
Jerome Elisabeth

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Aubinet, Marc  (27)
Beckers, Yves  (25)
Bodson, Bernard  (21)
Moureaux, Christine  (17)
Dumortier, Pierre  (12)
Main Referenced Keywords
grassland (10); eddy covariance (8); Eddy covariance (5); Gaz à effet de serre (5); Grassland (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
GxABT (1)
Université de Liège - Gembloux agro-Bio Tech (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Agriculture & agronomy (22)
Environmental sciences & ecology (7)
Earth sciences & physical geography (3)
Physics (3)
Animal production & animal husbandry (1)

Publications (total 29)

The most downloaded
Dumortier, P., Rabier, F., Beckers, Y., Vanlierde, A., Jerome, E., & Mathot, M. (20 February 2013). Elevage et gaz à effet de serre : le bilan des émissions de l'animal à la filière [Paper presentation]. Carrefour des Productions animales, Gembloux, Belgium.

The most cited

30 citations (OpenAlex)

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (2014). Impact of grazing on carbon dioxide exchanges in an intensively managed Belgian grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 194, 7-16. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2014.04.021

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Jerome, E., Wilmus, F., & Heinesch, B. (January 2017). Methane balance of an intensively grazed pasture and estimation of the enteric methane emissions from cattle. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 232, 527–535. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.09.010
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Gourlez de la Motte, L., Jerome, E., Mamadou, O., Bodson, B., Beckers, Y., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (15 November 2016). Carbon balance of an intensively grazed grassland in southern Belgium. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 228-229, 370-383. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.06.009
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Gourlez de la Motte, L., Jerome, E., Mamadou, O., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2016). Carbon balance of an intensively grazed grassland in southern Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geoscience Union genral assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Jerome, E., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (24 September 2014). Carbon balance of a grazed pasture and its response to grazing management [Poster presentation]. 1st ICOS International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles.

Jerome, E. (2014). Bilan de carbone d'une prairie pâturée en Région wallonne: effets du climat et de la gestion du pâturage [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Wilmus, F., & Heinesch, B. (2014). Yearly Follow-up of Methane Turbulent Exchange Over an Intensively Grazed Pasture in Belgium. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 79 (1), 91-96.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (2014). Impact of grazing on carbon dioxide exchanges in an intensively managed Belgian grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 194, 7-16. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2014.04.021
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Jerome, E., Dumortier, P., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (2013). Etablissement du bilan de carbone d’une exploitation agricole wallonne pratiquant le système allaitant : effets du climat et de la gestion du pâturage. Rapport de synthèse. Janvier 2012 – Décembre 2013. Belgium: Service Public de Wallonie.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Wilmus, F., & Heinesch, B. (September 2013). Cattle methane fluxes measurement over an intensively grazed grassland using eddy covariance [Poster presentation]. Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land Use Systems.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Dumortier, P., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (September 2013). Impact of grazing on carbon dioxide flux exchanges in an intensively managed grassland [Poster presentation]. Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land Use Systems, Antwerp, Belgium.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Dumortier, P., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (June 2013). Impacts of grazing on carbon dioxide fluxes of an intensively grazed grassland in Belgium [Poster presentation]. Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture Conference (GGAA), Dublin, Ireland.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., & Heinesch, B. (June 2013). Yearly follow-up of methane turbulent exchange over an intensively grazed grassland in Belgium [Poster presentation]. Greenhouse Gases & Animal Agriculture.

Beekkerk van Ruth, J., Moureaux, C., Degré, A., Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., & Aubinet, M. (09 April 2013). Temporal variability of nitrous oxide fluxes from a fertilized grassland in Belgium: preliminary results from dynamic closed chambers [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienne, Austria.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Beekkerk van Ruth, J., Bodson, B., Dumortier, P., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (09 April 2013). Impact of grazing on carbon balance of an intensively grazed grassland in Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Austria.

Beekkerk van Ruth, J., Moureaux, C., Degré, A., Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., & Aubinet, M. (09 April 2013). TEMPORAL VARIABILITY OF N2O FLUXES FROM A FERTILIZED GRASSLAND: PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM DYNAMIC CLOSED CHAMBERS [Poster presentation]. EGU: general assembly.

Dumortier, P., Rabier, F., Beckers, Y., Vanlierde, A., Jerome, E., & Mathot, M. (20 February 2013). Elevage et gaz à effet de serre : le bilan des émissions de l'animal à la filière [Paper presentation]. Carrefour des Productions animales, Gembloux, Belgium.

Dumortier, P., Beekkerk van Ruth, J., Jerome, E., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Beckers, Y. (2013). RAPPORT D'ACTIVITES 2012 "Etablissement du bilan de carbone d'une exploitation agricole wallonne pratiquant le système allaitant: effets du climat et de la gestion du pâturage". (Projet D31-1278). Gembloux, Belgium: Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Degard, C., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (2013). Stockage de carbone et flux de gaz à effet de serre en prairie (synthèse bibliographique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 17 (1), 103-117.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., & Heinesch, B. (2013). Initiation of methane turbulent flux measurements over a grazed grassland in Belgium. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Dumortier, P., Beekkerk van Ruth, J., Heinesch, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (December 2012). Agriculture et changements climatiques: bilan de carbone d'une prairie pâturée en Région wallonne. Côté Boeuf: Magazine Semestriel de la FVBW, 10, p. 3-8.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (23 April 2012). Carbon balance of an intensive grazed grassland [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienne, Austria.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (2012). Carbon balance of a grazed grassland in Belgium. In Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences (pp. 105-110). Ghent, Belgium: Faculty of Bioscience Engeneering.

Jerome, E., Aubinet, M., Bodson, B., & Beckers, Y. (2012). Projet D31-1235: Etablissement du bilan de carbone d'une exploitation agricole wallonne pratiquant le système allaitant: effets du climat et de la gestion du pâturage. Rapport de synthèse: Janvier 2010 - Décembre 2011. Gembloux, Belgium: Université de Liège - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

Beckers, Y., Jerome, E., Moureaux, C., Bodson, B., & Aubinet, M. (June 2011). Production de viande - réchauffement climatique. Côté Boeuf: Magazine Semestriel de la FVBW, 7, p. 6-8.

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (08 April 2011). Carbon exchange in a Belgian grassland with cattle [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienne, Austria.

Jerome, E., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (05 May 2010). Long term carbon dioxide exchange above a mixed forest in the Belgian Ardennes: evaluation of different approaches to deduce total ecosystem respiration from Eddy covariance measurements [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria.

Moureaux, C., Aubinet, M., Dufranne, D., Vancutsem, F., Jerome, E., & Bodson, B. (2010). Les grandes cultures et le cycle du carbone. In Livre Blanc Céréales.

Dufranne, D., Jerome, E., Moureaux, C., Vancutsem, F., Aubinet, M., & Bodson, B. (24 February 2010). Les flux de CO2 en grandes cultures [Paper presentation]. Livre Blanc, Gembloux, Belgium.

Jerome, E., Aubinet, M., Bodson, B., & Beckers, Y. (2010). Projet D31-1235: Etablissement du bilan de carbone d'une exploitation agricole pratiquant le système allaitant: effets du climat et de la gestion du pâturage. Rapport d'activités: Janvier 2010 - Décembre 2010. Gembloux, Belgium: Université de Liège - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

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