
Ransy Frédéric

Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > Systèmes énergétiques


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Main Referenced Co-authors
Lemort, Vincent  (9)
Gendebien, Samuel  (6)
Cendoya, Aitor  (2)
Dewallef, Pierre  (2)
Windeshausen, Jacques (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Abandoned Mines (1); Abandoned mines (1); air extrait (1); Airflow network (1); Building model (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Energy (9)

Publications (total 9)

The most downloaded
Lemort, V., Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Georges, E. (16 May 2017). Comparaison de trois solutions électriques pour le chauffage d'une habitation basse énergie [Paper presentation]. Symposium “Electricité & besoins thermiques”, Vilvorde, Belgium.

The most cited

1 citations (Scopus®)

Cendoya, A., Ransy, F., Lemort, V., Kozlowska, N., Dewallef, P., & Windeshausen, J. (2024). Modelling and simulation of a seasonal underground water storage coupled with photovoltaic panels, heat pump and district heating network for providing local renewable heating to a residential district. In PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2024 - THE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS (pp. 12). Rhodes, Unknown/unspecified: ECOS2024. doi:10.52202/077185-0124

Cendoya, A., Ransy, F., Lemort, V., Hernandez Naranjo, J. A., Dewallef, P., Gresse, P.-H., & Windeshausen, J. (14 July 2024). Modelling and Simulation of a Carnot Battery Coupled to Seasonal Underground Stratified Thermal Energy Storage for Heating, Cooling and Electricity Generation [Paper presentation]. HERRICK CONFERENCES 2024 - High Performance Buildings Conferece, West-Lafayette, United States - Indiana.

Cendoya, A., Ransy, F., Lemort, V., Kozlowska, N., Dewallef, P., & Windeshausen, J. (2024). Modelling and simulation of a seasonal underground water storage coupled with photovoltaic panels, heat pump and district heating network for providing local renewable heating to a residential district. In PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2024 - THE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS (pp. 12). Rhodes, Unknown/unspecified: ECOS2024. doi:10.52202/077185-0124
Editorial reviewed

Lemort, V., & Ransy, F. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings - SSB 2018. Liège, Belgium: Université de Liège - Atelier des Presses.
Editorial reviewed

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2020). Modelling of an exhaust air heat pump used for heating and domestic hot water production. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings.
Peer reviewed

Ransy, F., Sartor, K., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2018). Performance analysis of a mini exhaust air heat pump integrated into a low energy detached house: experimental on-site performance. In Proceedings of the 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue.
Peer reviewed

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (22 May 2017). PERFORMANCES D’UNE MINI POMPE À CHALEUR RÉVERSIBLE FONCTIONNANT SUR L’AIR EXTRAIT : ÉTUDE NUMERIQUE ET EXPERIMENTALE [Poster presentation]. XIIIe Colloque Inter-universitaire Franco-Québecois (CIFQ).

Lemort, V., Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Georges, E. (16 May 2017). Comparaison de trois solutions électriques pour le chauffage d'une habitation basse énergie [Paper presentation]. Symposium “Electricité & besoins thermiques”, Vilvorde, Belgium.

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2016). Description of a Modelica-based thermal building model integrating multi-zone airflows calculation. In Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016.
Peer reviewed

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2015). Performances of a simple exhaust mechanical ventilation coupled to a mini heat pump: modeling and experimental investigations. In The proceedings of the 36th AIVC conference: Effective ventilation in high performance buildings.
Peer reviewed

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