
Chantrain Gaëlle

Département des sciences de l'antiquité > Egyptologie

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla (5)
Winand, Jean  (5)
Werning, D. A. (2)
Dechevez, Julien  (1)
Georgakopoulos, Athanasios (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
ancient egyptian (8); ancient Egyptian (4); classifiers (4); diplomacy (2); metaphors (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (48)
Classical & oriental studies (11)

Publications (total 52)

The most downloaded
Chantrain, G. (In press). Sadness, anxiety and other broken hearts: the expression of negative emotions in Ancient Egyptian. In S. Uljas (Ed.), Proceedings of the Crossroads VI: Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology. uppsala, Sweden: University of Uppsala.

The most cited

4 citations (OpenAlex)

Chantrain, G. (2021). Classification strategies from the end of the Ramesside Period until the Late Period: a living system. Zeitschrift für Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 148 (1), 1-15. doi:10.1515/zaes-2021-0108

Chantrain, G. (In press). Sadness, anxiety and other broken hearts: the expression of negative emotions in Ancient Egyptian. In S. Uljas (Ed.), Proceedings of the Crossroads VI: Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology. uppsala, Sweden: University of Uppsala.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (Ed.). (In press). Language, Semantics and Cognition. Saying and Conceptualizing the World in Ancient Egypt and Beyond. New Haven, United States: Yale University.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2024). (under review) Linguistic consciousness and “non-straightforward words”: talking about (figurative) language in ancient Egyptian. Interdisciplinary Egyptology.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2024). (in press) Metaphor-induced lexical semantic evolution and classification strategies in Ancient Egyptian. In G. Chantrain (Ed.), Language, Semantics and Cognition in Ancient Egypt and Beyond. New Haven, United States: Yale Egyptological Studies.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2024). (under review) Ignorance and forgetfulness in Late Egyptian and Classical Egyptian from the New Kingdom until the 26th dynasty. A lexical study. Lingua Aegyptia.
Peer reviewed

Winand, J., & Chantrain, G. (Eds.). (2022). Les hiéroglyphes en Europe avant Champollion. Depuis l’Antiquité classique jusqu’à l’Expédition d’Égypte. Liège, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Liège.

Chantrain, G. (2022). "Like a son to me”: the household metaphor as marker of hierarchical relationships between Egyptians and foreigners in Egyptian tales [Paper presentation]. international conference Crossroads IV – Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Prague, Czechia.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2022). Motion verbs and power balance in Ancient Egyptian texts [Paper presentation]. ASOR Annual Meeting, thematic session (Im-)politeness Research in Ancient Egyptian Texts, Chicago, United States.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2022). Metaphors they lived by – a walk through the emotional and cognitive landscape of the Ancient Egyptians [Paper presentation]. Public Lecture given on invitation, Providence, United States - Rhode Island.

Chantrain, G. (2022). Teaching through example: the use of multi-layered situational panel as a didactic tool [Paper presentation]. Register Variation in Ancient Languages, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2022). “Like a son” in foreign country: hierarchical relationships between Egyptians and foreigners in the travel narrative [Paper presentation]. ARCE annual meeting (Irvine), virtual component, Irvine, United States - California.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2022). Introduction to the classifier system and its use in Metaphor-induced colexification context in Ancient Egyptian. The cases of emotion and cognition [Paper presentation]. summer school “Semantic Shifts”.

Chantrain, G., Dechevez, J., & Winand, J. (2022). Catalogue de l'exposition. In J. Winand & G. Chantrain (Eds.), Les hiéroglyphes avant Champollion. Depuis l'Antiquité classique jusqu'à l'Expédition d'Egypte (pp. 223-369). Presses universitaires de Liège.

Chantrain, G. (2022). I think, therefore I am. Cognition verbs in Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Higher seminar of Egyptology (Uppsala University), Uppsala, Sweden.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2022). Body part classifiers in Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Summer school “Semantic Shifts”, Fréjus, France.

Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2022). Metaphors of sensory experience in ancient Egyptian texts: emotion, personality, and social interaction. In K. Neumann & A. Thomason, The Routledge Handbook of the Senses in the Ancient Near East. London/New-York, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2021). Home-feeling and home-making. Identity features of an Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Seminar Series Being Egyptian: dwelling practice in the Nile valley and beyond, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2021). Classification strategies from the end of the Ramesside Period until the Late Period: a living system. Zeitschrift für Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 148 (1), 1-15. doi:10.1515/zaes-2021-0108
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2021). Classifier usage, figurative language and lexical semantic evolution: new elements to the understanding of a living system [Paper presentation]. international conference Language, Semantics and Cognition. Saying and conceptualizing the world from Ancient Egypt to Modern Time, New haven, United States - Connecticut.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2021). Conceptual classification and figurative language in Ancient Egyptian: the case of emotion expression [Paper presentation]. ARCE annual meeting (online), Toronto, Canada.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2021). The sensory basis of emotion metaphors – A meditation on the Ancient Egyptian data [Paper presentation]. International conference RAAM 2021 Virtual. Metaphor and Space, June 23-26, 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2021). Visualizing and understanding metaphors for character, emotions and social interactions in Ancient Egyptian [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society (online), United States.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2020). Sadness, love sickness and other broken hearts: the importance of a multilevel approach in semantic studies [Paper presentation]. Crossroads VI: Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala, Sweden.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2020). The challenge of cross-cultural and cross-temporal metaphor identification: (a)symmetries in translation [Paper presentation]. International conference RAAM 2020 Virtual. Metaphorical creativity in a multilingual world, Hamar, Norway.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2020). Éléments de la terminologie du temps en égyptien ancien. Une étude de sémantique lexicale en diachronie. Hamburg, Germany: Widmaier.

Chantrain, G. (2019). Metaphors in the emotional landscape of ancient Egyptians [Paper presentation]. intinternational conference RAAM 2019 Specialized seminar. Metaphor studies at the intersection of multiple disciplines, Liège, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2019). About “egyptianity” and “foreignness” in Egyptian texts. A context-sensitive lexical study. In J. Mynářová, M. Kilani, ... S. Alivernini (Eds.), Crossroads III: A Stranger in the House. Proceedings of an International Conference on Foreigners in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Societies of the Bronze Age held in Prague, September 10–13, 2018 (pp. 49-72). Prague, Czechia: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2019). Semantic Changes in Ancient Egyptian. Some Case Studies. In A. Kahlbacher & E. Priglinger (Eds.), Tradition and Transformation in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings from the International Congress for Young Egyptologists, Vienna, 15-19 September 2015. Vienna, Austria: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2019). Classification strategies in the Late Period [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary approaches to Egyptian and Coptic: current works and perspectives, Prague, Czechia.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Winand, J. (2018). Temps et espace en Egypte ancienne: une introduction. In G. Chantrain & J. Winand, Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt. Hamburg, Germany: Widmaier Verlag.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Kilani, M. (2018). What a feeling ! A Linguistic Diachronic Glance at Egyptian Emotions [Paper presentation]. 48th Poznán Linguistics Meeting (PLM 2018), Poznán, Poland.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2018). About “egyptianity” and “foreignness” in Egyptian texts. A context-sensitive lexical study [Paper presentation]. Crossroads III : A stranger in the house, Prague, Czechia.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Winand, J. (Eds.). (2018). Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt. Hamburg, Germany: Widmaier.

Chantrain, G. (2018). Mapping the ‘unbounded time’ domain in Ancient Egyptian: a diachronic approach [Paper presentation]. Semantic Maps: Where do we stand and where are we going?, Liege, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2017). Making a Case for Multidimensionality in Ramesside Figurative Language. Lingua Aegyptia, 25, 41-66.
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Chantrain, G. (2017). Time(s) in Ancient Egyptian : Perspectives of a Broad Lexical Study. The case of dwȝ.t and dwȝ. In M. Tomorad & J. Popielska-Grzybowska, Egypt 2015 : Perspectives of Research. Proceedings of the CECE7 - VIIth European Conference of Egyptologists (Zagreb, 2-7 June, 2015) (pp. 3-17). Oxford, United Kingdom: Archaeopress Egyptology.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2016). Making a case for Multidimensionality in Ramesside Figurative Language [Paper presentation]. Crossroads V: Whence and Whither? Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Comparative Perspectives, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Georgakopoulos, A., Chantrain, G., Hartlieb, J., Kitazumi, T., Sundermeye, A., Van de Peut, L., & Werning, D. A. (2016). The Meaning of Ancient Words for ‘Earth’: an Exercise in Visualizing Colexification on a Semantic Map. eTopoi: Journal for Ancient Studies.
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Georgakopoulos, A., Chantrain, G., Hartlieb, J., Kitazumi, T., Sundermeyer, A., Van de Peut, L., & Werning, D. A. (2016). The Meaning of Ancient Words for ‘Earth’: an Exercise in Visualizing Colexification on a Semantic Map. eTopoi: Journal for Ancient Studies.
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Chantrain, G. (2016). Time and Space in Ancient Egypt: an Introduction [Paper presentation]. Time and Space in Ancient Egypt, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Di Biase-Dyson, C. (2016). Multidimensional Metaphors in Ancient Egyptian? [Paper presentation]. 11th Conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2015). Did you say “Egyptian”? A lexical study through the outskirts of the “Egyptianity” concept [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Egyptologists XI, Florence, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2015). The Figure of the Foreigner in Egyptian Literature: Let’s Think Outside the Box? [Paper presentation]. Life and Heritage in Ancient Egypt, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2015). Time(s) in Ancient Egypt: perspectives of a broad lexical study [Paper presentation]. CECE7 – VIIth European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perpectives of Research, Zagreb, Croatia.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2015). Travel in Space and Time: between concrete realities and mental repre- sentations in Ancient Egypt [Paper presentation]. Current Research in Egyptology XVI, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2015). Lexical studies in Late Egyptian: a methodology for the treatment of broad corpora [Paper presentation]. Current Trends in Late Egyptian studies, Prague, Czechia.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2014). Nubians and Libyans as Elements of Egyptian Literature : between Stereotypes and Individuals [Paper presentation]. 46. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz (SÄK 2014), Munich, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2014). Amour et désir en égyptien. Quelques observations de sémantique lexicale. Acta Orientalia Belgica.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2014). New Kingdom Classifier Usage and the Global Reorganisation of Egyptian Categorisation Practice [Paper presentation]. Peirce, Hieroglyphs and Multimodality, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G. (2014). The Use of Classifiers in the New Kingdom. A Global Reorganization of the Classifiers System? Lingua Aegyptia, 22, 39-59.
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Chantrain, G. (2013). The Quest for Meaning in Ancient Egyptian. Methodology and Case Study [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Linguistics Conference (ILinC 2013), Belfast, Ireland.
Peer reviewed

Chantrain, G., & Winand, J. (2012). L'adverbe gr en néo-égyptien. Revue d'Egyptologie, 63, 43-66.
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