
Denayer Julien

Département de géologie > Evolution and diversity dynamics lab

Département de géologie

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Poty, Edouard  (38)
Mottequin, Bernard (25)
Prestianni, Cyrille  (20)
Aretz, Markus (16)
Mottequin, Bernard  (14)
Main Referenced Keywords
Carboniferous (29); Devonian (29); stratigraphy (24); corals (19); extinction (18);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
EDDy Lab, UR Geology, Université de Liège (1)
Evolution & Diversity Dynamics (EDDy) Lab (1)
Evolution and Diversity Dynamics Lab (1)
Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, Université de Liège, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris), University of Queensland, Université de Lille, Uppsala University, Australian National University, IPANEMA (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Earth sciences & physical geography (135)
Zoology (16)
History (12)
Life sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (9)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (6)

Publications (total 140)

The most downloaded
Denayer, J. (2013). Géologie générale - notes de travaux pratiques. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Géologie générale).

The most cited

65 citations (OpenAlex)

Garrouste, R., Clément, G., Nel, P., Engel, M. S., Grandcolas, P., D'Haese, C., Lagebro, L., Denayer, J., Gueriau, P., Lafaite, P., Olive, S., Prestianni, C., & Nel, A. (02 August 2012). A complete insect from the Late Devonian period. Nature, 488, 82-85. doi:10.1038/nature11281

Anceau, A., Denayer, J., Marion, J.-M., & Dassargues, A. (02 August 2024). From coal to chalk: eight centuries of water supply for the city of Liège [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Anceau, A., & Denayer, J. (02 August 2024). The Société Géologique de Belgique: 150 years of history [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2023). The Devonian and Carboniferous of southern Belgium - 4th International Congress on Stratigraphy - Strati 2023 -field guide-book. In 4th International Congress on Stratigraphy - Stratit 2023 - field guide-book (pp. 1-52). Lille, France: Université de Lille.

Zambon, R., Prestianni, C., & Denayer, J. (2023). Plant-insect interactions in the Selandian (Early Paleocene) Gelinden Fossil Flora (Belgium) and what they mean for the ecosystems after the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111524
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Clément, G., Denayer, J., Gueriau, P., Olive, S., Pernègre, V., & Prestianni, C. (2022). L’environnement de vie des premiers tétrapodes de Belgique. In Paléontologie d'aujourd'hui. EDP Sciences. doi:10.1051/978-2-7598-2718-3.c019
Editorial reviewed

Ohar, V., & Denayer, J. (22 February 2022). Lower Viséan (Lower Carboniferous) rugose corals from the Donets Basin (Ukraine). Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 24 (4), 281-310. doi:10.4072/rbp.2021.4.01
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J., Poty, E., Tourneur, F., & Aretz, M. (2022). Colonial Heterocorallia (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) and their epibionts from the lower Carboniferous of Montagne Noire and Pyrenees, southern France. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. doi:10.1007/s12542-021-00588-1
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Baudry, A., Moureau Céline, Denayer, J. (Other coll.), Fischer, V. (Other coll.), & Tourneur, F. (Other coll.). (2022). Le Centre d’Interprétation de la Pierre à Sprimont. Namur, Unknown/unspecified: Agence wallonne du Patrimoine.

Nikolaeva, S. V., Kulagina, E. I., Mustapayeva, S. N., Alekseev, A. S., Gatovsky, Y. A., Denayer, J., Ohar, V., Kurilenko, A. V., Zhaimina, V. J., & Mychko, E. V. (2022). Progress in the study of the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary sections in the Berchogur Depression (Mugodzhary Mountains, western Kazakhstan). Paläontologische Zeitschrift. doi:10.1007/s12542-022-00611-z
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Denayer, J. (2021). Stratigraphy, diversity and palaeobiogeography of the Upper Viséan §Lower Carboniferous) rugose corals from northwestern Turkey. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaontologie. Abhandlungen, 299 (2), 219-235. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2021/0965
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J., & Hoşgör, I. (2021). First report of Devonian corals from the Bitlis-Pötürge Massif (SE Turkey): a rare occurrence of corals on the northern margin of Gondwana. Geologica Acta, 19 (1), 1-11. doi:10.1344/GeologicaActa2021.19.1
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Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., & Marion, J.-M. (2021). Classical and less classical sections in the Middle Devonian-Tournaisian in the Ourthe and Amblève valleys [Paper presentation]. Field excursion for the BVLG.

Dreesen, R., Poty, E., Marion, J.-M., Mottequin, B., & Denayer, J. (2021). An Exceptional Lower Carboniferous Historical Heritage Stone from Belgium, the ‘Pierre de Meuse’. Geoheritage, 13. doi:10.1007/s12371-021-00627-y
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Aretz, M., Corradini, C., & Denayer, J. (2021). The Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary around the globe: a complement. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101, 633–662. doi:10.1007/s12549-021-00495-y
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Król, J. J., Denayer, J., Wolniewicz, P., & Zapalski, M. K. (2021). Heliolitid corals and their competitors: a case study from the Wellin patch reefs, Middle Devonian, Belgium. Lethaia, 54 (4), 540 - 557. doi:10.1111/let.12421
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Jamart, V., & Denayer, J. (09 August 2020). The Kačák event (late Eifelian, Middle Devonian) on the Belgian shelf and its effects on rugose coral palaeobiodiversity. Bulletin of Geosciences, 95 (3), 279-311. doi:10.3140/bull.geosci.1788
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Morelle, C., & Denayer, J. (2020). First description of the ichnofauna from the type locality of the Famennian stage (Late Devonian) of S Belgium. Ichnos. doi:10.1080/10420940.2020.1763336
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Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Mottequin, B., Hance, L., & Poty, E. (2020). The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in Belgium and surrounding areas. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. doi:10.1007/s12549-020-00440-5
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Denayer, J., Xu, S., Poty, E., & Aretz, M. (2020). Taxonomy and evolution of late Tournaisian and Viséan (early Carboniferous) Heterostrotioninae (Rugosa, Anthozoa) from SE China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18 (10), 843-872. doi:10.1080/14772019.2019.1689191
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Gueriau, P., Lamsdell, J., Wogelius, R., Manning, P., Egerton, V., Bergmann, U., Bertrand, L., & Denayer, J. (2020). A new Devonian euthycarcinoid reveals the use of different respiratory strategies during the marineto- terrestrial transition in the myriapod lineage. Royal Society Open Science, 7, 201037. doi:10.1098/rsos.201037
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Solé, F., Fischer, V., Denayer, J., Speijer, R. P., Fournier, M., Le Verger, K., Ladevèze, S., Folie, A., & Smith, T. (2020). The upper Eocene-Oligocene carnivorous mammals from the Quercy Phosphorites (France) housed in Belgian collections. Geologica Belgica, 24 (1-2). doi:10.20341/gb.2020.006
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Scavezzoni, I., & Denayer, J. (July 2019). Fossil Human of Belgium: a review of Quaternary Collections of ULiege [Poster presentation]. 17th EAVP - 17th European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Brussels, Belgium.

Poty, E., Mottequin, B., & Denayer, J. (2019). An attempt of time calibration of the Tournaisian and Viséan stages (Lower and Middle Mississippian) based on long duration orbitally forced sequences. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 23, 258-259.
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J. (2019). Revised stratigraphy of the Eifelian (Middle Devonian) of S. Belgium: sequence stratigraphy, global events, reef development and basin structuration. Geologica Belgica, 22 (3-4), 149-173. doi:10.20341/gb.2019.009
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Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Mottequin, B., Hance, L., & Poty, E. (2019). Revision of the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in Belgium and surrounding areas: a scenario. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 23, 75-76.
Peer reviewed

Landmeyer, J., Tourneur, F., Denayer, J., & Zapalski, M. (2019). Fossil tabulate corals reveal outcrops of Paleozoic sandstones in the Atlantic Coastal Plain Province, Southeastern USA. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0224248
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Denayer, J., & Debout, L. (2019). Palaeoecology of the Upper Tournaisian crinoidal limestones of S Belgium. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 23, 74.
Peer reviewed

Krol, J., & Denayer, J. (2019). Paleoecology of heliolitid corals from Wellin bioherm (Eifelian, Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium): preliminary results [Paper presentation]. 13th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Modena, Italy.

Denayer, J. (2019). Uncommon reef coral association from the Eifelian (Mid. Devonian) of S Belgium: a palaeobiogeographic puzzle [Paper presentation]. 13th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Modena, Italy.

Poty, E., Denayer, J., & Aretz, M. (2019). The upper Mississippian of the Montagne Noire (south Central Massif, France): a small endemic coral area controlled by reefal facies [Paper presentation]. 13th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Modena, Italy.

Denayer, J., Jamart, V., Aretz, M., & Fischer, V. (2019). Exploration of morphospace in the Viséan rugose coral Siphonodendron martini [Paper presentation]. 13th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidara and Porifera, Modena, Italy.

Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Mottequin, B., & Poty, E. (2019). Field trip A1: The Uppermost Devonian and Lower carboniferous in the type area of Southern Belgium. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 24, 5-41.
Peer reviewed

Cuvelier, J., Anceau, A., Denayer, J., & Oudoire, T. (26 October 2018). Sauve qui peut, 1914-1918 : les collections de géologie et de paléontologie en péril [Paper presentation]. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre - Earth Sciences Meeting, Lille, France.

Anceau, A., & Denayer, J. (2018). La Première Guerre mondiale et ses conséquences sur la vie des sociétés géologiques en Belgique. In Société Géologique de France (Ed.), Lille 2018, 22-26 octobre; 26e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre - 26th Earth Sciences Meeting : Livre des résumés (pp. 546). Lille, France: Université de Lille.

Anceau, A., & Denayer, J. (2018). Minéralogie, paléontologie et géologie à l'Université de Liège : deux siècles de recherches et de découvertes.

Marion, J.-M., Fischer, V., Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Bennion, R., & Scavezzoni, I. (2018). Les bacheliers du bloc 1 Géologie de l'ULiège. Journées de terrain, travaux pratiques: Évolution des environnements et de la tectonique de la région de Boulogne-sur-Mer, Wimereux et Wissant, sous la conduite du Prof. Valentin Fischer et de ses collaborateurs. Séquence video et photos. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GEOL0202). Liège, Belgium: ULiège/Geologie/EDDy Lab.

Denayer, J. (2018). From rolling stones to rolling reefs: a Devonian example of highly diverse macroids. Lethaia, 51 (4), 564-580. doi:10.1111/let.12278
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Debout, L., & Denayer, J. (2018). Palaeoecology of the Upper Tournaisian (Mississippian) crinoidal limestones from South Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 21 (3-4), 111-127. doi:10.20341/gb.2018.007
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Denayer, J., Anceau, A., & Prestianni, C. (2018). Two centuries of palaeontological research in the University of Liège, Belgium [Paper presentation]. 5th International Paleontological Congress – Paris.

Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., Prestianni, C., & Poty, E. (2018). Event stratigraphy accross the DevonianCarboniferous – New views from the shelf [Paper presentation]. 5th International Paleontological Congress – Paris.

Denayer, J., & Anceau, A. (2018). L'Université de Liège dans la tourmente. In F. Bergerat (Ed.), 14-18, La Terre et le Feu : Géologie et géologues sur le front occidental (pp. 278). Paris, France: Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris.
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J., & Debout, L. (2018). Palaeoecology of the Upper Tournaisian (Carboniferous) crinoidal limestones from South Belgium [Paper presentation]. Congrès Annuel de l'Association Paléontologique Française 2018.

Denayer, J. (2018). Eifelien corals and reefs of S Belgium, new insights on a cold case [Paper presentation]. 5th International Paleontological Congress – Paris.

Anceau, A., Prestianni, C., Hatert, F., & Denayer, J. (24 November 2017). Les sciences géologiques à l'Université de Liège : deux siècles d'évolution [Paper presentation]. Deux siècles de Sciences à l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., Prestianni, C., & Poty, E. (2017). in and out-of sequence event stratigraphy across the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary - a view from the shelf in S Belgium. In 33rd International Meeting of Sedimentology - 16ème Congrès français de sédimentologie : Abstract book (pp. 234).
Peer reviewed

Poty, E., Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2017). Development and decease of the so-called Frasnian reefs in the Frasnian of Belgium. In 33rd International Meeting of Sedimentology - 16ème Congrès français de sédimentologie : Abstrcat Book.
Peer reviewed

Mottequin, B., Denayer, J., Herbig, H.-G., Baider, L., Kouaka, A., & Aretz, M. (2017). New insight on Carboniferous (Viséan) brachiopods from eastern Tafilalt (Morocco). Geological Journal, 52 (2), 217-233. doi:10.1002/gj.2750
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Thompson, J., & Denayer, J. (2017). Revision of echinoids from the Tournaisian (Mississippian) of Belgium and the importance of disarticulated material in assessing palaeodiversity. Geological Journal, 52 (4), 529-538. doi:10.1002/gj.2783
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Goolaerts, S., Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2017). Late Devonian (Frasnian) phyllopod and phyllocarid crustacean shields from Belgium reinterpreted as ammonoid anaptychi. Science of Nature, 104 (98), 1-8. doi:10.1007/s00114-017-1522-0
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Denayer, J., & Webb, G. (2017). Earliest Mississippian rugose corals of eastern Australia: post-disaster fauna across the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary? Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97 (3), 655-667. doi:10.1007/s12549-016-0261-0
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Denayer, J. (2017). Rolling reefs in the Late Devonian of Belgium. In 33rd International Meeting of Sedimentology - 16ème Cngrès français de sédimentologie : Abstract book (pp. 233).
Peer reviewed

Anceau, A., Prestianni, C., Hatert, F., & Denayer, J. (2017). Les sciences géologiques à l’Université de Liège : deux siècles d’évolution. Partie 1 : de la fondation à la Première Guerre Mondiale. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 86, 27-101.

Marion, J.-M., Denayer, J., & Fischer, V. (2017). Rapport de contre-expertise relatif à l’extension de la carrière de Marenne (Hotton). Situation géologique, évaluation de la qualité et des réserves. Liège, Belgium: EDDy Lab, UR Geology, Université de Lliège.

Denayer, J., Aretz, M., Poty, E., & Mottequin, B. (2016). Royseux: a palaeobiodiversity hotspot in the Late Viséan (Carboniferous) of Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 19 (1-2), 7-20. doi:10.20341/gb.2016.003
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Denayer, J. (2016). Iron ores of Southern Belgium: much more than hematite. Anthropologica et Praehistorica, 126, 39-46.
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Gueriau, P., Olive, S., & Clément, G. (2016). Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Late Famennian (Late Devonian) of Southern Belgium and characterization of the Strud locality. Geological Magazine, 153 (1), 112-127. doi:10.1017/S001675681500031X
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Poty, E., Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., & Prestianni, C. (2016). The Hangenberg Sandstone Event proposed for a new definition of the D/C Boundary. In A new look on the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary (pp. 17).

Denayer, J. (2016). Rugose corals across the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in NW Turkey. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 61 (1), 51-70. doi:10.4202/app.00061.2014
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Denayer, J., Aretz, M., Barchy, L., Chevalier, E., Fischer, V., Hance, L., Marion, J.-M., & Mottequin, B. (2016). Edouard Poty: a bio- and bibliography. Geologica Belgica, 19 (1-2), 3-6. doi:10.20341/gb.2016.001
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Prestianni, C., Denayer, J., & Sautois, M. (2016). the tener event as an equivalent of the Hangenberg on continents. In A new look on the Devonina-Carboniferous Boundary.

Denayer, J., & Aretz, M. (Eds.). (2016). Devonian and Carboniferous research: homage to Professor Edouard Poty. (19/3-4). Geologica Belgica.

Olive, S., Clément, G., Denayer, J., Derycke, C., Dupret, V., Gerrienne, P., Gueriau, P., Marion, J.-M., Mottequin, B., & Prestiani, C. (July 2015). Flora and fauna from a new Famennian (Upper Devonian) locality at Becco, eastern Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 18 (2-4), 92-101.
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Aretz, M., & Denayer, J. (2015). Rugose corals from the Carboniferous of the eastern Tafilalt (Morocco): a progress report. In M. Bernecker, 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera 2015 - Abstract Volume.

Denayer, J. (2015). The Late Viséan Rugose coral association of NW Turkey. In M. Bernecker, 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera 2015 - Abstract Volume.

Poty, E., Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2015). Onset, growth, decline and decease of the Frasnian reefs and carbonate platform in the Frasnian of Belgium. In M. Bernecker, 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera 2015 - Abstract Volume.

Denayer, J., & Webb, G. (2015). Revision of the Mississippian Lithostrotionidae (Rugosa) from eastern Australian and reassessment of homeomorphy among corals. In M. Bernercker, 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera 2015 - Abstract Volume.

Poty, E., Mottequin, B., & Denayer, J. (2015). Orbitally forced sequences and climate reconstruction around the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary, and the Hangenberg Extinction Event. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 16, 121.
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., & Prestianni, C. (Eds.). (2015). IGCP-SDS Symposium, Climate Change and Biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Palaeozoic, Brussels, September 2015, Field guidebooks. Toulouse, France: STRATA.

Mottequin, B., Denayer, J., Konigshof, P., Prestianni, C., & Olive, S. (Eds.). (2015). IGCP-SDS Symposium, Climate Change and Biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Palaeozoic, Brussels, 20-22, September 2015, Abstract. Toulouse, France: STRATA.

Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Sautois, M., Poty, E., & Mottequin, B. (2015). The Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary and the Lower Caroniferous in the type area. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 17, 59-81.

Denayer, J., & Webb, G. E. (2015). Cionodendron and related lithostrotionid genera from the Mississippian of eastern Australia: systematics, stratigraphy and evolution. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Paleontology, 39, 1-62. doi:10.1080/03115518.2015.1001218
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Denayer, J. (2015). Taxonomy, Biostratigraphy and Palaeobiogeography of the Late Tournaisian rugose corals of north-western Turkey. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 89, 313-333. doi:10.1007/s12542-014-0245-1
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Denayer, J. (2015). Rugose corals at the Tournaisian–Viséan transition in the Central Taurides (S Turkey) – Palaeobiogeography and palaeoceanography of the Asian Gondwana margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 98, 371-398. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.11.008
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Ernst, A., Tolokonnikova, Z., & Denayer, J. (2015). Upper Frasnian (Upper Devonian) bryozoans in proximal facies of southern Belgium. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 121 (2), 3-20.
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Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., Dreesen, R., Marion, J.-M., olive, S., & Prestianni, C. (2015). The Famennian succession: marine, continental and reefal facies in the Dinant Synclinorium and the Vesdre area. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 17, 46-58.

Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2015). Middle and Upper Devonian Events in Belgium: review and new insights. Strata. Série 1 : Communications.
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J., & Webb, G. E. (2015). Post-extinction recovery of the earliest Carboniferous rugose corals, a glimpse from eastern Australia. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 16, 43.
Peer reviewed

Clément, G., Olive, S., Gueriau, P., Lagebro, L., Prestianni, C., & Denayer, J. (2015). Assessment on the Late Devonian fauna of Strud, Belgium. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 16, 35.
Peer reviewed

Mottequin, B., & Denayer, J. (2015). Pridolian–Lochkovian macrofaunas from southern Belgium and northern France: de Koninck (1876) revisited. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 16, 101.
Peer reviewed

Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., Marion, J.-M., Devleeschouwer, X., & Prestianni, C. (2015). The Middle Devonian succession in the Dinant Synclinorium. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 17, 2-21.

Mottequin, B., Denayer, J., Poty, E., & Devleeschouwer, X. (2015). Middle to Upper Frasnian succession, Kellwasser events and the Frasnian-Famennian Boundary in the Namur-Dinant Basin. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 17, 22-45.

Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., & Poty, E. (2015). A Lower Tournaisian (Hastarian) silicified brachiopod-coral fauna from South Belgium. In M. Bernecker, 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera 2015 - Abstract Volume.

Denayer, J. (2014). Rugose corals at the Tournaisian-Viséan transition in the Central Taurides (S Turkey) - Palaeobiogeography and Palaeoceanography of the Gondwana margin. In 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza, Abstracts volume (pp. 859).

Denayer, J., Fischer, V., & Mottequin, B. (2014). Rediscovery of the forgotten de Ryckholt Collection (gastropods, bivalves, worms; Late Cretaceous, Belgium). Cretaceous Research, 47, 66–71. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2013.10.002
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Nyhuis, C., Rippen, D., & Denayer, J. (2014). Facies characterization of organic-rich mudstones from the Chokier Formation (lower Namurian), south Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 17 (3-4), 311-322.
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Denayer, J., & Hoşgör. (2014). Lower Carboniferous Rugose corals from the Arabian Plate: an insight from the Hakkari area (SE Turkey). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79 (1), 345-357. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.10.012
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Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Olive, S., Gueriau, P., & Clément, G. (2014). Stratigraphy and depositionnal settings of the Late Famennian of Southern Belgium - a snapshot of the palaeoenvironment for late Devonian tetrapods and arthropods. In 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza, Abstracts volume (pp. 62).

Denayer, J. (2014). Viséan Lithostrotionidae (Rugosa) from Zonguldak and Bartin (NW Turkey). Bulletin of Geosciences, 89 (4), 737-771. doi:10.3140/bull.geosci.1496
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Fischer, V., Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2014). Lost and found: Rediscovery of de Ryckholt's collection of Cretaceous Mollusca (Belgium and N. France). In 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza, Abstracts volume (pp. 712).

Goolaerts, S., Denayer, J., Holemans, T., Mottequin, B., & Gouwy, S. (2014). New finds of goniatite anaptychi from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of Belgium. In C. Klug & D. Fusch (Eds.), 5th International Symposium Coleoid Cephalopods through Time, Abstracts and program (pp. 115).

Poty, E., Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2014). Tsunamis triggered the Late Frasnian Kellwasser extinction event. In 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza, Abstracts volume.

Hosgör, I., Yilmaz, I. O., Gourvennec, R., & Denayer, J. (2014). Devonian to Basal Permian Lithostratigraphy in Southwestern Hakkari: A Perspective from Northern Arabian Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Platform. In AAPG International Conference & Exhibition Istanbul 2014 (pp. 124). doi:10.13140/2

Denayer, J., & Poty, E. (September 2013). The Dinantian and Namurian of the Northwest European Carboniferous Basin as analogue for the Dutch situation [Paper presentation]. PGK Field trip to the Belgian Ardennes.

Garrouste, R., Clément, G., Nel, P., Engel, M., Grandcolas, P., D'Haese, C., Lagebro, L., Denayer, J., Gueriau, P., Lafaite, P., Olive, S., Prestianni, C., & Nel, A. (February 2013). Garrouste et al. reply. Nature, 488, 4-5. doi:10.1038/nature11888
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Aretz, M., & Denayer, J. (2013). Visean corals from the transverse Jebel Begaa to Gara el Itima (eastern Tafilalt, Morocco). Documents de l'Institut Scientifique, 26, 18-19.

Denayer, J. (2013). Géologie générale - notes de travaux pratiques. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Géologie générale).

Poty, E., Mottequin, B., & Denayer, J. (2013). an attempt of time calibration of the Lower Tournaisian (Hastarian Substage) based on orbitally forced sequences. Documents de l'Institut Scientifique, 26, 105-107.

Denayer, J. (2013). Biostratigraphie et Paléobiogéographie des coraux tétracoralliaires du Carbonifère inférieur de la Turquie [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Denayer, J. (2013). Le minerai de fer en Wallonie: une cartographie des gisements. In C. Billard, Autour de l'hématite - circulation et transformation au cours de la préhistoire récente - Méthodes d'analyse - Volume de résumés.

Aretz, M., Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2013). Preliminary data on Viséan (Carboniferous) corals and brachiopods from the strata between the Djebel Begaa and the Gara et Itima (Eastern Tafilalt, Morocco). Documents de l'Institut Scientifique, 27, 87-94.

Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., Poty, E., & Fischer, V. (2013). Paléontologie des invertébrés, note de travaux pratiques.

Denayer, J. (2013). Strunian Rugose and Tabulate corals from Northwestern Turkey. Documents de l'Institut Scientifique, 26, 35-36.

Poty, E., Mottequin, B., & Denayer, J. (2013). Orbitally forced sequences in the Lower Carboniferous and the onset of Carboniferous glaciations at the Tournaisian-Viséan boundary. Strata. Série 1 : Communications, 14, 66.

Denayer, J. (2012). Le minerai de fer en Wallonie, Histoire et Géologie [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence de "l'Escargotite".

Mottequin, B., Denayer, J., Fischer, V., & Poty, E. (2012). Campanian-Maastrichtian fossils from southern Belgium and neighbouring countries curated at the University of Liège. In J. W. M. Jagt & E. Jagt-Yazykova (Eds.), The Maastrichtian Stage; the current concept. Workshop programme, abstracts and field guide (pp. 44-45). Maastricht, Netherlands: Natuurhistorisch Museum.

Garrouste, R., Clément, G., Nel, P., Engel, M. S., Grandcolas, P., D'Haese, C., Lagebro, L., Denayer, J., Gueriau, P., Lafaite, P., Olive, S., Prestianni, C., & Nel, A. (02 August 2012). A complete insect from the Late Devonian period. Nature, 488, 82-85. doi:10.1038/nature11281
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Garrouste, R., Clément, G., Nel, P., Engel, M. S., Grandcolas, P., D'Haese, C., Lagebro, L., Denayer, J., Gueriau, P., Lafaite, P., Olive, S., Prestianni, C., & Nel, A. (2012). a complete insect from the Late Devonian period - supplementary information. Nature.
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Denayer, J. (2012). Le minerai de fer en Wallonie, Géologie et Histoire [Paper presentation]. cycle de conférence de l'AGAB (Liège).

Denayer, J. (2012). Corals of the Upper Viséan microbial-sponge-bryozoan-coral bioherm and related strata of Kongul Yayla (Taurides, South Turkey). Geologica Belgica, 15 (4), 317-328.
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Denayer, J., Aretz, M., & Poty, E. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of the XIth International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Liège 2011. Geologica Belgica.

Denayer, J., Poty, E., Marion, J.-M., & Mottequin, B. (2012). Lower and Middle Famennian (Upper Devonian) rugose corals from southern Belgium and northern France. Geologica Belgica, 15 (4), 273-283.
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Denayer, J. (2012). Gîtologie sédimentaire, notes de travaux pratiques 2012. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Gîtologie sédimentaire).

Denayer, J. (2012). Paléontologie - partim. Paléozoologie (Notes de travaux pratiques - 2012). (ULiège - Université de Liège, Paléontologie - partim. Paléozoologie).

Denayer, J., Aretz, M., & Poty, E. (2012). Proceedings of the XIth International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Liège, Belgium, August 19-29, 2011: Preface. Geologica Belgica, 15 (4), 200-203.
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Denayer, J., & Aretz, M. (2012). Discovery of a Mississippian Reef in Turkey: The Upper Viséan Microbial-Sponge-Bryozoan-Coral Bioherm from Kongul Yayla (Taurides, S Turkey). Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 21 (3), 375-389. doi:10.3906/yer-1008-3
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Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., & Poty, E. (2012). Paléontologie des Invertébrés - Notes de Travaux Pratiques.

Denayer, J. (2012). Corals of the Upper Viséan Microbial-Sponge-Bryozoan-Coral Bioherm of Kongul Yayla (Taurides, S Turkey), Palaeobiogeographic Relations. Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6, 102-104.

Denayer, J. (2011). Le minerai de fer en Wallonie, Géologie et Histoire [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence de l'ULB extension de Bouillon.

Denayer, J., Pacyna, D., & Boulvain, F. (2011). Le minerai de fer en Wallonie: cartographie, historique et géologie. Namur, Belgium: Ed. de la Région Wallonne.

Denayer, J., & Poty, E. (2011). Uppermost Devonian and Mississippian sequence stratigraphy and rugose coral biostratigraphy of Zonguldak and Bartin area, NW Turkey. Record - Geological Survey of Western Australia, 2011/20, 56.

Denayer, J. (2011). Mississippian Lithostrotionidae from Zonguldak and Bartin (NW Turkey). Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 19, 34.

Denayer, J., & Poty, E. (2011). Origin and evolution of Dorlodotia (Rugosa). Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 19, 37-39.

Poty, E., Aretz, M., & Denayer, J. (2011). Field trip 3: Uppermost Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of Southern Belgium. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 20, 99-150.

Denayer, J. (2011). Dorlodotia and related genera (Rugosa) from the Viséan (Mississippian; Carboniferous) of Zonguldak and Bartin (North-Western Turkey). Palaeontology, 54 (6), 1435-1454. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2011.01104.x
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Poty, E., Denayer, J., & Mottequin, B. (2011). Middle and Late Frasnian (Late Devonian) sea-level changes in Southern Belgium: their consequences on corals and brachiopods. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 19, 137-138.

Denayer, J., & Aretz, M. (2011). The Upper Viséan rugose corals in the microbial-sponge-bryozoan-coral bioherm in Kongul Yayla (Taurides, S. Turkey). Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 19, 35-36.

Chantry, G., Denayer, J., & Poty, E. (2011). The Tournaisian Rugose corals of Tournai: revision of a classical fauna. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 19, 25-26.

Boulvain, F., Coen-Aubert, M., Da Silva, A.-C., Kershaw, S., Tourneur, F., Denayer, J., Mottequin, B., & Poty, E. (2011). Field trip 1: Givetian and Frasnian of Southern Belgium. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 20, 5-49.

Denayer, J., Poty, E., & Aretz. (2011). Uppermost Devonian and Dinantian Rugose Corals from Southern Belgium and surrounding areas. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 20, 151-201.

Aretz, M., Delculee, S., Denayer, J., & Poty, E. (Eds.). (2011). 11th Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Liège, August 19-29, 2011: Abstracts. Köln, Germany: Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie.

Denayer, J. (2010). Le minerai de fer en Wallonie, Géologie et Histoire [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du Département de Géologie de l'ULg.

Pacyna, D., & Denayer, J. (22 November 2010). Mines, minières et carrières souterraines en Wallonie - Risques associés et contraintes [Paper presentation]. Les 20 ans de la Carte Géologique de Wallonie: La carte et vous !, Jambes, Belgium.

Denayer, J. (November 2010). Le minerai de fer en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Les 20 ans de la Carte Géologique de Wallonie, Jambes, Belgium.

Denayer, J. (2010). Le minerai de fer (autour) de la Haute Ardenne, Cartographie, Histoire et Géologie [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence de "Haute Ardenne" - ULg antenne du Mont Rigi.

Denayer, J. (2010). Le minerai de fer de la Calestienne et de l'Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence du "Parc Viroin-Hermeton".

Denayer, J. (2010). Lower Carboniferous Rugose corals from the Zonguldak area (Northwestern Turkey). In R. Aldridge & D. Harper (Eds.), Abstracts volume of the Third International Palaeontological Congress (IPC3).

Denayer, J., & Poty, E. (2010). Unusual biological association event within the Late Frasnian Crisis. In Abstract volume of the Third International Palaeontological Congress.

Denayer, J., & Poty, E. (2010). Facies and palaeoecology of the upper member of the Aisemont Formation (Late Frasnian, S. Belgium): an unusual episode within the Late Frasnian crisis. Geologica Belgica, 13 (3), 197-212.
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Denayer, J. (2010). Upper Viséan (Mississippian) rugose corals of the microbial-sponge-bryozoan-corals bioherm from Kongul Yayla (Taurides, S. Turkey). Palaeontological Association Newsletter.

Denayer, J. (2009). Lower Carboniferous corals from the Zonguldak Area (Black Sea, Northwestern Turkey). In PPMB-MVP meeting abstract book.

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