
Bachy Aurélie

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Heinesch, Bernard  (28)
Aubinet, Marc  (26)
Amelynck, Crist (24)
Delaplace, Pierre  (20)
Schoon, Niels (20)
Main Referenced Keywords
eddy covariance (8); Methanol (7); VOC (7); maize (6); BVOC (5);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
ULG (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Agriculture & agronomy (17)
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (8)
Environmental sciences & ecology (6)
Chemistry (6)
Earth sciences & physical geography (4)

Publications (total 29)

The most downloaded
Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (2017). Methanol emissions from maize: Ontogenetic dependence to varying light conditions and guttation as an additional factor constraining the flux. Atmospheric Environment, 152, 405-417. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.041

The most cited

71 citations (OpenAlex)

Mozaffar, M. A., Schoon, N., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Amelynck, C. (2018). Biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from senescent maize leaves and a comparison with other leaf developmental stages. Atmospheric Environment, 176, 71-81. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.12.020

Amelynck, C., Bachy, A., Schoon, N., & Heinesch, B. (2024). (O)VOC concentration and flux measurements above a wheat field at the Lonzée ICOS ecosystem station (Belgium). doi:10.18758/87DE2ABL

Amelynck, C., Bachy, A., Schoon, N., & Heinesch, B. (2024). (O)VOC concentration and flux measurements above a maize field at the Lonzée ICOS ecosystem station (Belgium). doi:10.18758/7V20VH47

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Bodson, B., Delaplace, P., De Ligne, A., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., Müller, J.-F., & Heinesch, B. (2020). Dynamics and mechanisms of volatile organic compound exchanges in a winter wheat field. Atmospheric Environment, 221, 117105. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.117105
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Bachy, A. (2018). Echanges de composés organiques volatils d'origine biogénique entre deux écosystèmes agricoles et l'atmosphère [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Michel, C., Amelynck, C., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., & Heinesch, B. (11 April 2018). Environmental controls of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienne, Austria.

Mozaffar, M. A., Schoon, N., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Amelynck, C. (2018). Biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from senescent maize leaves and a comparison with other leaf developmental stages. Atmospheric Environment, 176, 71-81. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.12.020
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Digrado, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (2018). Decrease in the photosynthetic performance of temperate grassland species does not lead to a decline in the gross primary production of the ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 16 p., article 67. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00067
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Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., Delaplace, P., De Ligne, A., & Heinesch, B. (2018). Methanol exchange dynamics between a temperate cropland soil and the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment, 176, 229-239. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.12.016
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Michel, C., Heinesch, B., Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., & Mozaffar, A. (20 October 2017). Environmental controls of methanol emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. ICOS Belgium Science Conference, Gembloux, Belgium.

Michel, C., Heinesch, B., Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., & Mozaffar, A. (15 June 2017). Environmental controls of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. New Perspectives in Modeling and Measurement of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions by Remote Sensing, Anvers, Belgium.

Digrado, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (30 April 2017). Long-term field study of the influence of the photosynthetic performance of temperate grassland species on ecosystem CO2 exchange fluxes at the ecosystem-scale [Poster presentation]. CO2 Assimilation in Plants from Genome to Biome Gordon Research Conference.

Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Amelynck, C. (28 April 2017). Grazing-induced BVOC fluxes from a managed grassland [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienne, Austria.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (26 March 2017). Long-term field study of the photosynthetic performance and acclimation potential of Lolium perenne L. facing combined environmental constraints in a temperate managed grassland [Poster presentation]. 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference.

Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (2017). Methanol emissions from maize: Ontogenetic dependence to varying light conditions and guttation as an additional factor constraining the flux. Atmospheric Environment, 152, 405-417. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.041
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (2017). Long-term measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence using the JIP-test show that combined abiotic stresses influence the photosynthetic performance of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in a managed temperate grassland. Physiologia Plantarum, 161 (3), 355-371. doi:10.1111/ppl.12594
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Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (09 June 2016). Photosynthetic apparatus response of the Lolium perenne L. to environmental stresses [Paper presentation]. EDT Plant Science Annual Meeting.

Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Heinesch, B. (June 2016). Disentangling soil from plant methanol exchanges in a maize field: a first step [Poster presentation]. GRC conference "Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere", Girona, Spain.

Mozaffar, A., schoon, N., Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (June 2016). BVOC fluxes from maize: flux intensity, pattern, and composition changes from leaf emergence to senescence [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (20 May 2016). Chlorophyll a fluorescence : a tool to assess the photosynthetic apparatus behavior [Poster presentation]. Terra inovation Fair.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (28 April 2016). Are BVOC exchanges in agricultural ecosystems overestimated? Insights from fluxes measured in a maize field over a whole growing season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16 (8). doi:10.5194/acp-16-5343-2016
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Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (18 April 2016). Are BVOC exchanges in agricultural ecosystems overestimated? Insights from fluxes measured in a maize field over a whole growing season [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Mozaffar, A., Amelynck, C., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Schoon, N., Aubinet, M., & Heinesch, B. (April 2015). Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (BVOC) emissions from agricultural crop species: is guttation a possible source for methanol emissions following light/dark transition? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17 (EGU2015-2110-1).

Amelynck, C., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., & schoon, N. (April 2015). The CROSTVOC project – an integrated approach to study the effect of stress on BVOC exchange between agricultural crops and grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (23 September 2014). Are agricultural ecosystems important BVOC « exchangers »? Evidences from 2 measurement years on croplands at Lonzée Terrestrial Observatory (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. 1st ICOS Science Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycle, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (01 July 2014). Are agricultural ecosystems important BVOC « exchangers »? Evidences from 2 measurement years on croplands at Lonzée (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference « Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere, Interactions in a Changing World », Girona, Spain.

Heinesch, B., Amelynck, C., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., & Schoon, N. (01 July 2014). CROSTVOC : an integrated project for studying the impact of abiotic stresses on BVOC production of field crops and grasslands [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference « Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere, Interactions in a Changing World », Girona, Spain.

Digrado, A., Mozaffar, A., Bachy, A., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (07 February 2014). Impact of abiotic stresses on volatile organic compound production of field crops and grasslands [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., SALERNO, G., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (10 June 2013). Long term measurements of VOC exchanges above a maize field at Lonzée (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on BVOC Modelling and Applications, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., SALERNO, G., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (February 2013). Long term measurements of volatile organic compounds exchanges above a maize field at Lonzee (Belgium). Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 78 (1), 127-132.
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