
Renaville Robert

Département GxABT > Microbial technologies

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Portetelle, Daniel  (269)
Burny, Arsène  (141)
Massart, Serge (112)
Bertozzi, Carlo (53)
Parmentier, Isabelle (53)
Main Referenced Keywords
Animals (5); Polymorphism (5); Mapping (3); Pit-1 (3); Testosterone (3);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Animal production & animal husbandry (161)
Anatomy (cytology, histology, embryology...) & physiology (129)
Genetics & genetic processes (78)
Agriculture & agronomy (8)
Veterinary medicine & animal health (6)

Publications (total 357)

The most downloaded
Marques, P. X., Pereira, M., Marques, M. R., Santos, I., Belo, C., Renaville, R., & Cravador, A. (2003). Association of milk traits with SSCP polymorphisms at the growth hormone gene in the serrana goat. Small Ruminant Research, 50, 177-185. doi:10.1016/S0921-4488(03)00104-4

The most cited

224 citations (OpenAlex)

Renaville, R., Hammadi, M., & Portetelle, D. (2002). Role Of The Somatotropic Axis In The Mammalian Metabolism. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 23 (1-2), 351-360. doi:10.1016/S0739-7240(02)00170-4

Dal Pozzo, F., Martinelle, L., Léonard, P., Renaville, B., Renaville, R., Thys, C., Smeets, F., Czaplicki, G., Van Esbroeck, M., & Saegerman, C. (2017). Q Fever Serological Survey and Associated Risk Factors in Veterinarians, Southern Belgium, 2013. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 64 (3), 959-966. doi:10.1111/tbed.12465
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Karamoko, G., Renaville, R., & Blecker, C. (2016). Interfacial activities of milk total proteose-peptone: contribution and miscibility of nonhydrophobic and hydrophobic fractions. International Dairy Journal, 62, 29-36. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2016.03.015
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Colinet, F., Vandenplas, J., Faux, P., Vanderick, S., Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Hubin, X., & Gengler, N. (24 August 2013). Walloon single step genomic evaluation system integrating local and MACE EBV [Paper presentation]. 30th Annual Meeting of INTERBULL, Nantes, France.

Mvounewa Atani, L., Oyegue-Liabagui, S., Lekana-Douki, J.-B., & Renaville, R. (02 July 2013). Les espèces Eimeria spp., parasites de la poule domestique (Galus galus domesticus) au Gabon [Poster presentation]. Activités du Départements de Chimie et Bioindustries.

Colinet, F., Vandenplas, J., Faux, P., Vanderick, S., Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Hubin, X., & Gengler, N. (2013). Walloon single-step genomic evaluation system integrating local and MACE EBV. Interbull Bulletin, 47, 203-210.

Wavreille, J., Planchon, V., Renaville, R., Forier, R., Agneessens, R., Kanora, A., & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2010). Influence on fertility of Lianol Solapro incorporation in lactation diet. In 21 Inter. Pig Vet Society Congress.
Peer reviewed

Wavreille, J., Planchon, V., Renaville, R., Forier, R., Agneessens, R., Kanora, A., & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2010). Influence of Lianol Solapro on sow milk production and piglet weight gain. In 21 Inter. Pig Vet Society Congress.
Peer reviewed

Wavreille, J., Planchon, V., Renaville, R., Forier, R., Kanora, A., & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2010). Influence Lianol Solapro on sow colostrums production. In 21 Inter. Pig Vet Society Congress.
Peer reviewed

Wavreille, J., Planchon, V., Renaville, R., Forier, R., Agneessens, R., & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2010). Effet d’un produit fermenté de pomme de terre dans l’aliment de la truie en maternité sur les performances des truies et des porcelets allaités. In 42 Journée en recherche porcine (pp. 08).

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Stroobants, A., & Biver, S. (2009). Analyse du microbiote intestinal sous influence de l'alimentation: approche par la PCR en temps réel. (RW-DGARNE-31-1171). RW-DGARNE.

Colinet, F., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2009). Molecular characterization of the bovine GHRL gene. Archiv für Tierzucht, 52 (1), 79-84. doi:10.5194/aab-52-79-2009
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Arnould, V., Soyeurt, H., Gengler, N., Colinet, F., Georges, M., Bertozzi, C., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2009). Genetic analysis of lactoferrin content in bovine milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 92 (5), 2151-2158. doi:10.3168/jds.2008-1255
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Colinet, F., Vanderick, S., Charloteaux, B., Eggen, A., Gengler, N., Renaville, B., Brasseur, R., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2009). Genomic location of the bovine growth hormone secretagogue receptor (Ghsr) gene and investigation of genetic polymorphism. Animal Biotechnology, 20 (1), 28-33. doi:10.1080/10495390802602926
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2009). Amélioration des qualités nutritionnelle et diététique du lait et de ses dérivés par une sélection du potentiel génétique des bovins combinant informations moléculaires et spectres IFR – volet : biologie moléculaire.

Wavreille, J., Renaville, R., Forier, R., Planchon, V., Agneessens, R., & BARTIAUX-THILL, N. (2009). Produit de pomme de terre fermenté comme complément dans l’aliment de la truie en maternité. Effet sur les performances des truies et des porcelets allaités. In 9ème Journée Productions porcines et avicoles (pp. 31-36).

Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., Delroisse, J.-M., & Stroobants, A. (2008). Microbiote gastro-intestinal, nutrition, immunité et santé: estimation de la flore microbienne par PCR en temps réel. (Dossier D31-1130). Ministère Wallon de l'Agriculture et de la Ruralité - Direction générale de l'Agriculture.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (15 February 2008). La mammite chez la vache laitière: une infection vraiment indomptable ? [Paper presentation]. Après-midi d'études, Namur, Belgium.

Arnould, V., Soyeurt, H., Colinet, F., Georges, M., Gengler, N., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (23 January 2008). Etude d’association entre les polymorphismes au sein du gène bovin de la lactoferrine et les caractères de production laitière [Poster presentation]. 13ième Carrefour des Productions Animales: L'Elevage des ruminants en question: vérités et contre-vérités, Gembloux, Belgium.

Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., & Renaville, R. (2008). Effets pré- et/ou probiotiques de levure métabolisant des ions minéraux sur les performances et fonctions immunes d’animaux de rente.

Gengler, N., Abras, S., Verkenne, C., Vanderick, S., Szydlowski, M., & Renaville, R. (2008). Accuracy of prediction of gene content in large animal populations and its use for candidate gene detection and genetic evaluation. Journal of Dairy Science, 91 (4), 1652-1659. doi:10.3168/jds.2007-0231
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Renaville, R. (2008). L'identification ADN des chiens. Un complément indispensable aux puces électroniques. Muzzo Magazine, 14-16.

Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., & Renaville, R. (2008). Microbiote gastro-intestinal, nutrition, immunité et santé : estimation de la flore microbienne par PCR en temps rée l.

Gengler, N., Szydlowski, M., Abras, S., & Renaville, R. (2007). Detection and use of single gene effects in large animal populations. In Book of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (Dublin 2007, pp. 164). Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Peer reviewed

Gengler, N., Abras, S., Szydlowski, M., & Renaville, R. (July 2007). Detection and use of single gene effects in large animal populations. Journal of Dairy Science, 85/90/86 (Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1), 376.
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Soyeurt, H., Colinet, F., Arnould, V., Dardenne, P., Bertozzi, C., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Misztal, I., & Gengler, N. (18 February 2007). Genetic variability of lactoferrin content predicted by MIR Spectrometry [Paper presentation]. Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, United States - California.

Renaville, B., & Renaville, R. (2007). Immunology in animal production. In A. Rosati, A. Tewolde, ... C. Mosconi, Advances in animal science (EAAP production, pp. 67-76). Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2007). Approches moléculaires dans l'amélioration génétique de la santé chez les bovins.

Soyeurt, H., Colinet, F., Arnould, V., Dardenne, P., Bertozzi, C., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Gengler, N. (2007). Genetic variability of lactoferrin content estimated by mid-infrared spectrometry in bovine milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 90 (9), 4443-4450. doi:10.3168/jds.2006-827
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Colinet, F., Eggen, A., Gengler, N., Arnould, V., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (December 2006). Mapping of the bovine growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) and polymorphism study in cattle [Poster presentation]. Young Scientists Day - 194th Meeting of the Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and The International Francqui Chair 2005/2006, Gembloux, Belgium.

Colinet, F., Eggen, A., Halleux, C., Arnould, V., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (August 2006). Mapping and polymorphism of bovine ghreline gene [Poster presentation]. 30th Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics, Porto Seguro, Brazil.

Colinet, F., Eggen, A., Gengler, N., Halleux, C., Arnould, V., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2006). Mapping and polymorphism of bovine ghreline gene. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Animal Genetics ISAG 2006 - Biodiversity, the future pass through preservation. Belo Horizonté, MG, Brazil: CBRA.

Bastos, E., Avila, S., Cravador, A., Renaville, R., Guedes-Pinto, H., & Castrillo, J. L. (2006). Identification and characterization of four splicing variants of ovine POUF1 gene. Gene, 382, 12-19. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2006.05.028
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Bastos, E., Santos, I., Parmentier Isabelle, Castrillo, J. L., Cravador, A., Guedes-Pinto, H., & Renaville, R. (2006). Cloning, Sequencing and Characterization of PIT1 Gene in Ovis aries. Genetica, 126, 303-314. doi:10.1007/s10709-005-0034-6
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2006). Approches moléculaires dans l'amélioration génétique de la santé chez les bovins.

Archa, B., Bister, J.-L., Colinet, F., Kirschvink, N., & Renaville, R. (2006). Effect of food intake levels on leptin and IGF-I plasma concentrations in sheep. Acta Physiologica, 187 (Suppl 651), 4.

Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., & Renaville, R. (2006). Effets pré- et/ou probiotiques de levure métabolisant des ions minéraux sur les performances et fonctions immunes.

Renaville, R., Georges, M., Smal, C., Gengler, N., Parmentier, I., & Portetelle, D. (2005). Contribution de la biologie moléculaire au progrès de l'élevage. In 10ème Carrefour des Productions animales: L’élevage : hier, aujourd’hui, demain quelles attentes pour quels enjeux ?
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2005). Approches méthodologiques de détection et d'utilisation d'informations moléculaires dans l'amélioration génétique de la fertilité chez les bovins.

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Falaki, M., Gengler, N., Cravador, A., & Portetelle, D. (2005). Les marqueurs génétiques. In A. Thewis, A. Bourbouse, R. Compère, J.-M. Duplan, ... J. Hardouin, Manuel de zootechnie comparée Nord-Sud (pp. 353-367). Paris, France: INRA éditions.

Vandeplas, S., Romnee, J.-M., Boudry, C., Baeten, V., Berben, G., & Renaville, R. (2005). Sécurité alimentaire et traçabilité. In Animal husbandry : yesterday, today and tomorrow. What are the expectations , And what are the challenges ? (pp. 40-47). Gembloux, Belgium: Centre Wallon de Recherches agronomiques.

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Falaki, M., Gengler, N., Cravador, A., & Portetelle, D. (2005). Contribution de la biologie moléculaire à la sélection animale: les marqueurs génétiques. In Manuel de zootechnie comparée Nord-Sud (Edition 2005 Paris, pp. 353-367). INRA - Institut de l'Elevage.
Peer reviewed

Rossi, C., Tondolo, A., Massart, S., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2005). Plasma progesterone and IGF-I levels at puberty in Italian Simmenthal and Friesian heifers with various genetic merit [Paper presentation]. 87th Meetings of the Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, Orlando, United States.

Hammadi, M., Khorchani, T., Moslah, M., El-Hatmi, H., Chammem, M., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2005). Validation Of A Heterologous Radioimmunoassay For Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I In Camels. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 12 (2), 111-116.
Peer reviewed

Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., & Renaville, R. (2004). Effets pré- et/ou probiotiques de levure métabolisant des ions minéraux sur les performances et fonctions immunes d’animaux de rente.

Hammadi, M., Colinet, F., Khorchani, T., Moshlah, M., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2004). Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) in camels : revelation by western ligand blotting and partial purification of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 8 (Special issue), 53.

Comin, A., Maiero, S., Furlan, V., Renaville, R., & Prandi, A. (2004). VEGF Concentrations Levels in Bovine Ovulatory Follicles after Prostaglandin Treatment. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3, 852-855.
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2004). Approches moléculaires dans l'amélioration génétique de la santé chez les bovins.

Parmentier, I., Gillard, N., Abras, S., Portetelle, D., Maeda, K., Gengler, N., & Renaville, R. (February 2003). Pit-I and other somatotrope candidate genes to optimize selection for milk traits in bovine species: the 21 century's strategy [Poster presentation]. Congrès annuel des Médecins vétérinaires du Japon, Japan.

Marques, P. X., Pereira, M., Marques, M. R., Santos, I., Belo, C., Renaville, R., & Cravador, A. (2003). Association of milk traits with SSCP polymorphisms at the growth hormone gene in the serrana goat. Small Ruminant Research, 50, 177-185. doi:10.1016/S0921-4488(03)00104-4
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2003). Approches méthodologiques de détection et d'utilisation d'informations moléculaires dans l'amélioration génétique de la fertilité chez les bovins.

Renaville, R., & Gengler, N. (2003). Method for identifying animals likely to have good milk production qualities by analyzing the polymorphism of the PIT-1 and Kappa-Casein genes.

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Fontaine, S., Hetzel, S., Massart, S., & Portetelle, D. (2002). The role of the somatotropic axis in the mammalian metabolism. Acta Anatomica. Supplementum, 5, 27-28.
Peer reviewed

Hammadi, M., Khorchani, T., Moslah, M., El-Hatmi, H., Chammem, M., Khaldi, G., Majdoub, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2002). Effects of peripartum dietary supplements on productive/reproductive parameters in plasma concentration of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I in camels. Advances in Reproduction, 6, 17-26.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2002). Etude des polymorphismes au niveau de l’axe somatotrope en relation avec les caractères économiques et étude de gènes associés à des éléments non quantitatifs chez les bovins laitiers. (Convention S5983/section2). DGA- Région Wallonne.

Renaville, R., Hammadi, M., & Portetelle, D. (2002). Role Of The Somatotropic Axis In The Mammalian Metabolism. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 23 (1-2), 351-360. doi:10.1016/S0739-7240(02)00170-4
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2002). Identification of two genes associated with milk yield in bovine.

Comin, A., Gerin, D., Cappa, A., Marchi, V., Renaville, R., Motta, M., Fazzini, U., & Prandi, A. (2002). The effect of an acute energy deficit on the hormone profile of dominant follicles in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 58, 899-910. doi:10.1016/S0093-691X(02)00922-6
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Portetelle, D., Vandenbol, M., & Renaville, R. (2002). Effets pré- et/ou probiotiques de levure métabolisant des ions minéraux sur les performances et fonctions immunes d’animaux de rente.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2002). Traçabilité des animaux par empreintes génétiques. DGA-Région Wallonne.

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Fontaine, S., Hetzel, S., Haezebroeck, V., & Portetelle, D. (2001). RIA method for plasma insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 quantification in cattle at various physiological situations. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology (pp. 109).
Peer reviewed

Hammadi, M., Khorchani, T., Moslah, M., El-Hatmi, H., Chammem, M., Khaldi, G., Majdoub, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2001). Effects of peripartum dietary supplements on productive/reproductive parameters, and plasma concentration of Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I in camels. In Proceedings of the International Twin Conference on Reproduction/Production in Camelids.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Fontaine, S., Hetzel, S., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Beta-agonist administration followed by dexamethasone treatment differently alters somatotropic and thyroid axis. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology (pp. 108).
Peer reviewed

Hammadi, M., Khorchani, T., Moslah, M., El-Hatmi, H., Chammen, M., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2001). Crestar® and PMSG don't affect systemic insulin-like growth factor-I but induce oestrus in postpartum suckling dromedary females. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology (pp. 89).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Deaver, D., Baronheid, C., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Fontaine, S., Hetzel, S., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Quantification of bST in milk by electrochemiluminescence: a way for detection of treated cows. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology (pp. 107).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Fontaine, S., Hetzel, S., & Portetelle, D. (2001). The role of the somatotropic axis in the mammalian metabolism. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology (pp. 23).
Peer reviewed

Portetelle, D., Haezebroeck, V., & Renaville, R. (23 August 2001). Les méthodes de traçabilité et de contrôle des viandes [Paper presentation]. 39ème Congrès pluraliste des Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., & Haezebroeck, V. (2001). Certification des denrées alimentaires par empreintes génétiques. (Convention S-6002 - Section 1). Région Wallonne: Direction générale de la recherche - DGA.

Haezebroeck, V., Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Fontaine, S., Hetzel, S., & Portetelle, D. (July 2001). Certification in chicken meat chanel [Poster presentation]. International Animal Agriculture and Food Science Conference, Indianapolis, United States.

Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Hetzel, S., Parmentier, I., Fontaine, S., Haezebroeck, V., & Portetelle, D. (July 2001). Development of specific antibodies for the quantification of plasma insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 in cattle [Poster presentation]. International Animal Agriculture and Food Science Conference, Indianapolis, United States.

Parmentier, I., Gengler, N., Fontaine, S., Burnside, T., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (July 2001). Pit-1, a candidate gene for MAS in dairy bulls [Poster presentation]. International Animal Agriculture and Food Science Conference, Indianapolis, United States.

Parmentier, I., Gengler, N., Fontaine, S., Auvray, B., Burnside, T., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (July 2001). PIT-1, a candidate gene for mass assisted selection in dairy bulls. Journal of Animal Science, 79/84/80 (Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1), 340.
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Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Fontaine, S., Gengler, N., & Portetelle, D. (April 2001). Utilisation des gènes à effet majeur en sélection laitière. Un exemple: le gène Pit-1. Elevages Belges, 4, 13-15.
Peer reviewed

Rehfeldt, C., Deaver, D., Schneider, F., Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Non-isotopic determination of bovine growth hormone levels with a sandwich-immunoassay using detection by electrochemiluminescence (ECL). In Proceedings of the 45th Symposium of the German Society for Endocrinology.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Cravador, A. (2001). Identification de marqueurs génétiques associés à la production laitière des races locales ovines et caprines. CGRI.

Renaville, R., & Burny, A. (2001). Biotechnology in animal husbandry. Netherlands: Cluwer Academic Publishers.

Saleri, R., Baratta, M., Mainardi, G. L., Renaville, R., Giustina, A., Quintavalla, F., & Tamanini, C. (2001). IGF-I, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 but not GH consentrations are different in normal and poor growing piglets. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 41, 163-172. doi:10.1051/rnd:2001119
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Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Somatotropine bovine: mode d'action, effets zootechniques et dé&tection. IRSIA Ed.

Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Hetzel, S., Parmentier, N., Fontaine, S., Haezebroek, V., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Development of specific antibodies for the quantificaion of plasma insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 in cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 79 (suppl 1, N°1610), 388.
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Haezebroeck, V., Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Mestdagt, M., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Molecular traceability of animals and their products. In Biotechnology in animal husbandry (pp. 333-344).

Bertozzi, C., Portetelle, D., Mestdagt, M., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., & Renaville, R. (2001). Is it possible to detect bovine treated with BST? In Biotechnology in animal husbandry (pp. 99-110).

Mestdagt, M., Portetelle, D., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Fontaine, S., & Renaville, R. (2001). Immunocastration of farm animals. In Biotechnology in animal husbandry (pp. 169-178).

Bastos, E., Parmentier, I., Santos, I., Cravador, A., Guedes-Pinto, H., & Renaville, R. (2001). Pit-1 gene sequencing and mutation analysis in sheep. Journal of Animal Science, 79 (suppl 1), 339.
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Hammadi, M., & Renaville, R. (2001). Amélioration du rythme de reproduction chez la chamelle et suivi de la qualité du sperme des dromadaires. (projet 5).

Bastos, E., Parmentier, I., Santos, I., Cravador, A., Guedes-Pinto, H., & Renaville, R. (2001). Pit-1 gene sequencing and mutation analysis in sheep [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the ASAS, ADSA and PSA, Indianapolis, United States.

Renaville, R., Haezebroeck, V., Parmentier, I., Mestdagt, M., Fontaine, S., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Sex preselection in mammals. In Biotechnology in animal husbandry (pp. 225-233).

Haezebroeck, V., Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Fontaine, S., Hetzel, S., & Portetelle, D. (2001). Molecular certification in chicken meat channel. Journal of Animal Science, 79 (Suppl 1 N°1072), 260.
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Messina, M., Gerin, D., Renaville, R., & Prandi, A. (2001). Identificazione di un sito polimorfico al locus del GH bovino tramite PCR-RFLP. In Soc. ITAL Buiatria vol XXXIII (pp. 55-59).
Peer reviewed

Malveiro, E., Pereirab, M., Marques, P. X., Santos, I. C., Belo, C., Renaville, R., & Cravador, A. (2001). Polymorphisms at the Five Exons of the Growth Hormone Gene in the Algarvia Goat. Possible Association with Milk Traits. Small animal research, 41, 163-170. doi:10.1016/S0921-4488(01)00198-5
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R. (2001). Développement industriel de techniques appliquées à la génétique, l'immonologie, la biologie et l'endocrinologie chez les animaux. (projet first spin-off).

Parmentier, I., Portetelle, D., Bertozzi, C., Haezebroeck, V., Mestdagt, M., & Renaville, R. (2001). Marker genes in farm animals. In Biotechnology in animal husbandry (pp. 47-64).

Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Hornick, J. L., Istasse, L., Parmentier, I., Fontaine, S., Haezebroeck, V., & Portetelle, D. (2000). A homologous radioimmunoassay for quantification of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 in blood from cattle. In Proceedings of the 2nd Belgian Workshop on Animal Endocrinology.
Peer reviewed

Hammadi, M., Khorchani, T., Moslah, M., El-Hatmi, H., Chammem, M., Ben Arfa, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2000). Radioimmunoassay measurement of insulin-like growth factor-I in camels: effects of anticoagulants and body condition score in suckling female. In Proceedings of the 2nd Belgian Workshop on Animal Endocrinology.
Peer reviewed

Parmentier, I., Gengler, N., Laliberte, P., Holtmann, W., Bertozzi, C., Haezebroeck, V., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (24 July 2000). Mutation in exon 5 of bovine prolactin gene is not associated with milk traits in Holstein bulls. Journal of Animal Science, 78/83 (Suppl. 1/ Suppl. 1), 78.
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Haezebroeck, V., Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Sindic, M., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Identification par empreintes génétiques des espèces animales entrant dans une chaîne alimentaire. In Cinquième Carrefour des Productions animales. Quels systèmes de Productions Animales pour le 21ème siècle? (pp. 22-24).

Parmentier, I., Gengler, N., Bertozzi, C., Haezebroeck, V., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2000). Sélection assistée par marqueurs. PIT-1: un marqueur génétique intéressant pour la production laitière. In Cinquième Carrefour des Productions Animales. Quels systèmes de Productions Animales pour le 21ème siècle? (pp. 8-9).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Etude de la qualité des produits animaux. (convention 5868A-section 1).

Vleurick, L., Deaver, D., Bertozzi, C., Haezebroeck, V., Parmentier, I., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (2000). Modulation if growth hormone action by active immunization in dairy cows. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4, 29.
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Traçabilité des animaux par empreintes génétique. DGA-Région Wallonne.

HorvaI-Szabo, M., Renaville, R., & Dohy, J. (2000). Analysis of plasma IGF-I hormone levels in Holstein-Friesian Heifers [Poster presentation]. 93th Annual Joint Meeting of American Society of Animal Science/American Dairy Science Association, Baltimore, United States.

Jacqmin, S., Vleurick, L., Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Modulation of the biological action of bovine growth hormone by passive immunization in hypophysectomized rat. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4 (1), 23-24.
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Baronheid, C., Bertozzi, C., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Deaver, D. (2000). Identification of animals treated with bovine somatotropin: a new non-isotopic detection system for BST. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4 (1), 28.
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Vleurick, L., Renaville, R., VandeHaar, M., Hornick, J.-L., Istasse, L., Parmentier, I., Bertozzi, C., Van Eenaeme, C., & Portetelle, D. (2000). A homologous radioimmunoassay for quantification of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-2 in blood from cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 83 (3), 452-458. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(00)74902-2
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Jacqmin, S., Vleurick, L., Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Modulation of the biological action of bovine growth hormone by passive immunization in hypophysectomised rat. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 3, 23-24.
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Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Thewis, A. (2000). Modulation de l’activité somatotrope par des anticorps monoclonaux anti-bGH et anti-GHBP. (convention 2452197). FNRS.

Bertozzi, C., Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Prandi, A., Darras, V., Room, G., Tassinari, M., Vleurick, L., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Decuypere, E., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (2000). Dexamethasone Ester Treatment Alters Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, Its Binding Proteins And Thyroid Status In Finishing Calves. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 80 (2), 329-335. doi:10.4141/A99-034
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Renaville, R., Van Eenaeme, C., Breier, B. H., Vleurick, L., Bertozzi, C., Gengler, N., Hornick, J.-L., Parmentier, I., Istasse, L., Haezebroeck, V., Massart, S., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Feed restriction in young bulls alters the onset of puberty in relationship with plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding proteins. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 18 (2), 165-76. doi:10.1016/S0739-7240(99)00076-4
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Vleurick, L., Bertozzi, C., Haezebroek, V., Parmentier, I., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., & Deaver, D. (2000). Modulation of growth hormone action by active immunization in dairy cows. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4 (1), 29.
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Horvai-Szabo, M., Renaville, R., & Dohy, J. (2000). Analysis of plasma IGF-I hormone levels in Holstein-Friesian Heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 83 (suppl 1), 48.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Baronheid, C., Bertozzi, C., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Deaver, D. (2000). Identification of animals treated with bovine somatotropin : a new non-isotopic detection system for bST. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4, 28.
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Etude moléculaire de l'axe somatotrope. (convention 5859A). IRSIA.

Portetelle, D., Haezebroeck, V., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (2000). Immunocastration of farm animals. Bases: Connaître et Bien Utiliser les Bases de Données, 4, 233-240.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Etude de la certification des denrées alimentaires. (convention 5876A). IRSIA.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (2000). Etude de la qualité des produits animaux. (convention 5645A section 2). IRSIA.

Portetelle, D., Haezebroeck, V., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (2000). Tracabilite dans la filiere animale. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 4 (4), 233-240.
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Portetelle, D., Haezebroeck, V., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (24 November 1999). Traçabilité moléculaire des viandes [Paper presentation]. BAMST, Journée d'étude BAMST "Traçabilité: un moyen de garantir la qualité des viandes et produits de viande, Gembloux, Belgium.

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Gengler, N., Haezebroeck, V., Bertozzi, C., Vleurick, L., & Portetelle, D. (1999). Perspective and limit of candidate gene marker’s technology in animal breeding. In Congresso de Melhoramento Genetico (pp. 49-64).
Peer reviewed

Portetelle, D., Haezebroeck, V., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (20 October 1999). Traçabilité dans la filière animale [Paper presentation]. Journée d’étude « Méthodes analytiques d’authentification des produits agro-alimentaires », Gembloux, Belgium.

Baronheid, C., Bertozzi, C., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Deaver, D. (1999). Identification of animals treated with bovine somatotropin : a new non-isotopic detection system for BST. In 1st Belgian Workshop on Animal Endocrinology (pp. 11).
Peer reviewed

Vleurick, L., Deaver, D., Bertozzi, C., Haezebroeck, V., Parmentier, I., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1999). Modulation of growth hormone action by active immunization in dairy cows. In 1st Belgian Workshop on Animal Endocrinology (pp. 12).
Peer reviewed

Jacqmin, S., Vleurick, L., Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1999). Modulation of the biological action of bovinegrowth hormone by passive immunization in hypophysectomised rat. In 1st Belgian Workshop on Animal Endocrinology (pp. 5).
Peer reviewed

Sindic, M., Fumière, O., Romnée, J.-M., Berben, G., Piraux, F., François, E., Portetelle, D., Mortiaux, F., Limbourg, B., & Renaville, R. (1999). Panorama des démarches qualité : à chaque stratégie son outil. In Quatrième Carrefour des Productions animales : Les démarches de qualité en production de viandes : Pourquoi ? Pour qui ? (pp. 3-18).

Bertozzi, C., Portetelle, D., Vleurick, L., Massart, S., Parmentier, I., & Renaville, R. (1999). Elaboration de méthodes indirectes de criblage des animaux traités par des substances à effet anabolisant. In Quatrième Carrefour des Productions animales : Les démarches de qualité en production de viandes : Pourquoi ? Pour qui ? (pp. 7-8).

Portetelle, D., Pevenage, S., Mortiaux, F., Detry, J. P., & Renaville, R. (1999). Traçabilité en spéculation porcine par la méthode des empreintes génétiques. In Quatrième Carrefour des Productions animales : Les démarches de qualité en production de viandes : Pourquoi ? Pour qui ? (pp. 1-2).

Mortiaux, F., Botton, Y., Collaux, J. C., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., & Limbourg, B. (1999). Traçabilité & Identification : les maîtres mots du contrôle des maladies et de la qualité des produits d’origine animale. In Quatrième Carrefour des Productions animales : Les démarches de qualité en production de viandes : Pourquoi ? Pour qui ? (pp. 3-4).

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Deaver, D. (1999). Stimulation en période prepartum de l’activité endogène de la GH par immunomodulation de la GH.

Sindic, M., Fumière, O., Romnée, J.-M., Berben, G., Piraux, F., François, E., Portetelle, D., Mortiaux, F., Limbourg, B., & Renaville, R. (1999). Panorama des démarches qualité: à chaque stratégie son outil [Poster presentation]. 4° Carrefour des Productions Animales, Gembloux, Belgium.

Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Gengler, N., & Bertozzi, C. (1999). L'utilisation des marqueurs génétiques en production laitière. Journée d'étude. In L'utilisation des marqueurs génétiques en production laitière.

Vleurick, L., Vandehaar, M., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1999). Growth Hormone and parturition adversely influence immuno-reactive Plasma Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 in Cattle. Growth Regulation, 9, 375-376.
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Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Vleurick, L., Haezebroeck, V., & Portetelle, D. (1999). Beta-agonist or corticoids treatment differently alter insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein-2 plasma levels in finishing bulls. Growth Regulation, 9, 357.
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Portetelle, D., Haezebroeck, V., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (1999). Traçabilité moléculaire des viandes. In Traçabilité : un moyen de garantir la qualité des viandes et produits de viande  (pp. 11-31).

Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Vleurick, L., Haezebroeck, V., & Portetelle, D. (1999). -agonist or corticoids treatment differently alter insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein-2 plasma levels in finishing bulls. In Growth Hormone & IGF Research (pp. 69).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Deaver, D. (1999). Immunomodulation de la production laitière bovine et de la croissance porcine par vaccination contre un peptide de la GH.

Parmentier, I., Portetelle, D., Gengler, N., Prandi, A., Bertozzi, C., Vleurick, L., Gilson, R., & Renaville, R. (1999). Candidate gene markers associated with somatotropic axis and milk selection. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 17 (2-3), 139-148. doi:10.1016/S0739-7240(99)00031-4
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Cravador, A., & Renaville, R. (1999). Estudo dos polimorfismos geneticos ligados as capacidades de producao leiteira da raça caprina algarvia, com vista ao estabelecimento de criterions precoces de selecçao. Porjet Interreg Portugal-Espagne II.

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Deaver, D. (1999). Dévelopement d’un test d’identification des vaches traitées avec de la BST.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1999). Mise au point d'un test génétique associé à Pit-1.

Vleurick, L., Vandehaar, M., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Haezebroeck, V., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1999). Growth hormone and parturition adversely influence immunoreactive plasma insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 in cattle. In Growth Hormone & IGF Research (pp. 134).
Peer reviewed

Beauloye, V., Muaku, S., Lause, P., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., Stroobants, A., Ketelslegers, J., & Maiter, D. (1999). Monoclonal Antibodies To Growth Hormone (Gh) Prolong Liver Gh Binding And Gh-Induced Igf-I/Igfbp-3 Synthesis. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 277 (2), 308-E315. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.1999.277.2.e308
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Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Comin, A., Bertozzi, C., Vrech, E., Mortiaux, F., Parmentier, I., & Portetelle, D. (1999). Growth hormone binding protein (GHBP) during lactation in cows. Archivio Veterinario Italiano, 50, 75-86.
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Saleri, R., Baratta, M., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Coy, D., Giustina, A., & Tamanini, C. (1999). Effects Of Galanin Infusion On Gh Secretion And Ghrh-Induced Gh Release In Prepubertal Male Lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 33 (3), 231-237. doi:10.1016/S0921-4488(99)00025-5
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Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Buyse, J., & Decuypere, E. (1999). Somatotropic axis in farm animal. Elsevier.

Parmentier, I., Gengler, N., Mortiaux, F., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (December 1998). Pit-1 polymorphisms and milk production parameters in italian-friesian bulls. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2 (special issue), 3.
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (29 January 1998). PIT-1 GENE POLYMORPHISM AND TRAIT SELECTION IN ANIMALS.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Etude de la qualité des produits animaux. (convention 5645A-section 1). IRSIA.

Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Comin, A., Falaki, M., Vrech, E., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Growth hormone binding protein (GHBP) during lactation in cows. Archivio Veterinario Italiano, 48, 152-165.
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Etude moléculaire de l'axe somatotrope. (convention 5744A). IRSIA.

Mortiaux, F., Renaville, R., Peelman, L., Van Zeveren, A., Bouquet, Y., Parmentier, I., Bertozzi, C., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Empreintes génétiques et certification en production bovine. In 3° Carrefour des Productions Animales.

Gerin, D., Messina, M., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Prandi, A. (1998). IGF-I and their binding proteins in growing horses. In 3° Internat. Conf. farm Anim. Endocrinol.
Peer reviewed

Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., Mortiaux, F., van Zeveren, A., Bouquet, Y., & Peelman, L. (1998). Identification et tracabilite chez les bovins a l'aide d'empreintes genetiques. Genetische identificatie en traceerbaarheid bij rundvee d.m.v. fingerprinting.

Bertozzi, C., Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Dearver, D., Vleaurick, L., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (1998). Antibody formation and plasma profiles of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding proteins in growing heifers after sustained-release exogenous BST administration. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2 (special issue), 45.
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Vleurick, L., Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (1998). Homologous radioimmunoassay for bovine insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2). In 3° Internat. Conf. farm Anim. Endocrinol.
Peer reviewed

Barracosa, H., Rodrigues, C. J., Gomes, M., Renaville, R., & Cravador, A. (1998). Single-strand conformation polymorphisms detected in lactoprotein genes from Algarvia goat breed. Association with quantitative traits. In IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology.
Peer reviewed

Bertozzi, C., Massart, S., Prandi, A., Darras, V., Room, G., Tassinari, M., Mortiaux, F., Parmentier, I., Decuypere, E., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1998). Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-binding proteins synthesis, and thyroid status are affected by dexamethasone esters treatment in finishing calves. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2 (special issue), 45.
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Messina, M., Prandi, A., Bolelli, G., Gerin, D., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1998). Evaluation of the effect of two training regimes on the resumption of the ovarian activity by analysis of faecal 20 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone in trotter mares. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2, 175-180.
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Gerin, D., Messina, M., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Prandi, A. (1998). IGF-I and their binding proteins in growing horses. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2 (special issue), 34.
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Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1998). La traçabilité des viandes. Annales de Gembloux, 103, 57-72.

Portetelle, D., Vleurick, L., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (1998). Homologous radioimmunoassay for bovine insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2 (special issue), 13.
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Bertozzi, C., Massart, S., Prandi, A., Darras, V., Room, G., Tassinari, M., Mortiaux, F., Parmentier, I., Decuypere, E., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1998). Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-i), IGF-binding proteininding proteins synthesis, and thyroid status are affected by dexamethasone esters treatment in finishing calves [Poster presentation]. 3° Internat. Conf. farm Anim. Endocrinol, Brussels, Belgium.

Renaville, R., Maiter, D., Deaver, D., Carelli, C., Beauloye, V., Hebert, E., Ketelslegers, J.-M., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Insights into vaccine strategy to growth hormone [Paper presentation]. Symposium on growth in ruminants: Basic aspects theory and practice for the future, Berne, Switzerland.

Saleri, R., Baratta, M., Renaville, R., Giustina, A., & Tamanini, C. (1998). Galanin modulates GH secretion in prepubertal male lambs. In IV European Congress of Endocrinology.
Peer reviewed

Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1998). La traçabilité des viandes. In 3° Carrefour des Productions Animales.

Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Carelli, Sindic, M., Parmentier, I., Hebert, E., Massart, S., Mortiaux, F., Daoudal, J., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Potentialisation de l'activité somatotrope chez le porc par vaccination contre l'hormone de croissance. In 3° Carrefour des Productions Animales.

Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Van Eenaeme, C., Bertozzi, C., Hornick, J.-L., Parmentier, I., Vleurick, L., Mortiaux, F., Istasse, L., & Renaville, R. (1998). Feed restriction in young bulls alters the onset of puberty in relationship with plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding proteins. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2 (special issue), 70.
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Portetelle, D., Mortiaux, F., Renaville, R., Peelman, L., Van Zeveren, A., & Bouquet, Y. (1998). Certification des viandes bovines par la technique des empreintes génétiques. IRSIA Ed.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Certification des Produits animaux. (convention 5725A-section 2). IRSIA.

Bertozzi, C., Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Deaver, D., Vleaurick, L., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., & Renaville, R. (1998). Antibody formation and plasma profiles of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding proteins in growing heifers after sustained-release exogenous BST administration. In 3° Internat. Conf. farm Anim. Endocrinol.
Peer reviewed

Massart, S., Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., & Bertozzi, C. (1998). Mise au point du dosage de l'insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-2 bovine (bIGFBP-2) par test immunofonctionnel. In 3° Carrefour des Productions Animales.

Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1998). Identification et traçabilité génétique en production animale. Méthodologie et application [Paper presentation]. Identification et traçabilité par voie génétique (ADN) en production animale, CERVA, Belgium.

Peelman, L., Mortiaux, F., Van Zeveren, A., Dansercoer, A., Mommens, G., Coopman, F., Bouquet, Y., Burny, A., Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1998). Evaluation Of The Genetic Variability Of 23 Bovine Microsatellite Markers In Four Belgian Cattle Breeds. Animal Genetics, 29 (3), 161-167. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2052.1998.00280.x
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Renaville, R. (1998). Somatotropic axis in farm animal, Proceedings. Base.

Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Van Eenaeme, C., Bertozzi, C., Hornick, J.-L., Parmentier, I., Vleurick, L., Mortiaux, F., Istasse, L., & Renaville, R. (1998). Feed restriction in young bulls alters the onset of puberty in relationship with plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding proteins. In 3° Internat. Conf. farm Anim. Endocrinol.
Peer reviewed

Parmentier, I., Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Mortiaux, F., & Burny, A. (1998). Sélection assistée par marqueurs génétiques en spéculation laitière. In 3ème Carrefour des Productions Animales: Les biotechnologies: enjeu de société ? (pp. 119-120).

Renaville, R. (1997). L'axe somatotrope et les productions animales. Contributions à la compréhension de certains mécanismes impliqués dans la croissance et la lactation [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Vrech, E., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Corradini, C., Bertozzi, C., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (December 1997). Pit-1 gene polymorphism, milk yield, and conformation traits for Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls. Journal of Dairy Science, 80 (12), 3431-3438. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(97)76319-7
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Mortiaux, F., Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Parmentier, I., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (01 August 1997). Certification in the meat channel. Journal of Animal Science, 75 (Suppl. 1), 136.
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Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (01 August 1997). Pit-1 gene HinfI RFLP and growth traits in double-muscled Belgian Blue cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 75 (Suppl. 1), 146.
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Falaki, M., Prandi, A., Corradini, C., Sneyers, M., Gengler, N., Massart, S., Fazzini, U., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (February 1997). Relationships of growth hormone gene and milk protein polymorphisms to milk production traits in Simmental cattle. Journal of Dairy Research, 64 (1), 47-56. doi:10.1017/S0022029996001872
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Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Prandi, A., Sneyers, M., Parmentier, I., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Polymorphisme au niveau du récepteur de l’hormone de croissance et production laitière. In Deuxieme Carrefour des productions animales: la filiere lait (pp. 3).
Peer reviewed

Blecker, C., Burny, P., Fabry, J., Gengler, N., Guyot, A., Laloux, J., Lecomte, P., Paquot, M., Renaville, R., Sindic, M., & Thewis, A. (22 January 1997). Recherches en production laitière et valorisation du lait [Paper presentation]. Deuxième Carrefour des productions animales: La filière lait, Gembloux, Belgium.

Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Prandi, A., Vrech, E., Parmentier, I., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Relations entre le polymorphisme de gène Pit-1 et le potentiel génétique de taureaux Holstein. In Deuxieme Carrefour des productions animales: la filiere lait (pp. 1).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Immunomodulation des productions animales. Développement d’une stratégie vaccinale contre la GH chez le porc(immunopotentialisation). (section 2). Tomen s.a.

Renaville, R., & Prandi, A. (1997). Identification de critères précoces de sélection en production laitière. CGRI.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Etude de la qualité des produits animaux. (convention 5645A-section 2). IRSIA.

Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Pit-1 gene HinfI RFLP and growth traits in double-muscled Belgian Blue cattle [Poster presentation]. 89th Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science, Nashville, United States.

Massart, S., Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Variation des IGFBPs au cours de la lactation. In 2° Carrefour des Productions Animales.

Mortiaux, F., Renaville, R., Parmentier, I., Bertozzi, C., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Le typage génétique: un outil de certification en production bovine [Paper presentation]. Triennale de la FABI, Liège, Belgium.

Massart, S., Van Eenaeme, C., Bertozzi, C., Hornick, J.-L., Parmentier, I., Mortiaux, F., Portetelle, D., Burny, A., Istasse, L., & Renaville, R. (1997). Bovine IGFBP-2 and -3 are differently regulated in mild or severe undernutrition conditions. In 4th Intern. Symp. Insulin-like Growth Factors (pp. 23).
Peer reviewed

Sharma, B. K., Vandehaar, M. J., Tucker, H. A., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Radcliff, R. P., Vanderkooi, W. K., Binelli, M., & Liesman, J. S. (1997). Effect of diet and bST on mRNA for IGF-I binding proteins (BP)-2 and -3 in dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 80 (suppl 1), 176.
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Sharma, B. K., Vandehaar, M. J., Tucker, H. A., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Radcliff, R. P., Vanderkooi, W. K., Binelli, M., & Liesman, J. S. (1997). Effect of diet and bST on mRNA for IGF_I-binding proteins (BP) -2 and -3 in dairy cattle. In 80th Annual Meeting of American Association of Dairy Science.
Peer reviewed

Mortiaux, F., Renaville, R., Gengler, N., Parmentier, I., Massart, S., bertozzi, C., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Certification in meat channel [Poster presentation]. 89th Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science, Nashville, United States.

Vrech, E., Messina, M., Toso, B., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., & Prandi, A. (1997). Strategie per il miglioramento della qualità del latte: Indagine genotipica al locus K caseina in bovine allevate in val Canale e Canal del Ferro [Poster presentation]. 2° Congresso So.Fi.Vet, Italy.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Immunomodulation des productions animales. Développement d’une stratégie vaccinale contre le LHRH chez le rat (immunocastration). (section 1). TOMEN s.a. (Japon).

Portetelle, D., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (1997). Endocrinologie et immunologie au service des productions animales. Agricontact, (290), 7-10.

Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1997). La tracabilite des viandes. Annales de Gembloux, 103 (1-2), 57-72.
Peer reviewed

Bruggeman, V., Vanmontfort, D., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Decuypere, E. (1997). The Effect Of Food Intake From Two Weeks Of Age To Sexual Maturity On Plasma Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Proteins, And Thyroid Hormones In Female Broiler Breeder Chickens. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 107 (2), 212-220. doi:10.1006/gcen.1997.6917
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Portetelle, D., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (1997). Origine des produits animaux et empreinte génétique. Agricontact, 294, 1-2.
Peer reviewed

Fazzini, U., & Renaville, R. (1997). Trattamento di immunizzazione con anti-LHRH su ratti. Valutazione del ripristino dell’attività funzionale mediante esame istologico del testicolo, prostata e vescicole seminali [Poster presentation]. 2° Congresso So.Fi.Vet, Italy.

Bertozzi, C., Cornil, M.-C., Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Prandi, A., Formigonni, A., Mortiaux, F., Parmentier, I., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (1997). Incidence comparative d’une administration de propylène glycol et d’une administration de choline protégée sur le statut endocrinien, la fertilité et la productivité laitière de vaches hautes productrices au cours des premières semaines de lactation. In 2° Carrefour des Productions Animales.

Portetelle, D., Bertozzi, C., Parmentier, I., Massart, S., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (1997). Approche immunologique de la détection des vaches traitées à la BST. In 2° Carrefour des Productions Animales.

Renaville, R., Bertozzi, C., Carelli, C., Gengler, N., Hebert, E., Massart, S., Sindic, M., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1997). Immunological effect of a synthetic growth hormone peptide on IGF-I and IGFBPs in growing pigs. In 4th Intern. Symp. Insulin-like Growth Factors.
Peer reviewed

Vrech, E., Prandi, A., Corradini, C., Pitotti, A., Falaki, M., Massart, S., Burny, A., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Formigoni, A., & Gengler, N. (1997). Relationships of k-casein - beta-lactoglobulin and alfa-lactalbumin polymorphisms with estimated breeding values for milk traits in Italian Friesian and Italian Simmental bulls. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale, 23 (3), 117-125.
Peer reviewed

Blecker, C., Burny, P., Fabry, J., Gengler, N., Guyot, A., Laloux, J., Lecomte, P., Paquot, M., Renaville, R., Sindic, M., & Thewis, A. (January 1997). Recherches en production laitière et valorisation du lait. Annales de Gembloux, 102 (3º-4º trimestre 1996), 131-181.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Vrech, E., Gengler, N., Falaki, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Mortiaux, F., & Portetelle, D. (26 July 1996). Pit-1 polymorphism and milk production parameters in Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls. Journal of Animal Science, 74 (Suppl. 1), 111.
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Nicolas, N., Fumiere, O., Prandi, A., Seren, E., Cerati, C., Accorsi, P. A., Gengler, N., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Burny, A., & Kettmann, R. (1996). TAQ1 restriction fragment length polymorphism for pig growth hormone in pigs. Proceedings of the 14th IVPS Congress, 647.
Peer reviewed

Messina, M., Prandi, A., Nicolas, N., Accorsi, P. A., Fumiere, O., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Burny, A., Veronesi, G., Kettmann, R., & Seren, E. (1996). IGF-I and IGFBPs in plasma of growing Landrace and large withe pigs. Proceedings of the 14th IPVS Congress, 740.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Prandi, A., Sindic, M., Fazzini, U., Nicolay, E., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Aspects on the use of anabolic steroids in animal production. In Scientific conference on growth promotion in meat production (pp. 63-86). EU editors.

Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Claes, V., Nicolas, N., Messina, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Evaluation of insulin-like growth factor-I and its plasma binding proteins in pigs. Archivio Veterinario Italiano, 46, 98-109.
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Formigoni, A., Cornil, M., Prandi, A., Mordenti, A., Rossi, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1996). Effect Of Propylene Glycol Supplementation Around Parturition On Milk Yield, Reproduction Performance And Some Hormonal And Metabolic Characteristics In Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Research, 63 (1), 11-24. doi:10.1017/S0022029900031502
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Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Claes, V., Nicolas, N., Messina, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Evaluation of insuline-like growth horme-I (IGF-I) and their binding proteins (IGFBPs) in pigs. Archivio Veterinario Italiano, 46, 98-109.
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Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Prandi, A., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1996). Alteration of the endocrinological status of growing calves by a glucocorticoid treatment. Journal of Animal Science, 74 (1), 230.
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Falaki, M., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Corradini, C., Formigoni, A., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1996). Taqi Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism And Milk Production Traits In Holstein-Friesian Cattle. Animal Science, 63, 175-181. doi:10.1017/S1357729800014727
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Aspects biologique et zootechniques de la potentialisation de l'activité somatotrope par des anticorps monoclonaux anti-bGH et des anticorps antiidiotypes. (convention 2455592). FNRS.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Maîtrise du développement foetal chez les bovins. (convention 5512A). IRSIA.

Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Prandi, A., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1996). Alteration of the endocrinological status of growing calves by a glucocorticoid treatment [Poster presentation]. 88th Meetings of the Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, Rapid City, United States.

Massart, S., Ban, A. M., Renaville, R., Van Eenaeme, C., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Istasse, L., Clinquart, A., Devolder, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Characterization of growth hormone-binding protein in cattle plasma: prolactin-binding activity and 24-hour profile. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 13 (1), 47-57. doi:10.1016/0739-7240(95)00043-7
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Falaki, M., Gengler, N., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Formigoni, A., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1996). Relationships of polymorphisms for growth hormone and growth hormone receptor genes with milk production traits for Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls. Journal of Dairy Science, 79 (8), 1446-1453. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(96)76503-7
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Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Prandi, A., Mortiaux, F., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1996). Alteration of the endocrinological status of growing calves by a glucocorticoids treatment. Journal of Animal Science, 74 (suppl 1), 230.
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Renaville, R., Vrech, E., Gengler, N., falaki, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Bertozzi, C., Mortiaux, F., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Pit-1 polymorphism and milk production parameters in Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls [Poster presentation]. 88th Meetings of the Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, Rapid City, United States.

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Prandi, A., Sindic, M., Fazzini, U., Nicolay, E., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Aspects on the use of anabolic steroids in animal production [Paper presentation]. Milieuplatform, Leuven, Belgium.

Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1996). Nouveaux developpements en selection animale. Agricontact, (287), 13-17.

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Gengler, N., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1996). Dissociation of increases in plasma insulin-like growth factor I and testosterone during the onset of puberty in bulls. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 106 (1), 79-86. doi:10.1530/jrf.0.1060079
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Claes, V., Chaput, M., Nicolas, N., Lognay, G., Renaville, R., Kettmann, R., & Burny, A. (1995). Développement du tissu adipeux chez le porc. Agricontact, 279, 7-8.
Peer reviewed

Nicolas, N., Claes, V., Chaput, M., Lognay, G., Renaville, R., Kettmann, R., & Burny, A. (1995). Stearoyl coenzyme A desaturase gene expression varies between adipose tissues and between Pietrain and Large White pig breeds [Poster presentation]. 87th Meetings of the Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, Orlando, United States.

Massart, S., Van Eenaeme, C., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Istasse, L., Falaki, M., Clinquart, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Feed restriction and IGFBP in bulls: Effects of increasing starving period lengths [Poster presentation]. 87th Meetings of the Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, Orlando, United States.

Falaki, M., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Formigoni, A., Massart, S., Corradini, C., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). GH receptor gene TaqI RFLP and milk traits in Italian Holstein-Friesian and Simmental cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 73 (Suppl 1), 113.
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Prandi, A., Rossi, C., Tondolo, A., Massart, S., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1995). Plasma progesterone and IGF-I levels at puberty in Italian Simmental and Friesian heifers with various genetic merit. Journal of Animal Science, 73 (Suppl 1), 222.
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Nicolas, N., Fumière, O., Prandi, A., Seren, S., Cerati, C., Acorsi, A., Falaki, M., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Burny, A., & Kettmann, R. (1995). TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism for pig growth hormone in pigs. In 14th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (pp. 87).
Peer reviewed

Messina, M., Prandi, A., Kettmann, R., Acorsi, A., Fumière, O., Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Burny, A., Cerati, C., Nicolas, N., & Seren, S. (1995). IGF-I and IGFBPs in plasma of growing Landrace and Largewhite pigs. In 14th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress.
Peer reviewed

Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies to bovine insulin-like growth factor-binding protein -2 and -3: production and preliminary characterization. In Hormone binding proteins: physiology and clinical implications symposium (pp. 56).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Prandi, A., Sindic, M., fazzini, U., Nicolay, E., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Aspects on the use of anabolic steroids in animal production [Paper presentation]. Growth enhancing substances-existing and emerging, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Massart, S., Ban, A.-M., Renaville, R., Van Eenaeme, C., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Istasse, L., Clinquart, A., Devolder, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Growth hormone-binding protein (GHBP) binds prolactine in cattle plasma. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 103, 21.
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Massart, S., Ban, A.-M., Renaville, R., Van Eenaeme, C., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Istasse, L., Clinquart, A., Devolder, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Growth-hormone binding protein (GHBP) binds prolactin in cattle plasma [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société belge de biochimie, Namur, Belgium.

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Shojae, D., Prandi, A., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I and their plasma binding proteins in different cattle breeds. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale, 21 (2), 75-84.
Peer reviewed

Prandi, A., Motta, M., Rossi, A., Comin, A., Fazzini, U., Gabai, G., Tondolo, A., Messina, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1995). Characteristics of the pulsatile liberation of LH in Italian Simmental cows from the dry period to early lactation. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 30, 167-182.
Peer reviewed

Beauloye, V., Muaku, S. M., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., Ketelslegers, J. M., & Maiter, D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies against bovine growth hormone (bGH) enhance the biological response to GH by prolonging GH binding to its liver receptors. Endocrinology, 136 (Suppl 1), 344.
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Falaki, M., Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Corradini, C., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Relationship of restriction fragment length polymorphisms to growth traits in Italian Simmental bulls. In 1° Carrefour des Productions Animales (pp. 46).

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Promoteurs de croissance en production bovine: situation actuelle. In 1° Carrefour des Productions Animales (pp. 23-31).

Bruggeman, V., Renaville, R., Vanmontfort, D., Portetelle, D., & Decuypere, E. (1995). Influence of fasting on serum IGFBPs levels in broiler breeders. In Hormone binding proteins: physiology and clinical implications symposium (pp. 37).
Peer reviewed

Portetelle, D., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (1995). Immunomodulation de la croissance: nouvelles perspectives. In 1° Carrefour des Productions Animales (pp. 43).

Massart, S., Van Eenaeme, C., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Istasse, L., Falaki, M., Clinquart, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Feed restriction and IGFBP in bulls: effects of increasing starving period lengths. Journal of Animal Science, 73 (suppl 1), 225.
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Nicolas, N., Hidas, A., Renaville, R., Kettmann, R., Gengler, N., Burny, A., Boonen, F., Toszer, J., & Goffinet, A. (1995). Absence probable de la translocation Robertsonienne 1/29 en race bovine Blanc Bleu Belge. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 27 (4), 377-380. doi:10.1016/0999-193X(96)80488-5
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Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Shojae, D., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1995). Growth hormone, Insulin-like growth factor-I and their plasma binding proteins in different cattle breeds. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale, 21, 75-84.
Peer reviewed

Devolder, A., Renaville, R., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Passive immunization against insulin-like growth factor-I alters the placental lactogen concentration in pregnant rats [Poster presentation]. 86th Annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, Minneapolis, United States.

Falaki, M., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in cattle [Poster presentation]. 86th Annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, Minneapolis, United States.

Sneyers, M., Renaville, R., Falaki, M., Devolder, A., Boonen, F., Marchand, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Bovine growth hormone-TaqI RFLP and quantitative traits in breed selected for growth performance and meat production [Poster presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la société belge de biochimie, Belgium.

Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Etude de l'Endocrinologie du Développement des bovins. (5512A - section 5). IRSIA.

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Lognay, G., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Marlier, M., Severin, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Influence of a hormonal preparation containing glucocorticoids (dexamethasone esters), progestagen (chlormadinone acetate) and oestrogen (ethynyl oestradiol) on testosterone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), IGF binding proteins and spermatogenic cells in finishing bulls. Animal Production, 59, 189-196. doi:10.1017/S0003356100007674
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Boonen, A., Marchand, E., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism for bovine growth hormone in bovine breeds selected for milk and/or meat. Journal of Animal Science, 72 (suppl 1), 316.
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Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). IGF-I and IGFBP-3 increase independently of testosterone release during the onset of puberty in cattle [Poster presentation]. 3rd Int. Symp. Insulin-like growth factors, Sidney, Australia.

Beauloye, V., Muaku, S. M., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., Ketelslegers, J.-M., & Maiter, D. (1994). Monoclonal antibodies againstbovine growth hormone (bGH) enhance the biological response to GH by prolonging GH binding to its liver receptors. In 77° Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (pp. 76).
Peer reviewed

Falaki, M., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Formigoni, C., Massart, S., Corradini, C., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). GH receptor gene TaqI RFLP and milk traits in Italian Holstein-Friesian and Simmental cattle [Paper presentation]. 87th Meetings of the Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, Orlando, United States.

Prandi, A., falaki, M., Corradini, C., Sneyers, M., Formigoni, A., Massart, S., Fazzini, U., Dal Bo, A., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1994). Marcatori genetici e produzione di latte nelle bovine di razza frisona et pezzata rossa italiana. In Biotechnology for milk production (pp. 12).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Burny, A., Fernandez, J. J., Prandi, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Effects of immunization against somatostatin on growth performances and growth hormone - insulin-like growth factor I and insulin plasma levels in young bulls. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale, 20 (4), 187-195.
Peer reviewed

Massart, S., Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Effets d’un traitement aux corticoïdes sur les paramètres physiologiques du veau en croissance. In 1° Carrefour des Productions Animales (pp. 34).

Falaki, M., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 72 (suppl 1), 316.
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Sneyers, M., Renaville, R., Falaki, M., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Boonen, F., Marchand, E., Prandi, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Taqi Restriction-Fragment-Length-Polymorphisms For Growth-Hormone In Bovine Breeds And Their Association With Quantitative Traits. Growth Regulation, 4 (3), 108-112.
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Miklos, M., Renaville, R., & Tözser, J. (1994). Comparison of 125I and 3H testosterone radioimmunoassay methods in bovine serum. Klin Kiserl Lab Med, 22, 257-259.

Devolder, A., Renaville, R., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Passive immunization against insulin-like growth factor-I alters the placental lactogen concentration in pregnant rats. Journal of Animal Science, 72 (suppl 1), 159.
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Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Plasma IGF-I levels as predictive criteria of growth performances in cattle. Growth Regulation, 4 (suppl 1), 115.
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Barracosa, H., Falaki, M., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Cravador, A., Gomes, M., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1994). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms associated with growth hormone genes in algarvia goat. In II Congresso ibérico de Biotecnologia (pp. 12).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Boonen, A., Marchand, E., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism for bovine growth hormone in bovine breeds selected for milk and/or meat [Poster presentation]. 86th Annual meeting of the 86th Annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, Minneapolis, United States.

Renaville, R. (1994). Molecular biology contribution to animal production in 1994 [Paper presentation]. II Congresso ibérico de Biotecnologia, Vilamoura, Portugal.

Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). IGF-I and IGFBP-3 increase independently of testosterone release during the onset of puberty in cattle. Growth Regulation, 4 (suppl 1), 116.
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Renaville, R., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Etude de l'Endocrinologie du Développement des bovins. (5402A-section 5). IRSIA.

Renaville, R., Falaki, M., Burny, A., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Role des somatomedines/insulin-like growth factors dans la croissance ponderale foetale. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 29 (3), 355-367.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Boonen, A., Marchand, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism for bovine growth hormone in bovine breeds selected for milk and/or meat [Poster presentation]. ASAS Biennial Growth Symposium Current Concepts of Animal Growth VII "Re-focusing : Eyes on the Prize", Minneapolis, United States.

Devolder, A., Renaville, R., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Passive immunization against insulin-like growth factor-I alters the placental lactogen concentration in pregnant rats [Poster presentation]. ASAS Biennial Growth Symposium Current Concepts of Animal Growth VII "Re-focusing : Eyes on the Prize", Minneapolis, United States.

Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Falaki, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Plasma IGF-I levels as predictive criteria of growth performances in cattle [Poster presentation]. 3rd Int. Symp. Insulin-like growth factors, Sidney, Australia.

Prandi, A., Falaki, M., Formogoni, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1994). Possible linkage between TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for bovine growth hormone (GH) and milk traits [Poster presentation]. XLVIII Vonvegno Nazion Soc. Ital. & Sci. Vet, Sorente, Italy.

Falaki, M., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms in cattle [Poster presentation]. Second international Workshop on the Biology of Lactation in Farm Animals, Minneapolis, United States.

Sneyers, M., Renaville, R., Falaki, M., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Boonen, F., Marchand, E., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Bovine Growth Hormone-Taqi Rflp And Quantitative Traits Breed Selected For Growth Performances And Meat Production. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 102 (2), 39-B39.
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Renaville, R., Fernadez, J. J., Sneyers, M., Prandi, A., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1994). Effects of immunization against somatostatin on growth performances and growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor I and insulin plasma levels in young animals. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale, 20, 187-195.
Peer reviewed

Massart, S., Maiter, D., Portetelle, D., Adam, E., Renaville, R., & Ketelslegers, J. (1993). Monoclonal-Antibodies To Bovine Growth-Hormone Potentiate Hormonal Activity In-Vivo By Enhancing Growth-Hormone Binding To Hepatic Somatogenic Receptors. Journal of Endocrinology, 139 (3), 383-393. doi:10.1677/joe.0.1390383
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Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1993). Changes In The Hypophyseal-Gonadal Axis During The Onset Of Puberty In Young Bulls. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 99 (2), 443-449. doi:10.1530/jrf.0.0990443
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Renaville, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1993). Du bon steak et du bon lait: d'abord interroger le naturel et en percer tous ces secrets. Agricontact, 255, 5-7.

Massart, S., Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Devolder, A., Falaki, M., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., Bono, G., & Portetelle, D. (1993). Growth hormone-binding proteins (GH-BPs) and milk production in cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 71 (suppl 1), 228.
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Devolder, A., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Callebaut, I., Massart, S., Goffinet, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1993). Presence Of Growth Hormone-Binding Proteins In Cattle Plasma And Milk. Journal of Endocrinology, 138 (1), 91-98. doi:10.1677/joe.0.1380091
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Renaville, R., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1993). Effects of dexamethasone treatment on growth performances, sexual axis and hormonal status in finishing bulls [Poster presentation]. 85th Annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, Spokane, United States.

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1993). Effects of dexamethasone treatment on growth performances, sexual axis and hormonal status in finishing bulls. Journal of Animal Science, 71 (suppl 1), 232.
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Massart, S., Renaville, R., Prandi, A., Devolder, A., Falaki, M., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., Bono, G., & Portetelle, D. (1993). Growth hormone-binding (GH-BPs) and milk production in cattle [Poster presentation]. 85th Annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science, Spokane, United States.

Rossi, C., Prandi, A., Renaville, R., & Comin, A. (1993). Effects of a GHRH analogue administration on GH and IGF-I plasma levels in italian Fresian and italian Simmental calves during puberty [Poster presentation]. XLVII Vonvegno Nazion. Soc. Ital. & Sci. Vet, Brescia, Italy.

Devolder, A., Renaville, R., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Identification of plasma growth hormone binding proteins (GHBPs) in cattle [Poster presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société Belge de Biochimie, Rhode-StGénèse, Belgium.

Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Kettmann, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Dam treatment with insulin-like growth factor-I monoclonal antibodies induce an alteration of fetal development. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 100, 31.
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Sneyers, M., Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Variability in the bovine GH receptor amino acid sequence. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 15 (suppl 4), 59.
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Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Kettmann, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Alteration of fetal development and hormonal status after dam treatment with anti-insulin-like growth factor-I monoclonal antibodies in rat. In Internat. Congress on Growth Hormone and Somatomedins during Lifespan (pp. 46).
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Sneyers, M., Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Growth hormone receptor amino-acid sequence variability. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 100, 33.
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Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Devolder, A., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Regulation endocrinienne et manipulation de la croissance bovine. Cahiers Agricultures, 1 (2), 89-94.
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Devolder, A., Renaville, R., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Identification of growth-hormone binding proteins (GBBPs) in cattle. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 100, 44.
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Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Kettmann, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Alteration of fetal development and hormonal status after dam treatment with anti-insulin like growth factor-I monoclonal antibodies in rat. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 15 (suppl 4), 85.
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Sneyers, M., Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Variability in the bovine GH receptor amino acid sequence. In Internat. Congress on Growth Hormone and Somatomedins during Lifespan (pp. 34).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Kettmann, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Dam treatment with anti-insulin-like growth factor-I monoclonal antibodies induce an alteration of fetal development in rat [Poster presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société belge de Biochimie, Gembloux, Belgium.

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Burny, A. (1992). Etude de l'Endocrinologie du Développement des bovins. (5248A-section 5). IRSIA.

Sneyers, M., Renaville, R., Devolder, A., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1992). Bovine Growth Hormone receptor amino-acid sequence shows variability [Poster presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société Belge de Biochimie, Gembloux, Belgium.

Sneyers, M., Kettmann, R., Massart, S., Renaville, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding the bovine insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (bIGFBP-1). DNA Sequence: the Journal of DNA Sequencing and Mapping, 1 (6), 407-8. doi:10.3109/10425179109020798
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Renaville, R., Massart, S., Shojae, D., Sneyers, M., Goffinet, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Apport de l'endocrinologie en sélection laitière bovine. Animal Genetic Resources Information, 8, 46-51.
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Massart, S., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Plasma evolution of testosterone, insulin-like growth factor-I and IGF-I binding protein capacities around puberty in cattle. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 99, 75.
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Massart, S., Renaville, R., Sneyers, M., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Plasma evolution of testosterone, Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-I binding protein capacities around puberty in cattle [Poster presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la société belge de biochimie, Mons, Belgium.

Massart, S., Maiter, D., Adam, E., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., & Ketelslegers, J.-M. (1991). Monoclonal antibodies against bovine growth hormone (bGH) potentiate GH-induced liver IGF-I synthesis and enhance GH binding to hepatic somatogenic receptors. In 73° Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (pp. 355).
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Sneyers, M., Kettmann, R., Massart, S., Renaville, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding the ß-subunit of the bovine insulin-like growth factor-I receptor [Poster presentation]. 2° Internationnal IGF symposium, San Francisco, United States.

Renaville, R., Massart, S., Sneyers, M., Kettmann, R., & Burny, A. (1991). The relationship of testosterone with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-I binding proteins during puberty in cattle [Poster presentation]. 2° Internationnal IGF symposium, San Francisco, United States.

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., Sneyers, M., Massart, S., Kettmann, R., Shojae, D., & Burny, A. (1991). Importance de l'axe hypophyso-hepatique dans le regulation hormonale de la croissance chez le bovin. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 26 (2), 263-277.
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Renaville, R., Massart, S., Shojae, D., Sneyers, M., Goffinet, A., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Apport de l'endocrinologie en selection laitiere bovine. Animal Genetic Resources Information, (8), 46-51.

Sneyers, M., Kettmann, R., Renaville, R., Massart, S., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of a cDNA encoding the ß-subunit of the bovine insulin-like growth factor-I receptor [Poster presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société belge de Biochimie, Mons, Belgium.

Portetelle, D., Burny, A., & Renaville, R. (1991). Sélection bovine: perspective ouvertes par le gnéie génétique et l'immunologie. Agricontact, 1-8.

Sneyers, M., Kettmann, R., Massart, S., Renaville, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1991). Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding the beta-subunit of the bovine insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. DNA Sequence: the Journal of DNA Sequencing and Mapping, 1 (6), 405-6. doi:10.3109/10425179109020797
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Massart, S., Portetelle, D., Maiter, D., Adam, E., Renaville, R., & ketelslegers, J.-M. (1990). Potentialisation de l'activité somatogénique de la somatotropine bovine (bGH) par des anticorps monoclonaux anti-bGH [Poster presentation]. XVIII Forum des jeunes chercheurs de la société de chimie biologique, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.

Renaville, R., Shojae, D., Portetelle, D., Sneyers, M., & Burny, A. (1990). Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-I binding proteins levels in different breeds at various stages of lactation [Poster presentation]. 82° Annual Meeting of Animal Science, Ames, United States.

Renaville, R., Shojae, D., Portetelle, D., Sneyers, M., & Burny, A. (1990). Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-I binding proteins levels in different breeds at various stages of lactation. Journal of Animal Science, 68 (suppl 1), 447.
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Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Burny, A. (1990). Etude de l'Endocrinologie du Développement des bovins. (5081A - section 4, IRSIA). IRSIA.

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Burny, A. (1990). Etude de l'Endocrinologie du Développement des bovins. (5293A- section 4). IRSIA.

Gaspar, P., Desmons, P., Drot, S., Renaville, R., & Maghuin-Rogister, G. (1990). Determination of residue levels in juvenile rainbow trouts treated by 17 alpha-methyltestosterone for sex reversal. In Analysis of anabolizing and doping agents in biosamples (pp. 15-18).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Berkans, X., Portetelle, D., Sneyers, M., & Burny, A. (1990). Evolution des concentrations plasmatiques de testostérone et d'insulin-like growth factor I en période péripubertaire chez le bovin cathétérisé au niveau hépatique. Annales de Recherches Vétérinaires, 21, 187-94.
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Sneyers, M., Kettmann, R., Massart, S., Renaville, R., Burny, A., & Portetelle, D. (1990). Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding the bovine insulin-like growth factor binding protein I (bIGF-I). In III Inter Symp on Molecular and Cell Biol of Insulin and IGF's.
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Burny, A., Portetelle, D., & Renaville, R. (1989). Rapport d'activites. Deuxieme annee de la convention.

Lognay, G., Marlier, M., Renaville, R., & Severin, M. (1989). Mise au point d'un protocole d'analyse de préparations favorisant les performances zootechniques des bovins. Recueil de Médecine Vétérinaire, 163, 655-660.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Portetelle, D., & Burny, A. (1989). Etude de l'Endocrinologie du Développement des bovins. (5080 A). IRSIA.

Lemal, D., Renaville, R., Claes, V., Ruelle, L., Fabry, J., Burny, A., Underwood, L., & Ketelslegers, J.-M. (1989). Effect of pituitary somatotropin injections on plasma insulin-like growth factor-I and somatotropin profiles in growing heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 67, 2715-2723. doi:10.2527/jas1989.67102715x
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Renaville, R., Shojae, D., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., Goffinet, A., & Sneyers, M. (1989). La recherche en production laitiere en periode de quotas. Elevages Belges, 42 (12), 21-23.

Portetelle, D., Burny Arsène, Kettmann, R., Sneyers, M., & Renaville, R. (1989). Les gènes codant pour les facteurs de croissance. In R. Renaville & A. Burny, Biotechnologie en sélection animale. IRSIA Ed.

Burny, A., Chaput, M., Claes, V., Kettmann, R., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., & Willems, L. (1989). Les techniques de clonage, le transfert de gènes et la régulation de l'expression chez les animaux domestiques. Biotechnologie en sélection animale, IRSIA.
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Renaville, R., Burny, A., Sneyers, M., Rochart, S., Portetelle, D., & Thewis, A. (February 1988). Effects Of An Anabolic Treatment Before Puberty With Trenbolone Acetate-Oestradiol Or Estradiol Alone On Growth-Rate, Testicular Development And Luteinizing-Hormone And Testosterone Plasma-Concentrations. Theriogenology, 29 (2), 461-476. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(88)90248-8
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Renaville, R., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., Gaignage, P., Ketelslegers, J.-M., & Underwood, L. E. (1988). Hormonal status during puberty and criteria of selection in double-muscled Belgian White Blue bulls. In 3 World Congress on Sheep and Beef Cattle breeding (pp. 202-203).
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Verheggen, S., Lognay, G., Dreze, P., Marlier, M., Gaignage, P., Renaville, R., & Severin, M. (1988). Application of radiometric techniques by the study of dexamethasone extraction from bovine serum. In Int. Symp. of the analysis of anabolizing and doping agents in biosamples.
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Marlier, M., Verheggen, S., Lognay, G., gaignage, P., Wynants, H., Severin, M., Renaville, R., & Dreze, P. (1988). Study of two derivazation methods for dexamethasone determination in bovine fluids by GCMS. In Utilisation de la GC/MS (pp. 2).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Burny, A., Portetelle, D., Gaignage, P., Ketelslegers, J. M., & Underwood, L. E. (1988). Hormonal status during puberty and criteria of selection in double-muscled Belgian White Blue bull. Proceedings, 3rd World Congress on Sheep and Beef Cattle Breeding,19-23 June 1988, Paris. Volume 1, 201-203.
Peer reviewed

Burny, A., Chaput, M., Claes, V., Kettmann, R., Portetelle, D., Renaville, R., & Burny, P. (1988). Une nouvelle approche de la selection en race laitiere: la voie genetique moleculaire. Annales de Gembloux, 94 (2), 77-88.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Burny, A., Lognay, G., Marlier, M., & Severin, M. (1987). Substances de croissance de nature hormonale pour l'engraissement: actualisation et perspectives d'avenir. Annales de Gembloux, 93 (1), 1-26.
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Renaville, R., & Fabry, J. (1987). La réversibilité des modifications hormonales chez les taurillons traités aux anabolisants. Recueil de Médecine Vétérinaire, 163, 263-267.
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Renaville, R., & Bruny, A. (1987). Active immunization against somatostatin on postnatal growth and hormonal status in the cattle. (convention 3410). Union Européenne.

Renaville, R., Burny, A., Lognay, G., Marlier, M., & Severin, M. (1987). Substances de croissance de nature hormonale pour l'engraissement: actualisation et perspective d'avenir. Annales de Gembloux, 93, 1-26.

Lognay, G., Marlier, M., Renaville, R., & Severin, M. (1987). Mise au point d'un protocole d'analyse de préparations favorisant les performances zootechniques des bovins. Recueil de Médecine Vétérinaire, 163 (6-7), 655-660.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Severin, M., & Lognay, G. (1986). Anabolisants, qualité de la viande et santé publique. Alimentation, Diététique et Hygiène, 5, 29-44.

Renaville, R. (1986). L'anabolisation et ses problèmes. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 20, 147-169.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R. (1986). Dangers des substances anabolisantes en engraissement. Elevages Belges, 8, 4-5.

Renaville, R. (1985). Utilisation des anabolisiants en production de viande bovine et leurs incidences sur certaines productions hormonales endogènes [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Thewis, A., Renard, J., Paques, J., & Renaville, R. (1985). Feeding value of ensiled pressed sugar-beet pulp added with urea and molasses and their use by beef cattle. In C. V. Boucqué (Ed.), Feeding value of by-products and their use by beef cattle (pp. 133-141).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R. (1985). L'utilisation des substances anabolisantes. Elevages Belges, 6, 3-5.

Fabry, J., Vandenbyvang, P., Renaville, R., & Burny, A. (1984). Perspectives nouvelles en vue d'un contrôle in vivo des taurillons anabolisés avec l'acétate de trenbolone-zéranol, l'acétate de trenbolone-oestradiol-17B, le diéthylstilboestrol par la détermination du taux plasmatique d'hormone lutéinisante et de testostérone. Revue de l'Agriculture, 37, 99-115.
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Fabry, J., Renaville, R., & Burny, A. (1984). Blood plasma LH and testosterone concentration in anabolized bulls. Animal Production, 39, 345-354.
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Fabry, J., & Renaville, R. (1984). Effects of oestradiol-17B, zeranol, oestradiol-progesterone implants on body weight gain, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, growth hormone and thyroxine in bulls. Journal of Animal Science, 59 (suppl 1), 418-419.
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Fabry, J., Renaville, R., & Burny, A. (1983). Feedlot performances: comparaison of beef cattle anabolized with trenbolone acetate-zeranol or trenbolone acetate-oestradiol implantation in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 57 (suppl 1), 192-193.
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Fabry, J., Renaville, R., Halleux, V., & Burny, A. (1983). Endocrine patterns following trenbolone acetate-zeranol and trenbolone acetate-oestradiol implantation in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 57 (supll 1), 334-335.
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Renaville, R., Fabry, J., Halleux, V., & Burny, A. (1983). Testosterone plasma profiles as a function of age in young bulls from the bovine double-muscled Belgian White Blue breed. Theriogenology, 19, 159-167. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(83)90002-X
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Fabry, J., & Renaville, R. (1983). Effectiveness of anabolic agents in improving cattle production: modifications of growth rate and hormonal status, in particular luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) after GnRH. In 34 Annual Meeting of the study commissions EAAP (pp. 488).
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Burny, A., Halleux, V., & Fabry, J. (1983). Approche hormonale desz problèmes de fertilité chez les taureaux culards Blanc Bleu Belge. Revue de l'Agriculture, 36, 123-131.
Peer reviewed

Thewis, A., Renard, J.-F., Paques, J., & Renaville, R. (1983). Feeding value of ensiled pressed sugar beet pulp added with urea and molasses and their use by beef cattle [Poster presentation]. Feeding value of by-products and their use by cattle, Melle-Gontrode, Belgium.

Fabry, J., Renaville, R., Halleux, V., & Burny, A. (1983). Plasma testosterone end LH responses to LHRH in double-muscled bulls treated with trenbolone acetate and zeranol. Journal of Animal Science, 57, 1138-1145.
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Fabry, J., Renaville, R., & Burny, A. (1982). Anabolic agents in beef production. Effect of trenbolone and zeranol on LH and T resposnes to LHRH in young double muscled White Blue Belgian bulls. In 33 Annual Meeting of the Study Commission EAAP.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Fabry, J. (1982). Effect of trenbolone acetate and zeranol on LH and testosterones responses to LHRH in young double-muscled Belgian bulls. In 2th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., & Fabry, J. (1982). Predictive parameteres of fertility in the bulls of bovine breeds highly selected for beef production. In 2th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Fabry, J., & Burny, A. (1982). Testostérone et fertilité chez les taureaux Blanc Bleu Belge et Pie Noire. In 33 Annual Meeting of the Study Commission EAAP.
Peer reviewed

Fabry, J., Renaville, R., Halleux, V., & Burny, A. (1982). Anabolic agents in beef production: effect of the trenbolone acetate and zeranol on LH and testosterone responses to LHRH in young double-muscled White Blue Belgian Bulls.

Renaville, R., fabry, J., Halleux, V., & Burny, A. (1982). Testosterone plasma profiles, as a function of age in young bulls from the bovine double-muscled Belgian White Blue breed.

Fabry, J., Renaville, R., & Burny, A. (1982). Testostérone (T), Hormone lutéinisante (LH), prolactine (P) et hormone de croissance (GH) chez les bovins de race Blanc Bleu Belge soumis au performance test. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 17, 47-58.
Peer reviewed

Renaville, R., Ettaib, M., Burny, A., & Fabry, J. (1981). Mesure de profils nycthéméraux de prolactine et d'hormone de croissance chez le bovin mâle Blanc Bleu Blege et Pie Noire, âgés de 3 à 10 mois. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 16, 257-268.

Renaville, R., Delecour, B., Ettaib, A., Thewis, A., Goffinet, A., Burny, A., Fabry, J., Genard, P., Palem, M., & Saint Remy, A. (1980). Fertilite male chez les bovins et taux sanguin d'hormone luteinisante et de testosterone. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 15 (4), 333-348.
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