
André Béatrice

Département des sciences cliniques

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Malaise, Michel  (28)
Ribbens, Clio  (20)
Guiot, Julien  (16)
Henket, Monique  (15)
Louis, Renaud  (15)
Main Referenced Keywords
Systemic sclerosis (6); Breathomics (5); Humans (4); Biomarkers (3); Diagnosis (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
OBiAChem (3)
CHU (2)
MUMC (1)
MUMC+ (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Rheumatology (16)
Chemistry (11)
Cardiovascular & respiratory systems (5)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (4)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (2)

Publications (total 37)

The most downloaded
COLLIN, R., ANDRE, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Kaux, J.-F. (December 2014). Calcifications des tissus mous des jambes. Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (12), 641-643.

The most cited

244 citations (OpenAlex)

Beckers, C., Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Marcelis, S., Kaye, O., Mathy, L., KAISER, M.-J., Hustinx, R., Willems, J., & Malaise, M. (June 2004). Assessment of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis with 18F-FDG PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 45 (6), 956-964.

Massenet, T., Potjewijd, J., Tobal, R., GESTER, F., Zanella, D., Henket, M., Njock, M.-S., Dejong, T., Gridelet, G., GILTAY, L., GUISSARD, F., André, B., Ribbens, C., Louis, R., Van Paassen, P., Guiot, J., & Stefanuto, P.-H. (November 2024). Systemic Sclerosis: Can Breathomics help clinicians for ILD management? [Poster presentation]. Breath Biopsy Conference 2024.

Massenet, T., Patjewijd, J., Tobal, R., GESTER, F., Zanella, D., Henket, M., Njock, M.-S., Dejong, T., Gridelet, G., GILTAY, L., GUISSARD, F., André, B., Ribbens, C., Louis, R., Van Paassen, P., Guiot, J.* , & Stefanuto, P.-H.*. (08 September 2024). SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS: CAN BREATHOMICS MONITOR INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASE? [Poster presentation]. The ERS Congress, Vienne, Austria.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Massenet, T., Potjewijd, J., Tobal, R., GESTER, F., Zanella, D., Henket, M., Njock, M.-S., Dejong, T., Gridelet, G., GILTAY, L., GUISSARD, F., André, B., Ribbens, C., Louis, R., Van Paassen, P., Focant, J.-F., Guiot, J., & Stefanuto, P.-H. (28 May 2024). Tackling the analytical challenges to establish a routine workflow for breathomics research [Paper presentation]. 18th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-18), Leuven, Belgium.

Peters, C.* , Malaise, O.* , Longton, J., André, B., & Ribbens, C. (December 2023). Vignette thérapeutique de l’étudiant. Prise en charge de la goutte. Revue Médicale de Liège, 78 (12), 733 - 739.
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

JACQUERIE, P., André, B., de Seny, D., Henket, M., GILTAY, L., Ernst, M., Louis, R., Malaise, M., Ribbens, C., & Guiot, J. (03 November 2023). Reproducibility of pulmonary function tests in patients with systemic sclerosis. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 18960. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-45881-y
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Massenet, T., Potjewijd, J., Henket, M., Gridelet, G., Zanella, D., Dejong, T., GILTAY, L., GESTER, F., GUISSARD, F., André, B., Ribbens, C., Van Paassen, P., Louis, R., Focant, J.-F., Guiot, J.* , & Stefanuto, P.-H.*. (20 June 2023). Breath analysis to diagnose and assess systemic sclerosis using thermal desorption and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry [Poster presentation]. Metabolomics 2023, Niagara Falls, Canada.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Massenet, T., Guiot, J., Zanella, D., Dejong, T., GILTAY, L., Henket, M., GUISSARD, F., André, B., Malaise, M., Potjewijd Judith, Schleich, F., Louis, R., Focant, J.-F., & Stefanuto, P.-H. (29 March 2023). Etude métabolomique de l’air exhalé pour diagnostiquer la sclérodermie systémique par chromatographie gazeuse bidimensionnelle exhaustive [Paper presentation]. SEP 23, Paris, France.

Stefanuto, P.-H., Zanella, D., Dejong, T., Massenet, T., Di giovanni, N., GILTAY, L., Henket, M., GUISSARD, F., Schleich, F., Guiot, J., André, B., Malaise, M., Potjewijd, J., Meuwis, M.-A., Louis, E., Louis, R., & Focant, J.-F. (2023). A Journey over Current Usage of GC×GC -TOFMS in Metabolomic [Paper presentation]. GCxGC & GCTOF metabonomics Webinar.

Massenet, T., GUIOT, J., Zanella, D., Dejong, T., GILTAY, L., HENKET, M., GUISSARD, F., ANDRE, B., MALAISE, M., Judith Potjewijd, SCHLEICH, F., LOUIS, R., Focant, J.-F., & Stefanuto, P.-H. (18 May 2022). BREATHOMICS APPROACH TO INVESTIGATE SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS USING THERMAL DESORPTION AND COMPREHENSIVE TWO-DIMENSIONAL GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY HIGH-RESOLUTION TIME-OF-FLIGHT MASS SPECTROMETRY [Poster presentation]. 17th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-17), Gand, Belgium.

Stefanuto, P.-H., Zanella, D., Dejong, T., Massenet, T., DiGiovanni, N., GILTAY, L., HENKET, M., GUISSARD, F., SCHLEICH, F., GUIOT, J., ANDRE, B., MALAISE, M., Potjewijd, J., MEUWIS, M.-A., LOUIS, E., & Focant, J.-F. (May 2022). Recent advances in medical applications of GC×GC [Paper presentation]. HTC-17, Ghent, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Massenet, T., GUIOT, J., Zanella, D., Dejong, T., GILTAY, L., HENKET, M., GUISSARD, F., ANDRE, B., MALAISE, M., Potjewijd Judith, SCHLEICH, F., LOUIS, R., Focant, J.-F., & Stefanuto, P.-H. (01 February 2022). TD-GC×GC-HRTOFMS to investigate pulmonary fibrosis in patients [Poster presentation]. Multidimensional Chromatography Worshop 2022.

Focant, J.-F., Stefanuto, P.-H., Zanella, D., Dejong, T., Massenet, T., Di Giovanni, N., GILTAY, L., Henket, M., GUISSARD, F., Schleich, F., Guiot, J., André, B., Malaise, M., Potjewijd, J., Meuwis, M.-A., Louis, E., & Louis, R. (2022). Exploring Volatolomes with GC×GC-TOFMS [Paper presentation]. Analytics Nantes 2022, Nantes, France.
Peer reviewed

Zanella, D., GUIOT, J., Stefanuto, P.-H., GILTAY, L., HENKET, M., GUISSARD, F., ANDRE, B., MALAISE, M., Pojtewijd, J., SCHLEICH, F., Louis, R., & Focant, J.-F. (2021). Breathomics to diagnose systemic sclerosis using thermal desorption and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. doi:10.1007/s00216-021-03333-4
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Gendebien, Z., VON FRENCKELL, C., RIBBENS, C., ANDRE, B., THYS, M., GANGOLF, M., SEIDEL, L., MALAISE, M., & MALAISE, O. (March 2021). Systematic analysis of Covid-19 infection and symptoms in a systemic lupus erythematous population: correlation with disease characteristics, hydroxychloroquine use and immunosuppressive treatments [Paper presentation]. Belgian congress of rheumatology 2021.
Peer reviewed

Zanella, D., GUIOT, J., Stefanuto, P.-H., GILTAY, L., HENKET, M., GUISSARD, F., ANDRE, B., MALAISE, M., Potjewijd, J., SCHLEICH, F., LOUIS, R., & Focant, J.-F. (2021). TD-GC×GC-HRTOFMS for Breath Profiling of Systemic Sclerosis. In Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

GUIOT, J., NJOCK, M.-S., ANDRE, B., GESTER, F., HENKET, M., DE SENY, D., MOERMANS, C., MALAISE, M., & LOUIS, R. (2021). Serum IGFBP-2 in systemic sclerosis as a prognostic factor of lung dysfunction. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 10882. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-90333-0
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Gendebien, Z., VON FRENCKELL, C., RIBBENS, C., ANDRE, B., THYS, M., GANGOLF, M., SEIDEL, L., Malaise, M., & MALAISE, O. (2020). Systematic analysis of COVID-19 infection and symptoms in a systemic lupus erythematosus population: correlation with disease characteristics, hydroxychloroquine use and immunosuppressive treatments. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-218244
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Guiot, J., HENKET, M., André, B., Herzog, M., Hardat, N., NJOCK, M.-S., MOERMANS, C., Malaise, M., & Louis, R. (2020). A new nucleosomic-based model to identify and diagnose SSc-ILD. Clinical Epigenetics, 12 (1), 124. doi:10.1186/s13148-020-00915-4
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BONHOMME, O., ANDRE, B., GESTER, F., DE SENY, D., MOERMANS, C., Struman, I., Louis, R., MALAISE, M., & GUIOT, J. (2019). Biomarkers in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease: review of the literature. Rheumatology. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kez230
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Voilliot, D., Magne, J., DULGHERU, R. E., Kou, S., Henri, C., Caballero, L., De Sousa, C., SPRYNGER, M., ANDRE, B., Pierard, L., & LANCELLOTTI, P. (2015). Cardiovascular outcome in systemic sclerosis. Acta Cardiologica, 70 (5), 554-63. doi:10.2143/AC.70.5.3110516
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COLLIN, R., ANDRE, B., Crielaard, J.-M., & Kaux, J.-F. (December 2014). Calcifications des tissus mous des jambes. Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (12), 641-643.
Peer reviewed

MALAISE, O., VON FRENCKELL, C., ANDRE, B., & Malaise, M. (28 August 2013). The management of systemic lupus erythematosus with biological therapies. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (395), 1507-11.
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MALAISE, O., VON FRENCKELL, C., ANDRE, B., & MALAISE, M. (August 2013). The management of systemic lupus erythematosus with biological therapies. Revue Médicale de Liège, 28 (9(395)), 1507-11.
Peer reviewed

DELANAYE, P., BOUQUEGNEAU, A., DUBOIS, B., & ANDRE, B. (2012). Le médicament du mois : Fébuxostat (Adenuric®). Revue Médicale de Liège, 67 (4), 202-209.

Beckers, C., Jeukens, X., Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Marcelis, S., Leclercq, P., Kaiser, M.-J., Willems, J., Hustinx, R., & Malaise, M. (March 2006). F-18-FDG PET imaging of rheumatoid knee synovitis correlates with dynamic magnetic resonance and sonographic assessments as well as with the serum level of metalloproteinase-3. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 33 (3), 275-280. doi:10.1007/s00259-005-1952-3
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Beckers, C., Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Marcelis, S., Kaye, O., Mathy, L., KAISER, M.-J., Hustinx, R., Willems, J., & Malaise, M. (June 2004). Assessment of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis with 18F-FDG PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 45 (6), 956-964.
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Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Marcelis, S., Kaye, O., Mathy, L., Bonnet, V., Beckers, C., & Malaise, M. (2003). Rheumatoid hand joint synovitis: gray-scale and power Doppler US quantifications following anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha treatment: pilot study. Radiology, 229 (2), 562-569. doi:10.1148/radiol.2292020206
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BECKERS, C., RIBBENS, C., ANDRE, B., MARCELLIS, M., KAYE, O., RIGO, P., HUSTINX, R., FOIDART-WILLEMS, J., & MALAISE, M. (2002). FDG-PET imaging for monitoring rheumatoid arthritis treated by infliximab injections. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 43, 38.
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BECKERS, C., RIBBENS, C., ANDRE, B., MARCELLIS, M., KAYE, O., RIGO, P., HUSTINX, R., FOIDART-WILLEMS, J., & MALAISE, M. (2002). Characterization of inflamed joints in rheumatoid arthritis patients using FDG-PET: correlation with clinical and ultrasonographical assessment. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 43, 38.
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Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Kaye, O., & Malaise, M. (2001). Actualités thérapeutiques de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Revue de la Médecine Générale, 186, 372-376.
Peer reviewed

Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Jaspar, J. M., Kaye, O., Kaiser, M.-J., De Groote, D., & Malaise, M. (2000). Matrix metalloproteinase-3 serum levels are correlated with disease activity and predict clinical response in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 120 (1), 888-893.
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Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Kaye, O., Kaiser, M. J., Bonnet, V., de Groote, D., Franchimont, N., & Malaise, M. (2000). Increased synovial fluid levels of interleukin-12, sCD25 and sTNF-RII/sTNF-RI ratio delineate a cytokine pattern characteristic of immune arthropathies. European Cytokine Network, 11 (4), 669-676.
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Ribbens, C., Bonnet, V., Kaiser, M.-J., Andre, B., Kaye, O., Franchimont, N., De Groote, D., Beguin, Y., & Malaise, M. (2000). Increased synovial fluid levels of soluble CD23 are associated with an erosive status in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 120 (1), 194-199. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2249.2000.01198.x
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Ribbens, C., Andre, B., Kaye, O., Kaiser, M. J., Bonnet, V., Jaspar, J. M., de Groote, D., Franchimont, N., & Malaise, M. (2000). Synovial fluid matrix metalloproteinase-3 levels are increased in inflammatory arthritides whether erosive or not. Rheumatology, 39 (12), 1357-1365. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/39.12.1357
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Andre, B., Ribbens, C., Kaye, O., & Malaise, M. (April 1997). Les manifestations osteo-articulaires du sujet âgé. Revue Médicale de Liège, 52 (4), 270-277.
Peer reviewed

Andre, B., Ribbens, C., Kaye, O., & Malaise, M. (1997). Ciclosporine et maladies systémiques. Médecine et Hygiène, 55, 1510-1514.
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Leprince, P., Rogister, B., Delree, P., Rigo, J.-M., Andre, B., & Moonen, G. (August 1991). Modulation of Proteolytic Activity During Neuritogenesis in the Pc12 Nerve Cell: Differential Control of Plasminogen Activator and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Activities by Nerve Growth Factor and Dibutyryl-Cyclic Amp. Journal of Neurochemistry, 57 (2), 665-74. doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.1991.tb03798.x
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