
Tonglet Martin

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Ghuysen, Alexandre  (11)
D'Orio, Vincenzo  (9)
Minon, Jean-Marc (8)
Swerts, Frederic  (4)
Vergnion, Michel (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
trauma (12); bleeding (9); transfusion (6); Trauma (5); coagulopathy (4);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Anesthesia & intensive care (10)
Surgery (10)
General & internal medicine (5)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (5)
Cardiovascular & respiratory systems (1)

Publications (total 31)

The most downloaded
CUPPENS, B., GENSBURGER, M., TONGLET, M., MARISSIAUX, L., BRASSEUR, E., D'ORIO, V., & GHUYSEN, A. (2016). Diagnostic de l'hyperémèse cannabinoïde : le point sur le syndrome "cannabis-douche". Revue Médicale de Liège, 71 (12), 541-545.

The most cited

46 citations (OpenAlex)

TONGLET, M., Minon, J.-M., SEIDEL, L., Poplavsky, J. L., & Vergnion, M. (2014). Prehospital identification of trauma patients with early acute coagulopathy and massive bleeding: results of a prospective non-interventional clinical trial evaluating the Trauma Induced Coagulopathy Clinical Score (TICCS). Critical Care. doi:10.1186/s13054-014-0648-0

Horst, K., Lentzen, R., Tonglet, M., Mert, Ü., Lichte, P., Weber, C. D., Kobbe, P., Heussen, N., & Hildebrand, F. (2020). Validation of the mTICCS score as a useful tool for the early prediction of a massive transfusion in patients with a traumatic hemorrhage. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (4), 945. doi:10.3390/jcm9040945
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Thorn, S., Tonglet, M., Maegele, M., Gruen, R., & Mitra, B. (2020). Validation of the COAST score for predicting acute traumatic coagulopathy: A retrospective single-centre cohort study. Trauma, 22 (2), 112-117. doi:10.1177/1460408619838187
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Horst, K., Lichte, P., Bläsius, F., Weber, C. D., Tonglet, M., Kobbe, P., Heussen, N., & Hildebrand, F. (2020). mTICCS and its inter-rater reliability to predict the need for massive transfusion in severely injured patients. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. doi:10.1007/s00068-020-01523-w
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TONGLET, M., D'ORIO, V., MOENS, D., SZECEL, J., PIAZZA, J., BETZ, R., GHUYSEN, A., Guillaume, M., Donneau, A.-F., Husson, E., & DECOSTER BATIDOO, G. D. (2019). Impact of a prehospital discrimination between trauma patients with or without early acute coagulopathy of trauma and the need for damage control resuscitation: rationale and design of a multicenter randomized phase II trial. Acta Chirurgica Belgica. doi:10.1080/00015458.2018.1470276
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TONGLET, M. (2018). Identification et traitement pré-hospitalier du choc hémorragique chez les patients sévèrement traumatisés [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

TONGLET, M., Poplavsky, J. L., SEIDEL, L., Minon, J.-M., D'ORIO, V., & GHUYSEN, A. (2018). Thromboelastometry in trauma care: a place in the 2018 Belgian health care system? Acta Clinica Belgica. doi:10.1080/17843286.2017.1422311
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Demesmaker, V., ANCION, A., SWERTS, F., JOBE, J., Ghuysen, A., & TONGLET, M. (2018). Le cas clinique du mois. Une cause rare de lapararotomie exploratrice negative chez le polytraumatise. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (1), 7-9.
Peer reviewed

SWERTS, F., MATHONET, P.-Y., Ghuysen, A., D'Orio, V., Minon, J.-M., & Tonglet, M. (2018). Early identification of trauma patients in need for emergent transfusion: results of a single-center retrospective study evaluating three scoring systems. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. doi:10.1007/s00068-018-0965-0
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TONGLET, M., MOENS, D., D'ORIO, V., & GHUYSEN, A. (2018). Trauma pneumonectomy for major thoracic bleeding: when should we consider it ? Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000001723
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TONGLET, M., SWERTS, F., Mathonet, P.-Y., Moens, D., D'Orio, V., & Ghuysen, A. (2018). Pre-hospital transfusion of red blood cells in civilian trauma patients: what's next? [letter to the editor]. Transfusion Medicine, 28 (6), 457. doi:10.1111/tme.12564
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Demesmaker, V., ANCION, A., SWERTS, F., JOBE, J., GHUYSEN, A., & TONGLET, M. (2018). Le cas clinique du mois Une cause rare de laparotomie exploratrice négative chez le polytraumatisé. Revue Médicale de Liège, 73 (1), 1-4.
Peer reviewed

TONGLET, M., D'ORIO, V., GHUYSEN, A., & poplavsky, J. L. (December 2017). Fibrinolysis Shutdown in Severely Injured Trauma Patients: A New World to Explore. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 225 (6), 831-832. doi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2017.09.008
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TONGLET, M., Lefering, R., Minon, J.-M., GHUYSEN, A., D'ORIO, V., Hildebrand, F., Pape, H. C., & Horst, K. (2017). Prehospital identification of trauma patients requiring transfusion: results of a retrospective study evaluating the use of the trauma induced coagulopathy clinical score (TICCS) in 33,385 patients from the TraumaRegister DGU®. Acta Chirurgica Belgica. doi:10.1080/00015458.2017.1341148
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Berthe, G., TONGLET, M., Bertrand, X., & Degesves, S. (2017). Comment je traite... l'intoxication aux antidépresseurs tricycliques: Efficacité potentielle d'un traitement par émulsion lipidique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (1), 6-9.

TONGLET, M. (December 2016). Early prediction of on-going hemorrhage in severe trauma: presentation of the existing scoring systems. Archives of Trauma Research, 5 (4). doi:10.5812/atr.3337
Peer reviewed

TONGLET, M. (26 May 2016). Massive transfusion in critical haemorrhage following trauma: Aren’t we missing something? Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care, 5. doi:10.5339/jemtac.2016.5
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TONGLET, M. (19 May 2016). Prise en charge du traumatisme grave [Paper presentation]. Cours facultaires de 4eme master en medecine, Universite de Liege, Liege, Belgium.

TONGLET, M. (2016). Massive bleeding following severe blunt trauma: the first minutes that can change everything. Acta Chirurgica Belgica. doi:10.1080/00015458.2015.1136488
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TONGLET, M. (30 January 2016). Does a 'Massive transfusion protocol' activation necessarily mean massive transfusion ? [Paper presentation]. Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine (BESEDIM), annual Congress, Bruxelles, Belgium.

TONGLET, M. (30 January 2016). Prehospital Shock Index in severe trauma patients [Paper presentation]. Annual Symposium, Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine (BESEDIM), Bruxelles, Belgium.

LU, M. A.-D., GENSBURGER, M., TONGLET, M., D'ORIO, V., & GHUYSEN, A. (30 January 2016). Why is this urine turning blue? A uncommon alarm but a common disease [Poster presentation]. Annual Symposium, Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine (BESEDIM), Bruxelles, Belgium.

CUPPENS, B., GENSBURGER, M., TONGLET, M., MARISSIAUX, L., BRASSEUR, E., D'ORIO, V., & GHUYSEN, A. (2016). Diagnostic de l'hyperémèse cannabinoïde : le point sur le syndrome "cannabis-douche". Revue Médicale de Liège, 71 (12), 541-545.
Peer reviewed

TONGLET, M., DESIRON, Q., Marechal, H., Pitance, F., & Degesves, S. (2016). Fixation chirurgicale d'un volet thoracique: a propos d'une premiere procedure encourageante. Revue Médicale de Liège, 71.
Peer reviewed

TONGLET, M., Minon, J.-M., Pitance, F., & Degesves, S. (December 2015). Massive transfusion protocol: a local two years' experience. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 66.
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TONGLET, M. (2015). Prise en charge des hemorragies massives [Paper presentation]. Reunion trimestrielle du Groupement Interdisciplinaire des Medecins de Soins Intensifs (GIMSI), Liege, Belgium.

TONGLET, M., LARBUISSON, R., GERARD, C., Benoit, Y., brusselmans, K., Deneys, V., De Paep, R., De Waele, J., Ickx, B., Lambermont, M., Latinne, D., Loix, S., Muylle, L., Peerlinck, K., Selleslag, D., Stockman, W., Szabo, B., Vanderlinden, P., Zachee, P., & Hubner, R. (2015). Recommandations pour la prevention et la prise en charge des hemorragies massives. (8831, Avis 8831 du Conseil Superieur de la Sante (CSS)). Bruxelles, Belgium: Conseil Superieur de la Sante.

TONGLET, M., Minon, J.-M., SEIDEL, L., Poplavsky, J. L., & Vergnion, M. (2014). Prehospital identification of trauma patients with early acute coagulopathy and massive bleeding: results of a prospective non-interventional clinical trial evaluating the Trauma Induced Coagulopathy Clinical Score (TICCS). Critical Care. doi:10.1186/s13054-014-0648-0
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TONGLET, M., Minon, J.-M., DAMAS, F., Clanet, M., & Vergnion, M. (2014). Mise en place d'un protocole de transfusion massive dans un service d'urgences. Revue Médicale de Liège.
Peer reviewed

TONGLET, M., Minon, J.-M., & Vergnion, M. (08 September 2013). The Trauma Induced Coagulopathy Clinical Score (TICCS): a tool for sever trauma patients management [Poster presentation]. Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress, Marseille, France.

TONGLET, M., Minon, J.-M., & Vergnion, M. (02 September 2013). Evaluation of the capacity of the Trauma Induced Coagulopathy Clinical Score (TICCS) to identify trauma patients presenting early acute coagulopathy evaluated by thromboelatography [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Critical Bleeding (ISCB), Copenhagen, Denmark.

TONGLET, M., Delfosse, V., Detry, O., De Roover, A., Scagnol, I., Delhougne, B., Brixko, C., Dresse, D., Fridman, V., Lismonde, J. L., Meurisse, M., & Honoré, P. (February 2009). Le cas clinique du mois. Transplantation hépatique pour un hémangio-endothéliome épithélioïde du foie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (2), 68-70.
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