
Iglesias Gil Laura

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Dutilleux, Benjamine  (2)
Jidovtseff, Boris  (2)
Vandermeulen, Mary (2)
Cloes, Marc  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Activity (1); Cycle (1); Grands prématurés (1); Motor development (1); Pre-term (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CEReKI (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)
Education & instruction (1)

Publications (total 2)

The most downloaded
Jidovtseff, B., DUTILLEUX, B., IGLESIAS-GIL, L., & Vandermeulen, M. (Other coll.). (October 2014). Implemented psychomotor activity for very pre-term children aged from 18 to 36 months [Paper presentation]. 1er congrès international sur l'activité physique et le sport chez l'enfant, Liege, Belgium.

Jidovtseff, B., DUTILLEUX, B., IGLESIAS-GIL, L., & Vandermeulen, M. (Other coll.). (October 2014). Implemented psychomotor activity for very pre-term children aged from 18 to 36 months [Paper presentation]. 1er congrès international sur l'activité physique et le sport chez l'enfant, Liege, Belgium.

Jidovtseff, B., Vandermeulen, M., Dutilleux, B., IGLESIAS-GIL, L., & Cloes, M. (23 May 2012). Validation d’une activité de psychomotricité adaptée aux grands prématurés [Poster presentation]. 7ème Biennale de l’ARIS « Intervention, recherche et formation : quels enjeux, quelles transformations ? », Amiens, France.

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