
Marique Anne-Françoise

ARI : Direction

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Reiter, Sigrid  (45)
Teller, Jacques  (19)
De Herde, André (10)
de Meester, Tatiana (9)
Cuvellier, Simon (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
mobilité (8); energy efficiency (7); urban sprawl (6); energy consumption (5); Etalement urbain (5);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
LEMA (46)
Lepur : Centre de Recherche en Sciences de la Ville, du Territoire et du Milieu rural (39)
Lepur : Centre de Recherche sur la Ville, le Territoire et le Milieu rural - ULiège (25)
LEMA - Local Environment Management and Analysis (4)
LEMA (Local Environment Management and Analysis) (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Architecture (71)
Energy (41)
Regional & inter-regional studies (18)
Civil engineering (4)
Human geography & demography (4)

Publications (total 84)

The most downloaded
Marique, A.-F. (2013). Méthodologie d'évaluation énergétique des quartiers périurbains. Perspectives pour le renouvellement périurbain wallon [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

The most cited

208 citations (OpenAlex)

Rossi, B., Marique, A.-F., Glaumann, M., & Reiter, S. (January 2012). Life-cycle assessment of residential buildings in three different European locations, basic tool. Building and Environment, 51, 395-401. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.11.017

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Marique, A.-F., & Rossi, B. (2018). Cradle-to-grave life-cycle assessment within the built environment: Comparison between the refurbishment and the complete reconstruction of an office building in Belgium. Journal of Environmental Management, 224, 396-405. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.02.055
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Berndgen-Kaiser, A., Kohler, T., Marique, A.-F., Netsch, S., & Ruelle, C. (2018). Approaches to handling future use of the single-family housing stock: Evidence from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Open House International, 43 (03).
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., Cuvellier, S., De Herde, A., & Reiter, S. (2017). Assessing household energy uses: an online interactive tool dedicated to citizens and local stakeholders. Energy and Buildings, 151C, 418-428. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.06.075
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Marique, A.-F., Delbar, C., Loiseau, V., Godard, F., & Teller, J. (2015). Vers une généralisation des quartiers durables ? Présentation du référentiel d’aide à la conception et à l’évaluation développé en Wallonie et analyse prospective de douze quartiers. Urbia, 18.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (November 2014). Retrofitting the suburbs: Insulation, density, urban form and location. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 3 (2), 138-153.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Marique, A.-F., de Meester, T., De Herde, A., & Reiter, S. (2014). An online interactive tool to assess energy consumption in residential buildings and for daily mobility. Energy and Buildings, 78C, 50-58. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.04.016
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Dujardin, S., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2014). Spatial Planning as a driver of change in mobility and residential energy consumption. Energy and Buildings, 68, 779–785. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.10.059
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2014). A simplified framework to assess the feasibility of zero-energy at the neighbourhood / community scale. Energy and Buildings, 82, 114-122. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.07.006
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Marique, A.-F., Dujardin, S., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (February 2013). Urban sprawl, commuting and travel energy consumption. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Energy, 166 (1), 29-41. doi:10.1680/ener.12.00002
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

de Meester, T., Marique, A.-F., De Herde, A., & Reiter, S. (2013). Impacts of occupant behaviours on residential heating consumption for detached houses in a temperate climate of the northern part of Europe. Energy and Buildings, 57, 313-323. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.11.005
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Marique, A.-F., Dujardin, S., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (2013). School commuting: the relationship between energy consumption and urban form. Journal of Transport Geography, 26, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.07.009
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (February 2012). A method for evaluating transport energy consumption in suburban areas. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 33, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.eiar.2011.09.001
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Rossi, B., Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (January 2012). Life-cycle assessment of residential buildings in three different European locations, case study. Building and Environment, 51, 402-407. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.11.002
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Dujardin, S., Pirart, F., Brevers, F., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2012). Home-to-work commuting, urban form and potential energy savings: A local scale approach to regional statistics. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 46, 1054–1065. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2012.04.010
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Reiter, S., & Marique, A.-F. (2012). Toward low energy cities : A case study of the urban area of Liège. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16 (6), 829-838. doi:10.1111/j.1530-9290.2012.00533.x
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2012). A Method to Evaluate the Energy Consumption of Suburban Neighbourhoods. HVAC&R Research, 18 (1-2), 88-99. doi:10.1080/10789669.2011.592103
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Rossi, B., Marique, A.-F., Glaumann, M., & Reiter, S. (January 2012). Life-cycle assessment of residential buildings in three different European locations, basic tool. Building and Environment, 51, 395-401. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.11.017
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Lejeune, Z., Marique, A.-F., Teller, J., Michel, Q., & Halleux, J.-M. (May 2010). Des coûts de transaction et de développement incompressibles ? L’exemple du remembrement urbain en Wallonie. Études Foncières, 145, 10-12.
Peer reviewed

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Prégardien, M., & Marique, A.-F. (07 February 2019). B22 - ULiège Rénovation énergétique avec façades en bois de réemploi : Intérêts patrimoniaux du réemploi et problématiques à la mise en oeuvre [Paper presentation]. Réemploi dans le Bâtiment : quelles perspectives ? Partage d’expériences franco-belges.

Marique, A.-F. (2014). Sustainability and the built environment: urban form and location matter [Paper presentation]. Guest lecture, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Marique, A.-F. (2014). Efficacité énergétique et forme urbaine [Paper presentation]. Séminaire EIVP, Paris, France.

Teller, J., & Marique, A.-F. (14 May 2013). Des quartiers durables en Wallonie. Etat d'avancement des travaux relatifs à l'évaluation des projets de quartiers durables [Paper presentation]. Eco-quartiers : enjeux et opportunités.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Prégardien, M., & Marique, A.-F. (2019). Energy retrofitting of building with a view to heritage values: The case of modernist buildings of ULiège in Belgium. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Advanced Building Skins.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2014). Towards sustainable neighbourhoods: a new handbook and its application. In M. Marchettini, C. A. Brebbia, ... R. M. Pulselli (Eds.), The Sustainable City IX : Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. WIT Press.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2014). Le référentiel quartiers durables : un nouvel outil d'aménagement durable en Wallonie. In 2èmes Rencontres de l'Urbanisme Durable : Retour d'expériences.
Peer reviewed

Cuvellier, S., Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2014). Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Building Stock: A Bottom-up Model and its Application in an Online Interactive Portal. In Proceedings of PLEA 2014.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., Penders, M., & Reiter, S. (2013). From zero-energy building to zero-energy neighbourhood : urban form and mobility matter. In Proceedings PLEA 2013.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2013). Perspectives pour une transition durable des territoires périurbains. In Journées Aperau : Aménager les métropoles.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2013). La transition des territoires périurbains vers un modèle plus durable : perspectives pour le renouvellement périurbain. In J.-P. Van Ypersele & M. Hudon (Eds.), 1er Congrès interdisciplinaire du Développement Durable : Quelle transition pour nos sociétés ? Thème 3 : Logement et Aménagement du territoire. Recueil (pp. 59-80).
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., de Meester, T., & Reiter, S. (2012). An online interactive tool for the energy assessment of residential buildings and transportation. In Proceedings of PLEA 2012.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., Petel, M., Hamdi, A., & Reiter, S. (2012). Combining Territorial Data With Thermal Simulations to Improve Energy Management of Suburban Areas. In Proceedings of GEOProcessing 2012.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2011). Improving energy efficiency of existing suburban areas through district energy planning. In Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011.
Peer reviewed

Rossi, B., Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2011). Life-cycle carbon footprint of a residential steel framed building in different climates. In World Sustainable Building Conference: SB11, Helsinki 18-21 October 2011 (pp. 118-119).
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., De Meester, T., & Reiter, S. (2011). Energy requirements and solar availability in suburban areas: the influence of built density in an existing district. In Proceedings of the International Conference CISBAT 2011 - Clean Tech for sustainable buildings - From Nano to urban scale (2011) (pp. 925-30).
Peer reviewed

Dujardin, S., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2011). Spatial Planning as a Driver for Change in Both Mobility and Residential Energy Consumptions. In Proceedings of the International Conference CISBAT 2011 - Clean Tech for sustainable buildings - From Nano to urban scale (2011) (pp. 635-640).
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., Dujardin, S., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (2011). Urban Sprawl and Travel Energy Consumption: the Case of the Walloon Region of Belgium. In Irish Transport Research Network Conference, Energy & Transport, Programme and Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

de Meester, T., Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2011). The influence of occupation modes on building heating loads: the case of a detached house located in a suburban area. In B. M. Evrard Arnaud (Ed.), PLEA 2011 Architecture & Sustainable Development, Proceedings (pp. 450-456). Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Peer reviewed

Wallemacq, V., Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2011). Development of an urban typology to assess residential environmental performance at the city scale. In B. M. Evrard Arnaud (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference PLEA 2011 : Architecture & Sustainable Development (pp. 119-125). Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2011). Towards more sustainable neighbourhoods: are good practices reproducible and extensible? In B. M. Evrard Arnaud (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference PLEA 2011 : Architecture & Sustainable Development (pp. 27-32). Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2010). A method to assess global energy requirements of suburban areas at the neighbourhood scale. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in buildings.
Peer reviewed

Oral communications or posters

Marique, A.-F. (12 April 2017). Energy assessment of suburban neighborhoods : insights from Wallonia and perspectives for a suburban renewal [Paper presentation]. Diffuse Cities, international seminar, Paris, France.

Marique, A.-F., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). Modelling children’s mobility and school commuting: a review and key challenges for further research [Poster presentation]. mobil.TUM 2016: Transforming Urban Mobility, Munich, Germany.

Prégardien, M., & Marique, A.-F. (May 2015). Soutenir la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments : le projet eeef pour la rénovation de 15 bâtiments du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire et de l'Université de Liège [Poster presentation]. 2ème Congrès Interdisciplinaire du Développement Durable, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Reiter, S., Ghiezen, S., & Marique, A.-F. (May 2014). Choix de localisation des ménages, comportements de mobilité résidentielle et stratégies urbanistiques les plus appréciées par la population [Paper presentation]. Colloque international APERAU 2014 : "Villes à vivre: le quotidien métropolitain entre ancrage et mobilité", Montréal, Canada.

Marique, A.-F., Cuvellier, S., & Reiter, S. (2014). Energy Efficiency and the City: An Integrated Urban Tool Dedicated to Local Stakeholders and Citizens [Paper presentation]. SYMPOSIUM “TOWARD INTEGRATED MODELLING OF URBAN SYSTEMS”, Lyon, France.

Marique, A.-F. (05 September 2013). Renewal of Walloon suburban neighbourhoods [Paper presentation]. Workshop "Single family housing estates of the post-war era", Aachen, Germany.

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (September 2013). Solar buildings and the urban environment [Paper presentation]. The 3rd New Energy Forum-2013. From Green Dream to Reality, Xian, China.

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (July 2013). Models and prospects for a sustainable suburban transition [Paper presentation]. Re-engineering the city 2020-2050: Modelling Sustainable Urban Transition Dynamics, Cardiff, United Kingdom.

Ruelle, C., Marique, A.-F., Reiter, S., & Teller, J. (30 April 2013). Les projets SUN et SOLEN : Soutenir la régénération durable des quartiers [Poster presentation]. HERA Awards 2013.

Marique, A.-F., Loiseau, V., Godard, F., & Teller, J. (30 April 2013). Le référentiel "quartiers durables" [Poster presentation]. HERA Awards 2013.

Marique, A.-F., De Meester, T., De Herde, A., & Reiter, S. (08 December 2011). Le projet de recherches SAFE [Poster presentation]. HERA - Awards 2011.

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (21 October 2010). A method to assess transport consumptions in suburban areas [Paper presentation]. Managing the Urban Rural Interface. Strategies and tools for Urban Development and Sustainable Peri-Urban Land Use Relationships (PLUREL), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Marique, A.-F. (15 May 2009). Eco-conception : exemples d'écoquartiers [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études : "Eco-construction et développement durable", Liège, Belgium.

Grabczan, R., Marique, A.-F., Meuris, C., & Masson, O. (Other coll.). (24 March 2009). Le remembrement urbain : requalifier les quartiers, recomposer le tissu urbain [Poster presentation]. La CPDT a dix ans. La Wallonie dans dix ans, Liège, Belgium.

Halleux, J.-M., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (13 May 2008). Urban renewal through a location-specific way to streamline procedures: the Walloon disposal of « Urban Remembrement » [Paper presentation]. Joint Working Group Session on Urban sprawl (Cost Action TU062: Land Managment for Urban Dynamics), Oslo, Norway.


As author or co-author

Teller, J., Marique, A.-F., Loiseau, V., Godard, F., & Delbar, C. (2014). Référentiel Quartiers Durables. (Guides méthodologiques). Namur, Belgium: SPW DGO 4.

Castiau, E., Marique, A.-F., Meuris, C., & Hanin, Y. (Ed.). (2008). Approche pratique pour un urbanisme durable.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Marique, A.-F. (2015). Location and Accessibility of Neighborhoods: Two Key Factors for the Sustainability of Built Environments. In A. Cohen (Ed.), Urban and Built Environments: Sustainable Development, Health Implications and Challenges (pp. 5). New-York, United States: Nova science publishers.
Peer reviewed

Marique, A.-F., & Halleux, J.-M. (2014). Renewal of Walloon suburban neighbourhoods and perspectives for a research project on “suburban densification”. In Single Family Housing Estates of the Post - War Era – a European Comparison of Opportunities and Risks (pp. 43-53). Dortmund, Germany: ILS – Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung (Hrsg.).

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2014). Perspectives pour une transition durable des territoires périurbains. In J. Dubois (Ed.), Aménager les métropoles. Les réponses des urbanistes (pp. 276-292). Editions de l'aube.
Peer reviewed

Reiter, S., & Marique, A.-F. (2013). Toward a Sustainable Energy transition in the Built Environment. In S. Reiter (Ed.), Energy Consumption : Impacts of Human Activity, Current and Future Challenges, Environmental and Socio-economic Effects (pp. 35-52). New York, United States - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Peer reviewed

Halleux, J.-M., Lejeune, Z., Marique, A.-F., Michel, Q., & Teller, J. (2011). Urban renewal through a location-specific way to streamline procedures: the walloon tool of "urban remembrement". In M. Tira, E. van der Krabben, ... B. Zanon (Eds.), Land managment for urban dynamics. Innovative methods and practices in a changing Europe (pp. 283-290). Milan, Italy: Maggioli Editore.

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Marique, A.-F. (2013). Méthodologie d'évaluation énergétique des quartiers périurbains. Perspectives pour le renouvellement périurbain wallon [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Master dissertations

Marique, A.-F. (2017). Certificat d'université en Building Information Modeling pour petites et moyennes structures - Rapport d'études [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Marique, A.-F. (2009). Les quartiers durables : processus de production et reproductibilité [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Marique, A.-F. (2002). L'énergie de chauffage et de climatisation en ville [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

Marique, A.-F., de Meester, T., De Herde, A., Winant, J., & Reiter, S. (June 2012). Des territoires au projet : le projet de recherches SAFE. Cahiers Nouveaux (Les), 82, 81-85.

Computer developments

Marique, A.-F., Cuvellier, S., De Herde, A., & Reiter, S. (2015). SOLEN (SOlutions for Low Energy Neighbourhoods).

Marique, A.-F., De Meester, T., Winant, J., De Herde, A., & Reiter, S. (2012). SAFE.

Speeches and writings for a general audience

General audience and popularisation articles

Marique, A.-F. (September 2013). Quelles perspectives pour une évolution durable des quartiers périurbains. Carte blanche. Be.Passive Trimestriel du standard passif, 16, p. 28-29.

Marique, A.-F., & Reiter, S. (2013). L'outil SAFE : un outil interactif d’évaluation des consommations énergétiques des bâtiments résidentiels et des déplacements des personnes. Architrave, (176), p. 14-15.

Conferences given outside the academic context

Ruelle, C., & Marique, A.-F. (2014). Eco-quartiers : avec la ville ou contre la ville ? [Paper presentation]. Les Midis de l'Urbanisme.

Ruelle, C., & Marique, A.-F. (2014). La durabilité à l'échelle du quartier : Présentation du Référentiel Wallon « Quartiers Durables » et des résultats des projets de recherches SUN et SOLEN [Paper presentation]. Formation organisée à la demande des CCATM d'Olne, Fléron, Soumagne, Trooz.

Ruelle, C., & Marique, A.-F. (2014). La durabilité à l'échelle du quartier : Présentation du Référentiel Wallon « Quartiers Durables » et des résultats des projets de recherches SUN et SOLEN [Paper presentation]. Formation organisée à la demandede la Fédération des Parcs naturels de Wallonie.

Ruelle, C., & Marique, A.-F. (2014). La durabilité à l'échelle du quartier : Présentation du Référentiel Wallon « Quartiers Durables » et des résultats des projets de recherches SUN et SOLEN [Paper presentation]. La CONSTRUCTION : les démarches durables transfontalières.

Reiter, S., Marique, A.-F., & de Meester, T. (2012). Présentation des résultats de la recherche SAFE [Paper presentation]. Séminaire SAFE, Namur, Belgium.

Reiter, S., & Marique, A.-F. (2012). Conception architecturale et développement durable. Atelier LL55 [Paper presentation]. Printemps des Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Reiter, S., Marique, A.-F., & Nguyen, N. L. (2011). Concevoir des bâtiments économes en énergie [Paper presentation]. Printemps des Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

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