Vereecken, T., Parent, A.-S., Van Linthout, C., Laterre, M., Fudvoye, J., NECHIFOR, V. A., Demarche, M., & Pintiaux, A. (December 2022). Quand proposer une gonadectomie chez les patientes présentant une insensibilité complète aux androgènes ? Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (12), 728-732. Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Jenchenne, N., Seidel, L., GANGOLF, M., Van Linthout, C., Capelle, X., Emonts, P., & Grandfils, S. (October 2022). Impact d’un second stade de travail prolongé sur la morbidité périnatale : quelle est notre expérience? Revue Médicale de Liège, 77 (10), 571 - 577. Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Zaffuto, K., Capelle, X., De Gottal, E., & Van Linthout, C. (November 2021). Infection materno-fœtale à cytomégalovirus. Expérience liégeoise et nouvelle stratégie de dépistage et de prise en charge anténatale. Revue Médicale de Liège, 76 (11), 811 - 816. Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi |
TREMBLAY LEMOINE, P. L., Van Linthout, C., Emonts, P., Kridelka, F., SEIDEL, L., & CAPELLE, X. (2020). L’induction élective du travail chez la patiente nullipare : stop ou encore ? Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (10), 676-681. Peer reviewed |
Madani, S., VAN LINTHOUT, C., Rondia, G., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (January 2020). Anomalie d'Ebstein : du diagnostic prenatal au traitement chirurgical. Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (1), 43-48. Peer reviewed |
DELANNOY, P., GRANDFILS, S., LEBRETHON, M.-C., CHANTRAINE, F., VAN LINTHOUT, C., BECKERS, A., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (2019). A series of 9 pregnancies with hyperthyroidism and Graves disease : fetal and maternal follow up. In Abstract book : Annual congress of the Belgian Society of Internal Medicine. |
ROUATBI, H., Zigabe, S., Gkiougki, E., VRANKEN, L., VAN LINTHOUT, C., & Seghaye, M.-C. (October 2019). Biomarkers of neonatal stress assessment: A prospective study. Early Human Development, 137, 104826. doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2019.104826 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Moise, A., Capelle, X., & Van Linthout, C. (July 2019). La maladie des brides amniotiques. Une pathologie malformative rare et sévère. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (7-8), 406 - 409. Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi |
ROUATBI, H., Gkiouki, E., Zigabe, S., VAN LINTHOUT, C., VRANKEN, L., & Seghaye, M.-C. (May 2019). Cardiac stress biomarkers in neonates: role of the delivery mode [Poster presentation]. 53rd Annual Meeting for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Séville, Spain. |
Collée, J., MALAISE, O., Emonts, P., Seghaye, M.-C., & VAN LINTHOUT, C. (February 2019). Bloc auriculoventriculaire congénital révélateur d’une pathologie maternelle systémique: Physiopathologie et approches thérapeutiques. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (2), 95-99. Peer reviewed |
CAPELLE, X., Schaaps, J.-P., BAVI DIDO, J.-V., DAUBY, M., Desaive, T., VAN LINTHOUT, C., SEIDEL, L., Kridelka, F., Dauby, P., & Machrafi, H. (2019). Variation of the maximum velocity along the umbilical vein supports the Reynolds pulsometer modela. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction. doi:10.1016/j.jogoh.2019.07.012 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MALAISE, O., Collee, J., SEGHAYE, M.-C., Castermans Caroline, VAN LINTHOUT, C., & MALAISE, M. (September 2018). WHEN BABY’S HEART REVEALS MUM’S DISEASE [Poster presentation]. Belgian Congress of Rheumatology. Peer reviewed |
VAN LINTHOUT, C., Brulmans, C., CAPELLE, X., KRIDELKA, F., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (2018). Choix du lieu de naissance du foetus cardiopathe. Expérience liégeoise et recommandations internationales. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (1), 28-33. Peer reviewed |
Leonard, F., Gueben, R., Gueben, R., Grisart, B., & VAN LINTHOUT, C. (2018). Le cas clinique du mois: découverte fortuite d’anomalies génétiques maternelles lors du test prénatal non invasif. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (1). Peer reviewed |
VAN LINTHOUT, C., Brulmans, C., CAPELLE, X., Kridelka, F., & Seghaye, M.-C. (2018). Choix du lieu de naissance du fœtus cardiopathe: Expérience liégeoise et recomm andations internationales. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (1), 28-33. Peer reviewed |
CUPERS, S., VAN LINTHOUT, C., DESPRECHINS, B., Rausin, L., Demarche, M., & Seghaye, M.-C. (2018). Heterotaxy syndrome with intestinal malrotation, polysplenia and azygos continuity. Clinics and Practice, 8 (1), 15-17. doi:10.4081/cp.2018.1004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN LINTHOUT, C.* , Lincé, A.* , CAPELLE, X., LEPAGE, S., & KRIDELKA, F. (September 2017). Impact of the angle used in 2D Ultrasonography on the foetal femur diaphysis measurement. Facts, Views and Vision in Obgyn, 9 (2), 101-104. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
André, H., VAN LINTHOUT, C., Gewillig, M., De Catte, L., MALAISE, O., & Seghaye, M.-C. (March 2017). When baby's heart reveals mum's disease : Diagnosis of Sjögren's disease in a woman whose fetus shows complete atrioventricular block. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 19 (1), 30. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lincé, A., CAPELLE, X., LEPAGE, S., KRIDELKA, F., & VAN LINTHOUT, C. (2017). Impact of the angle used in 2D Ultrasonography on the foetal femur diaphysis measurement. Facts, Views and Vision in Obgyn, 9 (2), 101. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KAKKOS, A., GONNE, E., COIMBRA MARQUES, C., NERVO, P., REMACLE, G., THILLE, A., HAYETTE, M.-P., VAN LINTHOUT, C., KRIDELKA, F., & DELBECQUE, K. (2017). Le cas clinique du mois. Actinomycose pelvienne pseudo-tumorale : il fallait y penser. Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (1), 10-13. Peer reviewed |
VAN LINTHOUT, C., EMONARD, V., GATOT, J.-S., CAPELLE, X., Kridelka, F., Emonts, P., & Seghaye, M.-C. (2016). Prenatal diagnosis of a terminal chromosome 1 (q42-q44) deletion : original case report and review of the literature. Facts, Views and Vision in Obgyn, 8 (2), 101-103. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Guffins, A., FARHAT, N., GKIOUGKI, E., LECUT, C., VAN LINTHOUT, C., Gothot, A., & Seghaye, M.-C. (2016). Role of inflammatory- and growth factors in the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes-related complications in neonates. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 18 (1), 82. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Guffins, A., FARHAT, N., GKIOUGKI, E., VAN LINTHOUT, C., & Seghaye, M.-C. (January 2015). Does gestational diabetes influence foetal organ function ? Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 99. Peer reviewed |
Denef, M., Capelle, X., Van Linthout, C., LEPAGE, S., & Emonts, P. (2015). LE CAS CLINIQUE DU MOIS. Mort foetale in utero due à une hémorragie foeto-maternelle massive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (7-8), 355 - 359. Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CUPERS, S., Lambert, M., VAN LINTHOUT, C., DESPRECHINS, B., Demarche, M., SZECEL, D., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (March 2014). Le situs inversus abdominal incomplet avec malrotation : à propos d'un cas clinique [Paper presentation]. 42e Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie. |
ANTOLE, N., JACQUEMART, C., GKIOUGKI, E., VAN LINTHOUT, C., SCHUMACHER, K., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (January 2014). Cardiac malformations in neonates born from mothers with gestational diabetes [Paper presentation]. Belgian Society of Cardiology - 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
LEPAGE, S., CAPELLE, X., EMONTS, P., KRIDELKA, F., SEGHAYE, M.-C., & VAN LINTHOUT, C. (2014). Persistent Right-Sided Umbilical Vein and Azygos Continuity associated with Ophtalmological and Pulmonary Malformations. Prenatal Diagnosis of an Exceptional Case. Gynecology and Obstetrics, 4 (12). doi:10.4172/2161-0932.1000256 Peer reviewed |
ANTOLE, N., JACQUEMART, C., GKIOUGKI, E., VAN LINTHOUT, C., SCHUMACHER, K., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (March 2013). Cardiac malformations in neonates born from mothers with gestational diabetes [Paper presentation]. 41ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie 2013, Anvers, Belgium. |
VAN LINTHOUT, C., & Ahrendt, J. (1999). Recurrent abortion. Etiology and occurrence. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Médicales du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, (2), 59-71. |