
Delanaye Michel

Main Referenced Co-authors
Heylen, Martin  (1)
Hillewaert, Koen  (1)
Lemort, Vincent  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
ORC, Turmachinery, Turbine (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Energy (1)

Publications (total 1)

The most downloaded
Heylen, M., Lemort, V., Delanaye, M., & Hillewaert, K. (May 2023). Development of a Two-Stage Radial Inflow Turbine for a Mini-ORC [Poster presentation]. SFT Congrès Français de Thermique, Reims, France.

Heylen, M., Lemort, V., Delanaye, M., & Hillewaert, K. (May 2023). Development of a Two-Stage Radial Inflow Turbine for a Mini-ORC [Poster presentation]. SFT Congrès Français de Thermique, Reims, France.
Editorial reviewed

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