
Paile Sylvain

Département de science politique > Politique européenne


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Michel, Quentin  (17)
Caponetti, Enzo  (5)
Gell, Harald (5)
Tsukanova, Maryna  (4)
Vella, Veronica  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
European Union (49); Military officers (17); Common Security and Defence Policy (15); education and training (13); dual-use (12);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
National Military University "Vasil Levski" (2)
Theresan Military Academy (2)
Unité d'Etudes Européennes (2)
Centre for Civil-Military Relations (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (95)
European & international law (1)

Publications (total 95)

The most downloaded
Michel, Q., Caponetti, L., Kolakowska-Falkowska, I., Sanchez, A., Paile, S., & Saginbekova, K. (2020). A decade of evolution of dual-use trade control concepts: strengthening or weakening non-proliferation of WMD. Liège, Belgium: European Studies Unit.

The most cited

3 citations (OpenAlex)

Paile, S. (2016). From European Mobility to Military Interoperability - Exchanging young officers, knowledge and know-how. (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2855/921604

Theses and Dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Paile, S. (2015). Research of possibilities to develop the exchanges of young officers in the European military higher education are [Doctoral thesis, Vassil Levski" National Military University]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Books published as author or co-author

Paile, S. (2021). Sectoral Qualifications Framework for the Military Officer Profession - SQF-MILOF. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Michel, Q., Caponetti, L., Kolakowska-Falkowska, I., Sanchez, A., Paile, S., & Saginbekova, K. (2020). A decade of evolution of dual-use trade control concepts: strengthening or weakening non-proliferation of WMD. Liège, Belgium: European Studies Unit.

Paile, S. (2016). From European Mobility to Military Interoperability - Exchanging young officers, knowledge and know-how. (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2855/921604

Paile, S. (2014). European Education and Training for Young Officers - The European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers, Inspired by Erasmus. Vienna, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria. doi:10.2855/12912

Paile, S. (2014). Common Security and Defence Policy Module - External Evaluation Report. Wiener Neustadt, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.

Michel, Q., Stans, D., Habran, M., & Paile, S. (2013). La construction européenne, entre idées reçues et faux semblants (3ème édition). Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège.

Michel, Q., Paile, S., Tsukanova, M., & Viski, A. (2013). Controlling the Trade of Dual-Use Goods - A Handbook. Brussels, Belgium: PIE Peter Lang.

Paile, S. (2013). Common Security and Defence Policy Modules 2012 External Evaluation Report. Wiener Neustadt, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.

Paile, S. (2012). Common Security and Defence Policy Modules 2011 External Evaluation Report. Vienna, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.

Paile, S. (2011). Europe for the Future Officers, Officers for the Future Europe - Compendium of the European Military Officers Basic Education. Warsaw, Poland: Department of Science and Military Education - Ministry of Defence of Poland.

Paile, S. (2011). External Evaluation Report Über Die Common Security and Defence Policy Modules. Wiener Neustadt, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.

Paile, S. (2010). Military Higher Education Stocktaking Report. Bruxelles, Belgium: EU Council DGF (Press).

Michel, Q., Piet, G., Stans, D., Tsukanova, M., Elola Calderon, M. T., Paile, S., Hanson, S., & Wertz, A. (2010). La construction européenne : entre idées reçues et faux semblants. 2e édition revue et actualisée. (2e édition revue et actualisée). Liège, Belgium: Editions de l'Université de Liège.

Piet, G., Michel, Q., Elola Calderon, M. T., Paile, S., Stans, D., & Hanson, S. (2008). La construction européenne : entre idées reçues et faux-semblants. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Contributions to collective works

Paile, S., & Gell, H. (2020). The European initiative for the exchange of young officers, inspired by Erasmus (EMILYO). In I. Katsagounos (Ed.), The European Security and Defence College and its contribution to the Common Security and Defence Culture – A 15 year journey (pp. 71-80). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office des Publications de l'Union européenne.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S., Asderaki, F., & Katsagounos, I. (2020). The European Doctoral School on the CSDP. In I. Katsagounos, The European Security and Defence College and its contribution to the Common Security and Defence Culture – A 15 year journey (pp. 105-113). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office des Publications de l'Union européenne.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2020). The European Doctoral School on the CSDP: Researchers on Europe, researchers for Europe. In D. Fiott & F. Bellou (Eds.), ‘Views on the progress of CSDP’ (pp. 11-26). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office des Publications de l'Union européenne.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2018). O ȘCOALĂ DOCTORALĂ EUROPEANĂ ÎN DOMENIUL POLITICII DE SECURITATE COMUNĂ ȘI APĂRARE. In A. Iacob (Ed.), CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS of International Scientific Conference of Doctoral Schools „NEW CHALLENGES RELATED TO INTERNAL SECURITY WITHIN EUROPEAN UNION” (pp. 857). Bucharest, Romania: Research & Science Publishing House.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2017). Outreach activities: harmonisation or standardisation of security postures? In Q. Michel & W. Lehofer (Eds.), Incentives of Europe for Non-Proliferation Outreach Activities (pp. 147-156). Liège, Belgium: European Studies Unit.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2015). Modelling the European Initial Officers’ Education and Training Systems. In J. Zdravko, RACVIAC - Centre for Security Cooperation, Compendium 2015 (pp. 75-80). Bestoyje, Croatia: RACVIAC - Centre for Security Cooperation.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2015). Europeanising the initial Officers’ Education: Some Challenges, Many Opportunities. In J. Zdravko (Ed.), RACVIAC - Centre for Security Cooperation, Compendium 2015 (pp. 59-63). Bestoyje, Croatia: RACVIAC - Centre for Security Cooperation.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2013). (Tentative) Conclusions of the Conference. In S. Paile & H. Gell (Eds.), 5 years of the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus, Lessons Learnt from the International Military Academies Forum 2013. Vienna, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2013). The CSDP Olympiad from a Scientific Point of View. In S. Zambas (Ed.), The 1st Common Security and Defence Policy Olympiad (pp. 37). Brussels, Belgium: Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2013). France and Dual-Use Export Controls. Global but not Globalised. In Q. Michel & O. Jankowitsch-Prevor (Eds.), European Dual-Use Trade Controls: Beyond Materiality and Borders (pp. 83-94). Brussels, Belgium: PIE Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2013). Towards a European Understanding of Academic Education of the Military Officers? In H. Annen, C. Nakkas, ... J. Mäkinen (Eds.), Thinking and Acting in Military Pedagogy (pp. 279-290). Frankfurt, Germany: PIE Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2012). European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers inspired by Erasmus. In J. Rehrl & H.-B. Weisserth (Eds.), Handbook on CSDP (Second edition, pp. 113-114). Vienna, Austria: Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2011). France - From Security to Competitive Security. In Q. Michel (Ed.), Sensitive Trade - The Perspective of European States (pp. 61-74). Bruxelles, Belgium: P.I.E. Peter Lang.

Contributions to encyclopedias, dictionaries...

Paile, S. (2012). European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers inspired by Erasmus. In H.-B. Weisserth & J. Rehrl (Eds.), CSDP Handbook - The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union (pp. 113-114). Vienna, Austria: Directorate for Security Policy of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.
Peer reviewed

Contributions in scientific journals


Paile, S., Caponetti, E., & Catibayan, L. (June 2024). Partnering for compliance: Supporting universalised strategic trade controls on dual-use items. WorldECR, 130, 31.
Editorial reviewed

Paile, S. (2023). European Strategic Culture in the Citizens’ Eyes. Security and Defense Scientific Journal, 1 (2023), 260.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2021). Stagiaires et stratèges : Une fenêtre sur la culture stratégique européenne. Revue Défense Nationale, (T1328), 5.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Paile, S., & Michel, Q. (May 2021). EU list of dual-use items: international good practice or standard? WorldECR, 99, 17.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2018). L’Erasmus militaire entre dans sa dixième année : un élan, des relances. Revue Défense Nationale, 71-78.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Michel, Q., & Paile, S. (2015). Dual-use controls outreach: a new method. WorldECR, (38), 27-28.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2015). Developing the exchanges of young Officers in the European military higher education area. Scientific Conferences Reports “Current Security Issues”, 1, 171-178.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2015). Common Security and Defence Policy Module. Armis et Litteris, 33, 23-96.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S., & Kinova, E. (2015). Transformation of the armed forces and the Officers’ training in the European Union. Scientific Conferences Reports “Current Security Issues”, 1, 165-170.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (2013). Erasmus militaire : européaniser la formation, former à l’européanisation. Revue Défense Nationale, (Summer), 145-152.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Paile, S. (May 2013). Transmission of Political-Military Information in Advanced Education: The Examples of the European Security and Defence College and the NATO Defence College. Studia Diplomatica, 65 (4).
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (February 2013). Towards the end of the uniform - Comprehensive approach to basic officer training. The European Security and Defence Union, 15, 64.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (January 2013). International and European commitments to the export control of nuclear dual-use items: Do the European Union Member States have any room for manoeuvre? Cahiers de Science Politique de l’Université de Liège, 26, 17.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S. (August 2010). Military Cultures and Education: Harmonizing or Standardizing Europe? Univers Strategic, 2 (1), 274.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S., & Ferreira da Silva, P. (July 2010). European Security and Defence Policy Seminar, Lisbon 2009 Creating the Future Human Capabilities of the CSDP. Studia Diplomatica, LXIII (2010, N°1), 14.
Peer reviewed

Paile, S., & Ferreira da Silva, P. (February 2010). A Small Step for Capability, A Significant Leap for Military Erasmus. Nação e Defesa, 125, 12.
Peer reviewed

Dumoulin, A., Paile, S., & Resteigne, D. (February 2009). Des dynamiques culturelles de la PESD. Cahier du CEREM, 7, 12.

Paile, S. (19 January 2009). L'Enseignement militaire à l'épreuve de l'européanisation Adaptation de la Politique de l'enseignement pour l'Ecole Royale Militaire de Belgique aux évolutions de la PESD. Thématique du Centre des Sciences Sociales de la Défense, 19, 61.
Peer reviewed


Paile, S. (December 2024). EU P2P and EXBS partnerships for supporting the implementation of the resolution 1540 [letter to the editor]. 1540 Compass, 03, 11-13.
Editorial reviewed

Books published as editor or director

Paile, S., Michel, Q., & Vella, V. (Eds.). (2024). Elaborating a Strategic Trade System of Dual-Use Items Experiences from the European Union, Morocco, the Philippines, Serbia, Singapore and Ukraine. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2770/273918
Editorial reviewed

Paile, S., Gell, H., & Zambas, S. (Eds.). (2018). European Education and Training for Young Officers – European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers, Inspired by Erasmus (2nd Edition). (18-02175). Vienna, Austria: Armed Forces Printing Centre.

Paile, S., Michel, Q., Caponetti, L., Charatsis, C., & Marrone, E. (Eds.). (2018). Do academic activities contribute to WMD proliferation? Liège, Belgium: European Studies Unit - University of Liège.

Jankowitsch-Prevor, O. (Crit. Ed.), Michel, Q. (Ed.), & Paile, S. (Ed.). (2016). Controlling the Trade of Strategic Goods - Sanctions and Penalties. (@ European Studies Unit (University of Liège)). Liège, Belgium: European Studies Unit.

Paile, S., & Gell, H. (Eds.). (2014). iMAF2014 - Lessons Learnt from the International Military Academies Forum 2014. Vienna, Austria: Armed Forces Printing Centre.

Paile, S., & Gell, H. (Eds.). (2014). iMAF2014 - Lessons Learnt from the International Military Academies Forum 2014. Vienna, Austria: Armed Forces Printing Centre.

Michel, Q., Paile, S., & Jankowitsch-Prevor, O. (Eds.). (2014). Modelling Dual-Use Trade Control Systems. Brussels, Belgium: P.I.E. Peter Lang.

Paile, S., & Gell, H. (Eds.). (2013). 5 years of the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus, Lessons Learnt from the International Military Academies Forum 2013. Vienna, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.

Dumoulin, A., Deschaux-Beaume, D., & Paile, S. (Eds.). (2013). Politiques de communication, médias et défense - L'OTAN et la PSDC: visibilité en Belgique et chez ses voisins. Bruxelles, Belgium: PIE Peter Lang.

Oral or not published communications in scientific congresses and symposiums (including posters)

Caponetti, E., Michel, Q., & Paile, S. (February 2024). A new configuration of strategic trade control regimes? [Paper presentation]. Thirteenth Meeting of the Chaudfontaine Group, Chaudfontaine, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Paile, S. (04 June 2019). Controlling other items with dual-use trade control principles and mechanisms [Paper presentation]. A decade of evolution of dual-use trade control concepts: strengthening or weakening non-proliferation, Chaudfontaine, Belgium.

Paile, S. (09 April 2018). How academia considers the WMD-proliferation risk in research and teaching activities: testifying, analyzing, proposing [Paper presentation]. Do academic activities contribute to WMD proliferation, Chaudfontaine, Belgium.

Paile, S. (17 November 2012). Pros and cons of the Bologna process for the military higher education in Kazakhstan - The experience of the European Union [Paper presentation]. Seminar "Pros and cons of the Bologna process for the military higher education in Kazakhstan", Astana, Kazakhstan.

Paile, S., & Tsukanova, M. (27 September 2011). European sensitive items trade: Infomation exchange [Paper presentation]. Green Paper: The dual-use export control system of the European Union - Ensuring security and competitiveness in a changing world, Chaudfontaine, Belgium.

Paile, S. (March 2011). Conclusions de la table ronde "La formation au commandement dans les écoles militaires étrangères" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Interarmées des Grandes Ecoles Militaires (SIGEM 2011), Paris, France.

Paile, S. (October 2010). The French Control of the Sensitive Items' Trade: From Security to Competitive Security [Paper presentation]. The Political Responsibility of Industrial Operators in Trade: The Blurring of Differences Between Sensitive and Classical Items' Trade, Chaudfontaine, Belgium.

Paile, S. (December 2009). European military higher education: War-Integrated Learning [Paper presentation]. verksamhets-integrerat lärande / (Work-Integrated Learning), Trollhättan, Sweden.

Paile, S. (May 2009). Military cultures and education: harmonizing or standardizing Europe? [Paper presentation]. Culture and security sector reform: political, strategic and military culture in transitional states, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia.

Paile, S. (December 2008). Towards a European culture of Defence in officers’ education: The initiative for the exchange of young officers inspired from Erasmus [Paper presentation]. International Conference Participants in PRIF Research Project Conference „Guns and Ballots: How Democracies train their Soldiers in 21st Century Europe, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Paile, S. (May 2008). Towards a European Understanding of Academic Education of the Military Officers? [Paper presentation]. International Association for Military Pedagogy (IAMP) annual conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Paile, S. (June 2007). L'Ecole Royale Militaire et les Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan: Pôle de recherche sur la sécurité européenne [Poster presentation]. Journées de la Défense Belge, Coxyde, Belgium.

Expert and research reports

Caponetti, E., De Saint-Rapt, J.-A., Guest, C., Paile, S. (Ed.), Horton, A. (Other coll.), Mitchell, N. (Other coll.), & Tjeransen, J. (Other coll.). (2022). Mapping of dual-use related intangible technology transfers in EUP2P partner countries and other third countries through "TIM Dual-Use".

Vella, V., Dewaegheneire, L., & Paile, S. (Ed.). (2021). International nuclear disarmament and policy options for Belgium and Flanders. Brussels, Belgium: Vlaams Vredeinstituut.

Paile, S. (2015). Common Modules Organised by the Greek Military Academies, 2015. Athens, Greece: Hellenic Military Academy.

Paile, S. (2014). Common Security and Defence Policy Module, Theresan Military Academy, External Evaluation Report. Vienna, Austria: Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Federal Republic of Austria.

Fallon, C., Zwetkoff, C. (Other coll.), Van Berendoncks, K. (Other coll.), Bergmans, A. (Other coll.), Paile, S. (Other coll.), & Parotte, C. (Other coll.). (2013). Socio-Political Processes and Plan Management in Controversial Settings Applied to the Plan for Long-Term Management of Type B & C Waste: Summary Report. Anvers, Belgium: Université d'Anvers.

Paile, S., Fallon, C. (Ed.), & Parotte, C. (Other coll.). (2013). Gestion des déchets B&C: L’assise sociétale de la solution de gestion des déchets radioactifs B et C et du combustible usé en droit. Liège, Belgium: ULg.

Paile, S. (2010). Common Security and Defence Policy Modules, Spain 1-5 March 2010 External evaluation report. Madrid, Spain: Ministère de la Défense.

Paile, S. (2009). External evaluation of the Lisbon European Security and Defence policy Seminar, Lisbon 2009. Lisbon, Portugal: Ministère de la Défense.

Learning materials

Paile, S. (2011). Exchanges in Military Education: Erasmus and Beyond.

Paile, S. (2009). The change in the nature of the European armed forces’ education. (National Defence University of Finland).

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