
Vanbellinghen Jean-François

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Beckers, Albert  (29)
Daly, Adrian  (23)
Bours, Vincent  (22)
Jaffrain-Rea, Marie-Lise (12)
Barlier, Anne (9)
Main Referenced Keywords
Humans (7); Female (6); Male (6); Adult (5); Middle Aged (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
GIGA CRC (Cyclotron Research Center) In vivo Imaging-Aging & Memory - ULiège [BE] (1)
GIGA-I3 - Giga-Infection, Immunity and Inflammation - ULiège [BE] (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Endocrinology, metabolism & nutrition (29)
Genetics & genetic processes (6)
Hematology (4)
Neurology (1)
Pediatrics (1)

Publications (total 40)

The most downloaded
Daly, A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Petrossians, P., Heliövaara, E., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Barlier, A., Naves, L. A., Ebeling, T., Karhu, A., Raapana, A., Cazabat, L., De Menis, E., Montanana, C. F., Raverot, G., Weil, R. J., Sane, T., Maiter, D., Neggers, S., Yaneva, M., ... Beckers, A. (2010). Clinical characteristics and therapeutic responses in patients with Germ-line AIP mutations and pituitary adenomas : An international collaborative study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 95 (11). doi:10.1210/jc.2009-2556

The most cited

349 citations (OpenAlex)

Daly, A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Petrossians, P., Heliövaara, E., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Barlier, A., Naves, L. A., Ebeling, T., Karhu, A., Raapana, A., Cazabat, L., De Menis, E., Montanana, C. F., Raverot, G., Weil, R. J., Sane, T., Maiter, D., Neggers, S., Yaneva, M., ... Beckers, A. (2010). Clinical characteristics and therapeutic responses in patients with Germ-line AIP mutations and pituitary adenomas : An international collaborative study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 95 (11). doi:10.1210/jc.2009-2556

CASTERMANS, E., Hannon, M., Dutrieux, J., Humblet, S., Seidel, L., Cheynier, R., Willems, E., Gothot, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Geenen, V., Sandmaier, B. M., Storb, R., Beguin, Y., & Baron, F. (2011). Thymic recovery after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation with nonmyeloablative conditioning is limited to patients younger than 60 years of age. Haematologica, 96(2), 298-306. doi:10.3324/haematol.2010.029702
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Tichomirowa, M. A., Pellegata, N. S., Barlier, A., Daly, A., Lee, M., Marinoni, I., Theodoropoulou, M., Verhaeghe, C., Rodien, P., Naves, L. A., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Rohmer, V., Estour, B., Lecomte, P., Borson-Chazot, F., Penfornis, A., Yaneva, M., Wemeau, J. L., Tabarin, A., ... Beckers, A. (2010). Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (CDKN1B) gene mutations in FIPA. In European Neuroendocrine Association - Liège, 22-25 septembre 2010.

Tichomirowa, M. A., Barlier, A., Daly, A., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Tabarin, A., Ronchi, C., Naves, L. A., Cozzi, R., Yaneva, M., Elenkova, A., Maiter, D., Caron, P., Bernabeu, I., Montanana, C. F., Sievers, C., Cogne, M., Corman, V., Halaby, G., Chabre, O., ... Beckers, A. (2010). High Prevalence of AIP Gene Mutations Following Focussed Screening in Young Patients with Sporadic Pituitary Macroadenomas. In European Neuroendocrine Association - Liège, 22-25 septembre 2010.

Beckers, A., Tichomirowa, M., Barlier, A., Daly, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Tabarin, A., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Ronchi, C., Cozzi, R., Yaneva, M., Elenkova, A., Maiter, D., Caron, P., Theodoropoulou, M., Sievers, C., Ferrandez Longas, A., Cognes, M., Corman, V., Halaby, G., ... Brue, T. (2010). Mutations AIP chez les jeunes patients en-dessous de 30 ans avec adénome hypophysaire agressif. In 27ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Deauville, 29 septembre - 2 octobre 2010.

Beckers, A., Tichomirowa, M., Barlier, A., Daly, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Tabarin, A., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Ronchi, C., Cozzi, R., Yaneva, M., Elenkova, A., Maiter, D., Caron, P., Theodoropoulou, M., Sievers, C., Ferrandez Longas, A., Cognes, M., Corman, V., Halaby, G., ... Thonnard, A.-S. (September 2010). Mutations AIP chez les jeunes patients en dessous de 30 ans avec adénome hypophysaire agressif. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 71 (5), 397.
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Stratakis, C. A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Boikos, S., Azevedo, M. F., Lodish, M., Martari, M., Verma, S., Daly, A., Raygada, M., Keil, M. F., Papademetriou, J., Drori-Herishanu, L., Horvath, A., Tsang, K. M., Nesterova, M., Franklin, S., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Bours, V., Salvatori, R., & Beckers, A. (2010). The role of germline AIP, MEN1, PRKAR1A, CDKN1B and CDKN2C mutations in causing pituitary adenomas in a large cohort of children, adolescents, and patients with genetic syndromes. Clinical Genetics. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0004.2010.01406.x
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Chung, S.-K., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Mullins, J. G. L., Robinson, A., Hantke, J., Hammond, C. L., Gilbert, D. F., Freilinger, M., Ryan, M., Kruer, M. C., Masri, A., Gurses, C., Ferrie, C., Harvey, K., Shiang, R., Christodoulou, J., Andermann, F., Andermann, E., Thomas, R. H., ... Rees, M. I. (2010). Pathophysiological mechanisms of dominant and recessive GLRA1 mutations in hyperekplexia. Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (28), 9612-20. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1763-10.2010
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Baron, F., Lechanteur, C., Willems, E., Bruck, F., Baudoux, E., Seidel, L., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Hafraoui, K., LEJEUNE, M., Gothot, A., Fillet, G., & Beguin, Y. (2010). Cotransplantation of mesenchymal stem cells might prevent death from graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) without abrogating graft-versus-tumor effects after HLA-mismatched allogeneic transplantation following nonmyeloablative conditioning. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 16 (6), 838-47. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2010.01.011
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Daly, A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Petrossians, P., Heliövaara, E., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Barlier, A., Naves, L. A., Ebeling, T., Karhu, A., Raapana, A., Cazabat, L., De Menis, E., Montanana, C. F., Raverot, G., Weil, R. J., Sane, T., Maiter, D., Neggers, S., Yaneva, M., ... Beckers, A. (2010). Clinical characteristics and therapeutic responses in patients with Germ-line AIP mutations and pituitary adenomas : An international collaborative study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 95 (11). doi:10.1210/jc.2009-2556
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Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Angelini, M., Gargano, D., Tichomirowa, M. A., Daly, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., D'Innocenzo, E., Barlier, A., Giangaspero, F., Esposito, V., Ventura, L., Arcella, A., Theodoropoulou, M., Naves, L. A., Fajardo, C., Zacharieva, S., Rohmer, V., Brue, T., Gulino, A., ... Beckers, A. (September 2009). Expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and AHR-interacting protein in pituitary adenomas: pathological and clinical implications. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 16 (3), 1029-1043. doi:10.1677/ERC-09-0094
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Tichomirova, M., Daly, A., Jaffrain-Réa, M. L., Yaneva, M., Zaccharieva, S., Cozzi, R., Sievers, C., Stalla, G., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2009). High Incidence of AIP mutations in sporadic pituitary adenomas in young patients with macroadenomas. In 52 Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie.

Mutesa, L., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Hellin, A.-C., Segers, K., Jamar, M., Pierquin, G., & Bours, V. (2009). Deletion of Xpter encompassing the SHOX gene and PAR1 region in familial patients with Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis syndrome. Genetic Counseling, 20 (1), 9-17.
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Beckers, A., Apetrii, P., Daly, A., Tichomirova, M., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Georges, M., & Bours, V. (2009). Caractérisation clinique et génétique des adénomes hypophysaires familiaux isolés (FIPA). Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (S1), 15-19.
Peer reviewed

Garraux, G., VANBELLINGHEN, J.-F., JAMAR, M., BOURS, V., Moonen, G., & DIVE, D. (2009). De novo interstitial duplication 4q associated with sporadic young-onset dopa-responsive parkinsonism. Movement Disorders, 24 (Suppl. 1), 138-S139.
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Tichomirova, M. A., Daly, A., Pujol, J., Naves, L., Rodien, P., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Rohmer, V., Estour, B., Lecomte, P., Borson-Chazot, F., Penfornis, A., Yaneva, M., Zacharieva, S., Wemeau, J. L., Vantyghem, M. C., Cicarelli, E., Colao, A., Ferrola, P., ... Beckers, A. (2009). An analysis of the role of cyclin dependant kinase inhibitor 1B (CDKN1B) gene mutations in 86 families with familial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA). In The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting : 10-13 juin 2009, Washington.

Mutesa, L., Azad, A. K., Verhaeghe, C., Segers, K., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Ngendahayo, L., Rusingiza, E. K., Mutwa, P. R., Rulisa, S., Koulischer, L., Cassiman, J.-J., Cuppens, H., & Bours, V. (2009). Genetic Analysis of Rwandan Patients With Cystic Fibrosis-Like Symptoms: Identification of Novel Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator and Epithelial Sodium Channel Gene Variants. CHEST, 135 (5), 1233-42. doi:10.1378/chest.08-2246
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Tichomirova, M. A., Daly, A., Barlier, A., Jaffrain-Réa, M. L., Zacharieva, S., Elenkova, A., Yaneva, M., Naves, L., Cozzi, R., Fajardo Montanana, C., Bernabeu Moron, I., Ronchi, C., Spada, A., Sievers, C., Stalla, G. K., Halaby, G., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2009). High Incidence of AIP mutations in sporadic pituitary adenomas in young patients with macroadenomas. In The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting : 10-13 juin 2009, Washington.

Fajardo Montanana, C., Daly, A., Tichomirova, M. A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Jaffrain-Réa, M. L., Trescoli Serrano, C., Riesgo Suarez, P., Gomez Vela, J., Tenes, S., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2009). TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma in a male patient with a novel missense AIP mutation. In The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting : 10-13 juin 2009, Washington.

Willems, E.* , Baron, F.* , Baudoux, E., Wanten, N., Seidel, L., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Herens, C., Gothot, A., Frere, P., Bonnet, C., Hafraoui, K., Vanstraelen, G., Fillet, G., & Beguin, Y. (2009). Non-myeloablative transplantation with CD8-depleted or unmanipulated peripheral blood stem cells: a phase II randomized trial. Leukemia, 23 (3), 608-10. doi:10.1038/leu.2008.248
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Yaneva, M., Daly, A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Hagelstein, M.-T., Bours, V., Zacharieva, S., & Beckers, A. (2008). Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor interacting Protein Gene Mutations in Bulgarian FIPA and Young Sporadic Pituitary Adenoma Patients. In ENDO 2008: 90th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society - Abstract book (pp. 735 (P3-520).

Arafa, M., Kridelka, F., Mathias, V., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Renard, I., Foidart, J.-M., Boniver, J., & Delvenne, P. (2008). High frequency of RASSF1A and RARb2 gene promoter methylation in morphologically normal endometrium adjacent to endometrioid adenocarinoma. Histopathology, 53 (5), 525-532. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2559.2008.03147.x
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Mutesa, L., Pierquin, G., Segers, K., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Gahimbare, L., & Bours, V. (2008). Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2): clinical features and genetic analysis. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 54 (5), 350-2. doi:10.1093/tropej/fmn034
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Daly, A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Ebeling, T. M. L., Vierimaa, O., Cazabat, L., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Naves, L. A., Eloranta, E., Salmela, P. I., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Yaneva, M., Zacharieva, S., Barlier, A., Emy, P., Mura, A., Popelier, M., Fajardo, M. C., Sabate, M. I., Guitelman, M., ... Beckers, A. (2008). An International, Collaborative Study of the Disease Characteristics and Response to Therapy in 60 Pituitary Adenoma Patients with Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Interacting Protein (AIP) Gene Mutations. In ENDO 2008: 90th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society - Abstract book (pp. 91 (OR8-4).

Castermans, E.* , Baron, F.* , Willems, E., Schaaf-Lafontaine, N., Meuris, N., Gothot, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Herens, C., Seidel, L., Geenen, V., Cheynier, R., & Beguin, Y. (2008). Evidence for neo-generation of T cells by the thymus after non-myeloablative conditioning. Haematologica, 93 (2), 240-7. doi:10.3324/haematol.11708
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Jaffrain-Rea, M. L., Spilioti, C., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Daly, A., Gargano, D., D'Innocenzi, E., Giangaspero, F., Tichomirowa, M. A., Esposito, V., Ventura, I., Naves, I. A., Alesse, E., & Beckers, A. (2008). Aryl Hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) expression in human pituitary adenomas. In 10th European Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book (pp. 454).

Beckers, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Boikos, S., Martari, M., Verma, S., Daly, A., Raygada, M., Kei, M. F., Papademetriou, J., Drori-Herishanu, L., Horvath, A., Nesterova, M., Tichomirova, M. A., Bours, V., Marx, S., Agarwal, S. K., Salvatori, R., & Stratakis, C. A. (2008). Germline AIP, MEN1, PRKAR1A, CDKN1B (p27Kip1) and CDKN2C (p18INK4c) gene mutations in a large cohort of pediatric patients with pituitary adenomas occurring in isolation or with associated syndromic features. In ENDO 2008: 90th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society - Abstract book (pp. 142 (OR38-1).

Fajardo Montanaña, C., Daly, A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Theororopoulou, M., Trescoli Serrano, C., Riesgo Suarez, P., Gomez Vela, J., Hagelstein, M.-T., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2008). Occurrence of AIP Mutations in Sporidic Pituitary Adenomas and Familial Isolated Pituitary Adenomas Kindreds in Valencia, Spain. In ENDO 2008: 90th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society - Abstract book (pp. 803 (P3-775).

Ansaneli Naves, L., Ferreira Azevedo, M., Faria de Castro, L., Magalhães Gonzaga, M., Augusto Casulari, L., Cunha Vencio, S. A., Daly, A., Tichomirowa, M. A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2008). Genetic Causes of Pituitary Adenmas; Focus on the Roe of AIF Status in Multiple Tumor Types. In ENDO 2008: 90th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society - Abstract book (pp. 323 (P1-561).

Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Gargano, D., D'Innocenzo, E., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Spilioti, C., Daly, A., Giangaspero, F., Tichomirova, M. A., Esposito, V., Ventura, L., Naves, L. A., Alesse, E., & Beckers, A. (2008). Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) and AHR Interacting Protein (AIP) expression in human GH/PRL-secreting pituitary adenomas. In Italian Congress of Endocrinology - Giornate Endocrinologiche Pisane GEP 2008 : Pisa 2008.

Naves, L. A., Daly, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Casulari, L. A., Spilioti, C., Magalhaes, A. V., Azevedo, M. F., Giacomini, L. A., Nascimento, P. P., Nunes, R. O., Rosa, J. W. C., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (October 2007). Variable pathological and clinical features of a large Brazilian family harboring a mutation in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein gene. European Journal of Endocrinology, 157 (4), 383-391. doi:10.1530/EJE-07-0533
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Daly, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Khoo, S. K., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Naves, L. A., Guitelman, M. A., Murat, A., Emy, P., Gimenez-Roqueplo, A.-P., Tamburrano, G., Raverot, G., Barlier, A., De Herder, W., Penfornis, A., Ciccarelli, E., Estour, B., Lecomte, P., Gatta, B., Chabre, O., ... Beckers, A. (May 2007). Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein gene mutations in familial isolated pituitary adenomas: analysis in 73 families. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 92 (5), 1891-1896. doi:10.1210/jc.2006-2513
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Daly, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., & Beckers, A. (2007). Characteristics of familial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA) - Review. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2 (6), 725-733. doi:10.1586/17446651.2.6.725
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Barlier, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Daly, A., Silvy, M., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Trouillas, J., Tamagno, G., Cazabat, L., Bours, V., Brue, T., Enjalbert, A., & Beckers, A. (2007). Mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein gene are not highly prevalent among subjects with sporadic pituitary adenomas. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 92 (5), 1952-5. doi:10.1210/jc.2006-2702
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Boemer, F., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Bours, V., & Schoos, R. (2006). Screening for sickle cell disease on dried blood: a new approach evaluated on 27,000 Belgian newborns. Journal of Medical Screening, 13 (3), 132-136. doi:10.1258/096914106778440644
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Betea, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., & Beckers, A. (2003). Néoplasie endocrinienne multiple de type 1 : De la clinique au gène. Feuillets de Biologie, 44 (250), 39-48.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Poncin, J., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Jaffrain Rea, M. L., Tamburrano, G., Delemer, B., Rohmer, V., Levasseur, S., Stevens, V., Stevenaert, A., Teh, B., & Beckers, A. (2002). Familial Pituitary tumors. In Neuroendocrinologica : Dalla Riserca di base alla Clinica (pp. 24-28).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Poncin, J., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Jaffrain-Réa, M. L., Tamburrano, G., Delemer, B., Levasseur, S., Teh, B., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2001). Les adénomes hypophysaires familiaux isolés non liés aux syndromes MEN1 et carney Complex : Etude multicentrique. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : XIXe Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 322 (C016) (Vol.62 N°4, cahier 1).

Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Beckers, A., & Poncin, J. (1999). Preliminary characterization of the promoter and CIS-regulatory elements of the MEN1 gene. In 81st Annual Meeting of the Endocrine society (pp. 345).

Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Beckers, A., & Poncin, J. (1999). Preliminary characterization of the promoter and CIS-regulatory elements of the MEN1 gene. In 7th International workshop on Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia - Abstract book (pp. 196).

Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Beckers, A., & Poncin, J. (1999). Preliminary characterization of the promoter and CIS-regulatory elements of the MEN1 gene. In The 6th International Pituitary Congress - Abstract book (pp. 40).

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