
De Cock Nicolas

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Lebeau, Frédéric  (35)
Massinon, Mathieu  (21)
Ouled Taleb Salah, Sofiene  (16)
Jijakli, Haissam  (7)
Dorbolo, Stéphane  (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Agricultural spray (5); CFD (4); Aquaponics (3); Fish (3); plant architecture (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
TERRA Teaching and Research Centre - TERRA (2)
Centre de recherche en agriculture urbaine (1)
Queensland University of Technology, Syngenta International, Syngenta (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Agriculture & agronomy (32)
Environmental sciences & ecology (3)
Physics (3)
Computer science (2)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 43)

The most downloaded
Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Forster, W. A., Nairn, J. J., McCue, S. W., Zabkiewicz, J. A., & Lebeau, F. (03 May 2017). Spray droplet impaction outcomes for different plant species and spray formulations. Crop Protection, 99, 65-75. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2017.05.003

The most cited

115 citations (OpenAlex)

Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Forster, W. A., Nairn, J. J., McCue, S. W., Zabkiewicz, J. A., & Lebeau, F. (03 May 2017). Spray droplet impaction outcomes for different plant species and spray formulations. Crop Protection, 99, 65-75. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2017.05.003

Morrow, L. C., De Cock, N., & McCue, S. W. (2023). Viscous fingering patterns for Hele-Shaw flow in a doubly connected geometry driven by a pressure differential or rotation. Physical Review Fluids, 8 (1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.8.014001
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Salah, S. O. T., Chouk, G., Duchesne, A., De Cock, N., Abrougui, K., Lebeau, F., & Dorbolo, S. (March 2022). How to tame a free non-laminar Savart sheet into individual jets? International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 152, 104032. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2022.104032
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Kerselidou, D., Dohai, B. S., Nelson, D. R., Daakour, S., De Cock, N., Hassoun, Z. E. O., Kim, D.-K., Olivet, J., El Assal, D. C., Jaiswal, A., Alzahmi, A., Saha, D., Pain, C., Matthijssens, F., Lemaitre, P., Herfs, M., Chapuis, J., Ghesquiere, B., Vertommen, D., ... Twizere, J.-C. (2021). Alternative glycosylation controls endoplasmic reticulum dynamics and tubular extension in mammalian cells. Science Advances, 7 (19). doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe8349
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Huet, O. D. Y., Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Forster, W. A., Zabkiewicz, J. A., Pethiyagoda, R., Moroney, T. J., Lebeau, F., & McCue, S. W. (2020). Image analysis of shatter and pinning events on hard-to-wet leaf surfaces by drops containing surfactant. Pest Management Science. doi:10.1002/ps.5796
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Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S. A., De Cock, N., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (2020). Cloud architecture for plant phenotyping research. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. doi:10.1002/cpe.5661
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Dumortier, P., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Andriamandroso, A. L. H., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., De Cock, N., Lebeau, F., & Heinesch, B. (2020). Beef cattle methane emission estimation using the eddy covariance technique in combination with geolocation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108249
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Stalport, B., Raulier, P., De Cock, N., Lebeau, F., & Jijakli, H. (09 October 2019). Development of a generalist, integrative and predictive model for aquaponics within the European “Smart Aquaponics” project [Paper presentation]. Aquaculture Europe 2019, Berlin, Germany.

Boland, F., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & De Cock, N. (03 October 2019). Multiyear analysis of energy balance closure over a cropland in the silty loam region of Belgium [Poster presentation]. ICOS Belgium Science Conference 2019, Antwerpen, Belgium.

De Cock, N., Dumortier, P., & Heinesch, B. (03 October 2019). Effect of point source emission height on the error of the flux estimation through eddy covariance [Poster presentation]. 2019 ICOS Belgium Science Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.

Stalport, B., Raulier, P., De Cock, N., Lebeau, F., & Jijakli, H. (29 June 2019). Development of a generalist, integrative and predictive model for aquaponics within the European “Smart Aquaponics” project [Paper presentation]. EFTITA 2019 - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Rhodes, Greece.

Dumortier, P., De Cock, N., Aubinet, M., Lebeau, F., Naiken, A., & Heinesch, B. (08 April 2019). Point source emission estimation through eddy covariance: Validation using an artificial source experiment [Poster presentation]. assemblée générale de l'European Geosciences Union.

Stalport, B., Raulier, P., De Cock, N., Lebeau, F., & Jijakli, H. (04 February 2019). Development of a generic aquaponic model using object oriented programming to study the systems at the individuals level [Poster presentation]. 24th National symposium for applied biological sciences - Universiteit Gent, Gand, Belgium.

Bafort, F., De Cock, N., & Jijakli, H. (06 November 2018). Optibiomasse [Poster presentation]. Workshop Tropical Plant Factory & Ecosol.

Bafort, F., Bebermans, J., De Cock, N., & Jijakli, H. (06 November 2018). Optimisation de la production continue de biomasse végétale orientée vers des molécules d’intérêts pharmaceutiques [Paper presentation]. Workshop Tropical Plant Factory & Ecosol, Liège, Belgium.

Bafort, F., Bebermans, J., De Cock, N., & Jijakli, H. (2018). Le chanvre [Paper presentation]. Emission télévisée RTL-tvi "Coûte que coûte", Gembloux, Belgium.

Bafort, F., De Cock, N., Lebeau, F., & Jijakli, H. (2018). Rapport - Optibiomasse. ULiège - Université de Liège.

Lebeau, F., & De Cock, N. (2018). Mécanismes de dépôts et d’impacts de gouttes de pulvérisation. In Colloque sur les techniques d'application des produits de protection des plantes.
Peer reviewed

Ouled Taleb Salah, S., Duchesne, A., De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Sassi, K., Abrougui, K., Lebeau, F., & Dorbolo, S. (2018). Experimental investigation of a round jet impacting a disk engraved with radial grooves. European Journal of Mechanics. B, Fluids, 72, 302-310. doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2018.06.009
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Ouled Taleb Salah, S., De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Duchesne, A., Lebeau, F., & Dorbolo, S. (2018). Design of a narrow span nozzle: a round jet impacting a disk engraved with radial grooves. In S. Ouled Taleb Salah, Aspects of Applied Biology 137, International Advances in Pesticide Application. United Kingdom: Association of Applied Biologists.
Peer reviewed

De Cock, N. (2017). Design of a hydraulic nozzle with a narrow droplet size distribution [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., & Lebeau, F. (October 2017). Investigation on optimal spray properties for ground based agricultural applications using deposition and retention models. Biosystems Engineering, 162, 99–111. doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2017.08.001
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Bouvry, A., Stalport, B., De Cock, N., & Lebeau, F. (2017). Caméras 3D et plantes numériques : vers une automatisation de l’agriculture.

De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., & Lebeau, F. (23 May 2017). Comparison of a random-walk model for droplet transport and wind-tunnel measurements [Paper presentation]. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gand, Belgium.

Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Forster, W. A., Nairn, J. J., McCue, S. W., Zabkiewicz, J. A., & Lebeau, F. (03 May 2017). Spray droplet impaction outcomes for different plant species and spray formulations. Crop Protection, 99, 65-75. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2017.05.003
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De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Nuyttens, D., Dekeyser, D., & Lebeau, F. (November 2016). Measurements of reference ISO nozzles by high-speed imaging. Crop Protection, 89, 105-115. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2016.07.016
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Ouled Taleb Salah, S., De Cock, N., Duchesne, A., Massinon, M., Lebeau, F., & Dorbolo, S. (September 2016). Design of an agricultural nozzle: Experimental investigation of a round jet impacting vertically a horizontal disk [Poster presentation]. Sofiene Ouled Taleb Salah, Brussels, Belgium.

De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., Mercatoris, B., Vetrano, M. R., & Lebeau, F. (July 2016). Dynamics of a thin radial liquid flow. Fire Safety Journal, 83, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.firesaf.2016.04.005
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Ouled Taleb Salah, S., De Cock, N., Massinon, M., & Lebeau, F. (2016). Reduced span spray – Part 2: Drift. In Aspect of Applied Biology, International Advances in Pesticide Application (132, pp. 6). Wellesbourne, United Kingdom: Association of applied biologists.
Peer reviewed

Ouled Taleb Salah, S., De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Schiffers, B., Dorbolo, S., & Lebeau, F. (2016). Étude des potentialités des systèmes d’application contrôlée des gouttes (CDA) pour les traitements phytosanitaires en céréaliculture (synthèse bibliographique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement.
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De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., & Lebeau, F. (2016). Reduced span spray: Part 3: Design of a narrow span nozzle. In Aspect of Applied Biology (132, pp. 6). Wellesbourne, United Kingdom: Association of applied biologists.

Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., & Lebeau, F. (2016). Reduced span spray – Part 1: Retention. In Aspect of Applied Biology, International Advances in Pesticide Application (132). Wellesbourne, United Kingdom: Association of Applied Biologists.

Ouled Taleb Salah, S., Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Schiffers, B., & Lebeau, F. (June 2015). Assessment of drift potential of sprays produced from tilted shielded rotary atomizers compared to hydraulic nozzles [Paper presentation]. 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Weed management in changing environments, Montpellier, France.

Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., & Lebeau, F. (2015). Computer simulations of spray retention by a 3D barley plant: effect of formulation surface tension. In 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection.

Ouled Taleb Salah, S., Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Schiffers, B., & Lebeau, F. (2015). Drift potential of tilted shielded rotary atomisers based on wind tunnel measurements. In 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection.
Peer reviewed

De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., Mercatoris, B., & Lebeau, F. (2015). Drop size distribution measurement of ISO nozzles by shadowgraphy method. In Drop size distribution measurement of ISO nozzles by shadowgraphy method (pp. 295-302).

Ouled Taleb Salah, S., Massinon, M., De Cock, N., Schiffers, B., & Lebeau, F. (2015). Drift of tilted shielded rotary atomisers based on wind tunnel measurements. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Crop Protection Ghent 2015.
Peer reviewed

Massinon, M., Dumont, B., De Cock, N., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., & Lebeau, F. (2015). Study of retention variability on an early growth stage herbaceous plant using a 3D virtual spraying model. Crop Protection, 78, 63-71. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2015.08.018
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De Cock, N., Massinon, M., Mercatoris, B., & Lebeau, F. (15 July 2014). Numerical modelling of mirror nozzle flow [Paper presentation]. Asabe meeting 2014, Montreal, Canada.

Massinon, M., Ouled Taleb Salah, S., De Cock, N., Dumont, B., & Lebeau, F. (July 2014). Evaluation of process-driven spray retention model on ear-ly growth stage barley [Paper presentation]. International Conference of Agricultural engineering, Zurich, Switzerland.

De Cock, N., Massinon, M., & Lebeau, F. (10 January 2014). Agricultural spray measurement by high-speed shadow imagery [Paper presentation]. International Advances in Pesticide Application 2014, Oxford, United Kingdom.


De Cock, N., Massinon, M., & Lebeau, F. (2013). Caractérisation de jets agricoles par traitement d'images.

De Cock, N., & Lebeau, F. (07 June 2012). Imagerie par ombroscopieavec eclairage LED [Paper presentation]. Les méthodes optiques de caractérisation des écoulements multiphasiques : état de l’art et applications innovantes, Meudon, France.

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