
Vandeninden Frieda

Département des sciences sociales > Economie politique et économie de la santé

Département des sciences sociales


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Main Referenced Co-authors
Grun, Rebekka (5)
Semlali, Amina (4)
Koschorke, Julian (3)
Ovadiya, Mirey (3)
Fecher-Bourgeois, Fabienne  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Social protection (5); Burkina Faso (4); employment policies (3); Labor market (3); Poverty (3);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Economic systems & public economics (32)
Social work & social policy (13)
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) (4)
Sociology & social sciences (3)
Business & economic sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 47)

The most downloaded
Paul, E., & Vandeninden, F. (2012). Foreign Aid Transaction Costs: What are they and when are they minimised? Development Policy Review, 30 (3). doi:10.1111/j.1467-7679.2012.00577.x

The most cited

18 citations (OpenAlex)

Paul, E., & Vandeninden, F. (2012). Foreign Aid Transaction Costs: What are they and when are they minimised? Development Policy Review, 30 (3). doi:10.1111/j.1467-7679.2012.00577.x

Vandeninden, F. (2024). Comment cibler les pauvres - focus sur la méthode PMT [Paper presentation]. Renforcement capacités institutionelles RS Burkina Faso.

Vandeninden, F. (13 June 2024). Mauritania’s Social Registry: Innovations & Lessons Learned​ [Paper presentation]. World Bank Social Protection Thinkspace, Washington, United States.

Vandeninden, F., & Vandeninden, E. (June 2024). Les filets sociaux au Sénégal : Enquête qualitative auprès des bénéficiaires du programme national de bourse de sécurité familiale [Paper presentation]. Démocratie et développement : l’appui des secteurs sociaux, Rabat, Morocco.

Vandeninden, F. (2024). Formation FGD aspirations des jeunes [Paper presentation]. Formation enqueteurs FGD Senegal, Dakar, Senegal.

Vandeninden, F., Koschorke, J., & Baeumlin, G. (2024). Maintaining reform momentum on social assistance. In Burkina Faso Economic Update 2024. Washington, United States - District of Columbia: World Bank.
Peer reviewed

Vandeninden, F. (2024). Public Expenditure Review in Key Human Development Sectors - CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Social protection (Chapter 6). In Public Expenditure Review in Key Human Development Sectors - CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Washington, D.C., United States: World Bank Group.
Peer reviewed

Vandeninden, F. (2023). Public Expenditure Review in Key Human Development Sectors - CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Summary. Washington DC, United States: World Bank.

Vandeninden, F. (08 November 2022). Resilience, Development Assistance and National Social Protection Systems [Paper presentation]. Launch of the "Global Solidarity Funding For Social Protection" Report, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Vandeninden, F., Grun, R., & Fecher-Bourgeois, F. (October 2022). Energy subsidies and poverty: The case of fossil fuel subsidies in Burkina Faso. Energy for Sustainable Development, 70, 581 - 591. doi:10.1016/j.esd.2022.08.023
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Vandeninden, F., Rodriguez Alas, C., & Zafar, U. (2022). The role of the secondary income distribution (Chapter 4.2). In V. Sulla, P. Zikhali, ... P. F. Cuevas, INEQUALITY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN CUSTOMS UNION (pp. 144). Washington, D.C., United States: World Bank Group.
Peer reviewed

Vandeninden, F. (2022). The demand and supply of social assistance in Mongolia. Washington, United States - District of Columbia: World Bank.

Vandeninden, F., & Fecher-Bourgeois, F. (2022). Do conditional cash transfers improve antenatal care outcomes in Senegal? Combining non-experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 14 (3), 265-284. doi:10.1080/19439342.2022.2047764
Peer reviewed

Vandeninden, F., Lefebvre, M., & Koschorke, J. (2021). Chapitre 3: PROTEGER LES PAUVRES PENDANT LA REPRISE ET AU-DELA. In Burkina Faso NOTE SUR LA SITUATION ECONOMIQUE EN 2021. Banque Mondiale.
Peer reviewed

Vandeninden, F., Lefebvre, M., & Koschorke, J. (2021). Chapter 3: PROTECTING THE POOR DURING THE RECOVERY AND BEYOND. In 2021 Burkina Faso Economic Update. World Bank.
Peer reviewed

Sharpe, J., Jain, H., Lamanna, F., Marskell, J., Moroz, H., Palacios, R., & Vandeninden, F. (2021). TOWARDS SOCIAL PROTECTION 4.0 AN ASSESSMENT OF THAILAND’S SOCIAL PROTECTION AND LABOR MARKET SYSTEMS. DC, United States: World Bank.

Vandeninden, F. (2020). Social Protection and Energy Subsidy Reform in Burkina Faso. In F. Vandeninden, The Way Forward for Social Safety Nets in Burkina Faso.

Vandeninden, F. (30 January 2020). Social protection and energy susbidy reform in Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. World Bank Brown Bag Lunch, Washington, United States - District of Columbia.

Grun, R., Semlali, A., & Vandeninden, F. (2020). Comment le coronavirus a incité le Burkina Faso et d’autres pays africains à renforcer leurs filets de protection sociale. Washington, United States - District of Columbia: Nasikiliza - Blog Banque Mondiale.

Vandeninden, F., Grun, R., & Semlali, A. (2020). Burkina Faso - Reallocating Energy Subsidies Toward Social Safety Net Program. (Energy Subsidy Reform Facility Country Brief, World Bank Group). Washington DC, United States: ENERGY SUBSIDY REFORM FACILITY BRIEF.

Vandeninden, F. (2019). The State of Social Safety Nets in Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. World Bank event - launch report of the ‘State of Social Safety Nets in Burkina Faso’, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Vandeninden, F., Grun, R., & Semlali, A. (2019). World Bank on Social Protection in Africa: Can Safety Nets Close the Poverty Gap in Burkina Faso and Ensure Family Welfare? Capital Finance International.

Vandeninden, F., Grun, R., & Semlali, A. (2019). The Way Forward for Social Safety Nets in Burkina Faso. World Bank.

Vandeninden, F. (2018). Training on Methods for Analyzing Social Policies [Paper presentation]. Training on social policies evaluation, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Vandeninden, F. (2018). Coverage, Targeting and Poverty Impact of Social Assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Washington, United States - District of Columbia: World Bank.

Vandeninden, F., Isik-Dikmelik, A., & Ovadiya, M. (2017). Portraits of Labor Market Exclusion 2.0 : Synthesis Note. World Bank.

Vandeninden, F., & Goraus-Tanska, K. (2017). Portraits of Labor Marker Exclusion 2.0 : Country Policy Paper for Poland. World Bank.

Vandeninden, F., & Ovadiya, M. (2017). Portraits of Labor Market Exclusion 2.0 : Country Policy Paper for Croatia. World Bank.

Vandeninden, F., Karacsony, S., & Ovadiya, M. (2017). Portraits of Labor Market Exclusion 2.0 : Country Policy Paper for Bulgaria. World Bank.

Vandeninden, F. (2016). Policy Note on Social Protection in Haiti: Strengthening Social Protection to Accelerate Poverty Reduction. Washington, United States - District of Columbia: World Bank.
Peer reviewed

Clert, C., Strokov, V., & Vandeninden, F. (2016). Towards a more effective and better targeted social protection system. In Better Spending, Better Services: A Review of PublicFinances in Haiti. World Bank.

Isik-Dikmelik, A., & Vandeninden, F. (2015). Social assistance in Serbia. In Abebe Adugna & Lazar Šestović, Serbia Public Finance Review: Toward A Sustainable and Efficient Fiscal Policy. World Bank.

Vandeninden, F. (2015). Review of the social protection sector in Azerbaijan. Washington, United States - District of Columbia: World Bank.

Vandeninden, F., & Carine Clert. (04 December 2014). Les dépenses publiques en Filets de Sécurité Sociaux sont-ils a la Hauteur des Besoins en Haïti? [Paper presentation]. Protection et Promotion Sociales en Haïti. Séminaire de Réflexion Stratégique, Haiti.

Vandeninden, F. (2014). Effectiveness and Efficiency of Social Protection in Europe and Central Asia: A Post-Crisis Assessment [Paper presentation]. The European Association of Development Research and Training Institute’s 14th General Conference, “Responsible Development in a Polycentric World: Inequality, Citizenship, and the Middle Classes”.

Jelovac, I., & Vandeninden, F. (2014). How should donors give foreign aid? A theoretical comparison of aid modalities. European Journal of Development Research. doi:10.1057/ejdr.2014.14
Peer reviewed

Bonsang, E., & Vandeninden, F. (2012). La pauvreté et ses déterminants: qu'en est-il de la Wallonie? In R. R. M. Germain, L'Etat de la Wallonie. Portrait d'un pays et de ses habitants - 2011. Institut Destrée.

Vandeninden, F. (2012). Foreign Aid Transaction Costs: an application to Mali. ORBi-University of Liège.

Vandeninden, F. (2012). Les pensions et la pauvreté en Belgique : les pensions sociales. In Jan Vranken et al. (red.), Pauvreté en Belgique. Annuaire 2012 (pp. 149-163). Acco.
Peer reviewed

Vandeninden, F. (2012). A simulation of social pensions in Europe. ORBi-University of Liège.

Paul, E., & Vandeninden, F. (2012). Foreign Aid Transaction Costs: What are they and when are they minimised? Development Policy Review, 30 (3). doi:10.1111/j.1467-7679.2012.00577.x
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Vandeninden, F. (July 2011). Social pension in Europe: the aim, the impact and the cost [Paper presentation]. Singapore Economic Review Conference, Singapore.

Vandeninden, F. (06 May 2011). Les pensions sociales en Europe [Paper presentation]. Forum des retraites, Bordeaux, France.

Vandeninden, F. (2011). Poverty alleviation: Aid and social pensions [Doctoral thesis, UM - University of Maastricht]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Vandeninden, F. (2010). Social pensions in Europe: the aim, the cost and the impact. ORBi-University of Liège.

Becker, P., Nimeh, Z., & Vandeninden, F. (2008). Health Care Policy and Provisions to Illegal Immigrants in Germany: A Comparative Approach. ORBi-University of Liège.

Vandeninden, F. (June 2007). A principal agent model for aid modalities [Paper presentation]. Guanajuato Workshop for young economists, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Vandeninden, F. (2007). The effectiveness of aid modalities [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET), Padua, Italy.

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