
Culot Laurence

Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Biologie du comportement - Ethologie et psychologie animale

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Kaisin, Olivier  (19)
Huynen, Marie-Claude  (12)
Bufalo, Felipe (11)
Brotcorne, Fany  (10)
Poncin, Pascal  (8)
Main Referenced Keywords
seed dispersal (9); dung beetles (5); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (4); Leontopithecus chrysopygus (4); seed burial (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Chair of Statistics, University of Goettingen (1)
FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège (1)
HEC Research - Asset and Risk Management (1)
Primatology Research Group, Behavioural Biology Lab (1)
SPHERES - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Environmental sciences & ecology (51)
Zoology (11)

Publications (total 57)

The most downloaded
Kaisin, O.* , Rocha, F. C.* , Amaral, R. G., Bufalo, F., Sabino, G. P., & Culot, L. (May 2022). A universal pharmacy: Possible self-medication using tree balsam by multiple Atlantic Forest mammals. Biotropica, 54 (3), 576 - 582. doi:10.1111/btp.13095

The most cited

157 citations (OpenAlex)

Bueno, R., Guevara, R., Ribeiro, M. C., Culot, L., Bufalo, F. S., & Galetti, M. (2013). Functional Redundancy and Complementarities of Seed Dispersal by the Last Neotropical Megafrugivores. PLoS ONE, 8 (2), 56252. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056252

Bufalo, F., Kaisin, O., de Almeida E Silva, A.-S., Amaral, R. G., Messaoudi, Y., Alcolea, M., Zanette, E. M., Sabino, G. P., Börger, L., & Culot, L. (2025). Route Planning Process by the Endangered Black Lion Tamarin in Different Environmental Contexts. American Journal of Primatology, 87 (1), 23702. doi:10.1002/ajp.23702
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Raskin, A.* , Kaisin, O.* , Michel, L., Lejeune, B., Lepoint, G., Amaral, R. G., Sabino, G. P., Araújo, M. S., Rezende, G. C., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (2024). Stable Isotopes Analysis of Black Lion Tamarins Reveals Increasing Arthropod Consumption When Fruit Productivity Decreases in Forest Fragments. American Journal of Primatology, 87 (1), 23698. doi:10.1002/ajp.23698
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Kaisin, O., Bufalo, F., Amaral, R., Palme, R., Poncin, P., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (July 2023). Linking glucocorticoid variations to monthly and daily behavior in a wild endangered neotropical primate. American Journal of Primatology, 85 (7), 23503. doi:10.1002/ajp.23503
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Kaisin, O., Rocha Fernanda, Amaral Rodrigo, Bufalo Felipe, Sabino Gabriel, & Culot, L. (07 November 2022). When mammals use the forest as their pharmacy [Paper presentation]. Journée: étude et conservation de la faune en milieux tropicaux et tempérés, Gembloux, Belgium.

Bufalo, F., Amaral, R. G., Kaisin, O., & Culot, L. (September 2022). A new feeding association between black-goggled tanagers (Tachyphoninae) and black lion tamarins (Primates, Callitrichinae). Ornithology Research, 30 (3), 216 - 220. doi:10.1007/s43388-022-00099-w
Peer reviewed

Kaisin, O., Amaral, R., Bufalo, F., Sabino, G., Palme, R., Poncin, P., Rezende, G., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (June 2022). Impact of habitat quality on physiological stress in a neotropical primate [Poster presentation]. European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Montpellier, France.
Peer reviewed

Kaisin, O.* , Rocha, F. C.* , Amaral, R. G., Bufalo, F., Sabino, G. P., & Culot, L. (May 2022). A universal pharmacy: Possible self-medication using tree balsam by multiple Atlantic Forest mammals. Biotropica, 54 (3), 576 - 582. doi:10.1111/btp.13095
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Raskin, A., Kaisin, O., Lejeune, B., Michel, L., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (21 March 2022). Stable isotopes analysis determines proportions of arthropodivory and frugivory in the diet of black lion tamarins [Poster presentation]. Rencontres Ecology and Behaviour, Strasbourg, France.
Peer reviewed

Kaisin, O., Amaral, R., Bufalo, F., Palme, R., Poncin, P., Culot, L., & Brotcorne, F. (2022). Linking daily glucocorticoid fluctuation to behaviour in a neotropical primate [Paper presentation]. Joint Meeting of the International Primatological Society and the Latin American Society of Primatology, Quito, Ecuador.
Peer reviewed

Garbino, G. S. T., Rezende, G. C., Antônio, D. C., Bufalo, F., Amaral, R. G., e Silva, A.-S. D. A., Kaisin, O., & Culot, L. (2022). Seasonal variation in frog predation by black lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus, Primates). Journal of Natural History, 56 (5-8), 449 - 461. doi:10.1080/00222933.2022.2078242
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Bufalo, F., de Almedia e Silva, A. S., Kaisin, O., Amaral, R., Messaoudi, Y., Sabino, G., Zanette, E., & Culot, L. (2022). Route planning process by the endangered black lion tamarin in different environmental contexts [Paper presentation]. Congresso Brasilerio de Primatologia.
Peer reviewed

Giancola, D., Amaral, R., Kaisin, O., Sabino, G., Bufalo, F., Rezende, G., & Culot, L. (2021). Effect of the habitat quality on the sleeping site selection by the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) [Paper presentation]. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.
Peer reviewed

Bufalo, F., Kaisin, O., Amaral, R., Sabino, G., Lima, J., Fregonezi, G., & Culot, L. (2021). Route planning process by the endangered black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) is influenced by resource distribution and spatial limitations [Paper presentation]. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.
Peer reviewed

Kaisin, O., Amaral, R., Bufalo, F., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (2020). Spontaneous Tool Use by a Wild Black Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus). International Journal of Primatology, 41, 559–561. doi:10.1007/s10764-020-00170-7
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Kaisin, O., Fuzessy Lisieux, Poncin, P., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (2019). Anthropogenic impacts on free-ranging primates : A meta-analysis on physiological stress. Primate Tidings.

Kaisin, O., Fuzessy Lisieux, Poncin, P., Brotcorne, F., & Culot, L. (2019). Anthropogenic impacts on free-ranging primates: A meta-analysis of physiological stress [Poster presentation]. 7th conference of the International Society of Wildlife Endocrinology, Skukuza, South Africa.
Peer reviewed

Heymann, E. W., Culot, L., Knogge, C., Smith, A. C., Tirado Herrera, E. R., Stojan-Dolar, M., Ferrer, Y. L., Kubisch, P., Kupsch, D., Slana, D., Koopmann, M. L., Ziegenhagen, B., Bialozyt, R., Mengel, C., Hambuckers, J., & Heer, K. (2019). Small Neotropical primates promote the natural regeneration of anthropogenically disturbed areas. Scientific Reports, 9. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46683-x
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Culot, L., Wendt Campos, V. E., Pereira, L. A., & Kaisin, O. (2019). Os múltiplos desafios dos primatas em paisagens fragmentadas [Paper presentation]. Congresso Brasileiro de Primatologia.
Peer reviewed

Kaisin, O., Culot, L., Poncin, P., & Brotcorne, F. (2018). Physiological and behavioural responses to habitat fragmentation by black lion tamarins. Primate Tidings.

Kaisin, O., Culot, L., Poncin, P., & Brotcorne, F. (2018). Physiological and behavioural response of black lion tamarins to habitat fragmentation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest [Paper presentation]. Journée: étude et conservation de la faune en milieux tropicaux et tempérés, Liège, Belgium.

Bello, C., Galetti, M., Montan, D., Pizo, M. A., Mariguela, T. C., Culot, L., Bufalo, F., Labecca, F., Pedrosa, F., Constantini, R., Emer, C., Silva, W. R., da Silva, F., Ovaskainen, O., & Jordano, P. (2017). ATLANTIC-FRUGIVORY: A PLANT-FRUGIVORE INTERACTION DATASET FOR THE ATLANTIC FOREST. Ecology. doi:10.1002/ecy.1818
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Heymann, E. W., Culot, L., Knogge, C., Tirado Herrera, E. R., Noriega Piña, T. E., Klapproth, M., & Zinner, D. (2017). Long-term consistency of spatial patterns of primate seed dispersal. Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.2756
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Lugon, A. P., Boutefeu, M., Bovy, E., Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z., Huynen, M.-C., Galetti, M., & Culot, L. (2017). Persistence of the effec of frugivore identity on post-dispersal seed fate: consequences for the assessment of functional redundancy. Biotropica. doi:10.1111/btp.12418
Peer reviewed

Bufalo, S. F., Galetti, M., & Culot, L. (2016). Seed dispersal by primates and implications for the conservation of a biodiversity hotspot, the Atlantic Forest of South America. International Journal of Primatology, 37, 333-349. doi:10.1007/s10764-016-9903-3
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Culot, L., Huynen, M.-C., & Heymann, E. (2015). Partitioning the relative contribution of one-phase and two-phase seed dispersal when evaluating seed dispersal effectiveness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 178-186. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12317
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Culot, L., Griese, J., Knogge, C., Tonini, M., dos Santos, M. M., Estevam, C. G., Lopes, B. P., da Cunha, B. M., Silva, A. B., do Prado, B. H. S., Garcia, F., Fonseca, R. C. B., & Port-Carvalho, M. (2015). NEW RECORDS, RECONFIRMED SITES AND PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF BLACK LION TAMARIN (LEONTOPITHECUS CHRYSOPYGUS) IN THE MIDDLE AND UPPER PARANAPANEMA. Neotropical Primates.
Peer reviewed

Albert, A., Hambuckers, A., Culot, L., Savini, T., & Huynen, M.-C. (January 2013). Frugivory and seed dispersal by northern pigtailed macaques, Macaca leonina, in Thailand. International Journal of Primatology, 33, 170-193. doi:10.1007/s10764-012-9649-5
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Culot, L., Bovy, E., Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z., Guevara, R., & Galetti, M. (2013). Selective defaunation affects dung beetle communities in continuous Atlantic rainforest. Biological Conservation, 163, 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2013.04.004
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Bueno, R., Guevara, R., Ribeiro, M. C., Culot, L., Bufalo, F. S., & Galetti, M. (2013). Functional Redundancy and Complementarities of Seed Dispersal by the Last Neotropical Megafrugivores. PLoS ONE, 8 (2), 56252. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056252
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Culot, L., & Galetti, M. (2013). Local extinctions of Primates: demographic and genetic effectson vegetation. Folia Primatologica: International Journal of Primatology, 84 (262).
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Brocardo, C. R., Reis de paula Rodarte, Silva Bueno, R., Culot, L., & Galetti, M. (2012). Mamíferos não voadores do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, Continuum florestal do Paranapiacaba. Biota Neotropica, 16 (4), 198-208. doi:10.1590/S1676-06032012000400021
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Huynen, M.-C., Beudels, R., Baert, A., Culot, L., Dendoncker, N., Fontaine, C., François, L., Hambuckers, A., Lafontaine, R.-M., Trolliet, F., & Van Damme, P. (June 2011). Sustainability of tropical forest biodiversity and services under climate and human pressure (BIOSERF): tracking the regeneration of human-used plants through dispersal by the animal community [Paper presentation]. Adaptability to Climate Change and Attaining the Millennium Development Goals for Tropical Ecosystems, Arusha, Tanzania.

Culot, L., Mann, D. J., Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J., Huynen, M.-C., & Heymann, E. W. (2011). Tamarins and dung beetles: an efficient diplochorous dispersal system in the Peruvian Amazonia. Biotropica, 43 (1), 84-92. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2010.00655.x
Peer reviewed

Culot, L., Lledo-Ferrer, Y., Hoelscher, O., Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J., Huynen, M.-C., & Heymann, E. W. (2011). Reproductive failure, possible maternal infanticide and cannibalism in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. Primates, 52, 179-186. doi:10.1007/s10329-011-0238-6
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Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J., Culot, L., Huynen, M.-C., & Heymann, E. (2011). Effect of resting patterns of tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax) on the spatial distribution of seeds and seedling recruitment. International Journal of Primatology, 32 (1), 223-237. doi:10.1007/s10764-010-9463-x
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Culot, L. (16 June 2010). Linking tamarins’ behavior with spatiotemporal pattern of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment [Paper presentation]. 5th International Symposium-Workshop on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal (1985-2010), Montpellier, France.

Culot, L. (April 2010). Efeitos cascatas da defaunação no processo de dispersão de sementes: interações primatas - plantas na Mata Atlântica [Paper presentation]. Seminario du Laboratorio da Biologia de Conservação, Rio Claro (Sao Paulo), Brazil.

Culot, L. (09 March 2010). Dispersión de semillas por coleópteros coprófagos [Paper presentation]. VII Curso Ibero-Americano de Frugivoria e Dispersão de sementes, Parque Estadual de Intervales (São Paulo), Brazil.

Culot, L. (08 March 2010). Dispersión de semillas por primates [Paper presentation]. VII Curso Ibero-Americano de Frugivoria e Dispersão de sementes, Parque Estadual de Intervales (São Paulo), Brazil.

Culot, L., Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J., Huynen, M.-C., Poncin, P., & Heymann, E. (2010). Seasonal variation in seed dispersal by tamarins alters seed rain in a secondary rainforest. International Journal of Primatology, 31, 553-569. doi:10.1007/s10764-010-9413-7
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Culot, L. (23 October 2009). Dispersion primaire des graines par deux espèces de tamarins sympatriques, Saguinus fuscicollis et Saguinus mystax, et destin des graines après la dispersion [Paper presentation]. 22ème colloque de la Société Francophone de Primatologie, Liège, Belgium.

Culot, L. (29 July 2009). From tamarins to seedlings : seed survival and seedling recruitment in a gradient of forest disturbance [Paper presentation]. Congress of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Marburg, Germany.

Culot, L. (2009). Primary seed dispersal by two species of tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax, and post-dispersal seed fate [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Culot, L. (25 February 2009). Short-term post-dispersal fate of seeds primarily dispersed by tamarins [Paper presentation]. 11th conference of the Gesellschaft für Primatologie, Hannover, Germany.

Culot, L. (23 February 2009). Seasonality and seed dispersal effectiveness in a secondary forest [Paper presentation]. GöZü 2009, Goettingen, Germany.

Culot, L., Huynen, M.-C., Gérard, P., & Heymann, W. E. (2009). Short-term post-dispersal fate of seeds defecated by two small primate species (Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis) in the Amazonian forest of Peru. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 25, 229-238. doi:10.1017/S0266467409005860
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Culot, L. (09 June 2008). Short-term post-dispersal fate of seeds primarily dispersed by tamarins [Paper presentation]. Congress of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Paramaribo, Suriname.

Culot, L. (04 June 2008). Diplocoria: el viaje de una semilla.

Culot, L., Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J., Huynen, M.-C., & Heymann, E. (2008). Primary seed dispersal by tamarins into a secondary forest. Primate Eye, 96, 185.
Peer reviewed

Culot, L. (06 November 2007). Temporal variation in primary seed dispersal by tamarins: what’s the impact on regeneration? [Paper presentation]. Colloque of the Belgian Group of Primatology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Culot, L. (22 February 2007). Secondary dispersal by dung beetles of seeds primarily dispersed by tamarins [Paper presentation]. Congress of the Society for Tropical Ecology, Bonn, Germany.

Culot, L. (25 May 2005). Tamarins and seed dispersal: how a small frugivore can act positively on the post-dispersal seed fate? [Paper presentation]. Colloque of the Belgian Group for Primatology, Liège, Belgium.

Culot, L. (2005). Influence of tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax) behaviour and defecation pattern on the post-dispersal seed fate: predation pressure by rodents and secondary seed dispersal by dung beetles in the Amazonian forest of Peru [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Culot, L., Huynen, M.-C., & Heymann, E. (2005). Influence of tamarin behaviour (Saguinus fuscicollis, Saguinus mystax) on post dispersal seed fate: Dung beetle activity, secondary seed dispersal and predation pressure. Primate Report, 72, 26.
Peer reviewed

Culot, L., & Huynen, M.-C. (2004). Primary and secondary seed dispersal by two sympatric species of tamarins: impact on the regeneration of the Amazonian forest in Peru [Paper presentation]. Colloque of the Belgian Group of Primatology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Culot, L. (23 October 2003). Contribution à l’étude de l’écologie du Babouin de Guinée (Papio cynocephalus papio) dans le Parc National du Haut Niger (République de Guinée) [Paper presentation]. XVI colloque de la Société Francophone de Primatologie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Culot, L. (2003). Contribution à l’étude de l’écologie alimentaire du Babouin de Guinée, Papio cynocephalus papio, dans le Parc National du Haut Niger (République de Guinée) [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

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