
Fadeur Marjorie

Département de médecine interne > Service de diabétologie, nutrition, maladies métaboliques

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Misset, Benoît  (19)
Rousseau, Anne-Françoise  (19)
Paquot, Nicolas  (14)
Verbrugge, Anne-Marie  (14)
Ledoux, Didier  (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
nutrition (6); Nutrition and Dietetics (4); Humans (3); burns (2); Female (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
GIGA-I3 - Giga-Infection, Immunity and Inflammation - ULiège (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Anesthesia & intensive care (17)
Endocrinology, metabolism & nutrition (6)
General & internal medicine (2)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (2)
Geriatrics (1)

Publications (total 30)

The most downloaded
FADEUR, M., MALHERBE, C., LEDOUX, D., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., & PAQUOT, N. (2016). Comparaison entre les dépenses énergétiques mesurées par Deltatrac II ® et celles mesurées par l’E-COVX ® chez des patients agressés : étude prospective observationnelle. Nutrition Clinique et Metabolisme, 30, 297-302. doi:10.1016/j.nupar.2016.07.008

The most cited

842 citations (OpenAlex)

Niemi, M., Gazon, H., JUSZCZAK, D., FADEUR, M., CAMBY, S., MEURIS, C., THYS, M., JACQUES, J., HENKET, M., BEGUIN, Y., Rahmouni, S., Lebrun, M., MOUTSCHEN, M., Misset, B., DARCIS, G., GUIOT, J., AZARZAR, S., DELLOT, P., GOFFLOT, S., ... HUYNEN, P. (Other coll.). (2021). Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 600, 472-477. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03767-x

Rousseau, A.-F., Fadeur, M., & Misset, B. (2024). Nutritional approach of patients with minor burns: A neglected aspect of burn care? JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Eternal Nutrition. doi:10.1002/jpen.2677
Editorial reviewed

Rousseau, A.-F., FADEUR, M., FAUVILLE, J.-P., HANS, N., MARTIN, F., & Misset, B. (2024). Determination of energy requirements after minor burns using indirect calorimetry: A descriptive cohort study. JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Eternal Nutrition. doi:10.1002/jpen.2614
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Dance, A., Fernandes, J., Toussaint, B., Vaillant, E., Boutry, R., Baron, M., Loiselle, H., Balkau, B., Charpentier, G., Franc, S., Ibberson, M., Marre, M., GERNAY, M.-M., Fadeur, M., Paquot, N., Vaxillaire, M., Boissel, M., Amanzougarene, S., Derhourhi, M., ... Bonnefond, A. (January 2024). Exploring the role of purinergic receptor P2RY1 in type 2 diabetes risk and pathophysiology: Insights from human functional genomics. Molecular Metabolism, 79, 101867. doi:10.1016/j.molmet.2023.101867
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FADEUR, M., Kaux, J.-F., DE FLINES, J., Misset, B., Paquot, N., & Rousseau, A.-F. (December 2023). Comparaison de deux appareils de deux appareils de calorimétrie indirecte en mode canopy : le Q-NRG et le Deltatrac II [Paper presentation]. JFN 2023, Marseille, France.
Peer reviewed

Ippoliti, C., FADEUR, M., MALHERBE, C., DE FLINES, J., Verbrugge, A.-M., Gosseries, O., Ledoux, D., Misset, B., Laureys, S., Paquot, N., & Thibaut, A. (02 January 2023). What is the nutritional status of patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness? A retrospective cross-sectional study. Brain Injury, 37 (1), 54 - 62. doi:10.1080/02699052.2022.2145361
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Rousseau, A.-F., FADEUR, M., COLSON, C., & Misset, B. (25 September 2022). Measured Energy Expenditure Using Indirect Calorimetry in Post-Intensive Care Unit Hospitalized Survivors: A Comparison with Predictive Equations. Nutrients, 14 (19), 3981. doi:10.3390/nu14193981
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Rousseau, A.-F., LUCANIA, S., FADEUR, M., Verbrugge, A.-M., Cavalier, E., COLSON, C., & Misset, B. (15 September 2022). Adequacy of Nutritional Intakes during the Year after Critical Illness: An Observational Study in a Post-ICU Follow-Up Clinic. Nutrients, 14 (18), 3797. doi:10.3390/nu14183797
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Do Vale, J., LUCANIA, S., FADEUR, M., Verbrugge, A.-M., COLSON, C., Misset, B., & Rousseau, A.-F. (2022). Evaluation des apports nutritionnels chez les patients ayant survécu à une pathologie critique : étude prospective au sein d’une clinique post-soins intensifs [Poster presentation]. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Toulouse, France.
Peer reviewed

LEPORE, D., FADEUR, M., LUCANIA, S., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (December 2021). Energy expenditure measured with indirect calorimetry during the post-ICU hospital stay. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 38 (e-Suppl 39), 169.
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Pincemail, J., CAVALIER, E., CHARLIER, C., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., BREVERS, E., Courtois, A., FADEUR, M., Meziane, S., LE GOFF, C., Misset, B., Albert, A., Defraigne, J.-O., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (December 2021). Oxidative Stress Status in COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit for Severe Pneumonia. A Pilot Study. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 177, 119-S120. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2021.08.192
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Marquet, M., FADEUR, M., LUCANIA, S., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (November 2021). Mesure de la dépense énergétique de repos par calorimétrie indirecte après séjour prolongé en soins intensifs [Poster presentation]. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Lille, France.

Wilkin, C., Colonval, M., Dehairs, J., Esser, N., Iovino, M., Gianfrancesco, M. A., FADEUR, M., Swinnen, J. V., PAQUOT, N., Piette, J., & Legrand, S. (2021). New insights on the PBMCs phospholipidome in obesity demonstrate modulations associated with insulin resistance and glycemic status. Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu13103461
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Wilkin, C., Colonval, M., Dehairs, J., Esser, N., Iovino, M., Gianfrancesco, M., FADEUR, M., Swinnen, J. V., PAQUOT, N., Piette, J., & Legrand, S. (01 September 2021). Modulation of the phospholipidome in circulating immune cells of obese patients are associated to insulin resistance or glycemic status [Poster presentation]. 6th European Congress of Immunology.

JORIS, M., MINGUET, P., COLSON, C., JORIS, J., FADEUR, M., MINGUET, G., GUIOT, J., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (July 2021). Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Critically Ill Coronavirus Disease 2019 Survivors: Evidence of a Sustained Exercise Intolerance and Hypermetabolism. Critical Care Explorations, 3 (7), 0491. doi:10.1097/CCE.0000000000000491
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Lengele, L., Bruyère, O., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., MARTIN, F., HANS, N., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (June 2021). Should We Worry About Nutrition Of Adults With Minor Burns? An Audit Of Their Intakes. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 34 (2), 163-169.
Peer reviewed

PINCEMAIL, J., CAVALIER, E., CHARLIER, C., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., BREVERS, E., COURTOIS, A., FADEUR, M., Meziane, S., LE GOFF, C., Misset, B., Albert, A., DEFRAIGNE, J., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (07 February 2021). Oxidative Stress Status in COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit for Severe Pneumonia. A Pilot Study. Antioxidants, 10 (257). doi:10.3390/antiox10020257
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ROUGIER, L., PREISER, J.-C., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Paquot, N., LEDOUX, D., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2021). Nutrition During Critical Care: An Audit on Actual Energy and Protein Intakes. JPEN Journal of Parenteral and Eternal Nutrition. doi:10.1002/jpen.1962
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Niemi, M., Gazon, H., JUSZCZAK, D., FADEUR, M., CAMBY, S., MEURIS, C., THYS, M., JACQUES, J., HENKET, M., BEGUIN, Y., Rahmouni, S., Lebrun, M., MOUTSCHEN, M., Misset, B., DARCIS, G., GUIOT, J., AZARZAR, S., DELLOT, P., GOFFLOT, S., ... HUYNEN, P. (Other coll.). (2021). Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 600, 472-477. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03767-x
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Debray, F.-G., Seyssel, K., FADEUR, M., Tappy, L., Paquot, N., & Tran, C. (2021). Effect of a high fructose diet on metabolic parameters in carriers for hereditary fructose intolerance. Clinical Nutrition, 40 (6), 4246-4254. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2021.01.026
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FADEUR, M., PREISER, J.-C., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Misset, B., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (2020). Oral Nutrition during and after Critical Illness: SPICES for Quality of Care! Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu12113509
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ROUSSEAU, A.-F., Lengele, L., FADEUR, M., MARTIN, F., HANS, N., Bruyère, O., & Misset, B. (2020). Quantification of nutritional intakes in burn outpatients. Journal of Burn Care and Research, 41 (Suppl 1), 153.
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ROUSSEAU, A.-F., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., FADEUR, M., STRUVAY, A., & LEFORT, H. (December 2019). Aspects nutritionnels de la prise en charge du patient brûlé grave. Revue de l'Infirmière, 68 (256), 28-29. doi:10.1016/j.revinf.2019.10.008

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., LEDOUX, D., PAQUOT, N., Misset, B., & Preiser, J.-C. (November 2019). Nutrition orale aux soins intensifs : influence des apports sur le devenir des patients [Paper presentation]. Evènement de nutrition clinique, Waterloo, Belgium.

BERTRAND, T., FADEUR, M., Misset, B., LEDOUX, D., PREISER, J.-C., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (September 2019). La nutrition orale aux soins intensifs est-elle satisfaisante ? [Poster presentation]. SFAR le congrès, Paris, France.

MATHY, X., ROUGIER, L., FADEUR, M., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., PAQUOT, N., Preiser, J.-C., & ROUSSEAU, A.-F. (March 2019). The condition of orally fed patients in ICU: an observational study. Critical Care, 23 (Suppl 2), 267.
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Buckinx, F., Paquot, N., FADEUR, M., BACUS, L., Reginster, J.-Y., Allepaerts, S., Petermans, J., Biquet, S., & Bruyère, O. (2019). Assessment of the energy expenditure of Belgian nursing home residents using indirect calorimetry. Nutrition, 57, 12-16. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2018.05.010
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FADEUR, M., Ippoliti, C., MALHERBE, C., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., Gosseries, O., DE FLINES, J., Thibaut, A., LAUREYS, S., & PAQUOT, N. (28 November 2018). La spasticité est-elle un facteur de prédictif de l'état nutritionnel des patients en état de conscience altérée ? [Poster presentation]. Journées Francophones de Nutrition JFN.

Buckinx, F., PAQUOT, N., FADEUR, M., Bacus, L., Reginster, J.-Y., ALLEPAERTS, S., PETERMANS, J., Biquet, S., & Bruyère, O. (10 November 2016). Assessment of energy expenditure of nursing home residents with indirect calorimetry [Paper presentation]. International Nursing Home Research Conference - International Working Group, Barcelone, Spain.

FADEUR, M., MALHERBE, C., LEDOUX, D., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., & PAQUOT, N. (2016). Comparaison entre les dépenses énergétiques mesurées par Deltatrac II ® et celles mesurées par l’E-COVX ® chez des patients agressés : étude prospective observationnelle. Nutrition Clinique et Metabolisme, 30, 297-302. doi:10.1016/j.nupar.2016.07.008
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Fadeur, M., MALHERBE, C., VERBRUGGE, A.-M., LEDOUX, D., & PAQUOT, N. (2014). Comparaison entre la dépense énergétique mesurée par calorimétrie indirecte et celle calculée selon les formules usuelles chez les patients agressés de poids extrême. Nutrition Clinique et Metabolisme, 28 (Suppl.1), 1-S254.
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