Chantrain, G. (In press). Sadness, anxiety and other broken hearts: the expression of negative emotions in Ancient Egyptian. In S. Uljas (Ed.), Proceedings of the Crossroads VI: Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology. uppsala, Sweden: University of Uppsala. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (Ed.). (In press). Language, Semantics and Cognition. Saying and Conceptualizing the World in Ancient Egypt and Beyond. New Haven, United States: Yale University. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2024). (under review) Linguistic consciousness and “non-straightforward words”: talking about (figurative) language in ancient Egyptian. Interdisciplinary Egyptology. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2024). (in press) Metaphor-induced lexical semantic evolution and classification strategies in Ancient Egyptian. In G. Chantrain (Ed.), Language, Semantics and Cognition in Ancient Egypt and Beyond. New Haven, United States: Yale Egyptological Studies. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2024). (under review) Ignorance and forgetfulness in Late Egyptian and Classical Egyptian from the New Kingdom until the 26th dynasty. A lexical study. Lingua Aegyptia. Peer reviewed |
Winand, J., & Chantrain, G. (Eds.). (2022). Les hiéroglyphes en Europe avant Champollion. Depuis l’Antiquité classique jusqu’à l’Expédition d’Égypte. Liège, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Liège. |
Chantrain, G. (2022). "Like a son to me”: the household metaphor as marker of hierarchical relationships between Egyptians and foreigners in Egyptian tales [Paper presentation]. international conference Crossroads IV – Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Prague, Czechia. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2022). Motion verbs and power balance in Ancient Egyptian texts [Paper presentation]. ASOR Annual Meeting, thematic session (Im-)politeness Research in Ancient Egyptian Texts, Chicago, United States. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2022). Metaphors they lived by – a walk through the emotional and cognitive landscape of the Ancient Egyptians [Paper presentation]. Public Lecture given on invitation, Providence, United States - Rhode Island. |
Chantrain, G. (2022). Teaching through example: the use of multi-layered situational panel as a didactic tool [Paper presentation]. Register Variation in Ancient Languages, Berlin, Germany. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2022). “Like a son” in foreign country: hierarchical relationships between Egyptians and foreigners in the travel narrative [Paper presentation]. ARCE annual meeting (Irvine), virtual component, Irvine, United States - California. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2022). Introduction to the classifier system and its use in Metaphor-induced colexification context in Ancient Egyptian. The cases of emotion and cognition [Paper presentation]. summer school “Semantic Shifts”. |
Chantrain, G., Dechevez, J., & Winand, J. (2022). Catalogue de l'exposition. In J. Winand & G. Chantrain (Eds.), Les hiéroglyphes avant Champollion. Depuis l'Antiquité classique jusqu'à l'Expédition d'Egypte (pp. 223-369). Presses universitaires de Liège. |
Chantrain, G. (2022). I think, therefore I am. Cognition verbs in Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Higher seminar of Egyptology (Uppsala University), Uppsala, Sweden. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2022). Body part classifiers in Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Summer school “Semantic Shifts”, Fréjus, France. |
Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2022). Metaphors of sensory experience in ancient Egyptian texts: emotion, personality, and social interaction. In K. Neumann & A. Thomason, The Routledge Handbook of the Senses in the Ancient Near East. London/New-York, United Kingdom: Routledge. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2021). Home-feeling and home-making. Identity features of an Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Seminar Series Being Egyptian: dwelling practice in the Nile valley and beyond, Oxford, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2021). Classification strategies from the end of the Ramesside Period until the Late Period: a living system. Zeitschrift für Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 148 (1), 1-15. doi:10.1515/zaes-2021-0108 Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2021). Classifier usage, figurative language and lexical semantic evolution: new elements to the understanding of a living system [Paper presentation]. international conference Language, Semantics and Cognition. Saying and conceptualizing the world from Ancient Egypt to Modern Time, New haven, United States - Connecticut. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2021). Conceptual classification and figurative language in Ancient Egyptian: the case of emotion expression [Paper presentation]. ARCE annual meeting (online), Toronto, Canada. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2021). The sensory basis of emotion metaphors – A meditation on the Ancient Egyptian data [Paper presentation]. International conference RAAM 2021 Virtual. Metaphor and Space, June 23-26, 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2021). Visualizing and understanding metaphors for character, emotions and social interactions in Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society (online), United States. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2020). Sadness, love sickness and other broken hearts: the importance of a multilevel approach in semantic studies [Paper presentation]. Crossroads VI: Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala, Sweden. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2020). The challenge of cross-cultural and cross-temporal metaphor identification: (a)symmetries in translation [Paper presentation]. International conference RAAM 2020 Virtual. Metaphorical creativity in a multilingual world, Hamar, Norway. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2020). Éléments de la terminologie du temps en égyptien ancien. Une étude de sémantique lexicale en diachronie. Hamburg, Germany: Widmaier. |
Chantrain, G. (2019). Metaphors in the emotional landscape of ancient Egyptians [Paper presentation]. intinternational conference RAAM 2019 Specialized seminar. Metaphor studies at the intersection of multiple disciplines, Liège, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2019). About “egyptianity” and “foreignness” in Egyptian texts. A context-sensitive lexical study. In J. Mynářová, M. Kilani, ... S. Alivernini (Eds.), Crossroads III: A Stranger in the House. Proceedings of an International Conference on Foreigners in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Societies of the Bronze Age held in Prague, September 10–13, 2018 (pp. 49-72). Prague, Czechia: Charles University, Faculty of Arts. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2019). Semantic Changes in Ancient Egyptian. Some Case Studies. In A. Kahlbacher & E. Priglinger (Eds.), Tradition and Transformation in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings from the International Congress for Young Egyptologists, Vienna, 15-19 September 2015. Vienna, Austria: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2019). Classification strategies in the Late Period [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary approaches to Egyptian and Coptic: current works and perspectives, Prague, Czechia. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Winand, J. (2018). Temps et espace en Egypte ancienne: une introduction. In G. Chantrain & J. Winand, Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt. Hamburg, Germany: Widmaier Verlag. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Kilani, M. (2018). What a feeling ! A Linguistic Diachronic Glance at Egyptian Emotions [Paper presentation]. 48th Poznán Linguistics Meeting (PLM 2018), Poznán, Poland. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2018). About “egyptianity” and “foreignness” in Egyptian texts. A context-sensitive lexical study [Paper presentation]. Crossroads III : A stranger in the house, Prague, Czechia. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Winand, J. (Eds.). (2018). Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt. Hamburg, Germany: Widmaier. |
Chantrain, G. (2018). Mapping the ‘unbounded time’ domain in Ancient Egyptian: a diachronic approach [Paper presentation]. Semantic Maps: Where do we stand and where are we going?, Liege, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2017). Making a Case for Multidimensionality in Ramesside Figurative Language. Lingua Aegyptia, 25, 41-66. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chantrain, G. (2017). Time(s) in Ancient Egyptian : Perspectives of a Broad Lexical Study. The case of dwȝ.t and dwȝ. In M. Tomorad & J. Popielska-Grzybowska, Egypt 2015 : Perspectives of Research. Proceedings of the CECE7 - VIIth European Conference of Egyptologists (Zagreb, 2-7 June, 2015) (pp. 3-17). Oxford, United Kingdom: Archaeopress Egyptology. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2016). Making a case for Multidimensionality in Ramesside Figurative Language [Paper presentation]. Crossroads V: Whence and Whither? Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Comparative Perspectives, Berlin, Germany. Peer reviewed |
Georgakopoulos, A., Chantrain, G., Hartlieb, J., Kitazumi, T., Sundermeye, A., Van de Peut, L., & Werning, D. A. (2016). The Meaning of Ancient Words for ‘Earth’: an Exercise in Visualizing Colexification on a Semantic Map. eTopoi: Journal for Ancient Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Georgakopoulos, A., Chantrain, G., Hartlieb, J., Kitazumi, T., Sundermeyer, A., Van de Peut, L., & Werning, D. A. (2016). The Meaning of Ancient Words for ‘Earth’: an Exercise in Visualizing Colexification on a Semantic Map. eTopoi: Journal for Ancient Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chantrain, G. (2016). Time and Space in Ancient Egypt: an Introduction [Paper presentation]. Time and Space in Ancient Egypt, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2016). Multidimensional Metaphors in Ancient Egyptian? [Paper presentation]. 11th Conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor, Berlin, Germany. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2015). Did you say “Egyptian”? A lexical study through the outskirts of the “Egyptianity” concept [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Egyptologists XI, Florence, Italy. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2015). The Figure of the Foreigner in Egyptian Literature: Let’s Think Outside the Box? [Paper presentation]. Life and Heritage in Ancient Egypt, Copenhagen, Denmark. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2015). Time(s) in Ancient Egypt: perspectives of a broad lexical study [Paper presentation]. CECE7 – VIIth European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perpectives of Research, Zagreb, Croatia. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2015). Travel in Space and Time: between concrete realities and mental repre- sentations in Ancient Egypt [Paper presentation]. Current Research in Egyptology XVI, Oxford, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2015). Lexical studies in Late Egyptian: a methodology for the treatment of broad corpora [Paper presentation]. Current Trends in Late Egyptian studies, Prague, Czechia. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2014). Nubians and Libyans as Elements of Egyptian Literature : between Stereotypes and Individuals [Paper presentation]. 46. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz (SÄK 2014), Munich, Germany. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2014). Amour et désir en égyptien. Quelques observations de sémantique lexicale. Acta Orientalia Belgica. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2014). New Kingdom Classifier Usage and the Global Reorganisation of Egyptian Categorisation Practice [Paper presentation]. Peirce, Hieroglyphs and Multimodality, Berlin, Germany. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G. (2014). The Use of Classifiers in the New Kingdom. A Global Reorganization of the Classifiers System? Lingua Aegyptia, 22, 39-59. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chantrain, G. (2013). The Quest for Meaning in Ancient Egyptian. Methodology and Case Study [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Linguistics Conference (ILinC 2013), Belfast, Ireland. Peer reviewed |
Chantrain, G., & Winand, J. (2012). L'adverbe gr en néo-égyptien. Revue d'Egyptologie, 63, 43-66. Peer reviewed |