
Scuflaire Richard

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Dupret, Marc-Antoine  (45)
Grötsch-Noels, Arlette  (45)
Aerts, C. (28)
Thoul, Anne  (24)
Briquet, Maryline  (19)
Main Referenced Keywords
stars: oscillations (20); stars: interiors (11); stars: variables: general (10); convection (6); stars: early-type (5);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
STAR - Space sciences, Technologies and Astrophysics Research - ULiège [BE] (10)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics (86)
Earth sciences & physical geography (1)

Publications (total 87)

The most downloaded
Aerts, C., Thoul, A., Daszynska, J., Scuflaire, R., Waelkens, C., Dupret, M.-A., Niemczura, E., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 June 2003). Asteroseismology of HD 129929: Core Overshooting and Nonrigid Rotation. Science, 300, 1926-1928. doi:10.1126/science.1084993

The most cited

235 citations (OpenAlex)

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 June 2005). Convection-pulsation coupling. II. Excitation and stabilization mechanisms in delta Sct and gamma Dor stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 435, 927-939. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20041817

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (12 October 2021). Asteroseismic probing of low mass solar-like stars throughout their evolution with new techniques [Paper presentation]. PLATO Mission Conference. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5596255

Jørgensen, A. C. S., Montalbán, J., Angelou, G. C., Miglio, A., Weiss, A., Scuflaire, R., Grötsch-Noels, A., Mosumgaard, J. R., & Aguirre, V. S. (2021). On the impact of the structural surface effect on global stellar properties and asteroseismic analyses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500 (4), 4277 - 4295. doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3476
Editorial reviewed

Montalbán, J., Mackereth, J. T., Miglio, A., Vincenzo, F., Chiappini, C., Buldgen, G., Mosser, B., Grötsch-Noels, A., Scuflaire, R., Vrard, M., Willett, E., Davies, G. R., Hall, O. J., Bo Nielsen, M., Khan, S., Rendle, B. M., van Rossem, W. E., Ferguson, J. W., & Chaplin, W. J. (2021). Chronologically dating the early assembly of the Milky Way. Nature Astronomy, 5 (7), 640 - 647. doi:10.1038/s41550-021-01347-7
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Farnir, M., Pinçon, C., Dupret, M.-A., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (2021). Asteroseismology of evolved stars with EGGMiMoSA I. Theoretical mixed-mode patterns from the subgiant to the RGB phase. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141317
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Salmon, S., Buldgen, G., Noels-Grötsch, A., Eggenberger, P., Scuflaire, R., & Meynet, G. (2021). Standard solar models: Perspectives from updated solar neutrino fluxes and gravity-mode period spacing. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140769
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Buldgen, G., Eggenberger, P., Baturin, V. A., Corbard, T., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Oreshina, A. V., & Scuflaire, R. (01 October 2020). Seismic solar models from Ledoux discriminant inversions. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642, 36. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202037980
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Jorgensen, A. C. S., Montalban, J., Miglio, A., Rendle, B. M., Davies, G. R., Buldgen, G., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Gaulme, P., & Garcia, R. A. (May 2020). Investigating surface correction relations for RGB stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495 (4), 4965-4980. doi:10.1093/MNRAS/STAA1480
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Silva Fernandes, C., Van Grootel, V., Salmon, S., Aringer, B., Burgasser, A. J., Scuflaire, R., Brassard, P., & Fontaine, G. (10 July 2019). Evolutionary models for ultracool dwarfs. Astrophysical Journal, 879 (2). doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab2333
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Silva Fernandes, C., Van Grootel, V., Salmon, S., Aringer, B., Burgasser, A., Scuflaire, R., Brassard, P., & Fontaine, G. (June 2019). Evolutionary models for ultracool dwarfs : implications for the Trappist-1 star [Paper presentation]. Trappsit-1 conference, Liège, Belgium.

Rendle, B. M., Buldgen, G., Miglio, A., Reese, D., Noels-Grötsch, A., Davies, G. R., Campante, T. L., Chaplin, W. J., Lund, M. N., Kuszlewics, J. S., Scott, L. L., Scuflaire, R., Ball, W. H., Smetana, J., & Nsamba, B. (March 2019). AIMS - A new tool for stellar parameter determinations using asteroseismic constraints. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484 (1), 771-786. doi:10.1093/mnras/stz031
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Buldgen, G., Rendle, B., Sonoi, T., Davies, G. R., Miglio, A., Salmon, S., Reese, D. R., Bossini, D., Eggenberger, P., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (11 January 2019). Mean density inversions for red giants and red clump stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482 (2), 2305-2319. doi:10.1093/mnras/sty2346
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Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Montalban, J., Baturin, V. A., Eggenberger, P., Gryaznov, V. K., Iosilevskiy, I. L., Meynet, G., Chaplin, W. J., Miglio, A., Oreshina, A. V., Richard, O., & Starostin, A. N. (01 January 2019). Combining multiple structural inversions to constrain the solar modelling problem. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 621, 33. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201833971
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Van Grootel, V., Silva Fernandes, C., Gillon, M., Jehin, E., Manfroid, J., Scuflaire, R., Burgasser, A. J., Burdanov, A., Delrez, L., Demory, B.-O., de Wit, J., Queloz, D., & Triaud, A. H. M. J. (January 2018). Stellar parameters for TRAPPIST-1. Astrophysical Journal, 853, 30. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aaa023
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Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., Reese, D. R., Colgan, J., Fontes, C. J., Eggenberger, P., Hakel, P., Kilcrease, D. P., & Richard, O. (November 2017). Inversions of the Ledoux discriminant: a closer look at the tachocline. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 472 (1), 70-L74. doi:10.1093/mnrasl/slx139
Peer reviewed

Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. R. (November 2017). Determining the metallicity of the solar envelope using seismic inversion techniques. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472 (1), 751-764. doi:10.1093/mnras/stx2057
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Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Reese, D. R., Dupret, M.-A., Colgan, J., Fontes, C. J., Eggenberger, P., Hakel, P., Kilcrease, D. P., & Turck-Chièze, S. (01 November 2017). Seismic inversion of the solar entropy. A case for improving the standard solar model. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 607, 58. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201731354
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Van Grootel, V., Gillon, M., Valencia, D., Madhusudhan, N., Dragomir, D., Howe, A. R., Burrows, A. S., Demory, B.-O., Deming, D., Ehrenreich, D., Lovis, C., Mayor, M., Pepe, F., Queloz, D., Scuflaire, R., Seager, S., Segransan, D., & Udry, S. (May 2014). Transit confirmation and improved stellar and planet parameters for the super-Earth HD 97658 b and its host star. Astrophysical Journal, 786, 2. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/786/1/2
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Van Grootel, V., Gillon, M., Valencia, D., Madhusudhan, N., Dragomir, D., Howe, A., Burrows, A., Demory, B.-O., Deming, D., Ehrenreich, D., Lovis, C., Mayor, M., Pepe, F., Queloz, D., Scuflaire, R., Seager, S., Segransan, D., & Udry, S. (December 2013). HD 97658 and its super-Earth: Spitzer transit analysis and seismic modeling of the host star [Paper presentation]. International Francqui Symposium: What Asteroseismology has to Offer to Astrophysics, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Montalbán, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., & Ventura, P. (01 April 2013). Testing Convective-core Overshooting Using Period Spacings of Dipole Modes in Red Giants. Astrophysical Journal, 766, 118. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/766/2/118
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Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Sousa, S. G., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Garrido, R., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (2013). Towards Precise Asteroseismology of Solar-Like Stars. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series, 31, 209. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29630-7_39

Oshagh, M., Grigahcène, A., Benomar, O., Dupret, M.-A., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Scuflaire, R., Santos, N. C., Garrido, R., Balona, L. A., & Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. (2013). Successful Asteroseismology for a Better Characterization of the Exoplanet HAT-P-7b. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 31, 227. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29630-7_42

Godart, M., Noels, A., & Scuflaire, R. (2013). On the evidence of extra mixing in models of 8 M ⊙ computed with the new solar abundances. EPJ Web of Conferences, 43, 01008. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20134301008

Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Sousa, S. G., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Garrido, R., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (01 May 2012). Towards an effective asteroseismology of solar-like stars: time-dependent convection effects on pulsation frequencies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422, 43. doi:10.1111/j.1745-3933.2012.01233.x
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Ventura, P., & D'Antona, F. (2012). Adiabatic Solar-Like Oscillations in Red Giant Stars. In Red Giants as Probes of the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way (pp. 23). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18418-5_3

Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., & Ventura, P. (01 December 2010). Inference from adiabatic analysis of solar-like oscillations in red giants. Astronomische Nachrichten, 331, 1010. doi:10.1002/asna.201011447
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., & Ventura, P. (01 October 2010). Seismic Diagnostics of Red Giants: First Comparison with Stellar Models. Astrophysical Journal. Letters, 721, 182-L188. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/721/2/L182
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Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Carrier, F., De Ridder, J., Mosser, B., Eggenberger, P., Scuflaire, R., Ventura, P., D'Antona, F., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Baglin, A. (01 September 2010). Evidence for a sharp structure variation inside a red-giant star. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 520, 6. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201015442
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Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Goupil, M.-J., Lefèvre, L., Baudin, F., Deheuvels, S., Dupret, M.-A., Appourchaux, T., Scuflaire, R., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Michel, E., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Thoul, A., Talon, S. L. S., Baglin, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (19 June 2009). Solar-Like Oscillations in a Massive Star. Science, 324, 1540-1542. doi:10.1126/science.1171913
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Hu, H., Dupret, M.-A., Aerts, C., Nelemans, G., Kawaler, S. D., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Scuflaire, R. (01 October 2008). A seismic approach to testing different formation channels of subdwarf B stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 490, 243-252. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200810233
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (01 August 2008). Grids of stellar models and frequencies with CLÉS + LOSC. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 179-185. doi:10.1007/s10509-007-9718-y
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Scuflaire, R., Théado, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Bourge, P.-O., Godart, M., Thoul, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 August 2008). CLÉS, Code Liégeois d'Évolution Stellaire. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 83-91. doi:10.1007/s10509-007-9650-1
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Lebreton, Y., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Montalban Iglesias, J., Moya, A., Baglin, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Goupil, M.-J., Michel, E., Provost, J., Roxburgh, I. W., & Scuflaire, R. (01 August 2008). The CoRoT evolution and seismic tools activity. Goals and tasks. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 1-12. doi:10.1007/s10509-008-9771-1
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Moya, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Charpinet, S., Lebreton, Y., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Provost, J., Roxburgh, I. W., Scuflaire, R., Suárez, J. C., & Suran, M. (01 August 2008). Inter-comparison of the g-, f- and p-modes calculated using different oscillation codes for a given stellar model. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 231-249. doi:10.1007/s10509-007-9717-z
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Montalban Iglesias, J., Lebreton, Y., Miglio, A., Scuflaire, R., Morel, P., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2008). Thorough analysis of input physics in CESAM and CLÉS codes. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316 (1-4), 219-229. doi:10.1007/s10509-008-9803-x
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Scuflaire, R., Montalban Iglesias, J., Théado, S., Bourge, P.-O., Miglio, A., Godart, M., Thoul, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2008). The Liège Oscillation code. Astrophysics and Space Science, 316, 149-154. doi:10.1007/s10509-007-9577-6
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De Cat, P., Briquet, M., Aerts, C., Goossens, K., Saesen, S., Cuypers, J., Yakut, K., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., Uytterhoeven, K., van Winckel, H., Raskin, G., Davignon, G., Le Guillou, L., van Malderen, R., Reyniers, M., Acke, B., De Meester, W., Vanautgaerden, J., ... Decin, L. (01 February 2007). Long term photometric monitoring with the Mercator telescope. Frequencies and mode identification of variable O-B stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 463, 243-249. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20066202
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Briquet, M., Morel, T., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Dupret, M.-A., & Aerts, C. (2007). An asteroseismic study of the β cephei star θ ophiuchi : constraints on global stellar parameters and core overshooting. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381 (4), 1482-1488. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12142.x
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Michel, E., Baglin, A., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Aerts, C., Alecian, G., Amado, P., Appourchaux, T., Ausseloos, M., Ballot, J., Barban, C., Baudin, F., Berthomieu, G., Boumier, P., Bohm, T., Briquet, M., Charpinet, S., Cunha, M. S., De Cat, P., ... Zwintz, K. (2006). The Seismology Programme of CoRoT. In Proceedings of "The CoRoT Mission Pre-Launch Status - Stellar Seismology and Planet Finding (pp. 39).

Lenain, G., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 January 2006). The epsilon-mechanism in PMS and MS delta Scuti stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 93-96. doi:10.1553/cia147s93
Peer reviewed

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (2006). Application of time-dependent convection models to the photometric mode identification in delta Scuti stars. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 119.

De Cat, P., Briquet, M., Aerts, C., Goossens, K., Saesen, S., Cuypers, J., Yakut, K., Scuflaire, R., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 January 2006). Analysis of MERCATOR data - Part I: variable B stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 48-51. doi:10.1553/cia147s48
Peer reviewed

Bourge, P.-O., Alecian, G., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., & Theado, S. (01 January 2006). Radiative forces and pulsation in beta Cephei stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 105-108. doi:10.1553/cia147s105
Peer reviewed

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (2006). Application of time-dependent convection models to the photometric mode identification in gamma Doradus stars. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 121.

Godart, M., Scuflaire, R., Thoul, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 January 2006). Polytropes as simple models of beta Cephei stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 117-120. doi:10.1553/cia147s117
Peer reviewed

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Moya, A., Suárez, J.-C., Scuflaire, R., Gabriel, M., & Goupil, M.-J. (2006). Theoretical Aspects of g-mode Pulsations in gamma Doradus Stars. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 366.

Grigahcene, A., Dupret, M.-A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 January 2006). Instability strip for pre-main-sequence stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 69-71. doi:10.1553/cia147s69
Peer reviewed

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (01 August 2005). Time-dependent convection seismic study of delta Sct stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 361, 476-486. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09187.x
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Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (01 July 2005). Time-dependent convection seismic study of five gamma Doradus stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 360, 1143-1152. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09114.x
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Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 June 2005). Convection-pulsation coupling. II. Excitation and stabilization mechanisms in delta Sct and gamma Dor stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 435, 927-939. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20041817
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Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Gabriel, M., Garrido, R., & Scuflaire, R. (01 May 2005). Convection-pulsation coupling. I. A mixing-length perturbative theory. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 434, 1055-1062. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20041816
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De Cat, P., Briquet, M., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Aerts, C. (01 March 2005). A study of bright southern slowly pulsating B stars. III. Mode identification for singly-periodic targets in spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 432, 1013-1024. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20042103
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Ausseloos, M., Scuflaire, R., Thoul, A., & Aerts, C. (01 December 2004). Asteroseismology of the β Cephei star ν Eridani: massive exploration of standard and non-standard stellar models to fit the oscillation data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 355, 352-358. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.08320.x
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Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Ausseloos, M., Aerts, C., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 June 2004). Asteroseismology of the Beta Cephei star HD 129929. Effects of a change in the metal mixture. Communications in Asteroseismology, 144, 35-40.
Peer reviewed

Grigahcene, A., Dupret, M.-A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 June 2004). Influence of the convective flux perturbation on stellar oscillations: application to Delta Scuti and Gamma Doradus stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 145, 10-12. doi:10.1553/cia145s9
Peer reviewed

De Cat, P., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Briquet, M., Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., De Ridder, J., Niemczura, E., & Aerts, C. (2004). g-mode pulsations in slowly pulsating B stars. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group (pp. 195).

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Montalban Iglesias, J., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (2004). Non-adiabatic seismic study of the thin convective envelope of delta Scuti stars. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group (pp. 470).

Aerts, C., Cuypers, J., De Cat, P., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Eyer, L., Scuflaire, R., & Waelkens, C. (01 March 2004). Long-term multicolour photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the two gamma Doradus stars HD 12901 and HD 48501. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 1079-1088. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20034628
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Aerts, C., Waelkens, C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Dupret, M.-A., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Uytterhoeven, K., Niemczura, E., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 February 2004). Asteroseismology of the beta Cep star HD 129929. I. Observations, oscillation frequencies and stellar parameters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 241-249. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20034142
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Dupret, M.-A., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Aerts, C., Bourge, P.-O., Waelkens, C., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 February 2004). Asteroseismology of the beta Cep star HD 129929. II. Seismic constraints on core overshooting, internal rotation and stellar parameters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 251-257. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20034143
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Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 January 2004). Theoretical instability strips for delta Scuti and gamma Doradus stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 414, 17-L20. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20031740
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Aerts, C., Scuflaire, R., & Thoul, A. (2004). Derivation of the rotational frequency of massive stars from seismic studies. In Stellar Rotation. 215 (pp. 199-204). San Francisco, United States - California: Astronomical Soc Pacific.

Briquet, M., Aerts, C., Lüftinger, T., De Cat, P., Piskunov, N. E., & Scuflaire, R. (01 January 2004). He and Si surface inhomogeneities of four Bp variable stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 413, 273-283. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20031450
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Aerts, C., Waelkens, C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Dupret, M.-A., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Uytterhoeven, K., Niemczura, E., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 November 2003). Geneva photometry of HD 129929 (Aerts+, 2004). SIMBAD, 341, 50241.

Thoul, A., Aerts, C., Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., Korotin, S. A., Egorova, I. A., Andrievsky, S. M., Lehmann, H., Briquet, M., De Ridder, J., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2003). Seismic modelling of the beta Cep star EN (16) Lacertae. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 406 (1), 287-292. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20030757
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Thoul, A., Ausseloos, M., Barban, C., Briquet, M., Bourge, P.-O., Cuypers, J., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., De Cat, P., De Ridder, J., Dupret, M.-A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Uytterhoeven, K., & Aerts, C. (01 July 2003). A Hare and Hound in a BAG: Asteroseismology of Beta Cephei stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 143, 25-28.
Peer reviewed

Aerts, C., Thoul, A., Daszynska, J., Scuflaire, R., Waelkens, C., Dupret, M.-A., Niemczura, E., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 June 2003). Asteroseismology of HD 129929: Core Overshooting and Nonrigid Rotation. Science, 300, 1926-1928. doi:10.1126/science.1084993
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Briquet, M., Aerts, C., Mathias, P., Scuflaire, R., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 April 2003). Spectroscopic mode identification for the slowly pulsating B star HD 147394. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 401, 281-288. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20030086
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Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Vatovez, B., Briquet, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Montalban Iglesias, J. (01 April 2003). A new seismic analysis of Alpha Centauri. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 402 (1), 293-297. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20030244
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Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., De Cat, P., Aerts, C., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Thoul, A. (01 February 2003). A photometric mode identification method, including an improved non-adiabatic treatment of the atmosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 398, 677-685. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20021679
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Aerts, C., Lehmann, H., Briquet, M., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., & Thoul, A. (01 February 2003). Spectroscopic mode identification for the beta Cephei star EN (16) Lacertae. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 399, 639-645. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20021750
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Aerts, C., Cuypers, J., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Eyer, L. (2003). Photometric Mode Identification in the Two Doradus Stars HD 12901 and HD 48501. In Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram (pp. 461-464).

Aerts, C., Lehmann, H., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., Briquet, M., De Ridder, J., & Thoul, A. (2003). Mode Identification and Seismic Modelling of the Cep Star EN(16)Lac. In Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram (pp. 493-496).

Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Vatovez, B., Noels-Grötsch, A., Magain, P., Briquet, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (2003). p-mode Oscillations of alpha Cen A. Astrophysics and Space Science, 284, 241-244. doi:10.1023/A:1023251921526
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Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Magain, P., Parmentier, G., & Thoul, A. (2003). Variable Blue Stragglers and the EASE Scenario. In M. J. Thompson, M. S. Cunha, ... M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro (Eds.), Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram (pp. 437-440). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Thoul, A., Garrido, R., Moya, A., De Ridder, J., De Cat, P., & Aerts, C. (2003). An Improved Method of Photometric Mode Identification: Applications to Slowly Pulsating B, beta Cephei, delta Scuti and gamma Doradus Stars. Astrophysics and Space Science, 284, 129-132. doi:10.1023/A:1023262813348
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Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Briquet, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (04 December 2002). The star of H&H2: comparing stellar evolution codes [Poster presentation]. CoRoT Seismology Working Group.

Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Neuforge, C., Aerts, C., & Scuflaire, R. (01 April 2002). Influence of non-adiabatic temperature variations on line profile variations of slowly rotating beta Cep stars and SPBs. I. Non-adiabatic eigenfunctions in the atmosphere of a pulsating star. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 385, 563-571. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20020193
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Briquet, M., Scuflaire, R., Aerts, C., & De Cat, P. (2002). Detailed Line-Profile Modeling of B Stars with Chemical Inhomogeneities. In Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probes of Stellar Physics, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 259. Edited by Conny Aerts, Timothy R. Bedding, and Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard. Also IAU Colloquium 185. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002., p.266 (pp. 266).

Briquet, M., De Cat, P., Aerts, C., & Scuflaire, R. (01 December 2001). The B-type variable HD 131120 modelled by rotational modulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 380, 177-185. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20011340
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Briquet, M., Scuflaire, R., Aerts, C., & De Cat, P. (2001). Detailed Line-Profile Modeling of B Stars with Chemical Inhomogeneities. In Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probes of Stellar Physics.

Neuforge, C., Briquet, M., & Scuflaire, R. (25 September 2000). Effects of moderate rotation on stellar pulsations, nonperturbative methods [Poster presentation]. CoRoT Seismology Working Group.

Neuforge, C., Pourbaix, D., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (1999). Upward Revision of the Individual Masses in Α Cen: Implications for the Evolutionary State of the System. In J. B. Hearnshaw & C. D. Scarfe (Eds.), Precise Stellar Radial Velocities: IAU Colloquium 170 : proceedings of a meeting held at Victoria, B.C., Canada, 21-26 June, 1998 (pp. 335-339). San Francisco, United States - California: Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

Vreux, J.-M., Manfroid, J., Scuflaire, R., & Magain, P. (01 June 1987). HD 151932 variability revisited [letter to the editor]. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 180, 17-L19.
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Gabriel, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (1984). Influence of opacities, partition functions and hydrogen diffusion on the 5 min solar oscillations. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 55 (1-2), 169-174.
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Boury, A., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Gabriel, M., & Dziembowski, W. A. (1980). Nonradial oscillations of solar models with an initial discontinuity in hydrogen abundance. In H. A. Hill & W. A. Dziembowski (Eds.), Nonradial and Nonlinear Stellar Pulsation: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the University of Arizona in Tucson, March 12 – 16, 1979 (pp. 342-350). Springer. doi:10.1007/3-540-09994-8_31
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Gabriel, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., & Boury, A. (1975). Stability of g+ Modes in a 30 M_solar Star. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 8, 273-286.
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Noels-Grötsch, A., Gabriel, M., Boury, A., Scuflaire, R., & Ledoux, P. (1975). Vibrational stability of G plus modes towards non-radial oscillations for solar models. Mémoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liège, 8, 317-323.
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