Schwartz Cédric

Dép. des Sciences de l'activité phys. et de la réadaptation > Technologies en sciences du mouvement


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Croisier, Jean-Louis  (153)
Forthomme, Bénédicte  (102)
Bruls, Olivier  (76)
Denoël, Vincent  (60)
Kaux, Jean-François  (42)
Main Referenced Keywords
3D (14); scapula (10); Tennis (10); Biomechanics (9); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (9);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratoire d'Analyse du Mouvement Humain (LAMH) - Université de Liège (20)
Laboratoire d'Analyse du Mouvement Humain (10)
Laboratoire d'Analyse du Mouvement Humain (LAMH) / Signal and Image Exploitation (INTELSIG) - University of Liège, Liège, Belgium (10)
MARU - Motion Analysis Research Unit - ULiège (9)
Laboratoire d'Analyse du Mouvement Humain (LAMH) (8)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Orthopedics, rehabilitation & sports medicine (67)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (56)
Electrical & electronics engineering (19)
Mechanical engineering (12)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (12)

Publications (total 211)

The most downloaded
Schwartz, C. (2015). Principes biomécaniques pour le sport (cours ADEPS).

The most cited

110 citations (OpenAlex)

Tooth, C., Gofflot, A., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & Forthomme, B. (2020). Risk Factors of Overuse Shoulder Injuries in Overhead Athletes: A Systematic Review. Sports Health, 12 (5), 478-87. doi:10.1177/1941738120931764

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Colman, D., Grosdent, S., Demoulin, C., Schwartz, C., Durieux, N., Pesesse, P., Beaudart, C., Cagnie, B., Dewalque Antoine, & Vanderthommen, M. (2025). Cervical extensor muscle activity during neck tasks in individuals with and without neck pain: a systematic review. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. doi:10.1016/
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Ferré, A., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., & Croisier, J.-L. (2024). A new field-test for assessing the medial and lateral hamstring strength at long-muscle length. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2024.11.013
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Gramage Medina, K., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Berwart, G., Barnerat, T., Croisier, J.-L., & Kaux, J.-F. (2024). Coaches’ perceptions on the <i>Spread</i>: A 1 vs 1 goalkeeper technique. International survey on 400 + goalkeeper coaches. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. doi:10.1177/17479541241289419
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Ferré, A., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Abran, G., Aguilaniu, A., & Croisier, J.-L. (2024). Fiche pratique du H-test. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2024.06.010
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., Stephen, B., & Forthomme, B. (2024). Upper limb functional testing: does age, gender and sports gesture influence performance? JSES International. doi:10.1016/j.jseint.2024.08.177
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Abran, G., Berraz, A., Dardenne, N., Gramage Medina, K., Bornheim, S., Delvaux, F., Croisier, J.-L., & Schwartz, C. (2024). A comparison of foot and ankle biomechanics during running drills and distance running. Sports Biomechanics, 1 - 16. doi:10.1080/14763141.2024.2382804
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Forthomme, B., Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., Croisier, J.-L., & Tooth, C. (01 July 2024). Gestuelle de lancer et des activités de la main au-dessus de la tête (activité overhead). EMC - Kinésithérapie - Médecine Physique - Réadaptation, 37 (4), 1-7.
Peer reviewed

Schwartz, C., Tooth, C., Gofflot, A., Martens, G., Croisier, J.-L., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., & Forthomme, B. (2024). Strength and activity of the protractor and retractor muscles of the asymptomatic dyskinetic scapula. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 102899. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2024.102899
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Pelzer, D., Beaudar, C., Bornheim, S., Maertens de Noordhout, B., Schwartz, C., & Kaux, J.-F. (29 March 2024). Outcomes of Patients with Lower Limb Loss after Using a Training Prosthesis: A Retrospective Case Series Study. Healthcare, 12, 576. doi:10.3390/healthcare12050567
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Ferré, A., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., & Croisier, J.-L. (24 March 2024). Posterior thigh muscles activity during the active H-test: An electromyographic and kinematic analysis. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 39, 525 - 530. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2024.03.037
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Aguilaniu, A., Schwartz, C., Abran, G., Baudoux, L., & Croisier, J.-L. (2024). Ankle strength assessed by one repetition maximum: A new approach to detect weaknesses in chronic ankle lateral instability. Foot and Ankle Surgery. doi:10.1016/j.fas.2024.02.005
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Cooper, S., Hanning, J., Hegarty, C., Generalis, C., Smith, A., Hall, T., Starbuck, C., Kaux, J.-F., Schwartz, C., & Buckley, C. (2024). Effects of a range of 6 prefabricated orthotic insole designs on plantar pressure in a healthy population: A randomized, open-label crossover investigation. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 48 (4), 474-480. doi:10.1097/PXR.0000000000000292
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Neveu, M., Schwartz, C., & Rousselle, L. (2024). Finger-counting to relieve working memory in children with developmental coordination disorder: Insights from behavioral and 3D motion analysis. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 243, 105909.
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Abran, G., Schwartz, C., Delvaux, F., Aguilaniu, A., Bornheim, S., & Croisier, J.-L. (October 2023). Foot and Ankle Muscle Isometric Strength in Nonrearfoot Compared With Rearfoot Endurance Runners. Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics, 8 (4), 24730114231205305. doi:10.1177/24730114231205305
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Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., Bornheim, S., & Forthomme, B. (30 September 2023). Prevention of shoulder injuries in volleyball players: The usefulness and efficiency of a warm-up routine. Physical Therapy in Sport, 64, 97 - 103. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2023.09.006
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Tubez, F., Tooth, C., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., & Schwartz, C. (September 2023). Complémentarité des techniques d’évaluation au service de la prévention et de la performance dans le tennis. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 40 (3), 150 - 154. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2023.06.004
Peer reviewed

Gofflot, A., Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Tubez, F., Mahieu, X., Kaux, J.-F., & Forthomme, B. (September 2023). Retour au sport après chirurgie d'épaule dans les sports de raquette. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 40 (3), 161-166. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2023.06.007
Peer reviewed

Martens, G., Gofflot, A., Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Bornheim, S., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., & Forthomme, B. (2023). Differences in strength and fatigue resistance of scapular protractors and retractors between symptomatic and asymptomatic dyskinesis. Journal of Athletic Training. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-0092.23
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Tooth, C., Gofflot, A., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., & Forthomme, B. (September 2023). Approche préventive des lésions d'épaule chez le joueur de tennis Preventive approach to shoulder injuries in tennis players. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 40 (3), 167-173. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2023.06.013
Peer reviewed

Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Rodriguez de la Cruz, C., Forthomme, B., Kaux, J.-F., & Croisier, J.-L. (May 2023). Preseason assessment of anaerobic performance in elite soccer players: comparison of isokinetic and functional tests. Sports Biomechanics, 22 (5), 689-703. doi:10.1080/14763141.2020.1750681
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Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Gofflot, A., Bornheim, S., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (2023). Preseason shoulder screening in volleyball players : is there any change during season ? JSES International. doi:10.1016/j.jseint.2023.03.022
Peer reviewed

Aguilaniu, A., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Martens, G., Forthomme, B., Kaux, J.-F., & Croisier, J.-L. (2023). Survey of physicians' and physiotherapists' ankle muscle strength assessment practices for safe return to sports after lateral ankle sprain: A short report. Physiotherapy Research International: the Journal for Researchers and Clinicians in Physical Therapy, 2008. doi:10.1002/pri.2008
Peer reviewed

Neveu, M., Schwartz, C., Vossius, L., & Rousselle, L. (2023). Contribution of finger gnosia and fine motor skills to early numerical and arithmetic abilities: New insights from 3D motion analyses. Developmental Psychology. doi:10.1037/dev0001660
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Tooth, C., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., Bornheim, S., & Schwartz, C. (2022). The Modified-Athletic Shoulder Test: Reliability and validity of a new on-field assessment tool. Physical Therapy in Sport. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2022.08.003
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Abran, G., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Martens, G., Hody, S., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., BORNHEIM, S., & CROISIER, J.-L. (2022). Current perception and practice of athletics coaches about the modification of footstrike pattern in endurance runners: A survey. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 174795412211080. doi:10.1177/17479541221108089
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Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Cools, A., CROISIER, J.-L., Gofflot, A., BORNHEIM, S., & FORTHOMME, B. (2022). Upper limb functional testing in athletes: a Delphi Study. Shoulder & Elbow. doi:10.1177/17585732221101880
Peer reviewed

Aguilaniu, A., Croisier, J.-L., Schwartz, C., Dardenne, N., D'Hooghe, P., Martens, G., Collin, R., & Kaux, J.-F. (April 2022). Current practice for safe return-to-play after lateral ankle sprain: A survey among French-speaking physicians. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 28 (3), 307-312. doi:10.1016/j.fas.2021.03.023
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Tooth, C., CROISIER, J.-L., Schwartz, C., Tubez, F., Gofflot, A., BORNHEIM, S., & Forthomme, B. (2022). The influence of growth and development on shoulder rotators strength in young male and female elite tennis players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.22.13422-5
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Paulus, J., Schwartz, C., FORTHOMME, B., Kaux, J.-F., CROISIER, J.-L., Pauls, J. (Other coll.), Radizzi, L. (Other coll.), Krecke, L. (Other coll.), Bury, T. (Other coll.), Le Goff, C. (Other coll.), & Laly, A. (Other coll.). (September 2021). Knee strength measurement: Can we switch between isokinetic dynamometers? Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 29 (3), 247-268. doi:10.3233/IES-193193
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Tooth, C., Forthomme, B., Tubez, F., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., Bornheim, S., & Schwartz, C. (July 2021). Upper limb field tests and tennis serve performance: which tests to choose? Medicine and Science in Tennis, 27 (1).
Peer reviewed

Paulus, J., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., Tubez, F., Meyer, D., & Schwartz, C. (June 2021). Development of a new fatigability jumping protocol : Effect of the test duration on reproducibility and performance. Science & Sports, 36 (3), 95-e102. doi:10.1016/j.scispo.2020.06.005
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Letiexhe, A., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Bury, T., & Kaux, J.-F. (March 2021). Gardiens de but en football : caractéristiques et pathologies spécifiques. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 38 (1), 28-36. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2020.12.002
Peer reviewed

Tubez, F., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Paulus, J., & Forthomme, B. (2021). Evolution of the trophy position along the tennis serve player’s development. Sports Biomechanics. doi:10.1080/14763141.2018.1560493
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Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Fransolet, C., Tubez, F., Colman, D., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (2020). Influence of scapular dyskinesis, kinesiotaping and fatigue on tennis serve performance. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. doi:10.1080/24748668.2020.1761672
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Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Colman, D., Croisier, J.-L., Bornheim, S., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (April 2020). Kinesiotaping for scapular dyskinesis: The influence on scapular kinematics and on the activity of scapular stabilizing muscles. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 51. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2020.102400
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Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bornheim, S., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (2020). Activation Profile of Scapular Stabilizing Muscles in Asymptomatic People. Does Scapular Dyskinesis Have an Impact on Its? American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. doi:10.1097/PHM.0000000000001446
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Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Decréquy, T., Devalckeneer, T., Paulus, J., Bornheim, S., Kaux, J.-F., & Croisier, J.-L. (April 2020). Influence of a field hamstring eccentric training on muscle strength and flexibility. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 41 (4), 233-241. doi:10.1055/a-1073-7809
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Van Hulle, R., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., & Bruls, O. (February 2020). A foot/ground contact model for biomechanical inverse dynamics analysis. Journal of Biomechanics, 100. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109412
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Tooth, C., Gofflot, A., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Beaudart, C., Bruyère, O., & Forthomme, B. (2020). Risk Factors of Overuse Shoulder Injuries in Overhead Athletes: A Systematic Review. Sports Health, 12 (5), 478-87. doi:10.1177/1941738120931764
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Schwartz, C., WANG, F.-C., Forthomme, B., Denoël, V., & Croisier, J.-L. (2020). Normalizing gastrocnemius muscle EMG signal: an optimal set of maximum voluntary isometric contraction tests for young adults considering reproducibility. Gait and Posture, 82 (October), 196-202. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.08.129
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Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (2020). Tight shoulders: a clinical, kinematic and strength comparison of symptomatic and asymptomatic male overhead athletes before and after stretching. European Journal of Sport Science. doi:10.1080/17461391.2020.1785015
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GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., Bruls, O., Croisier, J.-L., SALMON, E., Reginster, J.-Y., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (2019). Gait symmetry in the dual task condition as a predictor of future falls among independent older adults: a 2-year longitudinal study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 31 (8), 1057-1067. doi:10.1007/s40520-019-01210-w
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Gillain, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Bruls, O., Bruyère, O., Croisier, J.-L., Salmon, E., Reginster, J.-Y., Garraux, G., & Petermans, J. (2019). Using supervised learning machine algorithm to identify future fallers based on gait patterns: A two-year longitudinal study. Experimental Gerontology, 127 (first online). doi:10.1016/j.exger.2019.110730
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Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Paulus, J., & Schwartz, C. (2019). Inter-Session Reliability of the Tennis Serve and Influence of the Laboratory Context. Journal of Human Kinetics, 66 (1), 57-67. doi:10.2478/hukin-2018-0064
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Forthomme, B., Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., Delvaux, F., & Croisier, J.-L. (October 2018). Dyskinésie scapulaire chez le sportif : faut-il la contrer ? Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 35, 158-162. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2018.07.001
Peer reviewed

Martens, G., Deflandre, D., Schwartz, C., Dardenne, N., & Bury, T. (October 2018). Reproducibility of the Evolution of Stride Biomechanics During Exhaustive Runs. Journal of Human Kinetics, 64 (1). doi:10.1515/hukin-2017-0184
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Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., Forthomme, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (October 2018). Prévention en sport : quels outils ? Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 35 (3), 176-181. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2018.07.009
Peer reviewed

Tubez, F., Schwartz, C., Paulus, J., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (2018). Which tool for a tennis serve evaluation? A review. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. doi:10.1080/24748668.2017.1419407
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Dewalque, F., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., FORTHOMME, B., & Bruls, O. (2018). Experimental and numerical investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of compliant mechanisms for deployable structures. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 101, 1-25. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2017.08.006
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Van Hulle, R., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., & Bruls, O. (2018). P054 - Evaluation of ground reaction forces by inverse dynamics analysis. Gait and Posture, 65, 72-73. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2018.06.207
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Marquet, M., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., Croisier, J.-L., & Adam, S. (2018). Does negative information about aging influence older adults’ physical performance and subjective age? Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 78, 181-189. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2018.06.013
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Fettweis, T., Onkelinx, M.-N., Schwartz, C., Demoulin, C., Croisier, J.-L., & Vanderthommen, M. (2018). Influence of a dynamic seating habit on lumbar control motor in schoolchildren. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. doi:10.3233/BMR-169763
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Schwartz, C., Tubez, F., WANG, F.-C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (December 2017). Normalizing shoulder EMG: an optimal set of maximum isometric voluntary contraction tests considering reproducibility. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 37, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2017.08.005
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Schwartz, C., Forthomme, B., Paulus, J., Kaux, J.-F., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Croisier, J.-L. (September 2017). Reliability of unipodal and bipodal counter movement jump landings in a recreational male population. European Journal of Sport Science, 17 (9), 1143-1152. doi:10.1080/17461391.2017.1353134
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Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Schwartz, C. (March 2017). Factors to be considered to perform a kinematic evaluation of the tennis serve. Medicine and Science in Tennis, 22, 12-16.
Peer reviewed

GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Dardenne, N., Schwartz, C., Demonceau, M., Gerontitis, C., DEPIERREUX, F., Salmon, E., GARRAUX, G., Bruyère, O., Bruls, O., Croisier, J.-L., & PETERMANS, J. (2017). Data set of healthy old people assessed for three walking conditions using accelerometric and opto-electronic methods. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 29 (6), 1201-1209. doi:10.1007/s40520-017-0730-y
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Fettweis, T., Onkelinx, M.-N., Schwartz, C., Demoulin, C., Croisier, J.-L., & Vanderthommen, M. (2017). Relevance of adding a triangular dynamic cushion on a traditional chair: A 3D-analysis of seated schoolchildren. Clinical Biomechanics. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2017.09.002
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Comblain, F., Barthelemy, N., Lefebvre, M., Schwartz, C., Lesponne, I., Serisier, S., Feugier, A., Balligand, M., & Henrotin, Y. (2017). A randomized, double-blind, prospective, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy of a diet supplemented with curcuminoids extract, hydrolyzed collagen and green tea extract in owner's dogs with osteoarthritis. BMC Veterinary Research, 13, 395. doi:10.1186/s12917-017-1317-8
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Deflandre, D., Schwartz, C., Weertz, Croisier, J.-L., & Bury, T. (May 2016). A Comparison of 3D Methods for Identifying the Stance Phase in Treadmill Running for Both Rearfoot and Forefoot Runners. Journal of Sports Science, 4, 124-131. doi:10.17265/2332-7839/2016.03.002
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Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Rigaux, E., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., & Forthomme, B. (2016). Gender effect on the scapular 3D posture and kinematic in healthy subjects. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. doi:10.1111/cpf.12212
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Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Cordonnier, C., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Berwart, G., Joris, M., GROSDENT, S., & Schwartz, C. (01 July 2015). Biomechanical Analysis of Abdominal Injury in Tennis Serves. A Case Report. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 14, 402-412.
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Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Stamatakis, J., Denoël, V., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Macq, B., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Bruls, O. (2015). Development and validation of an accelerometer-based method for quantifying gait events. Medical Engineering and Physics. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2015.01.001
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Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., & Bruls, O. (2015). Merging multi-camera data to reduce motion analysis instrumental errors using Kalman filters. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 18 (9), 952-960. doi:10.1080/10255842.2013.864640
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Mutsvangwa, T., Burdin, V., Schwartz, C., & Roux, C. (2015). An automated statistical shape model developmental pipeline: application to the human scapula and humerus. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62 (4), 1098 - 1107. doi:10.1109/TBME.2014.2368362
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GILLAIN, S., Schwartz, C., Boutaayamou, M., Demonceau, M., CROISIER, J.-L., Bruls, O., GARRAUX, G., REGINSTER, J.-Y., & PETERMANS, J. (October 2014). Validation des paramètres de marche par un système accélérométrique (Locométrix*) à l'aide d'un système opto-électronique 3D (Coda Motion ). Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12 (supplément 3).
Peer reviewed

Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Rigaux, E., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., & Forthomme, B. (2014). Dominance effect on scapula 3-dimensional posture and kinematics in healthy male and female populations. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 23 (0), 873-881. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2013.08.020
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Schwartz, C., Leboeuf, F., Rémy-Néris, O., Brochard, S., Lempereur, M., & Burdin, V. (2013). Detection of incoherent joint state due to inaccurate bone motion estimation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 16, 165-174. doi:10.1080/10255842.2011.613379
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Schwartz, C., Leboeuf, F., Rémy-Néris, O., Brochard, S., Lempereur, M., & Burdin, V. (2013). Using merged kinematic and anatomical data to evaluate humeral motion estimation: a pilot study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Imaging and Visualization, 1, 43-47. doi:10.1080/21681163.2013.766070
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Sandholm, A., Schwartz, C., Pronost, N., de Zee, M., Voigt, M., & Thalmann, D. (2011). Evaluation of a geometry-based knee joint compared to a planar knee joint. Visual Computer, 27, 161-171. doi:10.1007/s00371-010-0538-7
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Jacq, J.-J., Schwartz, C., Burdin, V., Gerard, R., Lefevre, C., Roux, C., & Remy-Neris, O. (2010). Building and tracking root shapes. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57 (3), 696-707. doi:10.1109/TBME.2009.2022404
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Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Ashraf, H., Schwartz, C., Waris, A., Bruls, O., & Boutaayamou, M. (15 July 2024). Temporal Convolutional Network for Gait Event Detection [Paper presentation]. 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), orlando, United States - Florida. doi:10.1109/embc53108.2024.10782082

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Stamatakis, J., Denoël, V., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Macq, B., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Bruls, O. (07 November 2013). 3D analysis of gait using accelerometer measurements [Paper presentation]. 2013 BEMEKO workshop on measurement: Challenges and Opportunities, Liège, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Gramage Medina, K., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Berwart, G., Barnerat, T., Croisier, J.-L., & Kaux, J.-F. (29 February 2024). The Cross technique: coaches' perceptions & implications for injury prevention. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 58 (Suppl 2), 142-A143. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2024-IOC.256
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Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., & Gramage Medina, K. (2024). Comparison of the lower limb kinematics obtained using an optoelectronic system and a markerless system. Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal, 49.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Ashraf, H., Brüls, O., Schwartz, C., & Boutaayamou, M. (2023). Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Human Activity Recognition. In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Lisbon, Portugal: SciTePress. doi:10.5220/0011631500003414
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Gofflot, A., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (March 2023). L' Athletic Shoulder Test modifié : validation d'un nouvel outil à destination des thérapeutes. Kinesitherapie, La Revue, 23 (255).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Aguilaniu, A., Schwartz, C., Abran, G., Baudoux Laura, & Croisier, J.-L. (2023). A reliable field method to quantify ankle strength deficit in a population with chronic ankle instability. Foot and Ankle Surgery.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Kaux, J.-F., Gramage Medina, K., Letiexhe, A., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Forthomme, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (2023). Goalkeepers: main injuries. In F. Della Villa & D. Susta, Football medicine - The pursuit of Excellence (pp. 623-624). Torgiano, Italy: Calzetti Mariucci Editori.
Peer reviewed

Kaux, J.-F., Gramage Medina, K., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Forthomme, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (2023). Physical demands and characteristics of football goalkeepers. In F. Della Villa & D. Susta, Football Medicine - The pursuit of Excellence (pp. 605-606). Torgiano, Italy: Calzetti Mariucci Editori.
Peer reviewed

Aguilaniu, A., Croisier, J.-L., Schwartz, C., Dardenne, N., D'Hooghe, P., Zahraoui, Y., COLLIN, R., Kaux, J.-F., & Martens, G. (November 2021). Current practice for safe return-to-play after lateral ankle sprain: a survey among french speaking physicians. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55 (S1), 42. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-IOC.97
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., Bornheim, S., & Forthomme, B. (April 2021). Prévention des lésions d’épaule chez le joueur de volleyball de niveau amateur : intérêt et efficacité d’un programme intégré à l’échauffement. Kinesitherapie, La Revue, 232.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


Delvaux, F., Kaux, J.-F., Schwartz, C., Rodriguez de la Cruz, C., Forthomme, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (2019). PRESEASON ASSESSMENT OF ANAEROBIC PERFORMANCE IN ELITE SOCCER: ISOKINETIC VERSUS FUNCTIONAL TESTS. In XXVIII Isokinetic Medical Group Conference - Football Medicine meets the universe of sport (pp. 55).
Peer reviewed

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Joris, L., Forthomme, B., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Bruls, O. (2019). Adaptive method for detecting zero-velocity regions to quantify stride-to-stride spatial gait parameters using inertial sensors. In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019). doi:10.5220/0007576002290236
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Colman, D., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (February 2019). Dyskinésie scapulaire et kinésiotape : analyse électromyographique. Kinesitherapie, La Revue, 206.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Boutaayamou, M., GILLAIN, S., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Petermans, J., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Verly, J., Bruls, O., & Garraux, G. (2018). Validated assessment of gait sub-phase durations in older adults using an accelerometer-based ambulatory system. In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) (pp. 248-255). doi:10.5220/0006716202480255
Peer reviewed

Boutaayamou, M., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., Demonceau, M., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Schwartz, C., Verly, J., & Garraux, G. (2017). Algorithm for Temporal Gait Analysis Using Wireless Foot-Mounted Accelerometers. In Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54717-6_14
Peer reviewed

Forthomme, B., Schwartz, C., MAHIEU, X., Mertens, S., Prost, A., Tubez, F., Gillet, P., FERRARA, M.-A., Kaux, J.-F., & Croisier, J.-L. (2016). Caractéristiques et évolution de la force après rééducation de la rupture de coiffe des rotateurs. In Abstract Book des XVIIIèmes RENCONTRES ISOCINETIQUES MEDIMEX / ROTSCHILD.
Peer reviewed

GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., DEMONCEAU, M., Gerontitis, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (2016). Gait pattern of healthy old people for fast walking condition. Gerontechnology.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., DEMONCEAU, M., Gerontitis, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (2016). Gait pattern of healthy old people for dual task walking condition. Gerontechnology.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Comblain, F., Barthelemy, N., Lefebvre, M., Schwartz, C., Lesponne, I., Serisier, S., Feugier, A., Balligand, M., & Henrotin, Y. (April 2016). Randomized, Double-Blinded, Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of a Diet Supplemented with Curcuminoids Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen and Green Tea extract in Dogs Suffering from Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24 (Supp 1), 353.
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Paulus, J., DELVAUX, F., Schwartz, C., & Croisier, J.-L. (April 2016). Muscular and functional tridimensional analysis after hamstring strain. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 52 (2), 263.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Boutaayamou, M., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., Demonceau, M., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Schwartz, C., Verly, J., & Garraux, G. (2016). Extraction of temporal gait parameters using a reduced number of wearable accelerometers. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing. doi:10.5220/0005696900570066
Peer reviewed

Forthomme, B., Schwartz, C., MAHIEU, X., Mertens, S., Tubez, F., Gillet, P., FERRARA, M.-A., Kaux, J.-F., & Croisier, J.-L. (2015). Evaluation isocinétique et fonctionnelle de la rupture de coiffe des rotateurs non opérée. In Abstract book des XVIIèmes RENCONTRES ISOCINETIQUES DE MEDIMEX.
Peer reviewed

GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., GARRAUX, G., REGINSTER, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., DEMONCEAU, M., WOJTASIK, V., & Schwartz, C. (April 2015). Comparison of body composition, muscle force and physical performances between faller and non-faller people included in a cohort of 100 community dwelling volunteers : the Gaby Study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 106.
Peer reviewed

Boutaayamou, M., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Schwartz, C., Demonceau, M., Garraux, G., & Verly, J. (2015). Segmentation of gait cycles using foot-mounted 3D accelerometers. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on 3D Imaging 2015. doi:10.1109/IC3D.2015.7391836
Peer reviewed

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., FORTHOMME, B., Croisier, J.-L., Garraux, G., Verly, J., & Bruls, O. (2015). Development and validation of a 3D kinematic-based method for determining gait events during overground walking. In IEEE International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Peer reviewed

Boutaayamou, M., Demonceau, M., Schwartz, C., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Verly, J., & Garraux, G. (2015). Ambulatory system using wearable accelerometers for gait analysis in Parkinson’s disease. In Proceedings of the 14th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering.
Peer reviewed

GILLAIN, S., Schwartz, C., Dramé, M., Demonceau, M., Bruyère, O., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Garraux, G., Reginster, J.-Y., & Petermans, J. (2014). Validation des paramètres de marche par un système accélérométrique (Locométrix ®) à l’aide d’un système opto-électronique 3D (Coda Motion ®). Cahiers de l'Année Gérontologique, 6 (Suppl. 1), 186.
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Schwartz, C., Berger, A., Bruls, O., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., & Denoël, V. (2014). Experimental Study of the Human Ability to Deliberately Excite a Flexible Floor. In A. Zingoni (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation.
Peer reviewed

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Stamatakis, J., Denoël, V., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Macq, B., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Bruls, O. (2012). Validated Extraction of Gait Events from 3D Accelerometer Recordings. In IEEE International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D) (pp. 6615147). doi:10.1109/IC3D.2012.6615147
Peer reviewed

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Demonceau, M., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Garraux, G., & Verly, J. (2012). 3D Analysis of Normal and Pathological Gait Based on Low-Cost Wireless Accelerometers. In URSI Benelux Forum 2012 “Antennas: multiple designs, multiple applications”.
Peer reviewed

Leboeuf, F., Schwartz, C., Brochard, S., Lempereur, M., Burdin, V., & Rémy-Néris, O. (2012). Relevance of skin deformation to track the scapula during forward humeral elevations. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 15 (S1). doi:10.1080/10255842.2012.713694
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Leboucher, J., Schwartz, C., Brochard, S., Burdin, V., & Rémy-Néris, O. (2009). Evaluation of elbow biomechanical models using data fusion: Application to elbow flexion. Gait and Posture, 30 (2009), 60-S61.
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Schwartz, C., Burdin, V., Jacq, J. J., Remy-Neris, O., & Lempereur, M. (2007). Shoulder motion analysis using simultaneous skin shape registration. Conference Proceedings: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2007.4352345
Peer reviewed

Oral communications or posters

Gramage Medina, K., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Berwart, G., Barnerat, T., Croisier, J.-L., & Kaux, J.-F. (24 October 2024). The cross technique: coaches' perceptions & implications for injury prevention [Poster presentation]. 38th FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Peer reviewed

Foguenne, L., Schwartz, C., & Andrianne, T. (12 October 2024). Vers une analyse aéro-biomécanique combinée [Paper presentation]. Colloque SportS2 - 12e édition.
Editorial reviewed

Foguenne, L., Andrianne, T., & Schwartz, C. (29 July 2024). Different assessments of aerodynamic performances of cycling helmets [Paper presentation]. 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Editorial reviewed

Foguenne, L., Schwartz, C., & Andrianne, T. (08 July 2024). A New Protocol for Real-Time Position Feedback in Cycling Aerodynamics [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference on the Engineering of Sport.
Editorial reviewed

Hody, S., Schwartz, C., Abran, G., & Bury, T. (02 July 2024). Study of biomechanical and muscle activity patterns during a 30min downhill running test and subsequent muscle damage in male trailers [Poster presentation]. Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Neveu, M., Schwartz, C., & Rousselle, L. (26 April 2024). Le comptage sur les doigts pour soulager la mémoire de travail des enfants avec un trouble développemental de la coordination [Paper presentation]. Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie, Liège, Belgium.

Abran, G., Schwartz, C., Delvaux, F., & Croisier, J.-L. (10 February 2024). Lien entre impact au sol et blessures en course à pied : Mythe ou réalité ? [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFMSS 2024 – La course à pied.

Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., Berwart, G., & Croisier, J.-L. (14 October 2023). Prévention de blessures chez le jeune footballeur élite : comparaison entre un programme de groupe et un programme individualisé [Poster presentation]. Colloque SportS².

Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., Berwart, G., & Croisier, J.-L. (14 October 2023). L’entraîneur en tant qu’acteur de la prévention de blessures en football : mythe ou réalité ? [Poster presentation]. Colloque SportS².

Abran, G., Schwartz, C., Delvaux, F., & Croisier, J.-L. (13 October 2023). Caractéristiques du complexe pied-cheville chez des coureurs récréationnels sains et ayant subi une blessure [Poster presentation]. 3ème Symposium sur la Prévention des Blessures dans le Sport.

Foguenne, L., Andrianne, T., & Schwartz, C. (13 October 2023). Prévention des blessures chez le cycliste : développement d’un système d’évaluation de la position [Poster presentation]. 3e symposium ReFORM, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Gramage Medina, K., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Berwart, G., Barnerat, T., Croisier, J.-L., & Kaux, J.-F. (October 2023). LA TECHNIQUE DE LA CROIX : PERCEPTIONS DES ENTRAÎNEURS ET IMPLICATIONS POUR LA PRÉVENTION DES BLESSURES [Poster presentation]. 3e Symposium ReFORM – 11e colloque SportS2 2023, Liege, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Abran, G., Schwartz, C., Delvaux, F., & Croisier, J.-L. (22 September 2023). Superior foot & ankle muscle strength in non-rearfoot endurance runners compared with rearfoot runners: implications for the management of running-related knee injuries [Poster presentation]. BFSP-IFSPT International Symposium on Sports Physiotherapy.
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (22 September 2023). Functional evaluation through the rehabilitation continuum [Paper presentation]. Congrès BFSP-IFSPT, Bruxelels, Belgium.

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (22 September 2023). Upper Limb Functional Testing : normative data in overhead and non-overhead athletes [Paper presentation]. Congrès BFSP-IFSPT, Bruxelels, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Abran, G., Delvaux, F., Croisier, J.-L., & Schwartz, C. (09 July 2023). Comparison of foot-ankle mechanics and muscle activation between running drills and running at different speeds [Paper presentation]. 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 9-12, 2023, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., & Forthomme, B. (16 June 2023). Upper limb functional testing: normative data in overhead and non-overhead athletes [Paper presentation]. The GOTS Congress 2023, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Gofflot, A., & Schwartz, C. (16 June 2023). The Modified-Athletic Shoulder Test: Reliability and validity of new tool to assess recovery status after training/competitions or return-to-play capacity after a shoulder injury/surgery [Paper presentation]. The GOTS Congress 2023, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

Neveu, M., Schwartz, C., & Rousselle, L. (05 June 2023). When children with developmental coordination disorder use finger-counting: behavioral and 3D motion analyses [Poster presentation]. Mathematical cognition and learning society, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (2023). Prise en charge préventive des lésions d’épaule dans le tennis : les atouts d’une prise en charge individualisée [Paper presentation]. 3e Symposium ReFORM - 11e Colloque SportS2, Liège, Belgium.

Gramage Medina, K., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Berwart, G., Barnerat, T., Croisier, J.-L., & Kaux, J.-F. (2023). The cross technique: coaches' perceptions & implications for injury prevention [Poster presentation]. Isokinetic Conference 2023, London, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Schwartz, C., Paulus, J., & Kaux, J.-F. (2023). A kinematic and kinetic comparison of the counter movement jump and stop jump receptions [Poster presentation]. 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Aguilaniu, A., Grosdent, S., Schwartz, C., Martens, G., Croisier, J.-L., & Durieux, N. (29 October 2022). Instruments and Methods for the Assessment of Ankle Evertor Strength A systematic review of measurement properties [Paper presentation]. 9th International Ankle Symposium, Osaka, Japan.
Peer reviewed

Ashraf, H., Boutaayamou, M., Bruls, O., & Schwartz, C. (11 October 2022). Human Activity Recognition for the Assessment of Daily-life Activities Using Machine Learning [Poster presentation]. 20th National Day of Biomedical Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Abran, G., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., & Croisier, J.-L. (09 October 2022). Course à pied, de l'endurance à l’ultra-endurance.: Données biomécaniques et technique de course [Paper presentation]. 10ème colloque sport².

Schwartz, C., Tooth, C., Gofflot, A., Martens, G., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (22 September 2022). Screening of scapular dyskinesia using a shoulder closed-chained fatigue protocol [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC).
Editorial reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Gofflot, A., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (01 September 2022). The Xco Endurance Test : a new test to assess the endurance of rotator cuff muscles [Poster presentation]. ECSS Congress 2022, Seville, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Abran, G., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., & Croisier, J.-L. (06 July 2022). Footstrike pattern influence on foot-ankle muscle strength in endurance runners [Poster presentation]. European College of Sport Science.
Peer reviewed

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., Gofflot, A., & Forthomme, B. (20 November 2021). Screening of the overhead athlete : the interest of functional testing [Paper presentation]. ECOSEP Congress.

Tooth, C., Schwartz, C., & Forthomme, B. (23 September 2021). Prevention of shoulder injuries in volleyball player : the usefulness and efficiency of a warm-up routine [Paper presentation]. 36th World Congress of sport medicine.

Aguilaniu, A., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., & Schwartz, C. (08 September 2021). Reliability of ankle evertors, invertors and dorsiflexors one-repetition maximal (1-RM) [Paper presentation]. ECSS virtual Congress 2021.

Aguilaniu, A., Amand, L., Hallais, E., Kaux, J.-F., Croisier, J.-L., & Schwartz, C. (17 February 2021). Evaluation de la résistance à la fatigue musculaire de cheville avec un outil de destabilisation [Paper presentation]. Journée des jeunes ReFORM (1ère édition), Liège (online), Belgium.

Aguilaniu, A., Hallais, E., Amand, L., Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., & Croisier, J.-L. (08 January 2020). Evaluation of ankle proprioception by destabilization device [Paper presentation]. International congress of physiotherapy (4th edition), Brussel, Belgium.

Prijot, L., Schwartz, C., Watrin, J., Mendes, A., Croisier, J.-L., FORTHOMME, B., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., & Boutaayamou, M. (2020). Algorithm for extracting initial and terminal contact timings during treadmill running using inertial sensors [Paper presentation]. Biosignals 2020, La Valette, Malta.

Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., Forthomme, B., & Croisier, J.-L. (29 November 2019). Interest of motion analysis in prevention and to improve performance [Paper presentation]. 6th congress of the European College of Sports & Exercise Physicians.

Gillain, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Dardenne, N., BRUYERE, O., Bruls, O., Croisier, J.-L., SALMON, E., Reginster, J.-Y., GARRAUX, G., & Petermans, J. (October 2019). Identify future fallers based on gait symmetry dual task changes: a two-year longitudinal study [Poster presentation]. 22èmes Journées d'Automne de la SBGG, LIEGE, Belgium.

Gillain, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., BRUYERE, O., Bruls, O., CROISIER, J.-L., SALMON, E., Reginster, J.-Y., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (October 2019). Using supervised learning machine algorithm to identify future fallers based on gait patterns: a two-year longitudinal study [Poster presentation]. XXIIèmes Journées d'Automne de la SBGG, LIEGE, Belgium.

Schwartz, C., Forthomme, B., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Croisier, J.-L. (September 2019). Combining several Most Voluntary Isometric Contraction to improve the reproducibility of the sEMG normalization of the gastrocnemius muscle [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the European Society for Movement analysis in Adults and Children, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Van Hulle, R., Schwartz, C., & Bruls, O. (July 2019). Evaluation of ground reaction forces using a rigid foot/ground contact model [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Duisburg, Germany.

Neveu, M., Vossius, L., Schwartz, C., FORTHOMME, B., & Rousselle, L. (18 June 2019). Finger dexterity predicts early math skills development: Insight from 3D human motion analyses [Poster presentation]. Second Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Ottawa, Canada.

Vossius, L., Neveu, M., Schwartz, C., FORTHOMME, B., & Rousselle, L. (09 May 2019). 3D human motion analyses to bring out fine motor skills as predictor of early mathematic skills development [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contacts "Number and the brain", Blankenberg, Belgium.

Neveu, M., Vossius, L., Schwartz, C., Forthomme, B., & Rousselle, L. (May 2019). 3D human motion analyses to bring out fine motor skills as predictor of early mathematic kills development [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Decréquy, T., Devalckeneer, T., Paulus, J., Bornheim, S., Kaux, J.-F., & Croisier, J.-L. (April 2019). Influence of a hamstring eccentric training on strength and flexibility: a randomized controlled trial [Paper presentation]. Football Medicine meets the universe of sport, Londres, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., & Schwartz, C. (23 March 2019). Analyse du service au tennis: quel intérêt en prévention lésionnelle ? [Paper presentation]. 1er Congrès interuniversitaire de médecine et kinésithérapie du sport, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Art, T., Detilleux, J., Balligand, M., Barsacq, S., Beaumont, A., Bonnet, M., Canitrot, E., Delguste, C., Delvaux, V., Erhmann, C., Ewert, M., François, A.-C., Frequelin, E., Gansser-Potts, M., Gatez, C., Hody, S., Huber, R., Huels, Jordan, C., ... Votion, D. (2019). Measured and predicted oxygen uptake in healthy adults [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Art, T., Detilleux, J., Balligand, M., Barsacq, S., Beaumont, A., Bonnet, A., Canitrot, E., Delguste, C., Delvaux, V., Ehrmann, C., Ewert, M., François, A.-C., Frequelin, E., Gansser-Potts, M., Gatez, C., Hody, S., Huber, R., Huels, N., Jordan, C., ... Votion, D. (2019). Prediction of maximal oxygen consumption using simple field tests in healthy adults [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., & Schwartz, C. (17 November 2018). Au service du geste sportif, de l’apprentissage au perfectionnement du joueur de tennis [Paper presentation]. 32ème colloque Médecine du Sport et de l’appareil locomoteur, Libramont, Belgium.

Boutaayamou, M., DEPIERREUX, F., Parmentier, E., Schwartz, C., Bruls, O., Verly, J., & Garraux, G. (19 October 2018). Quantification of refined temporal gait parameters in Parkinson’s disease using an accelerometer-based ambulatory system [Poster presentation]. Belgian Brain Congress 2018, Liège, Belgium.

Paulus, J., Schwartz, C., Kaux, J.-F., Tubez, F., & Croisier, J.-L. (09 July 2018). Influence of fatigue on sprint acceleration mechanics: is there a connection with hamstring injury? [Poster presentation]. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland.

Boutaayamou, M., GILLAIN, S., Schwartz, C., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., PETERMANS, J., FORTHOMME, B., Croisier, J.-L., Verly, J., & GARRAUX, G. (July 2018). Validated extraction of refined temporal gait parameters using foot-worn accelerometers in dual task walking condition of older adults [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Movement (Brain, Body, Cognition), Boston Massachusetts, United States.

Schwartz, C., Deby, M., Tooth, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Paulus, J., & Forthomme, B. (July 2018). Effect of an exhaustion closed chain exercise on the EMG activity of scapular muscles stabilizers [Poster presentation]. World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland.

Van Hulle, R., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., & Bruls, O. (July 2018). Rigid foot/ground contact model for inverse dynamic analysis solely based on kinematic data [Poster presentation]. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland.

Boutaayamou, M., DEPIERREUX, F., PARMENTIER, E., Schwartz, C., Bruls, O., Verly, J., & Garraux, G. (07 June 2018). Quantification of gait sub-phase durations using an ambulatory system in Parkinson’s disease [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Freezing of Gait, Leuven, Belgium.

GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., WOJTASIK, V., CHRISTELBACH, S., Dardenne, N., Bruls, O., Bruyère, O., Reginster, J.-Y., CROISIER, J.-L., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (June 2018). Dépister les sujets à risque de chute parmi nos aînés robutes: intérêt de la marche rapide [Poster presentation]. Congrès de la CIFGG, Montreux, Switzerland.

Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Grégoire, M., & Schwartz, C. (24 February 2018). La position « armée », un instant clé dans l’apprentissage du service au tennis ? Influence de l’âge et du niveau de jeu [Poster presentation]. Congrès International Francophone des Étudiants en Physiothérapie et Kinésithérapie, Rouen, France.

Van Hulle, R., Schwartz, C., & Bruls, O. (01 December 2017). Evaluation of ground reaction forces based on kinematic data [Poster presentation]. National Day on Biomedical Enggineering & IEEE EMBS Benelux chapter, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Boutaayamou, M., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Schwartz, C. (30 November 2017). A gait cycle partitioning method using a foot-worn accelerometer system [Paper presentation]. IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter & 16th National Day on Biomedical Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

Boutaayamou, M., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Schwartz, C. (30 November 2017). A gait cycle partitioning method using a foot-worn accelerometer system [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the IEEE-EMBS Benelux Chapter, jointly with 16th Belgian National Day on Biomedical Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

Paulus, J., Schwartz, C., Paquot, N., Kaux, J.-F., Scheen, A., & Croisier, J.-L. (30 October 2017). La β-alanine dans des épreuves isocinétiques et de sauts répétés, (in)utile? [Poster presentation]. 17ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, Dijon, France.

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Bruls, O. (14 July 2017). A Novel Accelerometer-Based Method for Stride Length Estimation [Poster presentation]. IEEE EMBC 2017: 39th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’17), Jeju-do, South Korea.

Schwartz, C., Tubez, F., Soulier, M., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (04 July 2017). Maximal voluntary isometric contraction tests for normalizing surface EMG of scapular stabilizers muscles [Paper presentation]. 23th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Seville, Spain.

Paulus, J., Schwartz, C., Tubez, F., & Croisier, J.-L. (02 July 2017). How much should you jump? Reproducibility evaluation of a 3-dimensional fatigability countermovement jump test [Paper presentation]. 23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Séville, Spain.

Dewalque, F., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., CROISIER, J.-L., FORTHOMME, B., & Bruls, O. (29 June 2017). Experimental characterisation of tape spring nonlinear compliant mechanisms [Paper presentation]. 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Budapest, Hungary.

Schwartz, C., Tubez, F., Croisier, J.-L., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., & Forthomme, B. (16 June 2017). Relevance of early stretching in overhead athletes [Paper presentation]. 35th conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Cologne, Germany.

Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., Paulus, J., & Schwartz, C. (15 June 2017). Influence of the laboratory context and the size of the markers set on the tennis serve evaluation [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Cologne, Germany.

Comblain, F., Lambert, C., Sanchez, C., Dubuc, J.-E., Barthélémy, N., Lefebvre, M., Schwartz, C., Lesponne, I., Serisier, S., Feugier, A., Balligand, M., & Henrotin, Y. (May 2017). In vitro and clinical studies of a new nutraceuticals mixture for the management of osteoarthritis [Poster presentation]. Young Researchers in Life Sciences, Paris, France.

Boutaayamou, M., Bruls, O., Croisier, J.-L., Garraux, G., Verly, J., & Schwartz, C. (29 April 2017). Ambulatory System for Gait Analysis [Paper presentation]. Human Body in Motion, Brussels, Belgium.

Schwartz, C., CROISIER, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Tubez, F., Delvaux, F., Kaux, J.-F., & Boutaayamou, M. (28 April 2017). Motion analysis: a prevention tool [Paper presentation]. Human Body in Motion, Brussels, Belgium.

Marquet, M., Schwartz, C., Boutaayamou, M., Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., & Adam, S. (16 November 2016). Does negative information about aging influence older adults’ physical performance and felt age? [Poster presentation]. 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Nouvelle-Orléans, United States.

Van Hulle, R., Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., & Bruls, O. (11 July 2016). Evaluation of the contact force between two rigid bodies using kinematic data only [Poster presentation]. 22th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lyon, France.

Tubez, F., FORTHOMME, B., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Krementscki, A., & Schwartz, C. (08 July 2016). Reproducibility of a tennis serve protocol [Paper presentation]. European College of Sport Science, Vienne, Austria.

Tubez, F., & Schwartz, C. (30 January 2016). Biomechanical analysis of the tennis serve: injury prevention and performance improvement [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Physiotherapy 2016 - Biomedical engineering & physiotherapy, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., COLLIGNON, P., Steinmetz, L., Astro, G., Kaux, J.-F., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Schwartz, C. (09 October 2015). Programme d'étirement appliqué à l'épaule raide : conséquences fonctionnelles [Paper presentation]. 30ème Congrès de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation / Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Montpellier, France.

GILLAIN, S., WOJTASIK, V., DEPIERREUX, F., Schwartz, C., Boutaayamou, M., DEMONCEAU, M., SCHMITZ, X., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (September 2015). Baseline characteristics of a two-year prospective study aiming to link clinical components, cognitive and gait performances in healthy old people : the GABY Study [Poster presentation]. 11th International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Oslo, Norway.

GILLAIN, S., WOJTASIK, V., DEPIERREUX, F., Schwartz, C., Boutaayamou, M., Demonceau, M., SCHMITZ, X., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., Garraux, G., & PETERMANS, J. (September 2015). PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DETERMINANTS OF FALLS IN HEALTHY OLD PEOPLE: BASELINE DATE OF THE GABI STUDY [Poster presentation]. 11E Congrès de l'EUGMS.

Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (01 July 2015). Effect of a stretching program on overhead athletes with a stiff and painful shoulder [Paper presentation]. 33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Poitiers, France.

Tubez, F., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Cordonnier, C., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Schwartz, C. (July 2015). How biomechanical analysis may help to identify abdominal injury causes in high level tennis [Paper presentation]. The 33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Poitiers, France.

Van Hulle, R., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Denoël, V., Forthomme, B., & Bruls, O. (June 2015). Towards a predictive modelling of the normal and pathological gait [Poster presentation]. Biomedica 2015, The European Life Sciences Summit, Genk, Belgium.

Jacquot, M., Grosjean, A., Emrot, C., Van-Erck-Westergren, E., Schwartz, C., & Tomberg, C. (May 2015). Effects of a walk phase at the warm up onset on physiological and behavioural parameters of ridden horses (Equus caballus) [Poster presentation]. International Equine Science Meeting, Nürtingen, Germany.

Goossens, A., Schwartz, C., Barrett, B., Jacquot, M., Van Erck, E., & Tomberg, C. (May 2015). Characterization of the splenius muscle’s activity (Splenius capitis) during a walk phase at the warm up onset of ridden horses (Equus caballus) [Poster presentation]. International Equine Science Meeting, Nürtingen, Germany.

Tubez, F., Croisier, J.-L., Cordonnier, C., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., DEGEHET, M., Forthomme, B., & Schwartz, C. (06 July 2014). Influence of players' level on racket speed and ball accuracy in the tennis serve [Paper presentation]. 19th annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Schwartz, C., Cordonnier, C., Lehance, C., Delvaux, F., Forthomme, B., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., & Croisier, J.-L. (04 July 2014). Importance of quantitative return-to-field criteria [Paper presentation]. 19th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Cordonnier, C., Croisier, J.-L., Forthomme, B., Delvaux, F., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Schwartz, C. (04 July 2014). Comparison between first and second landing for different vertical drop jump tasks. Implication in injury risk prevention [Paper presentation]. 19th annal congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Deflandre, D., Bury, T., Schwartz, C. (Other coll.), & Croisier, J.-L. (Other coll.). (July 2014). 3D analysis and determination of stride parameters for different type of foot strike in running [Poster presentation]. ECSS AMSTERDAM 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Stamatakis, Denoël, V., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Macq, B., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Bruls, O. (15 October 2013). Intérêt d’une analyse instrumentale de la marche au moyen d’un système d’accéléromètres [Paper presentation]. SEMINAIRE « Les troubles de la marche», Charleroi, Belgium.

Schwartz, C., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (06 August 2013). Reference populations for shoulder studies should be selected carefully [Paper presentation]. XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Natal, Brazil.

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Stamatakis, J., Denoël, V., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Macq, B., Verly, J., Garraux, G., & Bruls, O. (June 2013). Validation of an accelerometer-based approach to quantify gait events [Poster presentation]. Biomedica 2013 - The european life sciences summit.

Schwartz, C., HAZEE, A., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (07 December 2012). Shoulder injury prevention in sports using 3D motion capture [Poster presentation]. 11th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

Schwartz, C. (29 January 2012). Analyse de la position en 3 dimensions : intérêts pour la posturologie [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de l'Association Internationale de Posturologie, Liège, Belgium.

Schwartz, C., Fringuellini, A., Bruls, O., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Cescotto, S., & Denoël, V. (July 2011). Improving 3D measurements accuracy with camera information redundancy [Paper presentation]. XXIIIrd congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium.

Leboeuf, F., Brochard, S., Lempereur, M., Schwartz, C., & Rémy-Néris, O. (July 2011). Location of the best confident scapula cluster during a forward humeral elevation [Poster presentation]. XXIIIrd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium.

Schwartz, C., Fedrigo, T., Bruls, O., Cescotto, S., Denoël, V., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (July 2011). Reproducibility and repeatability of upper limb landmarks palpation for junior operators [Poster presentation]. XXIIIrd congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium.

Schwartz, C., Forthomme, B., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Cescotto, S., & Croisier, J.-L. (December 2010). Using 3D to understand human motion [Poster presentation]. 3D Stereo Media, Liège, Belgium.

De Zee, M., Lund, M., Schwartz, C., Olesen, C., & Rasmussen, J. (September 2010). Validation of musculoskeletal models: the importance of trend validations [Paper presentation]. IUTAM Symposium on Human Movement Analysis and Simulation, Leuven, Belgium.

Schwartz, C., de Zee, M., Rasmussen, J., & Voigt, M. (July 2010). Knee model using articular shape knowledge [Paper presentation]. European Society of Biomechanics conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Schwartz, C., Lund, M., de Zee, M., & Rasmussen, J. (June 2010). Prediction of knee loads using a lower extremity model based on the Klein Horsman data set [Paper presentation]. Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC2010), Naples, United States.

Schwartz, C., Lempereur, M., Burdin, V., Jacq, J.-J., & Rémy-Néris, O. (2006). Méthode d'analyse du mouvement de l'épaule par utilisation de nappes [Poster presentation]. Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, Lorient, France.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., Tubez, F., HAZEE, A., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., & Forthomme, B. (2013). L'apport de l'analyse biomécanique 3-D dans les stratégies préventives à partir de 2 exemples. In M. Julia, J.-L. Croisier, S. Perrey, A. Dupeyron, ... C. Hérisson (Eds.), Prévention des troubles musculo-squelettiques chez le sportif. Sauramps Medical.

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Schwartz, C. (2009). Contribution à l’élaboration d’un espace commun de représentation pour l’analyse morpho-fonctionnelle du membre supérieur : application à l’articulation glénohumérale [Doctoral thesis, TELECOM Bretagne]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Master dissertations

Schwartz, C. (2005). Corrélation de la densité minérale osseuse de l’os spongieux du fémur et du T2* chez l’enfant [Specialised master, Université de Technologie de Compiègne]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Learning materials

Course notes

Schwartz, C. (2015). Principes biomécaniques pour le sport (cours ADEPS).


Schwartz, C., Forthomme, B., Denoël, V., Bruls, O., Cescotto, S., & Croisier, J.-L. (2011). Utilisation de la biomécanique pour l’analyse de la performance. (Laboratoire d’Analyse du Mouvement humain (LAMH), Université de Liège, Utilisation de la biomécanique pour l’analyse de la performance).

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

Aguilaniu, A., Croisier, J.-L., KAUX, J.-F., & Schwartz, C. (September 2022). Évaluation de la fatigue musculaire de cheville avec un outil de déstabilisation : étude comparative entre des sujets sains et des sujets instables chroniques de cheville. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 39 (3), 138-144. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2022.04.001
Editorial reviewed

Tooth, C., Gofflot, A., Schwartz, C., Croisier, J.-L., & Forthomme, B. (March 2021). Facteurs de risque de lésions d'épaule chez le sportif overhead. Ortho-Rhumato, 19 (1), 13-16.

Forthomme, B., Tooth, C., Croisier, J.-L., Kaux, J.-F., & Schwartz, C. (2019). La dyskinésie scapulaire chez le sportif. Axxon Exclusif.

Speeches and writings for a general audience

Conferences given outside the academic context

Schwartz, C. (2014). Laboratory of Human Motion Analysis - working with high level athletes [Paper presentation]. International High Level Sports Biomechanics Platform, Brussels, Belgium.

Contact ORBi