Schmitz, S., & Vanderheyden, V. (2018). Quels usages pour les paysages patrimoniaux ? Réflexion à partir des grands sites paysagers wallons. In V. Paül Caril, R. Lois Gonzàles, J. M. Trillo Santamaria, ... F. Haslam McKenzie (Eds.), Infinite Rural Systems in a Finite Planet: Bridging Gaps towards Sustainability (pp. 228-233). Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, S., Dubois, C., Vanderheyden, V., & Chirita, V. (September 2017). Past mining areas as rural capital – Perspectives from Bucovina and Wallonia [Paper presentation]. Sixth EUGEO Congress on the Geography of Europe, Brussels, Belgium. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (September 2017). Assessing Landscape Quality: is there a consensus among experts? [Paper presentation]. IALE 2017 European Landscape Ecology, Ghent, Belgium. |
Dubois, C., Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (June 2017). Heritage mining landscapes as rural capital: the case of two heavy metals mining wastelands in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. European Rural Geography Conference: New rural geographies in Europe: actors, processes, policies, Braunschweig, Germany. |
Vanderheyden, V. (2016). DECONSTRUCTING LANDSCAPE IN THE MIND OF PEOPLE: AN EXPLORATION OF EVERYDAY AND WIND ENERGY LANDSCAPES [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (July 2016). Changing Attitudes Towards Wind Turbines in Walloon Landscapes [Paper presentation]. Sustainability of Rural Systems: Balancing Heritage and Innovation (24th Colloquium of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems), Liège, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S., & Vanderheyden, V. (May 2016). Reflexive Loops on Scaling issues in Landscape Quality Assessment. Land Use Policy, 53, 3-7. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.07.020 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Carvalho-Ribeiro, S., Pinto Correia, T., Paracchini, M. L., Schüpbach, B., Sang, A. O., Vanderheyden, V., Southern, A., Jones, P., Contreras, B., & O' Riordan. (2016). Assessing the ability of rural agrarian areas to provide culturalecosystem services (CES): A multi scale social indicator framework(MSIF). Land Use Policy, 53, 8-19. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.04.024 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vanderheyden, V. (25 September 2015). Habitants des petites villes et des villages face à la nature dans les paysages ordinaires [Paper presentation]. Colloque international Valenciennes-La Louvière (France-Belgique) | Nature des villes, nature des champs : Synergies et controverses, Valenciennes, Belgium. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (September 2015). Changing public viewpoints on wind energy development in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Energy Landscapes: Perception, Planning, Participation and Power. European Conference of the Landscape Research Group, Dresden, Germany. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2015). Are there different analysis paterns when people assess rural landscapes? In A. Firmino, Book of Abstracts and Programme: 23rd Annual Colloquium on Sustainable Rural Systems: Smart Answers for a smiling future (pp. 10-11). Lisbon, Portugal: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Peer reviewed |
Vanderheyden, V., van der Horst, Van Rompaey, A., & Schmitz, S. (2014). Perceiving the ordinary : a study of everyday landscapes in Belgium. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 115 (5), 591-603. doi:10.1111/tesg.12066 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Teleuca, A., & Patru-Stupariu, I. (2014). Qu'entend-on par paysage de qualité? Résultats d'une enquête auprès d'experts roumains et wallons. In D.-C. Kim, A. M. Viegas Firmino, ... Y. Ichikawa (Eds.), Globalization and New Challenges of Agricultural and Rural Systems (pp. 35-44). Nagoya, Japan: Nagoya University Publisher. Peer reviewed |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (09 December 2013). Oppositions et arguments paysagers dans le projet éolien en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. LE POUVOIR DES RIVERAINS: RÉSISTANCES, ACCOMMODATIONS, ILLUSIONS? HISTOIRE ET ANTHROPOLOGIE DES MOBILISATIONS CITOYENNES (18E-21E S.), Namur, Belgium. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2013). Landscape Quality Assessment: from place to utopia. In Changing European Landscapes. Landscape ecology, local to global. Proceedings. Manchester, United Kingdom: IALE-Europe. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Teleuca, A., & Patru-Stupariu, I. (2013). Multiple Viewpoints on Landscape Quality Assessment: some evidence from a survey in Wallonia and Romania. In T. Morimoto, Y. Ichikawa, ... D.-C. Kim (Eds.), Globalization and New Challenges of Agricultural and Rural Systems (pp. 13). Nagoya, Japan: CSRS. Peer reviewed |
Vanderheyden, V. (24 May 2013). Belgium’s ordinary landscapes seen by Belgians [Paper presentation]. 5th Belgian Geographical Day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2012). Belgian Rural Ordinary Landscapes Seen By Belgians. In J. Van Der Vaart & H. Palang (Eds.), Reflection on Landscape Change: The European Perspective (pp. 88-89). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Fryske Akademy. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Vanden Broucke, S., & Loopmans, M. (2012). The Shaping of Social attitudes toward Energy-Parks in the Belgian Countryside. Horizons in Geography, 81-82, 83-93. Peer reviewed |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2011). Variations in Landscape Sensitivity towards Wind Energy in Belgium. In J. Bruce & F. Bojie (Eds.), Proceedings. The 8th IALE World Congress : Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Environment and Culture (pp. 537-538). Beijing, China: IALE. Peer reviewed |
Houbrechts, G., Levecq, Y., Vanderheyden, V., & Petit, F. (2011). Long-term bedload mobility in gravel-bed rivers using iron slag as a tracer. Geomorphology, 126, 233-244. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.11.006 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Van Rompaey, A., Schmitz, S., Kesteloot, C., Peeters, K., Moens, B., Van Hemelrijck, H., Vanderheyden, V., Loopmans, M., & Vanden Broucke, S. (2011). Landscape Capacity and Social Attitudes towards Wind Energy Projects in Belgium. Brussels, Belgium: Belgian Science Policy. |
Schmitz, S., & Vanderheyden, V. (2010). Does the local embeddedness of energy production contribute to sustainable rural development? Some evidence and propositions concerning the spreading of wind energy parks in Belgium. In Ecological and Social innovation - 9th International conference of territorial intelligence, ENTI, Strasbourg 2010., Strasbourg : France (2010) -. Besançon, France: ENTI. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Vanden Broeck, S., Loopmans, M., & Kestellot, C. (2010). Social Attitudes and Landscape Capacity towards Wind energy Parks in the Belgian Countryside. In I. Amit-Cohen (Ed.), Sustainability in Transition and the Changing Faces of Rural Areas: Enviuronmental, Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions (pp. 32-33). Ramat-Gan, Israel: Department of Geography and Environment, Bar Ilan University. Peer reviewed |
Castiau, E., Neuray, C., Nielsen, M., Pons, T., Vanderheyden, V., Van Der Kaa, C., Godart, M.-F. (Crit. Ed.), & Feltz, C. (Crit. Ed.). (2010). Atlas des Paysages de Wallonie 3. Le Plateau condrusien. (L’Atlas des Paysages de Wallonie est une publication de la Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial). Namur, Belgium: CPDT. |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Brück, L., & Schepers, J.-F. (2010). Monde rural : cadre de vie et de récréation. In M. Antrop, S. Schmitz, V. Van Eetvelde, M. Sevenant, ... E. Van Hecke (Eds.), Paysage, monde rural et agriculture (pp. 33-45). Gent, Belgium: Academia Press. |