
Pirard Catherine

Département des sciences de la santé publique

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Charlier, Corinne  (66)
Focant, Jean-François  (51)
De Pauw, Edwin  (46)
Eppe, Gauthier  (25)
Dufour, Patrice  (24)
Main Referenced Keywords
Belgium (4); dioxins (4); Parabens (4); polychlorinated biphenyls (4); polychlorinated dibenzofurans (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CART - Centre Interfacultaire d'Analyse des Résidus en Traces - ULiège (27)
CIRM - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Médicament - ULiège (2)
FARAH - Veterinary Public Health (1)
Giga-Systems Biology and Chemical Biology - ULiège (1)
d‐BRU - Dental Biomaterials Research Unit - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology (62)
Chemistry (52)
Environmental sciences & ecology (7)
Food science (5)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (4)

Publications (total 121)

The most downloaded
DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (June 2013). Evaluation de l'effet matrice lors de l'analyse de stupéfiants par LC-MS-MS [Poster presentation]. 21ème Congrès de la SFTA - 51ème Congrès de la STC, Saint-Malo, France.

The most cited

154 citations (OpenAlex)

Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., PIRARD, C., Massart, A.-C., André, J.-E., & De Pauw, E. (July 2002). Levels and congener distributions of PCDDs, PCDFs and non-ortho PCBs in Belgian foodstuffs - Assessment of dietary intake. Chemosphere, 48 (2), 167-179. doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(02)00104-2

Claessens, J., Dufour, P., Dardenne, N., Charlier, C., & Pirard, C. (2025). Contamination levels and distribution of persistent and non-persistent pollutants in paired hair, urine and serum samples from a Belgian non-occupationally exposed population. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A, 1 - 16. doi:10.1080/15287394.2025.2451676
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Bayebila Menanzambi, T., Pirard, C., Ilunga wa Kabuaya, C., Malolo, L. S.-C. M., Makola, M. M., Kule-Koto, F. K., Mpasi, J. N., Djang'eing'a, R. M., Kindenge, J. M., Charlier, C., & Dufour, P. (07 October 2024). Current exposure to environmental pollutants in the general adult population of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 263 (2025), 114479. doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2024.114479
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Claessens, J., Dufour, P., Pirard, C., & Charlier, C. (04 October 2024). Impact of endocrine disruptors on the incidence of type 2 diabetes: results from a case-control study in Liege [Paper presentation]. BLT - LTG Symposium 2024, Liege, Belgium.

Petit, J. C. J., Mattielli, N., De Jong, J., Bouhoulle, E., Debouge, W., Maggi, P., Hublet, G., Fagel, N., Pirard, C., Charlier, C., & Suzanne, R. (2024). High precision blood lead radiogenic isotope signatures in a community exposed to Pb contaminated soils and implications for the current Pb exposure of the European population. Science of the Total Environment, 174763. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174763
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Cirello, V., Lugaresi, M., Moneta, C., Dufour, P., Manzo, A., Carbone, E., Colombo, C., Fugazzola, L., Charlier, C., & Pirard, C. (2024). Thyroid Cancer and Endocrine Disruptive Chemicals: A Case-Control Study on Per-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). European Thyroid Journal. doi:10.1530/ETJ-23-0192
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Reale, E., Hopf, N. B., Breider, F., Grandjean, D., Pirard, C., Charlier, C., Koch, H. M., Berthet, A., Suarez, G., & Borgatta, M. (13 October 2023). Repeated Human Exposure to Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Inhalation: Novel Protocol for a Nonrandomized Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, 51020. doi:10.2196/51020
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Charlier, C., Ruthy, I., Jacques, A., Remy, S., Hoet, P., Haufroid, V., Demaegdt, H., & Pirard, C. (October 2023). Contamination chimique de la population générale wallonne évaluée pour le projet BMH-Wal. Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 35 (3), 91. doi:10.1016/j.toxac.2023.08.071
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Dufour, P., Bayebila Menanzambi, T., Pirard, C., & Charlier, C. (11 September 2023). Determination of the Contamination by Environmental Pollutants in the Population of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo [Paper presentation]. Dioxin 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Pirard, C., Ruthy, I., Jacques, A., Remy, S., Hoet, P., Haufroid, V., Demaegdt, H., & Charlier, C. (22 June 2023). Exposure assessment of the Walloon population to pesticides within the BMH-WAL study [Paper presentation]. 12th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-12), Porto, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Dufour, P., Pirard, C., Lebrethon, M.-C., & Charlier, C. (2023). Associations between endocrine disruptor contamination and thyroid hormone homeostasis in Belgian type 1 diabetic children. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. doi:10.1007/s00420-023-01974-9
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Reimann, B., Sleurs, H., Dockx, Y., Rasking, L., De Boever, P., Pirard, C., Charlier, C., Nawrot, T. S., & Plusquin, M. (2023). Exposure to endocrine disrupters and cardiometabolic health effects in preschool children: Urinary parabens are associated with wider retinal venular vessels. Chemosphere, 138570. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138570
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Dufour, P., Pirard, C., Lebrethon, M.-C., & Charlier, C. (18 November 2022). Association between endocrine disruptor contamination and thyroid hormone homeostasis in Belgian type 1 diabetic children [Poster presentation]. 2022 Annual RBSLM Meeting.
Peer reviewed

Petit, J. C. J., Maggi, P., Pirard, C., Charlier, C., Ruttens, A., Colinet, G., & Remy, S. (25 August 2022). Human biomonitoring survey (Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Zn, Mo) for urban gardeners exposed to metal contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution, 312, 120028. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120028
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Pirard, C., & Charlier, C. (09 July 2022). Urinary levels of parabens, phthalate metabolites, bisphenol A and plasticizer alternatives in a Belgian population: Time trend or impact of an awareness campaign? Environmental Research, 214, 113852. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2022.113852
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Claessens, J., Charlier, C., Pirard, C., & Dufour, P. (2022). Statistical approaches to compare levels of 9 endocrine disrupting chemicals in hair serum and in urine [Poster presentation]. Congrès RBSLM.
Peer reviewed

CLAESSENS, J., PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (2022). Determination of contamination levels for multiple endocrine disruptors in hair from a non-occupationally exposed population living in Liège (Belgium). Science of the Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152734
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PIRARD, C., Dufour, P., & CHARLIER, C. (08 October 2021). Background contamination level of perfluorinated compounds in a Belgian general population [Paper presentation]. BLT meeting on October 8th 2021, Echternach, Luxembourg.

Claessens, J., PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (26 May 2021). Biomonitoring of 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in Walloon population using hair as matrix [Poster presentation]. Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Medicines (CIRM) Scientific Day, Liège, Belgium.

BAYEBILA MENANZAMBI, T., Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., Nsangu, J., Mufusama, J.-P., Mbinze Kindenge, J., Marini Djang'Eing'A, R., & CHARLIER, C. (2021). Bio-surveillance of environmental pollutants in the population of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): a small pilot study. Archives of Public Health. doi:10.1186/s13690-021-00717-x
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Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., Ortegat, G., Brouhon, J.-M., & CHARLIER, C. (2021). Atmospheric deposition of polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the vicinity of shredding facilities in Wallonia (Belgium). Atmospheric Pollution Research Journal, 12, 60-66. doi:10.1016/j.apr.2020.08.014
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Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., SEGHAYE, M.-C., BOEMER, F., & CHARLIER, C. (January 2020). Associations entre exposition aux polluants organiques persistants durant la grossesse et fonction thyroïdienne durant la petite enfance : étude longitudinale pilote et revue de la littérature. Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (1), 37-42.
Peer reviewed

PIRARD, C., Remy, S., Giusti, A., Champon, L., & CHARLIER, C. (2020). Assessment of children’s exposure to currently used pesticides in wallonia, Belgium. Toxicology Letters, 329, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.04.020
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PIRARD, C., Dufour, P., & CHARLIER, C. (2020). Background contamination of perfluoralkyl substances in a Belgian general population. Toxicology Letters, 333, 13-21. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.07.015
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Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (25 September 2019). Effects of a mixture of persistent organic pollutants on the thyroid function of a belgian population [Paper presentation]. 17th International Congress of Therapeutical Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

Maggi, P., Petit, J., PIRARD, C., CHARLIER, C., Ruttens, A., Goidts, E., Gosselin, P., & Remy, S. (28 August 2019). HUMAN BIOMONITORING FOR GARDENERS EXPOSED TO CONTAMINATED SOILS IN LIÈGE [Paper presentation]. 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-11).

Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., Petrossians, P., Beckers, A., & Charlier, C. (2019). Association between mixture of persistent organic pollutants and thyroid pathologies in a Belgian population. Environmental Research, 108922. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108922
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PIRARD, C., Dufour, P., & CHARLIER, C. (2019). BACKGROUND CONTAMINATION LEVEL OF PERFLUORINATED COMPOUNDS IN A BELGIAN GENERAL POPULATION [Paper presentation]. 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-11).

PIRARD, C., CHAMPON, L., GUISTI, A., CHARLIER, C., & REMY, S. (2019). ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN’S EXPOSURE TO CURRENTLY USED PESTICIDES IN WALLONIA, BELGIUM [Paper presentation]. 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-11), Leuven, Belgium.

Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., SEGHAYE, M.-C., & Charlier, C. (2018). Association between perfluoroalkyl substances in cord blood and birth weight in Belgian population. Toxicology Letters. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2018.06.969
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Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (20 February 2018). Is the contamination of the Belgian population by endocrine disruptors linked to thyroid disorders ? [Paper presentation]. CIRM Seminars, Liège, Belgium.

Giusti, A., PIRARD, C., CHARLIER, C., & Remy, S. (February 2018). Selection and ranking method for currently used pesticides (CUPs) monitoring in ambient air. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 11, 385–396. doi:10.1007/s11869-017-0516-6
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PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (2018). Simple and fast method for the measurement of legac y and novel brominated flame retardants in human serum. Chemosphere, 211, 918-925. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.08.012
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Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., Seghaye, M.-C., & Charlier, C. (2018). Association between organohalogenated pollutants in cord blood and thyroid function in newborns and mothers from Belgian population. Environmental Pollution, 238, 389-396. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2018.03.058
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PIRARD, C., Compere, S., Firquet, C., & CHARLIER, C. (2018). The current environmental levels of endocrine disruptors (mercury, cadmium, organochlorine pesticides and PCBs) in a Belgian adult population and their predictors of exposure. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 221, 211-222. doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2017.10.010
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Dufour, P., SEGHAYE, M.-C., PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (01 December 2017). Associations between organohalogenated pollutants in cord blood and thyroid function in newborns from Belgian population [Paper presentation]. BelTOX Meeting, Leuven, Belgium.

Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (01 December 2017). Determination of phenolic organohalogens in human serum from a Belgian population and assessment of parameters affecting the human contamination. Science of the Total Environment, 599-600, 1856–1866. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.157
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Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., Seghaye, M.-C., & Charlier, C. (20 October 2017). Contaminations des sangs de cordon par des pesticides organochlorés, des PCBs et des composés perfluorés [Paper presentation]. 6e Journées Internationales de Toxicologie, Liège, Belgium.

PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (20 October 2017). Etude d’imprégnation de la population liégeoise aux Perturbateurs Endocriniens : détermination des niveaux d’exposition et identification de sources potentielles [Paper presentation]. 6èmes journées internationales de toxicologie.

PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (02 October 2017). Assessment of the environmental levels and predictors of exposure to some endocrine disruptors in a Belgian adult population: focus on mercury, cadmium, organochlorine pesticides and PCBs [Paper presentation]. 10th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-10).

PIRARD, C., Dozot, G., & Charlier, C. (October 2017). Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and some novel brominated flame retardants in a Belgian population [Poster presentation]. 6èmes Journées Internationales de Toxicologie, Liège, Belgium.

GRENADE, C., De Pauw-Gillet, M.-C., PIRARD, C., Bertrand, V., Charlier, C., VAN HEUSDEN, A., & Mainjot, A. (09 January 2017). Biocompatibility of polymer-infiltrated-ceramicnetwork (PICN) materials with Human Gingival Keratinocytes (HGKs). Dental Materials, 33, 333-343. doi:10.1016/
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PIRARD, C., Dufour, P., & CHARLIER, C. (2017). Determination of phenolic organohalogens in human serum from a belgian population and assessment of parameters affecting human contamination [Paper presentation]. 8th International Symposium on Flame Retardants (BFR2017), York, United Kingdom.

PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (2017). Simple and fast method for the measurement of ploybrominated diphenyl ethers and some novel brominated flame retardants in human serum [Paper presentation]. 8th International Symposium on Flame Retardants (BFR2017), York, United Kingdom.

PIRARD, C., Brouhon, J.-M., Fourmeaux, A., & CHARLIER, C. (May 2016). A Simple Tiered Methodology for the Determination of Ambient Air Quality Guidelines. Clean: Soil, Air, Water, 44 (5), 464-473. doi:10.1002/clen.201400895
Peer reviewed

Dufour, P., PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (2016). Validation of a novel and rapid method for simultaneous determination of some phenolic organohalogens in serum by GC-MS. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 1036, 66-75. doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.10.002
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PIRARD, C., DUBOIS, N., BROUHON, J.-M., Fourmeaux, A., & CHARLIER, C. (November 2015). A Simple tiered methodology for the determination of ambient air quality guidelines [Poster presentation]. PEFTEC (Petroleum, refining and environmental monitoring technologies), Anvers, Belgium.

DEWALQUE, L., PIRARD, C., Vandepaer, S., & Charlier, C. (October 2015). Temporal variability of urinary concentrations of phthalate metabolites, parabens and benzophenone-3 in a belgian adult population. Environmental Research, 142, 414-423. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2015.07.015
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Castano, A., Cutanda, F., Esteban, M., Part, P., Navarro, C., Gomez, S., Rosado, M., Lopez, A., Lopez, E., Exley, K., Schindler, B. K., Lavranos, G., Govarts, E., Casteleyn, L., Kolossa-Gehring, M., Fiddicke, U., Koch, H., Angerer, J., Den Hond, E., ... Charlier, C. (August 2015). Fish consumption patterns and hair mercury levels in children and their mothers in 17 EU countries. Environmental Research, 141, 58-68. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2014.10.029
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PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (2015). Chapter 4 : Human Exposure of Bisphenol A : Review of the Urinary Levels in the General Population. In Y. Gibert (Ed.), Bisphenol A : Sources, Risks of Environmental Exposure and Human Health Effects (pp. 125-154). New York, United States: Nova Science Publishers.
Peer reviewed

Esteban, M., Schindler, B. K., Jiménez-Guerrero, J. A., Koch, H., Angerer, J., Rivas, T. C., Rosado, M., Gómez, S., Casteleyn, L., Kolossa-Gehring, M., Becker, Bloemen, L., Schoeters, G., Den Hond, E., Sepai, O., Exley, K., Horvat, M., & PIRARD, C. (2015). Mercury analysis in hair: Comparability and quality assessment within the transnational COPHES/DEMOCOPHES project. Environmental Research, 141, 24-30. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2014.11.014
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DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (September 2014). Evaluation of matrix effects occurring during drugs of abuse anaysis by LC-MSMS [Poster presentation]. Symposium "Alternative Sampling Strategies in Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Gant, Belgium.

Dewalque, L., PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (February 2014). Measurement of urinary biomarkers of parabens, benzophenone-3 and phthalates in a Belgian population. BioMed Research International, 2014 (Article ID 649314,), 1-13. doi:10.1155/2014/649314
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Brasseur, C., PIRARD, C., Scholl, G., De Pauw, E., Viel, J.-F., Shen, L., Reiner, E. J., & Focant, J.-F. (2014). Levels of dechloranes and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in human serum from France. Environment International, 65, 33-40. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2013.12.014
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Dewalque, L., PIRARD, C., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (2014). Simultaneous determination of some phthalate metabolites, parabens and benzophenone-3 in urine by ultra high pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 949-950, 37-47. doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2014.01.002
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PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (2014). Human Exposure of Bisphenol A: Review of the Urinary Biomarker Levels in the General Population. In Y. Gibert (Ed.), Bisphenol A: Sources, Risks of Environmental Exposure and Human Health Effects (pp. 125-154). Nova Science Publishers.

Dewalque, L., Charlier, C., & PIRARD, C. (2014). Estimated daily intake and cumulative risk assessment of phthalate diesters in a Belgian general population. Toxicology Letters, 231 (2), 161-168. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2014.06.028
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PIRARD, C., Koppen, G., De Cremer, K., Van Overmeire, I., Govarts, E., Dewolf, M.-C., Van De Mieroop, E., Aerts, D., Biot, P., Casteleyn, L., Kolossa-Gehring, M., Schwedler, G., Angerer, J., Koch, H. M., Schindler, B. K., Castano, A., Esteban, M., Schoeters, G., Den Hond, E., ... Charlier, C. (2014). Hair Mercury and urinary cadmium levels in Belgian children and their mothers within the framework of the COPHES/DEMOCOPHES projects. Science of the Total Environment, 472, 730-740. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.11.028
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Brasseur, C., L'Homme, B., PIRARD, C., Scholl, G., Viel, J., Shen, L., Reinsr, R., & Focant, J.-F. (November 2013). Dechloranes: The next Emerging POP? [Paper presentation]. RAFA 2013, Prague, Czechia.

Dewalque, L., PIRARD, C., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (October 2013). Simultaneous determination of phthalate metabolites, parabens, and benzophenone-3 in human urine by ultra-high-pressure-liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry [Poster presentation]. 5èmes Journées Internationales de Toxicologie, Liège, Belgium.

PIRARD, C., De Cremer, K., Van Overmeire, I., Koppen, G., Dewolf, M.-C., De Mieroop, E., Aerts, D., Biot, P., Van Loco, J., & Charlier, C. (September 2013). Mercury and cadmium levels in Belgian children and their mothers [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Biological Monitoring, Manchester, United Kingdom.

DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (11 June 2013). Evaluation de l'effet matrice lors de l'analyse de stupéfiants par LC-MS-MS [Paper presentation]. Réunion Jeunes Scientifiques - 21ème congrès SFTA - 51ème congrès de la STC, Saint-Malo, France.

DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., PIRARD, C., & CHARLIER, C. (June 2013). Evaluation de l'effet matrice lors de l'analyse de stupéfiants par LC-MS-MS [Poster presentation]. 21ème Congrès de la SFTA - 51ème Congrès de la STC, Saint-Malo, France.

DEWALQUE, L., PIRARD, C., & Charlier, C. (March 2013). Quantitative determination of non persistent endocrine disruptors in human urine [Poster presentation]. International Waset Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Dewalque, L., PIRARD, C., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (2013). Quantitative determination of non persistent endocrine disruptors in human urine. Acta Clinica Belgica, 68 (6).
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Dewalque, L., PIRARD, C., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (2013). Marqueurs urinaires témoins de l'exposition de la population liégeoise à différents perturbateurs endocriniens. Acta Clinica Belgica, 68 (6), 473.
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PIRARD, C., SAGOT, C., DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (November 2012). Urinary Levels of Bisphenol A, Triclosan and 4-Nonylphenol in a General Belgian Population [Poster presentation]. 50ème Congrès de la Société de Toxicologie Clinique (STC), Paris, France.

PIRARD, C., SAGOT, C., DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (October 2012). Urinary Levels of Bisphenol A, Triclosan and 4-Nonylphenol in a General Belgian Population [Poster presentation]. Human Biomonitoring (HBM) - linking environment to health and supporting policy, Larnaca, Cyprus.

Brasseur, C., PIRARD, C., L'Homme, B., & Focant, J.-F. (August 2012). Measurement of human levels of Dechlorane 602 by CZC-NCI-HRTOFMS. Organohalogen Compounds, 74, 55-58.
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Brasseur, C., PIRARD, C., L'Homme, B., & Focant, J.-F. (March 2012). Measurement of Trace Level Dechlorane Flame Retardants in Human Blood by GCXGC-NCI-HRTOFMS [Paper presentation]. NVMS - BSMS International Congress on Mass Spectrometry, Rolduc, Netherlands.

Brasseur, C., PIRARD, C., & Focant, J.-F. (February 2012). Method for the measurement of dechlorane 602 in human serum [Poster presentation]. HTC-12, Brugge, Belgium.

PIRARD, C., SAGOT, C., DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (2012). Urinary levels of bisphenol A, triclosan and 4-nonylphenol in a general Belgian population. Environment International, 48, 78-83. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2012.07.003
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PIRARD, C., SAGOT, C., DEVILLE, M., DUBOIS, N., & Charlier, C. (2012). Etude de l'imprégnation d'une population générale belge en bisphénol A, triclosan et 4-nonylphénol. Annales de Toxicologie Analytique, 24 (4). doi:10.1051/ata/2011006
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PIRARD, C., Scholl, G., & Focant, J.-F. (June 2011). Advances in automation for the measurement of selected PBDEs in human serum [Paper presentation]. BFR 2011 12th Workshop on Brominated and other flame retardants, Boston, United States.

Brasseur, C., PIRARD, C., & Focant, J.-F. (2011). Method for the Measurement of Dechlorane 602 in Human Serum. Organohalogen Compounds, 73, 1359-1362.
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Nguyen, B. K., Saegerman, C., PIRARD, C., Mignon, J., Widart, J., Tuirionet, B., Verheggen, F., Berkvens, D., De Pauw, E., & Haubruge, E. (2009). Does Imidacloprid Seed-Treated Maize Have an Impact on Honey Bee Mortality? Journal of Economic Entomology, 102 (2), 616-623. doi:10.1603/029.102.0220
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PIRARD, C., Widart, J., Nguyen, B. K., Deleuze, C., Heudt, L., Haubruge, E., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (08 June 2007). Development and validation of a multi-residue method for pesticide determination in honey using on-column liquid-liquid extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1152 (1-2), 116-123. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2007.03.035
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Focant, J.-F., & PIRARD, C. (June 2007). A Global Procedure for the Measurement of Selected POPs in Food [Paper presentation]. European Waters-Restek seminar tour, Nice, France.

PIRARD, C., & Focant, J.-F. (June 2007). A Global Procedure for the Measurement of Selected POPs in Food [Paper presentation]. European Waters-Restek seminar tour, Paris, France.

Widart, J., Nguyen, B. K., Deleuze, C., Heudt, L., PIRARD, C., Haubruge, E., Focant, J.-F., & De Pauw, E. (November 2006). Multi-Group Pesticide Measurements in Bees and Related Products by On-Column LLE and GC- or LC-MS/MS [Paper presentation]. 4th European Conference on Pesticides and Related. Organic Compounds.

Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., Massart, A.-C., Scholl, G., PIRARD, C., & De Pauw, E. (13 October 2006). High-throughput biomonitoring of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls at the sub-picogram level in human serum. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1130 (1), 97-107. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2006.05.098
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Collodoro, M., Dobson, R., Bertrand, V., PIRARD, C., De Pauw-Gillet, M.-C., & De Pauw, E. (October 2006). Study of the effect of exposition of MCF-7/bos cells to 17-ß-estradiol by 2D DIGE [Poster presentation]. Proteom'Lux, Luxembourg.

PIRARD, C., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (May 2006). Suitability of tandem-in-time mass spectrometry for polybrominated diphenylether measurement in fish and shellfish samples: Comparison with high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1115 (1-2), 125-132. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2006.02.074
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Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., Massart, A.-C., Scholl, G., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (2006). On-line PLE-LC sample preparation for the measurement of dioxins and WHO-PCBs in food and feed. In Book of abstracts.
Peer reviewed

Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., Massart, A.-C., Scholl, G., PIRARD, C., & De Pauw, E. (2006). Measurement of dioxin and PCB PPT levels in human serum by SPE-LC-GC-IDHRMS for high throughput epidemiological studies. In Book of abstarcts.
Peer reviewed

Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., Massart, A.-C., scholl, G., Pirard, C., & De Pauw, E. (2006). Biomonitoring of dioxins and PCBs in human serum: SPE-LC-GC-IDHRMS for high throughput sub-PPT level measurements. Organohalogen Compounds, 68, 928-931.
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Pirard, C., Eppe, G., Massart, A.-C., Fierens, S., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (01 July 2005). Environmental and human impact of an old-timer incinerator in terms of dioxin and PCB level: A case study. Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (13), 4721-4728. doi:10.1021/es0481981
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Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (04 March 2005). Recent advances in mass spectrometric measurement of dioxins. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1067 (1-2), 265-275. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2004.10.095
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Eppe, G., Focant, J.-F., Scippo, M.-L., Massart, A.-C., PIRARD, C., Maghuin-Rogister, G., & De Pauw, E. (March 2005). GCXGC-TOFMS, PTVLV-GC-MS/MS and DR-CALUX as screening and alternatives techniques to GC/HRMS for quantitative measurement of dioxins in food and feed [Poster presentation]. 3rd AOAC Europe-Eurachem Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.

Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., Scippo, M.-L., Massart, A.-C., Pirard, C., Maghuin-Rogister, G., & De Pauw, E. (2005). Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with isotope dilution time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the measurement of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in foodstuffs - Comparison with other methods. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1086 (1-2), 45-60. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2005.05.090
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Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., Scippo, M.-L., Massart, A.-C., Pirard, C., Maghuin-Rogister, G., & De Pauw, E. (2005). GCxGC-IDTOFMS for the measurement of dioxins and PCBs in foodstuffs: a comparison with GC-IDHRMS, GC-IDQISTMS/MS, and DR-CALUX. Organohalogen Compounds, 67, 85-90.
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Pirard, C., Eppe, G., Massart, A.-C., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (2005). Evaluation of GC-MS/MS for determination of PBDEs in fish and shellfish samples. Organohalogen Compounds, 67, 171-174.
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Eppe, G., Focant, J.-F., Scippo, M.-L., Massart, A.-C., Pirard, C., Maghuin-Rogister, G., & De Pauw, E. (2005). GCXGC-TOFMS, PTVLV-GC-MS/MS and DR-CALUX as screening and alternatives techniques to GC/HRMS for quantitative measurement of dioxins in food and feed [Poster presentation]. 3rd AOAC Europe-Eurachem Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., Massart, A.-C., Scholl, G., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (2005). Integrated PLE-multi step automated clean-up and fractionation for the measurement of dioxins and PCBs in food and feed. Organohalogen Compounds, 67, 261-264.
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Eppe, G., Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., & De Pauw, E. (08 August 2004). PTV-LV-GC/MS/MS as screening and complementary method to HRMS for the monitoring of dioxin levels in food and feed. Talanta, 63 (5), 1135-1146. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2004.05.056
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Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., & De Pauw, E. (08 August 2004). Automated sample preparation-fractionation for the measurement of dioxins and related compounds in biological matrices: a review [letter to the editor]. Talanta, 63 (5), 1101-1113. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2004.05.025
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Pirard, C., Focant, J.-F., Massart, A.-C., & De Pauw, E. (2004). Assessment of the impact of an old MSWI. Part1 : Level of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in surrounding soils and eggs. Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 2059-2063.
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Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., & De Pauw, E. (January 2004). Levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in Belgian and international fast food samples. Chemosphere, 54 (1), 137-142. doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(03)00656-8
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Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., Massart, A.-C., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (2004). Measurement of dioxins and WHO PCBs in foodstuffs using GCxGC-IDTOFMs. Organohalogen Compounds, 66, 804-811.
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PIRARD, C., Focant, J.-F., Massart, A.-C., De Pauw, E., & Eppe, G. (2004). Assessment of the impact of an old MSWI. Part 2: Level of PCDD/Fs AND PCBs in serum of people living in its vicinity. Organohalogen Compounds, 2653-2656.
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Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., Massart, A.-C., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (2004). Measurement of dioxins and WHO PCBs in foodstuffs using GCxGC-IDTOFMS [Paper presentation]. Seconf international GCxGC symposium, Atlanta, United States.

Eppe, G., PIRARD, C., Massart, A.-C., Focant, J.-F., Xhrouet, C., & De Pauw, E. (September 2003). Development of alternative ion trap MS/MS method for organochlorine and organobromine compounds in food and environmental matrices [Poster presentation]. International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC. 2003), Edimbourg, United Kingdom.

Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., De Pauw, E., & shirkhan. (September 2003). Universal Automated Extraction and Clean-up System for Dioxin and PCB analysis in Food and Feed [Poster presentation]. AOAC meeting 2003, Atlanta, United States.

PIRARD, C., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (August 2003). Comprehensive Analysis of PBDEs, PCDD/Fs and PCBs [Paper presentation]. BFR 2003, Burlington, Canada.

Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., Massart, A.-C., & De Pauw, E. (July 2003). Survey of commercial pasteurised cows' milk in Wallonia (Belgium) for the occurrence of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls. Chemosphere, 52 (4), 725-733. doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(03)00127-9
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Pirard, C., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (May 2003). New strategy for comprehensive analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A, 998 (1-2), 169-181. doi:10.1016/S0021-9673(03)00611-3
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PIRARD, C., De Pauw, E., & Focant, J.-F. (2003). Levels of selected PBDEs and PCBs in Belgian human milk. Organohalogen Compounds, 61, 263-266.
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Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., & De Pauw, E. (2003). Levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in International Fast Food Samples. Organohalogen Compounds, 60-65, 49-52.
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PIRARD, C., Focant, J.-F., Massart, A.-C., & De Pauw, E. (2003). Measurable impact of an old MSWI on the level of dioxins in free-range chickens and eggs grown in its vicinity. Organohalogen Compounds, 60-65, 158-161.
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Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., Eppe, G., Shirkhan, H., & De Pauw, E. (2003). Universal integrated extraction and clean-up system for the measurement of trace levels of halogenated pollutant in biological fluids and solids. Organohalogen Compounds, 60, 420-423.
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Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., Thielen, C., & De Pauw, E. (September 2002). Levels and profiles of PCDDs, PCDFs and cPCBs in Belgian breast milk. Estimation of infant intake. Chemosphere, 48 (8), 763-770. doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(02)00140-6
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Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., PIRARD, C., Massart, A.-C., André, J.-E., & De Pauw, E. (July 2002). Levels and congener distributions of PCDDs, PCDFs and non-ortho PCBs in Belgian foodstuffs - Assessment of dietary intake. Chemosphere, 48 (2), 167-179. doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(02)00104-2
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Pirard, C., Focant, J.-F., & De Pauw, E. (January 2002). An improved clean-up strategy for simultaneous analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in fatty food samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 372 (2), 373-381. doi:10.1007/s00216-001-1181-y
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Pirard, C., Douny, C., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (2002). Clean-up and determination of Organochlorine and Organobromine Compounds. Organohalogen Compounds.
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Focant, J.-F., Pirard, C., Douny, C., Scippo, M.-L., De Pauw, E., & Maghuin-Rogister, G. (2002). Assesment of the situation, three years later, on 'the Belgian Dioxin Crisis'. Probable impact on the health of the Belgian population. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146 (6, DEC-JAN), 321-327.
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Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., Thielen, C., & De Pauw, E. (November 2001). Levels and Profile of PCDD/Fs and cPCBs in Walloon Breast Milk from Industrial Area [Poster presentation]. Dioxin in the air, Brugge, Belgium.

Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., Pirard, C., & De Pauw, E. (03 August 2001). Fast Clean-up for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins, Dibenzofurans and Coplanar Polychlorinated Biphenyls Analysis of High-Fat-Content Biological Samples. Journal of Chromatography. A, 925 (1-2), 207-21. doi:10.1016/S0021-9673(01)01047-0
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PIRARD, C., Focant, J.-F., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (2001). An improved Clean-up Strategy for Simultaneous Analysis of PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs in Biological Samples. Organohalogen Compounds, 50, 29-34.
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Focant, J.-F., Massart, A.-C., Eppe, G., PIRARD, C., Andre, J.-E., Xhrouet, C., & De Pauw, E. (2001). Levels and trends of PCDD/Fs and cPCBs in the Belgian food-stuffs one year after the "Dioxin Crisis. Organohalogen Compounds, 51, 243-245.
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Eppe, G., Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., & De Pauw, E. (2001). PTV-LV Injection Coupled to Capillary GC Ion Trap MS/MS as Alternative Method for PCDD/Fs Analysis in Foods. Organohalogen Compounds, 50, 186-189.
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Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., Andre, J.-E., Thielen, C., Eppe, G., & De Pauw, E. (2001). Levels and Profile of PCDD/Fs and cPCBs in Belgian Breast Milk. Organohalogen Compounds, 52, 286-289.
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Focant, J.-F., PIRARD, C., Andre, J.-E., Massart, A.-C., & De Pauw, E. (2001). Comparison of PCDD/Fs and cPCBs levels in commercial pasteurized cow's milk in Wallonia (Belgium). Organohalogen Compounds, 51, 340-342.
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