mattart, R. (2020). La perception de la culture au sein de l'Union européenne: d'une binarité à une transversalité? In A. Vlassis, M. Rioux, ... D. Tchéhoudi, La culture à l'ère du numérique. Plateformes, normes et politiques (pp. 85-102). Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège. Peer reviewed |
Mattart, R. (2020). Entreprises familiales : quels atouts face à la crise du Covid ? La Libre Belgique. |
Mattart, R. (19 June 2020). PhD proposal presentation for the Best PhD proposal - IFERA Academic Awards Ceremony [Paper presentation]. IFERA 2020 Academic Awards. |
Mattart, R., Pirnay, F., & Crutzen, N. (2020). L’ouverture de la gouvernance et du capital dans les entreprises familiales: Une analyse exploratoire en Belgique, France et Luxembourg. Liège, Belgium: HEC Liège. |
Mattart, R. (29 May 2019). From Hero to Zero: le rôle de la famille dans l'entreprise familiale à travers le temps [Paper presentation]. HEC Liège- Research Day - "3 minutes to pitch your research". |
Mattart, R. (2019). Entreprendre en Famille, plus que jamais d'actualité. La Libre Belgique. |