
de Bournonville Catherine

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Cornil, Charlotte  (32)
Balthazart, Jacques  (24)
Ball, Gregory F (10)
Remage-Healey, Luke (6)
Ball, Gregory F. (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
aromatase (6); Aromatase (4); Japanese quail (3); neuroestrogens (3); Sexual behavior (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Giga Neurosciences - ULiège (12)
GIGA Neuroscience (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Neurosciences & behavior (40)
Endocrinology, metabolism & nutrition (2)
Zoology (1)

Publications (total 41)

The most downloaded
de Bournonville, M.-P., de Bournonville, C., Vandries, L., Nys, G., Fillet, M., Ball, G., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2021). Rapid changes in brain estrogen concentration during male sexual behavior are site and stimulus specific. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 20130. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-99497-1

The most cited

79 citations (OpenAlex)

Kokras, N., Pastromas, N., Papasava, D., de Bournonville, C., Cornil, C., & Dalla, C. (2018). Sex differences in behavioral and neurochemical effects of gonadectomy and aromatase inhibition in rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 87, 93-107. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.10.007

de Bournonville, C., Lemoine, P., Foidart, J.-M., Arnal Jean-François, Lenfant Françoise, & Cornil, C. (07 August 2022). Rapid control of male sexual behavior by membrane estrogen receptor alpha in mice [Poster presentation]. International Congress of Neurosciences.

de Bournonville, C., Lemoine, P., Cornil, C., Arnal Jean-François (Other coll.), Lenfant Françoise (Other coll.), & Foidart, J.-M. (Other coll.). (09 May 2022). Membrane estrogen receptor alpha rapidly regulates male mice sexual behavior [Poster presentation]. 14th meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience (BSN), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Faure, M., Corona García Cabral, R., de Bournonville, C., Arnal, J. F., Lenfant, F., Foidart, J. M., & Cornil, C. (2022). Estetrol and membrane estrogen receptor alpha on the positive feedback of estrogens [Paper presentation]. EUCRE meeting, Kruger Park, South Africa.

de Bournonville, C., Lemoine, P., Foidart, J.-M., Arnal, J.-F., Lenfant, F., & Cornil, C. (29 June 2021). Further investigation of the rapid control of male sexual behavior by neuroestrogens in mice [Poster presentation]. Virtual Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology.

de Bournonville, C., Lemoine, P., Foidart, J.-M., Arnal, J.-F., Lenfant, F., & Cornil, C. (26 February 2021). Role of membrane estrogen receptor alpha in the rapid control of male sexual behavior in mice [Poster presentation]. virtual meeting steroids and nervous system.

de Bournonville, M.-P., de Bournonville, C., Vandries, L., Nys, G., Fillet, M., Ball, G., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2021). Rapid changes in brain estrogen concentration during male sexual behavior are site and stimulus specific. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 20130. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-99497-1
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de Bournonville, C., McGrath, A., & Remage-Healey, L. (2020). Testosterone Synthesis in the Female Songbird. Hormones and Behavior. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2020.104716
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Khbouz, B., de Bournonville, C., Court, L., Corona, R., Taziaux, M., Arnal, J.-F., Lenfant, F., & Cornil, C. (2020). Role for the Membrane Estrogen Receptor alpha in the sexual differentiation of the brain. European Journal of Neuroscience, 52 (1), 2627-2645. doi:10.1111/ejn.14646
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de Bournonville, C., McGrath, A., & Remage-Healey, L. (2020). Testosterone synthesis in the auditory forebrain of female zebra finches [Paper presentation]. Androgens 2020, Leuven, Belgium.

de Bournonville, C., McGrath, A., & Remage-Healey, L. (2019). Steroid synthesis in the auditory forebrain of female zebra finches in response to song. Trabajos del Instituto Cajal.
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de Bournonville, C., & Remage-Healey, L. (2019). Steroid synthesis in the auditory forebrain of female zebra finches in response to song [Paper presentation]. Steroids and Nervous System, Torino, Italy.

de Bournonville, C., Schmit, M., Telle, M., Court, L., Ball, G., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2019). Effects of a novel partner and sexual satiety on the expression of male sexual behavior and brain aromatase activity in quail. Behavioural Brain Research, 359, 502-515. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2018.11.026
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Cornil, C., & de Bournonville, C. (2018). Dual action of neuro-estrogens in the regulation of male sexual behavior. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 256, 57-62. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2017.05.002
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Kokras, N., Pastromas, N., Papasava, D., de Bournonville, C., Cornil, C., & Dalla, C. (2018). Sex differences in behavioral and neurochemical effects of gonadectomy and aromatase inhibition in rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 87, 93-107. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.10.007
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de Bournonville, C., & Remage-Healey, L. (2017). Testosterone synthesis in the female brain during auditory processing [Poster presentation]. Society for Neuroscience.

de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2017). Rapid changes in brain aromatase activity in the female quail brain following expression of sexual behaviour. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 29 (11). doi:10.1111/jne.12542
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de Bournonville, C., Smolders, I., Van Eeckhaut, A., Ball, G., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2017). Glutamate released in the preoptic area during sexual behavior controls local estrogen synthesis in male quail. Psychoneuroendocrinology. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.02.002
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de Bournonville, C., de Bournonville, M.-P., Aourz, N., Van Eeckhaut, A., Smolders, I., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (November 2016). Preoptic glutamate and estradiol release during male sexual behavior [Poster presentation]. Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, United States.

de Bournonville, C., Balthazart, J., Ball, G., & Cornil, C. (2016). Non-ovarian aromatization is required to activate female sexual motivation in testosterone-treated ovariectomized quail. Hormones and Behavior, 83, 45-59. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.05.011
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de Bournonville, C., & Remage-Healey, L. (2016). Testosterone fluctuations in the female zebra finch auditory forebrain in response to song [Poster presentation]. Integrating neural, social, and evolutionary influences on communication – Birdsong 6.

Alward, B. A., de Bournonville, C., Chan, T. T., Balthazart, J., Cornil, C., & Ball, G. F. (2016). Aromatase inhibition rapidly affects in a reversible manner distinct features of birdsong. Scientific Reports, 32344. doi:10.1038/srep32344
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de Bournonville, C. (2016). Neurochemical control and function of brain aromatase in Japanese quail [Paper presentation]. invited speaker to University of Maryland, MD, Maryland MD, United States.

de Bournonville, C. (2015). Contrôle neurochimique et fonction de l'aromatase cérébrale chez la caille japonaise [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Cornil, C., & Balthazart, J. (2015). Non-ovarian aromatization regulates sexual motivation and receptivity in female quail [Poster presentation]. Society for Neuroscience.

de Bournonville, C., Aourz, N., Van Eeckhaut, A., Smolders, I., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (17 November 2014). Glutamate controls brain estrogen synthesis during sexual interactions [Poster presentation]. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, United States.

Cornil, C., Schmit, M., de Bournonville, C., Ceuleers, M.-A., Daulne, C., & Balthazart, J. (23 August 2014). Age-dependent and age-independent effects of testosterone in male quail. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 208C, 64-72. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.08.007
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Dickens, M. J., de Bournonville, C., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2014). Relationships between rapid changes in local aromatase activity and estradiol concentrations in male and female quail brain. Hormones and Behavior, 65 (2), 154-164. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2013.12.011
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de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2014). Involvement of estrogens in the control of female sexual motivation and receptivity [Poster presentation]. GIGA-day meeting.

de Bournonville, C., Aourz, N., van Eeckhaut, A., Smolders, I., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2014). The sexual behavior induced-inhibition of aromatase activity in the preoptic nucleus is mediated by glutamate release [Poster presentation]. 8th International Conference on Hormones, Brain and Behavior.

de Bournonville, C. (2014). Role of glutamate in the control of local estradiol (E2) synthesis and its implication in the control of sexual behavior [Paper presentation]. Invited speaker to University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United States.

de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (10 November 2013). Estrogens control female sexual motivation and receptivity in quail [Poster presentation]. Society for Neuroscience.

de Bournonville, C., Dickens, M. J., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2013). Dynamic changes in brain aromatase activity following sexual interactions in males: Where, when and why? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38 (6), 789-99. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.09.001
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de Bournonville, C., Schmit, M., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2013). Local estradiol synthesis in the brain and its implication in male and female sexual motivation of Japanese quail. Trabajos del Instituto Cajal.
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de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2013). Female sexual motivation is controlled by estrogens in quail [Poster presentation]. 10th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience.

de Bournonville, C., Schmit, M., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2013). Are neuroestrogens implicated in sexual motivation? Development of experimental protocols [Poster presentation]. GIGA-day meeting.

Cornil, C., Seredynski, A., de Bournonville, C., Dickens, M., Charlier, T., Ball, G. F., & Balthazart, J. (2013). Rapid control of reproductive behaviour by locally synthesised oestrogens: focus on aromatase. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 25 (11), 1070-8. doi:10.1111/jne.12062
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de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2013). Female sexual and social behaviors are controlled by estrogens [Poster presentation]. EURON PhD-days.

de Bournonville, C., Dickens, M. J., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (04 May 2012). Dynamic and region specific changes in estrogen production induced by reproductive stimuli [Poster presentation]. GIGA-day meeting.

de Bournonville, C., Dickens, M. J., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2012). Region- and context-specific rapid changes in brain aromatase activity following social interactions [Poster presentation]. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology 16th Annual Meeting.

de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (31 January 2011). Male sexual behavior rapidly modulates the synthesis of estrogens in discrete preoptic and hypothalamic regions [Poster presentation]. Giga-day.

de Bournonville, C., Ball, G. F., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2011). Rapid changes of aromatase activity in discrete brain regions following social interactions. Trabajos del Instituto Cajal, LXXXIII, 147-148.
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